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Joan and the Juggernaut: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 10)

Page 12

by Honey Phillips

  He growled and thrust up inside her while she was still convulsing, the sudden shocking fullness making her cry out again. He lifted her free, those marvelous ridges sending streaks of ecstasy through her pulsing channel, then pulled her back down again and again, his strokes fierce, desperate. She gripped his shoulders, kissing every part of him that she could reach, as he thrust faster, as he called out her name, as she felt the waves of heat bathing her insides.

  “I can’t believe we couldn’t even wait until we were clean,” she said ruefully when her breathing finally slowed.

  He smiled down at her, his eyes heated and tender at the same time. “Being with you is more refreshing than bathing.”

  “That’s sweet, but I’m more than ready to be clean again.”

  “Then I look forward to scrubbing every inch,” he said, carrying her into the bathroom.

  A long time later, Joan sighed and cautiously wiggled out from under Varga’s arm. His deep, even breathing indicated how heavily he was sleeping, and she didn’t want to disturb him. Although he had carried her into the bathroom easily enough, she had seen him leaning against the wall as the hot water poured down over their heads. She had insisted that he let her wash him, keeping her touch soft and soothing rather than arousing, and he was half-asleep when she led him to the bed.

  He had pulled her down next to him, and she had gone happily enough, but he did little more than put an arm around her before he fell asleep. She had snuggled up against him, but sleep eluded her. Whatever the medical bed had done had left her feeling full of energy, and she couldn’t stay still any longer.

  Leaving Varga to sleep, she climbed quietly out of bed. Her discarded coverall was in two pieces on the floor so she rummaged around until she found one of Varga’s tunics and slipped it on over her head before leaving the cabin. After checking on George and finding her still asleep in the medical bed, her injured leg encased in some type of foam, she started to head for the lounge to see if anyone else was awake.

  The door panel to one of the rooms on the right stood open and she smiled happily when she realized that it was a kitchen. It wasn’t as well-stocked as she would have liked and seemed a little too dependent on processed food, but she could work with it. No doubt everyone would be hungry after bathing and resting. With a pleased hum, she set to work.

  “That smells good,” Rummel said from the doorway a short time later.

  She laughed and handed him a small pastry. “Try this. What do you think?”

  “It’s good,” he said thickly, and she gave him two more.

  “How’s Polly?” she asked.

  “I reckon she’s all right. Hard to tell with that one. I can never tell if she’s going to be fierce or frightened. Not sure she knows either.”

  “You’re very good with her,” she said softly, eyeing him thoughtfully. Of course he was a lot older than Polly, but maybe that’s what she needed—someone to take care of her. “Do you like her?”

  “Aye, but not the way you’re thinking so you can just put that out of your mind. Females,” he grumbled.

  She gave him an innocent stare. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. Damn females always trying to make matches.”

  “I just don’t want you to be lonely. Either of you.”

  “Not lonely,” he said shortly. “Now give me another one of those so I can get out of here before you start trying to match me up with Saka.”

  They both laughed and she gave up.

  Varga appeared just as she was finishing the meal.

  “There you are,” he said with a sigh of relief. “I don’t like waking up alone.”

  “I’m sorry, but after being in the medical bed, I wasn’t tired. And remember, I didn’t have to trek across the surface—someone carried me the whole way.”

  “That doesn’t mean you have to cook for everyone,” he muttered, but he surveyed the array of food hungrily.

  “I enjoy it, and it helps me relax. Now help me carry this out to the table, please.”

  “Anything you want, sweetheart, but first…”

  It seemed to her dazed mind as if he swooped on her, lifting her into his arms and kissing her until she melted against him. Maybe the meal could wait after all…

  A discreet cough interrupted them, and she looked over Varga’s shoulder to see Issar standing in the kitchen entrance, his strange features solemn but his eyes laughing.

  “I hate to interrupt but my female is hungry.”

