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Twisted Surprise (Twisted Fate Book 2)

Page 4

by Emery Jacobs

  Jack’s hand slips inside my panties, and I let out a groan. “Maybe you want me to touch you here.” His voice is a mumble as he slides two fingers inside of me. “So fucking wet.” His words vibrate against my lips.

  I say his name once and then again when he presses his palm against my clit, hitting it with just enough pressure to send a volt of electricity shooting through me. I really want to show some self-control and fight off my impending orgasm, but I can’t. It hits me fast and hard. “I’m coming!” My head falls back, and Jack’s teeth skim my neck, biting and sucking. Hard and soft. Pain and pleasure. My body falls against his, and he lifts me from the floor, walking us toward the couch.

  No words are spoken as he places me gently on the sofa. As soon as my butt hits the leather cushion, Jack drops to his knees in front of me. His hands move swiftly, taking off my blouse and tugging at my bra until it’s off my body and lying on the floor.

  His mouth hastily moves down my chest and settles on my left breast. My nipple pebbles underneath his touch, and that familiar ache is back between my legs. “You taste so fucking good, Jovie.” His mouth continues to move across my chest, giving my right breast the same attention he gave my left. He slowly kisses his way up my chest and neck until his lips reach mine.

  “Take off your clothes and fuck me,” I whisper before pushing him away.

  Jack hops to his feet, his eyes never leaving mine. His lips pull into a half smile as he rips the T-shirt from his body and tosses it to the side. His jeans and boxer briefs follow, and then he’s standing here, with his long beautiful cock pointing directly at me. A few minutes ago, all I could think about was feeling him inside of me, but now I need to lick him, taste him, make him feel as good as he made me feel a few minutes ago.

  I scoot to the edge of the couch, moving my gaze to his. Jack takes two steps toward me, and I grip his erection.

  Bang, bang, bang! “Hey, Jack! I need you out here.” Annie’s voice echoes from the other side of the door.

  You’ve got to be kidding me. My eyes flit from Jack’s erection to his face. He looks irritated, almost pained.

  “Fuck!” Jack hollers out in frustration. His body tenses, but his gaze never leaves mine. “Can’t it wait a few minutes?” he asks Annie in an irritated yell.

  I lean forward and lick the glistening head of his cock. He lets out a grunt before dragging his fingers through my hair. I watch him watching me as I lick the underside of his shaft from root to crown. “Fuck, baby,” he moans.

  “No, it can’t wait.” Annie’s still talking, but it’s not slowing us down. I suck harder, and the need between my legs grows. I lift my skirt and slide my hand inside my panties, stopping only when my fingers sweep over my clit. My body jerks slightly at the sensation.

  “Pull them down. I want to watch.” Jack’s voice is thick and heavy.

  My mouth continues to torture him in the best possible way as I wiggle out of my panties, giving him what he wants.

  Bang, bang, bang! “It’s Mr. Thomas. He’s here to see you, and he can’t come back!” Annie yells, her voice laced with frustration. Dammit, I knew this was a bad idea. The next time I think I’ve got a good idea, I need to reevaluate it closely before I act upon it.

  Jack immediately pulls away from me and grabs his clothes. “Sorry, babe. I’ve got to go.” He bends over and kisses me on the lips before dressing. “I’ll make it up to you tonight.”

  My skin is still on fire, and my heart hasn’t slowed from its race inside my chest because my body thinks there is going to be more, but unfortunately there’s not. God, I want to be pissed, but how can I justify being upset with Jack. This is his job, and the man waiting on him is more than likely a customer.

  “Who is Mr. Thomas?” I ask, trying to hide my disappointment.

  Jack looks at me and hesitates a beat before answering. “A client.”

  Wow. He actually had to think about that answer.

  “He didn’t have an appointment, right? I mean, I had the whole hour, and it’s only been thirty minutes.”

  “Do you think I wanted this to end?” Jack motions between the two of us before moving toward the door.

  “Well, I mean… no.” I hope not.

