The Chronicles of Hissfon Volume 2 - The Black Knight

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The Chronicles of Hissfon Volume 2 - The Black Knight Page 1

by Remy Lecornec

  The Chronicles of Hissfon Volume 2 - The Black Knight

  Remy Lecornec

  Translated by Kris Arnaiz

  “The Chronicles of Hissfon Volume 2 - The Black Knight”

  Written By Remy Lecornec

  Copyright © 2018 Remy Lecornec

  All rights reserved

  Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.

  Translated by Kris Arnaiz

  Cover Design © 2018 Dusan Kostic

  “Babelcube Books” and “Babelcube” are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.

  © 2017, Rémy LECORNEC


  Publisher: BoD - Books on Demand

  12/14 roundabout Champs Elysees, 75008 Paris

  Print: BoD - Books on Demand, Germany

  Legal deposit: October 2017

  Proofreading and correction:


  Illustration of the cover:

  Copyright © 2017 Adobe Systems Incorporated

  Author :

  Dusan Kostic

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Copyright Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One | A strange feeling

  Chapter Two | East Branch

  Chapter Three | Something in the west

  Chapter four | The Yellow City

  Chapter Thirteen | The unthinkable

  Chapter Fourteen | A decisive step


  After the terrible incidents in the regions of the Mandrares, a terrible revenge was born in the macabre fortress Shâltara, the evil had covered all the Fourth Dominion. Thus, the Black Magician received the new dark army created by Count Nerrum, a powerful ally of the Necromancer Thar. The entire citadel set in motion while a nameless fear disturbed the desolate lands of the West.

  As for the magician Donnhum, the defeat against the Lord of Darkness came to him as a revelation. The different kings of the neighboring kingdoms of Fahl were summoned for Galnor the mighty and great city of arms.

  For the young Gerioh the training in the use of the legendary sword Galhara was hard and full of difficulties. Doltha, though patient, redoubled her efforts to allow her friend to channel the force of his powerful sword.

  In a regrettable state, Artémion fought against his uncertain destiny, how much affliction caused him, while several healing priests came to his bed to help him. The colossus had been touched by an evil energy, so mysterious that even the oldest and wisest of healers had not managed to discover its origin.

  Carhaa and Kenthae, always present with him, began to lose hope, but always kept in mind that without the medallion of the young girl, medallion that should have been lost in the citadel was Shaltara, it would have been impossible to challenge the Necromancer and his dark army .

  Against all odds, the help they needed came from the distant lands of the Pirien desert. This arid and sparsely populated eastern kingdom contained an uncontrolled magic that only an individual of Hissfon could master.

  Chapter One

  A strange feeling

  Everything seemed peaceful in the city of Moprem, the inhabitants wandered in the markets, whose fruits just imported from the crops of the land of the northeast shone under the sun's rays. This great city in the center of the Mandrarian Lands was erected on a huge rock, the access to the citadel could only be made by a winding path but wide enough to pass only two wagons. The colors in pink tones of the rock shone miles away, the jewel of the magician Tohn-Ma and symbol of the magical power that reigned there. The magician wandered the immense corridors of his domain, worried when he felt a strange force traveling through the city. The magician walked the multiple stairs to reach the top of the tall tower.

  Hundreds of heads, the Moprem tower was made of spiral staircases made of the most precious forests of the forests of Shân-Fhel, whose walls housed magnificent libraries. Some books and grimoires floated here and there, so much magic abounded in these places. At the end, Mage Tohn-Mâ went to the balcony near his large desk covered in threadbare parchments, old relics and worn feathers that allowed him to write orders. He looked toward the horizon to the east when he saw a procession, attracted by two horses, shining on the plains planted with the first snows.

  The wizard quickly went to the entrance of the citadel, the small group reached the huge doors protected by a dozen sentries. It was announced to the magician that the individuals came at the request of the regent of the Pirite Kingdom in the east, much appreciated by King Berum. He signaled the guards to let the procession in, slipped through the crowd already present, it was known that Moprem was a place of passage and important trade.

  His dark eyes, borne by a face with features drawn by hard years, and surrounded by a large brown hood made of old worn fabric, pierced the Wizard's. He threw back his head, anxious, and said:

  - What have you come to do so far from your kingdom, my friend?

  - The ruler of the city of Volnum, Harnam, son of Garsha, makes you look - replied the man, who handed him a parchment something burned.

  - Because I ? And why not King Bérum himself if it's about political issues?

  - In no way is it a political matter, sir - replied the individual - but rather magical.

  - Magical? - Fit Mage Tohn-Ma seemed surprised - Well, I will inform my disciples of my departure.

  - We must hurry" said the man under his cloak, while the magician turned - also affects your kingdom...

  The query

  After these last words, the great magician in the white robe continued his walk, then turned his head towards the group that had just arrived, cast an indifferent glance and then went to the weapons room. After having requested the presence of Kenthaë and Carhâa, he informed them of the request of the regent, but the lancer opposed this request, the people of the East had no reputation as reliable merchants, what about their loyalty? The magician carefully explained the possibility that something might have arisen from the powerful magic of the Pirian desert. Carhaa asked, surprised:

  - Do we have to trust this man?