  Varga growled but she ignored him and smiled at Issar. “I’m sure she is. I have a meal prepared if you could help me carry it—”

  “I said I would do it,” Varga interrupted.

  “But you started kissing me instead.”

  Issar’s shoulders shook, and she grinned at him as Varga reluctantly put her back on the ground.

  “Shall we eat?”

  Varga sighed but helped her carry the dishes to the table. The rest of the party gradually trickled in, even Polly. Unlike the others, Polly hadn’t taken advantage of the opportunity to get clean. Not only was she as filthy as ever, she had abandoned the coverall and was once again naked.

  “Would you like something to wear, Polly?” Joan asked, but the girl only shook her head and crammed another pastry in her mouth. Joan looked over at Rummel helplessly, but he only shrugged.

  After the meal, Varga washed the dishes, then reluctantly handed over two more of his tunics. While Saka and Taliane modified them, Joan sat down with a tablet he had given her that was supposed to help her learn a written language. It was slow going, and she found herself watching Polly more than the device. The girl wandered around the room, touching things with a cautious finger, an odd look on her face.

  “Do you like the ship?” she asked when the girl came close to her.

  “It’s very soft. I’d forgotten what that was like.”

  Joan’s heart ached as she remembered the barren cell. She wanted to ask how Polly had ended up in the mines but she was afraid to bring up painful memories.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to get clean?”

  “No!” Polly’s eyes widened and she skittered backwards, then rushed out of the room.

  Joan sighed and returned to her tablet.

  Varga went off to the training room with Issar and returned an hour later, the sheen on his skin accenting all those bulging muscles and the thin golden lines of his scars. Her nipples tightened as she surveyed him, and she knew that he noticed.

  “I can’t wait to have you alone again, little bird,” he murmured as he sat down beside her.

  His smoky scent filled her head and she leaned into him. “Me either. But it’s a long time until bedtime.”

  “Not that long.” His eyes gleamed with amusement. “I have adjusted the ship’s clock to Hothian time. It will help to ease the transition once we arrive. It will also make this a short day, but I doubt that anyone will object.”

  “I think you’re right,” she laughed. The effects of the medical bed had faded, and several times she had found herself nodding off over the tablet. She suspected she was not the only one. “I’ll go and make an early dinner. Perhaps some soup…”

  “I already told you that you did not have to cook for everyone.”

  “I know, but I really do enjoy it.” She leaned closer and ran a teasing hand down his chest. “Besides, the sooner we eat, the sooner we can go to bed.”

  Heat flared in those dark golden eyes. “In that case, tell me how I can help you.”

  She laughed and led him towards the kitchen.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Later that evening, Varga reluctantly climbed out of bed. Joan murmured sleepily but didn’t wake, and he paused a moment to admire the sight of her. How quickly he had become used to waking with her in his arms. Leaving her to sleep, he went to check on her lizard. George was also sleeping, but according to the medical bed, she was healing satisfactorily.

  Next he went to check on the autopilot. Everything was
on course, but as he returned through the lounge, Saka stepped in front of him.

  “Can I talk to you, Varga?”

  “About what?” he asked cautiously. Damn, he’d thought she was asleep.

  “My future.”

  “Can’t it wait until the morning? And you would be better off talking to Joan.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. She doesn’t know what our world is like. She won’t understand why I can’t go home.”

  The genuine anguish in her words made him pause. He suspected his female would insist on helping but he wasn’t going to wake her. With a sigh, he sat down.

  Saka sat next to him, closer than he would have preferred, but the Myyp were a tactile race and she wasn’t actually touching him.

  “Why can’t you go home?” he asked.

  “Because I dishonored myself.”

  “I’ve seen your scars,” he said gently. “I know you fought.”

  “They will say I did not fight long enough.” She looked down at her hand in the dim light, and he saw her claws flex, sharp little points catching the light. “I still have my claws. I still have my fangs. I could have killed one of them. But I didn’t.”

