Joan and the Juggernaut: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 10)

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Joan and the Juggernaut: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 10) Page 4

by Honey Phillips

  “I don’t understand. What do you want from me?”

  He sighed. He had hoped for another day to finish scoping out the place and identifying all the security measures, but between Ukhaan and Baahy, he didn’t think he could take the risk. They needed to leave as soon as possible, and perhaps she had information that might help.

  “I want your freedom. I’m here to rescue you.”

  She stared at him and he waited, already anticipating her gratitude. Instead, she broke into laughter.

  Chapter Six

  Varga looked so shocked that more laughter bubbled from Joan’s lips, but she could hear a hysterical note underlying the gaiety. Afraid that her laughter would turn to tears, she took a deep breath, then another, trying to force it under control.

  “Why are you laughing?” he asked, still looking confused rather than angry.

  “Because I want to believe you so desperately and I know it’s impossible.”

  “You doubt me?”

  Oddly enough, she thought perhaps his intentions were genuine. Not that it made any difference.

  “I don’t know. You seem sincere, but I don’t understand why you would want to rescue me. And even if you did, I just told you it’s impossible.”

  “The number of guards is limited. They will not represent a challenge.”

  “They’re limited for two reasons. The first is because of the automated gates. The ones leading to the landing field are only open when a shipment is being exported or when a visitor is expected. Could you override that signal?”

  He frowned and rubbed his chin. “In time, perhaps, but my technical knowledge is fairly limited. However, I’m sure I can persuade one of the guards to open them.”

  She shook her head. “From what I know, they’re set on time locks. A guard couldn’t open them, no matter how ‘persuasive’ you were.”

  “What is the other reason?”

  “The conditions on the surface. The transition zone is the only area that’s even remotely survivable, but nothing grows there. An escaped slave would have nowhere to go.”

  He frowned at her. “How do you know all this?”

  “Because I thought of nothing else since I arrived. I’ve investigated as much as I could without arousing suspicion. And I have a friend who’s also investigated.”

  “A friend?” His voice deepened, and he stepped closer. “A male friend?”

  He almost looked jealous but that was ridiculous. Wasn’t it?

  “You met him this morning. His name is Rummel.”

  His shoulders relaxed. “Yes, I remember. Perhaps we should consult him. Can he be trusted?”

  “You mean he could be part of the escape?”

  “I hadn’t considered that,” he admitted. “But I might be willing to consider it if he can help us.”

  “Why are you really here?” she demanded, trying to suppress the fresh ember of hope.

  “I have a friend who is mated to another human female. She was on the same spaceship as you.”

  “There were more of us?” She swayed, suddenly dizzy, and he swore, putting his arm around her and leading her over to the bed to sit down.

  She thought about protesting, but he had done nothing to hurt her so far. And if he really wanted to, there’s nothing I could do to stop him, she thought bitterly before she returned to her questions.

  “I still don’t understand. Where is she?”

  “The two of them are on a planet called Hothrest. An ice planet,” he added with an exaggerated shiver. “It wouldn’t have been my first choice, but they seem to be happy there.”

  “And they sent you to find me and take me back to Earth?”

  His face softened. “No, little bird. They sent me to find you, but you cannot return to your planet.”

  “Why not?” she asked, even though she found she wasn’t surprised.

  “Travel to pre-spaceflight planets is forbidden. Only desperate males—such as slavers—would take the chance.”

  When she had been on the ship, she frequently dreamed of returning home, but once she was here and faced with the reality of her new life, the only way she had been able to cope was by pushing away her memories of Earth. Sometimes it even seemed as if she had imagined her old life, but as she thought about never seeing her family again, a tear trickled down her cheek. A second one followed and she started to weep silently. Varga swore and hauled her into his lap, holding her against his big, warm chest, and she let herself cry.

  When the tears finally subsided, she looked up and gave him a shaky smile. “I’m sorry. I’m not in the habit of weeping all over someone.”

  “I believe you.” He stroked her cheek with a gentle finger. “You’re a very brave female.”

  The tears she thought she’d exhausted threatened once again, but before they could emerge, he bent down and kissed her.

  His mouth was as soft, as gentle as it had been that morning but just as she had that morning, she suddenly wanted more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him closer, relishing the hard muscles of his chest against her aching nipples.

  He raised his head, a reluctant expression on his face. “Sweetheart, I don’t think—”

  “Don’t think,” she said fiercely. “I don’t want to think.”

  If she had ever had any skill in seduction, it had vanished long ago, but perhaps her determination made up for her lack of skill. She deliberately pressed herself closer to him, rubbing her bottom against the hard cock that showed no sign of reluctance. He groaned, and then he was kissing her again.

  She had thought this morning’s kiss was passionate. Now she realized how little she knew. His mouth hardened, demanding, claiming, branding her as his, and she met him just as eagerly. She wanted this. She wanted this hot rush of excitement that erased all memories of her servitude, all memories of her lost home, of everything except the heat burning between them.