  -Yes, my young friend - confirmed the Magician - I know the priests of Volnum, they are not very charitable, but their intentions are often more than praiseworthy. Believe in your regent, let's do the same.

  - We will go with you, Master - said Kenthaë - you will need an escort.

  - No, young Lancer - replied the wizard, twisting his fingers in his long white beard.

  - You must stay in Moprem to take care of your friend Artemonion, he needs you. I go to my garrison to find a troop of paladins and guards, you , stay here.

  - The road is long for Volnum, my Master - said Carhaa - it is not the best way to travel through these lands.

  - Certainly, I will be well surrounded and you know my magic, whoever challenges her is lost!

  The young woman smiled and Kenthae looked at her, as if reassured. The two friends put their right wrist on their torso like a trustworthy garment and said at the same time, "Because of the Fahl banner, which was the war cry of the kingdom since the origin of the first Archaelites." The magician Tohn-Ma He left the room and went to look for some guards to escort him along the roads of Volnum, the two young men did the same and joined his friend Artémion, whose condition had not improved much.

  Chapter Two

  East Branch

  The city of Moprem was boiling like every morning, the goods came to complete the stalls of the vendors and the inhabitants wandered the alleys as usual. The wizard Tohn-Ma tried to make his way through this daily tumult, bu
t his thoughts turned to the destiny of the Mandrarian Lands, in the midst of an inevitable destruction. The magician came to the door of a ruined building, nothing to suggest that this place could house living beings. He heard a voice that told him to enter the place, the magician looked around and then rushed in, disappeared from the alley.

  The wait

  The hours passed quickly until the man under his great companion became impatient, ran to one of the guards to ask for the presence of the Tohn-Ma Magician. The white magician only takes a few minutes to appear in front of the sadly dressed man.

  - Here I am in front of you my friend, affirmed the magician, I did not ask you your name.

  - They call me Guerzei, councilor of the regent Harnam, son of ...

  - Yes, son of Garsha - interrupted the wizard, twisting his fingers in his beard - I know very well the ruler of the Pirite Kingdom!

  - Well, now that we've met, now we can push the rhythm out of their citadel, the Regent does not like to wait.

  - So be it - the wizard confirmed after riding his horse - My paladins will follow us, you already know the winding roads that lead to your land.

  - Certainly, my friend - confided the man whose only eye was looking at the distance that extended behind his companion.

  The group advanced towards the great gate of the fortress, the sentinels opened it with a crash when the huge black hinges made a dull noise, as when a blacksmith struck his anvil. In a common turn, the men took the road in an easterly direction to join the imposing city of Volnum; According to legends, this place was feared for its quicksand and all kinds of creatures as disgusting as monstrous, only magic could allow people who ventured there to go to the Yellow City.

  From the top of the tall Moprem tower, Kenthaë watched inexorably as the small troop escaped the city, leaving behind a pinch of dust. The lancer looked at his friend:

  - Do you think we did well to leave him alone?

  - He's not alone - replied Carhaa, who was sitting near the large desk - you know Moprem's paladins, they're the best in our country.

  - Nothing good is in the East - he confided - The spirits have darkened in this territory.

  - Calm down, my friend, the birds of Dartohn have confirmed the regent's support in our search.

  The Lancer looked towards the horizon, thinking that his friend was right, he turned around and entered the room where Carhâa was standing, and both left the place to join Artémion, whose state of health worried them greatly...

  Chapter Three

  Something in the west

  Almost a half moon separated the cities of Moprem and Galnor, the Wizard Donnhum could not create new portals due to the weakening of his faculties in the Black Citadel of Shâltara, for that reason he went on horseback to the armed city.

  After galloping without rest, the great white magician found himself in front of Galnor Fortress, the first rays of dawn were twinkling, some trees here and there n disturbing the beauty of the place.

  The trumpets announced the arrival of Mago Donnhum, the great wooden and metal door opens with its particular sound, the magician entered quickly, as he had done the quest mission of King Berum, shortly before.

  The sounds of hammers and chisels resonated throughout the city in full reconstruction, workers swarmed through the alleys as the daily market developed. The wizard went to the castle, whose interior had suffered little from the previous attack, crossed many of the rooms before reaching the throne room where the sovereign sat. The latter saw him arrive and waved his hand to make him enter, the magician remained motionless and said:

  - Majesty, something is rumbling in the West, we must gather the five crowns and, therefore, bring the neighboring kings of the kingdoms to their city.

  - Know that a monarch does not run away from the enemy! - Correct the King Bérum - I doubt they moved to Galnor, they never had compassion for us...

  - You know as much as I do that the power of Thar grows every dawn.The longer we wait, the more likely it is that it will kill us.

  - I have been informed that a dark army was born in the Black Citadel.

  - And even if she comes to challenge us she will crash into our walls and our lances! - The sovereign responded, who suddenly rose from his throne - we have a great army! You also told me to send messages to other crowns, do you hear about them?