  He stops and turns back to look at me. “Exactly, but I don’t have a choice. I’m at work. We shouldn’t have—” He runs a hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t have let it go as far as it did. I’m sorry, but I’ve got a customer waiting.” He walks out the door, leaving me half naked and alone.

  I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel. My body’s numb and my mind is sifting through what just happened. I get dressed and head toward the lobby. Annie is leaning against the counter, staring at her phone. “See ya later,” I tell her as I pass by.

  “Oh, bye, Jovie.” She pushes off the counter and walks toward me. “It was good to see you.”

  I open my mouth to speak, but movement to my right grabs my attention. I glance over in that direction to see Jack talking with an older gentleman. The man is balding, and he’s wearing a blue and white striped button-down shirt, a dark gray tie, and dress slacks. He’s holding a folder in one hand and an ink pen in the other. Hmm… Mr. Thomas? He doesn’t look like one of Jack’s typical clients. Actually, I bet Mr. Thomas has never stepped foot in a tattoo studio until today. Jack catches me watching and throws me a small smile then immediately returns his attention to the man standing in front of him.

  I look back over my shoulder at Annie, who has stopped walking in my direction and is back to staring at her phone screen. I huff out a breath then push through the door and head toward my car.



  One week before Christmas

  “Thanks for coming to the party with me,” I whisper to Jack as I touch my lips softly to his.

  He pulls back slightly and grins. “Anything for you. Now, let’s get inside before we get wet.” A distant rumbling in the darkness, followed by lightning dancing across the night sky, reminds me that a storm is heading this way. I stuff my hands inside the pockets of my coat and shiver.

  Jack tugs open the door to Jake’s Bar and motions for me to enter. Cheap Christmas lights are strung around the place, there are several blow-up decorations meant for someone’s front yard and not the inside of a bar, and the band, Nocturnal Revolution, is making their way on stage to get the Christmas music started. Jake throws a festive party for most holidays—New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas—with Christmas being my favorite.

  I take my coat off and hang it on one of the many hooks near the door then rub my cold hands on my jean-covered legs. The temperature is not much warmer inside than outside.

  Jack wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his warm body. “You cold?” He kisses the top of my head. I want to tell him yes, say I’m freezing so maybe he’ll hold me like this for the rest of the night, but we’re here to spend time with our friends, and I know he needs to enjoy his rare night off.

  “A little, but not too bad.” I force myself to step away from him so he can mingle with the crowd. Hanging out with his friends is something he doesn’t do often. Actually, it’s something both of us only do occasionally. Between school, work, and studying for me and his recent long hours, neither of us have much spare time.

  Nocturnal Revolution starts the night off with “All I Want for Christmas Is You,” and I feel like they’re playing it for me as my gaze meets Jack’s.

  “I’m gonna make the rounds and have a drink. If you want, we can head out after that, maybe spend the rest of the night just you and me at home.” He winks and my heart melts.

  I nod and smile. “Sure, sounds good.” I’m so giddy right now I can hardly contain myself. Everything is changing… in a good way. I finally feel like I’m getting my boyfriend back. The last week has been so much better—at least the sex part has. He’s still been working into the early hours of the morning, but the difference is that I’m not in school,
so I nap during the afternoon, and then I’m able to stay up and wait for him. My mind hasn’t completely let go of the worry, but I’ve conditioned myself to not be completely consumed by all the what-ifs.

  He walks toward the bar, and I scan the room in search of Layla. I blow out a deep breath, tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, and take a couple of steps toward the crowd.

  “Jovie, is that you?” A deep, familiar voice sounds from behind me. Crap, it’s Stone. He’s my least favorite of Jack’s friends, but he is Jack’s friend and boss, so I put on my best fake grin and turn to face him.

  My smile fades as I take in the woman on his right. The blonde from Southern Stain— “the new girl”—is staring at me, 100 percent focused on my face. I meet her eyes, refusing to let her arrogance make me feel intimidated, because I’m not. Her lip twitches a couple of times before a smug grin finds her face.

  “It is you,” Stone says loudly.