  Without breaking the kiss, he turned her so that she was straddling him, so that his heated shaft was pressed tightly against her wet, needy pussy. She moaned and tried to get even closer. One big hand covered her bottom, grinding her against his cock, while the other cupped her breast, teasing her throbbing nipple with a firm grip that could have been painful. Instead, each time his hand tightened, an electric spark of excitement shot straight to her aching clit.

  “Varga,” she whispered. “I… I need…”

  “I know, little bird. I’ll take care of you.” His deep voice rumbled in her ear, and her head dropped back as his mouth extended to her neck, kissing and sucking the sensitive flesh between small bites that added to the building pleasure.

  He made an impatient sound, and she heard the distant rip of cloth but didn’t care because her naked folds were directly against his erection now. Hot, so hot, and so hard, with a ridged texture that sent shivers of delight through her body each time he rubbed it against the swollen nub of her clit.

  “So wet,” he groaned. “Fly for me, little bird.”

  His fingers clamped down on her nipple, his mouth on her neck, and he pulled her so closely against his cock that she could feel every hard, ridged inch. She exploded. Dark spots danced in front of her eyes as she shuddered, wave after wave of helpless pleasure sweeping over her, and she clung to him, overwhelmed with sensation.

  His cock throbbed against her, each pulse causing an aftershock to roll through her system, and it wasn’t until her body finally went limp that she realized it would be his turn next. The thought of that massive cock inside her made her shiver in a strange mixture of fear and excitement as she waited for him to take her. But all he did was hold her close and gently stroke her hair.

  Gathering her courage, she looked up at him. “Don’t you want to…” Words failed her, and she waved her hand helplessly. The look on his face was almost tender.

  “Very much, little bird. But I don’t want our first time to be while you are a slave.”

  “Oh.” Did that mean he was repulsed by her captivity? His cock throbbed a
gainst her again, and she decided he was definitely not repulsed. “Why not?”

  “Because I want to be sure you know that it’s your decision.”

  She drew a deep breath, unsure if she was sad or relieved, but perhaps it was for the best. She nodded and started to climb off of him, but then she looked down. Oh my.

  His cock still reared proudly between them, long and thick and glistening from her excitement. The ridges she had felt circled the massive shaft, stacked from the wide base to the broad head. It didn’t seem possible that he could fit inside her, but she had the sudden, foolish urge to try.

  The drop of liquid pearled on the head and she licked her lips, wondering what he tasted like. He groaned. “You are not helping my self-control.”

  “I’m sorry. I just…” She couldn’t drag her eyes away, and she impulsively swiped a finger across the tempting drop and brought it to her lips. His taste exploded in her mouth, sweet and salty and delicious. For once, she didn’t pause to consider her actions. Instead, she leaned forward and licked him. He shuddered and then put a restraining hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him.

  “My choice,” she whispered.

  His hand softened and moved to her head, stroking her hair as she began to explore him with her mouth. His size made her nervous, but she licked her way up and down his shaft, delighting in the curiously erotic combination of both their liquids combined. She discovered the sensitive area under each ridge, circling him with her tongue before returning to the broad head.

  He seemed far too big to fit in her mouth, but she did her best, closing her lips around him and sucking him in as far as possible. His hand tightened in her hair with a delicious sting, and she felt him shudder. She took him deeper, forcing her mouth down to meet her hand as she worked his shaft. He hardened beneath her touch, seeming to grow even larger, and then he cried out her name as a rush of heated liquid filled her mouth. She gulped eagerly, trying to take as much of it as she could as his hips thrust upward. He cried out again as he touched the back of her throat, and she swallowed around him, more hot liquid flowing into her mouth.

  His body gradually relaxed, and she pulled off with one last thorough lick, then smiled up at him. She half-expected his eyes to be closed, but he was watching her, an unreadable expression on his face.

  “I… I’m not very good at that,” she said nervously.

  He smiled. “If you were any better, I’m not sure that I would ever recover.” He hesitated. “But it was your choice, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, Varga.” She relaxed as she realized the source of his concern. “Although we do seem to have strayed a long way from the subject of our escape.”

  “We did, and as much as I enjoyed it, I think it would be best to come up with a plan.”

  She nodded her agreement, and he pulled her up into his arms before settling her back on his lap. “Now tell me what else you know about the security in this place.”

  The next morning, Varga awoke again to the pleasure of a female in his arms. Had that ever happened before? A successful fighter could always find females, but they expected to be rewarded in accordance with his stature. It did not take him long to tire of that type of game.

  But Joan…

  Perhaps he was fooling himself, but he believed that she was curled up against him because she wanted to be there. Just as he believed that she had truly wanted to pleasure him the previous night.

  A peremptory knock on the door was followed almost immediately by Ukhaan’s entrance. Varga’s skin hardened automatically in response to the potential threat as he pushed Joan’s head under the covers and against his cock. The last thing they needed was for Ukhaan to see them cuddled together. Before she could protest, he glared at Ukhaan.

  “Is this how you treat all of your potential business partners? Harassing them before daybreak?”

  He felt Joan tense beneath the blanket, but to his relief, she didn’t make any sound. Instead, she played along, her small fingers curling around his cock and causing an instant reaction in the unruly organ.