  - The kingdoms have not yet responded to our request, - confessed the white magician, a murmur of fear without a name resounds in the neighboring lands, because we still do not know what the Necromancer is preparing.

  - Whatever happens, we will always have your magic.

  - Without my disciples who were captured by the Nerrum Comte, the close connection between us was broken and that can weaken my powers affirmed the Magician Donnhum, lorsqu'Artémion has regained his strength, the group will visit his the investigation. It is imperative that all three are alive.

  - Order the three Warriors to go to the desolate lands of the Fourth Kingdom as soon as possible when the Chevalier Artémion can mount," the monarch decided. Do not waste your time, we must prepare for a new offensive shortly, as you have seen, my city is in full reconstruction.

  - I will send a bird from Dartohn, Majesty, you can be sure.

  - At the moment nothing keeps you here magician - added the King

  - you have much to do.

  - Well, Your Majesty - said the Magician, who turned around and crossed the great throne room.


  In fact, something unsuspected came to disturb the depths of the Fourth Kingdom. The dreaded black citadel of the western lands began to tremble, roars and roars broke through the eroded stone walls.

  The black magician Thann-Hon sat on a rock like a siege with his staff Deuilleruine in his hands and his eyes sank into the main courtyard from which the new dark army piled up. This recent master of black magic, former viceroy of the powerful Kingdom of Merhidios and protector of the sacred books, was invaded by macabre thoughts, the influence of the Necromancer and his faithful Count Nerrum was in his mind, everything in it was darkness

  Putting his feet on a steel floor, the Black Magician stood up and approached, his dark ideas became more frequent, especially when he contemplated how, in his vast courtyards of weapons, swarmed the most vile abominations, demons and other dark magicians arrived from the lands of Tehala.

  He was jubilant with this new army created a moon before, when Count Nerrum went in search of disciples bringing with him the scepter of the Five Dead, a powerful tool of domination. He toured the weakened regions of the Nevrigian invasion with the help of this magical staff to convert all the magicians he could find, such was the power of this scepter, both fabulous and terrifying, offered by the Necromancer himself. This magic tool contained the souls of the five lost kings during the dark period of the Tanbus-Erhlenam and conferred upon it a special power of slavery. Count Nerrum returned to the fortress of Shâltara with several thousand servants, some more powerful singing hymns in the depths to extract demons from death.

  The drums of war resounded, the agitation was palpable in the courtyard and then bursts of magic lit up the sky, while the black magician advanced with pride to face the multitude of servants. He raised both hands and everything stopped. The ex-viceroy exclaimed:

  - The Mandrares Lands will tremble once more, the Arelitas will be dominated or they will perish in their miserable slums! From the next moon you will leave here and trample on the land that has taken everything! Soon the Fourth Kingdom will extend as far as the eye can see and we will drink the blood of those we have crushed! The kingdoms of these cursed kings will finally fall ... What will emerge from the bowels of the black citadel will annihilate the smallest part of life, so all beings will have to bow before us!

  Meanwhile, a deafening tumult resounded on the walls of the great black fortress, the colossi struck their fists on the ground and the wizards of Tehala erupted in hymn songs. The war could then begin and wreak havoc.

  Chapter four
/>   The Yellow City

  The procession carrying the magician Tohn-Ma and Guerzei, Regent Harnam's advisor, moved slowly along the sandy roads as the Piriteen kingdom approached.

  In the barren lands of the Pirien desert, named after its origins, was the Volnum Fortress, settlement of one of the disappeared Magi Veilhun, where wild and magical animals abounded. The quicksand could swallow the stray travelers and the traffickers simply They could strip the weakest.

  In the center, the magnificent yellow city of Volnum housed the young regent Harnam, who was difficult to pinpoint.

  After a hasty departure from the sovereign, the ancestral codes of the citadel designated Harnam as the sole ruler, guaranteeing the knowledge and powers of the legendary Pirien sand.

  The city of Volnum was visible for many miles round by its strange sand, its solid rocky domes and huge buildings as tall as several hundred men. These were the pride of the city and the envy of neighboring countries; the rays of the sun illuminated the yellow color of the bright golden facades.

  The young Regent Harnam was standing in front of a disproportionate map of Mandrel Lands, his back bent and his arms crossed with his right hand under his chin. The young man had only known about twenty summers, but he already had the features of a warrior's face in battle, which gave him the reputation of being an inclement leader. His long brown hair caressed his brown coat, with him always carrying the sword forged in the Sacred Mountain of Merhidios, whose hilt was made of gold and the bone of the Black Dragon of Bar-Hedit.

  Harnam was fond of this sword, but he knew that another sword was discovered and that his power allowed to enslave distant lands.

  After hours of intense walking, the procession reached the edge of the Yellow City, the horn sounded and one of the great doors opened as quickly as the pages of a book were turned. The magician Tohn-Ma had not returned to these places for almost a cycle, things had not changed, the market stalls were present, but they had no product, perhaps due to a sandstorm approaching according to one of the inhabitants that clung to the Magician, this man was expelled, and the procession advanced towards the citadel.


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