  “Yep, it’s me,” I tell him as I pull my gaze from the blonde to look at him.

  He glances at the woman to his right and then back at me. “Jovie, have you met my cousin Candi?” Cousin? Great, that means she’s going to be around for a while. Of course she is—Jack was “training her,” so it’s safe to assume she works for Stone.

  “No,” I answer, because I don’t want to explain how I saw her at the shop in the middle of a panic attack and she ran out the door before I was able to regain my sanity.

  “We have met,” Candi says before hesitating for a beat. “Well, we weren’t actually introduced, but I think you came into the shop last week. Right?”

  “Oh, yeah, you’re right, but you were leaving just as I got there.” I cross my arms over my chest. The chill I had when we walked in the building is suddenly gone and replaced with what feels like an inferno burning inside of me.

  “Yeah, that’s right. You’re Jack’s girlfriend?” It comes out more like a question than a statement.

  I force a smile and then nod before Stone proceeds to tell me what I’ve already figured out.

  “Candi’s gonna be working part-time with us at the shop,” he says, pulling my attention from Candi. Nice, just what I wanted to hear—part-time Candi, who my boyfriend is training.

  “Hey, sweetheart, sorry I’m late. Got held up at the hospital.” A tall, slender man walks up next to Candi, wrapping his arm around her waist before leaning in and kissing her lips.

  My gaze travels to the older, attractive, dark-haired man to Candi’s left. Shit, I never even noticed the ring on her finger. I’m so stupid. I let my insecurity get the best of me. Not everybody is after your man, dumbass.

  “Tad, I’m so glad you made it.” Stone reaches in front of Candi to shake the man’s hand.

  “Me too—the ER was crazy tonight.” The man’s gaze meets mine and he smiles. “And you are?”

  “This is Jack’s girlfriend, Jovie,” Stone replies, not giving me a chance to answer.

  “Hi, nice to meet you,” I say, hoping someone will suddenly appear and save me from the awkwardness I’m feeling.

  “Tad is an emergency medicine doctor over at Mercy General,” Stone adds.

  “Are you going to stand in the entryway all night? Or do you plan on making it over to say hi to Layla?” Jack wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder.

  I grab hold of his hands and squeeze. Thank you for saving me. “No, I was hanging out near the door waiting for you to finish whatever it is you’re doing so we can go home,” I whisper, remembering his promise of going home early.

  His deep chuckle against my neck sends a shudder down my spine. He kisses my cheek before directing his attention to the three standing in front of us. “Tad, Candi, Stone,” Jack acknowledges the trio.

  Candi’s smugness remains throughout the few minutes of small talk between the group, and I decide maybe she’s just arrogant, possibly because she’s married to a doctor. Maybe she grew up wealthy. I don’t know, and honestly, I don’t really care if she’s the sweetest woman in the world or the meanest bitch in this bar. It doesn’t matter because any thought I had about her having a thing for my boyfriend is gone. I’m done letting my insecurities manifest shit that’s not true.

  The trio disperses into the crowd, and I spin around in Jack’s arms to face him. “Were you serious about leaving early?” I ask.

  “Yep, I’d rather be home in bed with you than hanging out with the same people I see all the time.” He pulls me in closer and whispers near my ear, “I’ve missed you, Jovie.”

  “I’ve missed you too,” I whisper.

  “Let’s go home.” He slides a hand down my arm and clasps his fingers with mine, leading me toward the door, only stopping so I can grab my coat. Jack pushes the door open and we head for his Jeep.



  I slam the door to Jack’s Jeep about two seconds before the rain begins to fall. The lightning decorates the dark sky in front of us as thunder rolls just outside my door.

  “We barely made it,” Jack says as he cranks up the engine and turns on the heater. “Are you cold?” He touches my face softly before skimming my jaw and neck with his finger. My entire body trembles from the softness of his touch. “Come here, baby.” He gently tugs on my neck, pulling me closer to him. His mouth slants over mine. God, I swear he tastes like happiness and pleasure.