  Ukhaan’s eyes followed the movement, then narrowed as they returned to his face. “You wished to see the smelting operation. They are firing the furnace now. Surely that is more important than using a slave?”

  He forced his face into a lazy smile and shrugged. “A male has needs.”

  Ukhaan scowled. “Business first is my rule.”

  “Perhaps you are right.” He nodded meaningfully at the door. “If you will give me a chance to clothe myself, I will join you immediately.”

  “Do not be long.”

  As soon as the door closed behind Ukhaan, he threw back the covers. Joan looked up at him, her face shocked, even though her hand was still clinging to his cock.

  “Your skin. It was so hard.”

  To his dismay, he saw that her cheek and shoulder were pink and realized he must have scraped her against his armor when he pushed her down.

  “My skin forms a protective barrier when I am threatened. It’s a defense mechanism, and it happened automatically when Ukhaan came in. I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

  “No, I’m fine. It just surprised me.” She sat up, finally releasing his cock. “You’d better go before he gets tired of waiting for you.”

  “You’re sure you’re all right?”

  She reached up and gave him a quick, sweet kiss. “I promise. Now you go and play your part, and I’ll see if Rummel can get us more information about the timing of the automatic locks.”

  As much as he hated to do it, he forced himself to climb out of bed and throw on his clothes. But his face hardened with determination as he headed for the door. The situation was growing increasingly intolerable. Whether she managed to get in touch with her friend or not, he was determined to get her off this planet.

  Chapter Seven

  After waiting a few seconds to make sure that Ukhaan and Varga wouldn’t return, Joan slipped out of bed and pulled on her dress. The rip Varga had created last night was barely visible in the heavy folds, but she darted into her room and pinned it together before starting on her work.

  As she cleared away last night’s dishes and began work on breakfast, her mind kept returning to the previous evening. She had never experienced such an explosively pleasurable climax, and she could still feel the lingering heat between her legs. Pushing aside a sudden urge to return to her room once more to satisfy the needy pulse, she forced herself to think about his plan to free her from this dreadful place. She was almost afraid to consider the possibility—if he failed, her imprisonment would seem so much worse.

  But the thought kept circling through her head and she realized with a start that she had made an extra pan of corn muffins. But the second pan wasn’t needed. Neither Rummel nor Varga showed up in her kitchen. She had a sudden, unpleasant flashback to the first year of her marriage when she tried so hard to please Kevin, waking early every morning to prepare his favorite breakfast foods—an effort he had never even bothered to acknowledge. But no, she refused to believe that Varga was the same way. Ukhaan was simply keeping him busy.

  Only George made his usual appearance, sitting happily in her lap while she fed him one of the unneeded muffins. What was he going to do if she left? Was there some way she could bring him with her?

  Still trying to think of a plan and anxious to see Varga, she walked into the dining room to serve breakfast with more eagerness than usual. But Varga wasn’t there. Biting back an anxious question, she served Ukhaan with her usual silent efficiency, and he devoured his breakfast without a word. When the meal came to an end, she hesitated before clearing the table.

  “Should I keep something available for your guest?”

  Ukhaan laughed, and the sound sent a chill down her spine. “I am no longer convinced that he deserves any special treatment.”

  He leaned back in his chair and studied her, a speculative look crossing his face. Even more uneasy now, she did her best to keep her face calm as she reached for a serving dish.
r />   “Put that down,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Master Ukhaan. Perhaps you would like me to clear later?” She started to head for the door as she spoke.

  “I didn’t give you permission to leave.”

  “No, sir.” Her palms turned clammy as she turned to face him. Why was he acting so strangely?

  “Remove your clothing.”

  “But…” Her heart pounded against her ribs as his face darkened.

  “Do not disobey me, girl. Take it off. Now.”

  With trembling hands, she removed her apron, then unfastened the drab brown dress and reluctantly let it fall, automatically putting an arm over her breasts and her hand in front of her genitals.

  “Drop your arms,” Ukhaan ordered as he approached, but it was disgust on his face, not lust.

  She tried to hang on to that thought as he circled her. He had never shown any signs of sexual interest in her. Whatever he was planning, she prayed it wouldn’t involve Baahy. But it was more than the chill that made her tremble as she waited for his next order.

  He reached out and poked one of her breasts with a thick finger, and she bit her lip to keep from protesting. He shook his head as the soft flesh quivered.

  “Quite disgusting. But since not every male finds you as unpleasant as I do, I may be able to make use of that.”

  As he walked back over to the table, she tried frantically to guess what he had in mind and what she could do to dissuade him. He rummaged through a box he had brought with him, then pulled out a handful of white cloth and tossed it at her. Her heart sank even further as she recognized the flimsy gown typically worn by female slaves. Two pieces of thin white cloth were fastened only at the shoulders and at the waist, leaving the slave’s body easily accessible to her master.

  “Put that on.”

  She wanted to protest, but even as skimpy as the outfit was, it was better than being naked and she obediently slipped it over her head.

  “Now follow me,” he said as he headed for the door.

  “Yes, Master Ukhaan, but I left dried lorca steaks soaking in preparation for your midday meal… I wouldn’t want to ruin them.”


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