  “Because you knew it wouldn’t have done any good. You couldn’t get away.”

  “No. Because I was afraid. I was afraid they would whip me again.” She looked away from him. “It hurt so much.”

  “You found a way to survive,” he said gently.

  “By giving in. A Myyp should never give in.”

  He shifted uneasily. He had faced a Myyp once or twice in the arena, and she was right. Even if it wasn’t a death match, a defeated Myyp would kill himself rather than surrender.

  “Baahy came to me after he whipped me.” Her voice was low, as distant as her eyes. “He laughed and told me he knew I wouldn’t be any more trouble. He raped me and made me tell him that I liked it. He dared me to claw him and… I didn’t.” Her shoulders sagged. “No, I can’t go home.”

  “Then you’ll go somewhere else. Or maybe you’ll like Hothrest and decide to stay there.”

  “And do what? I was raised to be the wife of a warrior and the mother of his sons. I have no skills.” Her breath caught, and she pressed closer to him. Her voice turned husky. “That’s not quite true. I have one skill—I know how to please a male. I know you’re with the human, but a big, strong warrior like yourself must want a little… extra from a female who can handle all of you.”

  He reared back in outrage as she reached for his cock, then heard a startled gasp. His heart sank when he saw Joan standing there, her eyes filled with tears. He jumped to his feet, desperately resisting the urge to shove Saka to the floor. “Joan, I didn’t… I wouldn’t…”

  “I know.” She was looking at Saka, not at him, the tears still flowing down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry.”

  Saka studied her, an odd look on her face. “Myyp can’t cry.”

  “Then I’ll cry for you. Because I don’t for one second believe that the only thing you’re good for is servicing a male.”

  Saka’s claws flexed again, sinking into her palms until blood appeared. Joan gave a distressed cry and rushed forward. “Don’t do that. Don’t hurt yourself.”

  He gave Saka a worried glance as Joan bent over her hands, but her lips twisted. “Don’t worry, warrior. If I didn’t hurt one of them, I’m not going to hurt her.”

  He wasn’t sure he agreed with her logic, but he stepped back.

  “Go away, Varga. I want to talk to Saka woman to woman—I mean, female to female.”

  He hesitated, then reluctantly left the room. However, he stopped outside, listening intently for any sign that his female was in distress.

  “You are not angry?” Saka asked as Joan fussed over her hands.

  “Yes, but I understand why you did it. And if he had agreed, then I would have known he wasn’t the right male for me.”

  Was that a growl? She gave Saka a puzzled look, and for the first time, the other female’s face lightened.

  “He’s outside. Listening. I suspect he doesn’t trust me.”

  “Oh, for goodness’ sake. Go away, Varga!” she called. There was no response. “Did he leave?” she whispered.

  “No, but it doesn’t bother me. It’s rather… sweet. No one has ever cared that much for me.”

  “It is sweet. In a stalkerish way,” she added, raising her voice. “But don’t tell me there wasn’t anyone. What about your parents?”

  “I see you know nothing about Myyp society. Females are not valued except for their breeding lines and their ability to bear sons.”

  “Then they’re idiots and you’re better off not going back.” She bit her lip, searching for the right words. Leaning closer, she dropped her voice, hoping Varga couldn’t hear her. “I know it’s not the same. I wasn’t ever physically harmed, but I lived with a male who tried to make me believe that I was less. That I didn’t deserve better than what he chose to give me. It’s hard to get that voice out of your head.”

  “Yes.” Saka shot her a quick look. “What did you do?”

  “I got away from him. And just as I was figuring out how to put my life back together, the Derians took me.” She wrinkled her nose. “Not the best of luck.”

  “I think your luck has changed,” Saka sent a wistful glance at the doorway through which Varga had disappeared.

  “So has yours. And it isn’t dependent on a male.”

  “Easy to say when you have one,” Saka said dryly.