  The rain continues to beat down on the windshield, and the wind gusts begin to rock the vehicle. Jack pulls back and stares into my eyes. “Home,” I tell him before he starts up another make-out session. As much as I love kissing him, I’d really like more—a whole lot more, and a whole lot more is not something I want to do in the parking lot at Jake’s.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He chuckles as he fastens his seat belt. Jack leans over and checks mine to be sure I’m secured in. It’s something he always does, I guess out of habit. He slowly pulls out of the parking lot just before a loud clap of thunder roars.

  “Dammit!” My heart bangs around in my chest and my pulse soars.

  “You okay?” Jack asks, never taking his eyes off the road.

  “Yeah, I guess I wasn’t expecting it to sound like it was in the vehicle with us.” I blow out a long, slow breath, rest my head against the cool leather of the seat, and close my eyes.

  “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve been putting it off, and I—” Jack’s voice cracks, but he’s already said enough to get my attention. I open my eyes and jerk up, turning slightly in my seat so I can see him. Whatever he’s going to say, I want to be able to see him so I can watch his emotions as they move over his face.

  Lightning blazes across the sky, and I get a glimmer of his profile. His eyes squint as a truck flies past us, throwing more water on the windshield. I touch his arm lightly and give it a squeeze. “Hey, whatever it is you want to say, it can wait until we get home.” I don’t know why he decided talking about something that’s obviously important right now while driving through a storm is a good idea. “I know driving in the rain makes you nervous.”

  We’re about twenty minutes from home, and that’s on a clear, sunny day without any traffic, so I’m sure we’re about to spend an hour or more in this storm, especially with Jack driving. He’s always careful and extremely cautious with me in the car, but with it storming, he’ll definitely take it up a notch.

  “I thought maybe if we talked it would take my mind off the storm,” he says.

  “We can talk. I just would rather save anything that’s important or might cause you any additional stress until we get home.” I move my hand to his jean-covered leg and rub it gently. “Hey, why don’t you let me drive?”

  I’m not particularly fond of driving in the rain but watching him hold his breath as he white-knuckles the steering wheel driving twenty miles per hour is not something I can endure for the entire trip home.

  He laughs, but it’s forced. “I’m fine, Jovie. I’ll have you home safe and sound before you know it.” His voice never wavers, but actions
speak a whole lot louder than the words he just spoke, and judging by his recent gestures, I’d say he’s nervous.

  I huff out a breath and rest my head against the passenger window.

  The driver’s side front tire hits a puddle of water and pulls the Jeep to the right just as the driver behind us lays on their horn. “Fuck!” Jack hollers.

  It’s really weird how anxiety works. You would think I’d be terrified, curled up in a ball in my seat crying, but I’m fine. Storms normally aren’t a trigger for me, but stick me in a supermarket with a hundred other people and I have to leave my buggy full of groceries in the middle of the store and go home before having a breakdown.

  “Please, Jack, pull over and let me drive. I don’t like to see you so stressed,” I plead. This is so not my boyfriend, but I know why he’s this way. The night Piper died, there wasn’t any rain, thunder, or lightning, only a drunk driver, and that man took so much from so many people. I honestly didn’t think Jack would ever let me ride in a vehicle he was driving.

  He doesn’t say anything as he pulls over to the shoulder of the road. The Jeep rolls to a stop, and Jack shakes his head a couple of times before resting it on the steering wheel, defeated.

  My heart aches for him. “Jack,” I whisper, because honestly, I don’t really know what to say. I can’t stand to see him like this.

  He throws the vehicle in park, opens his door, and steps out into the pouring rain. Why does life have to be so damn hard?

  I quickly move over into the seat Jack just vacated and adjust the seat and mirror. He slams the passenger door, and my eyes jerk to him. “Are you okay?” I ask, my eyes glassy from the tears I’m fighting.

  Water drips from his hair, rolls down his face, and drops onto his soaked, long-sleeved, gray Henley. Pursed lips and a tense jawline are all I can make out. I want him to look at me so I know he’s okay, but he doesn’t. He only spits out two words as he latches his seat belt. “Just drive.”


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