  Did she though? They really needed to talk about the future.

  “You’ll find your way. We both will. And I’ll do anything I can to help you.”

  “You know, I believe you. So I will do something to help you in return. Go back to your warrior before he paces a hole in the floor.”

  Warmth flooded her at the knowledge that he was still waiting for her, but she didn’t jump up. “Are you going to be all right? I can stay if you want me to.”

  “I’ll survive. I always do.” Saka immediately shook her head. “I didn’t mean it like that. I appreciate your concern.”

  “I’m glad if it helped. We can talk more tomorrow if you’d like.”

  “You’re assuming your warrior is going to let you out of bed.” Saka gave her a sly smile.

  Joan laughed, blushed, and stood up. “I’m sure he will. Good night.”

  As soon as she passed through the door, Varga grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder.

  “Don’t be too sure of that, little bird,” he growled, and gave her a firm smack on her bottom. “Apparently I have to convince you that I’m the right male for you.”

  She wiggled happily, the slight sting from his hand sending a wave of heat to her needy pussy. “Hmm. It might take some time to convince me.”

  His big hand clamped down on her bottom, but his thumb probed her entrance with exquisite gentleness. “I hope so. I have many ideas.”

  As soon as the door closed behind them, he put her on her feet.

  “Remove your clothing,” he growled.

  He’d never been quite so demanding before, and a flutter of excitement swept through her.

  “What if I don’t?” she asked provocatively.

  “Then I will have to punish you.” He took a step forward, and she squeaked and dashed for the sitting area, ducking behind an oversized reading chair.

  “Do you think that’s going to stop me?” His voice was stern, but she could see the laughter in his eyes and it only encouraged her.

  “Not if you’re the right male.”

  He growled and tossed the big chair aside as if it weighed nothing. Wow. Before she recovered from her amazement, he pounced. She heard fabric rip, and then her tunic disappeared. He bent her over the arm of the couch, completely naked, but when she looked back, he was still fully dressed. The contrast only added to her excitement.

  “Eyes forward,” he ordered, and she obeyed.

  A big, gentle hand, so at odds with the gruff voice, stroked down her back and c
aressed her ass. “You are so beautiful, little bird.”

  Heat suffused her cheeks as she imagined what she must look like from his viewpoint. She shifted uncomfortably. “I’m nothing special.”

  Smack! Another sharp sting that rocketed through her body. Her clit pulsed, and her nipples felt like burning brands against the cool silk beneath her. She moaned, and he immediately smoothed a gentle hand over the curve of her bottom cheek.

  “Too much?” Before she could respond, his hand slipped between her legs and he growled approvingly at the slippery heat that met his touch. “Apparently not.”

  A quick barrage of smacks followed, each one adding to the building heat as her hands clenched in the soft fabric of the couch and her body climbed inevitably towards climax. They stopped just as she reached the edge, but before she could protest, he grabbed her hips, lifted her up on tiptoes, and filled her with one hard thrust. The stretching fullness, so perfectly balanced on the razor edge between pleasure and pain, sent her flying over the edge, her vision sheeting white as her channel convulsed helplessly around the massive invader. She heard him groan, felt the heated rush of liquid bathing her insides, but his cock never softened.

  She hadn’t stopped shuddering when he slowly pulled out, dragging those amazing ridges over her sensitive flesh.

  “Now do you know I’m the right male for you?” he demanded.

  “Show… me… again,” she gasped, and smiled happily as he did just that.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I understand that we are en route to Hothrest,” Issar said to Varga.

  They had finished a series of training exercises and were sitting back against the wall rehydrating. They were well matched – Issar was a challenging opponent – and Varga enjoyed the familiar ache of well used muscles.

  “Yes, that’s the plan. My friend Baralt has a human mate, and she will be delighted to meet my female and Polly.”

  “Will they be as delighted to meet her?” Issar said dryly.


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