Girl On Fire

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by Kim Thomas

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  Hello, my friend

  Hello my friend here we are at the end of the first of our story but for you this is just the beginning.

  I am glad we are here together.

  We make a great, no actually we make a spectacular team and you will see that very soon.

  I cannot spend too much time talking to you my friend as they will be coming for me soon to take me to the judgement room.

  I have big plans for all those that will be present in the room, don’t you worry my friend.

  I know what you are thinking ‘why does she call me her friend? She doesn’t know me! Is she crazy?’

  Firstly we do know each other very well and secondly am I crazy? If that means I know what I want and I go and get it, yes my friend I am crazy and proud.

  You will remember our friendship by the end of our journey together.

  I’m going to miss this cell, I know that sounds unusual but I find my cell cosy and I see my cell as my platform while I wait to board my train.

  “Anna Gerard please prepare yourself for collection in five minutes” Chief Prick disturbs my thoughts, standing with his back to my cell.

  “Yes Sir” I sarcastically said, mocking a salute.

  Do you want to know a secret my friend?

  Because of who I am and what I did no one dares to search me, they must be idiots.

  Anyway I think we should begin, are you sitting comfortably my friend?

  Now we shall begin our journey through our story, hold on tight, it’s going to be an exhilarating ride.

  Chapter One

  My alarm clock lights up like a firework on bonfire night and screams animal noises into my hungover sensitive ears, I really wish we hadn’t gone out to the pub last night.

  Turning my head to the side I smiled when I saw Gregg’s handsome face which slowly turned into a mischievous grin.

  Moving the curve of my ass against his morning erection, I heard him growl in my ear.

  “Good morning handsome, can we please spend this Monday in bed, pretty please” I tiredly whispered.

  Gregg responded by moving his hand down my stomach and onto my clit where he mercilessly rotated his thumb.

  Kissing my neck, Gregg moved his hand onto my breast, pulling at my nipple.

  Arching myself into the groove of his body, I groaned with pleasure as I felt the pressure build up from inside of me.

  Removing his hands from my body Gregg quickly flipped me onto my back and plunged his cock deep inside of me.

  Slowly he began to thrust in and out with measured movements until I was quivering with pleasure under him.

  “Now beautiful” Gregg gruffly commanded and we both released out climaxes at the same time.

  Rolling off of me Gregg had a huge grin on his face.

  “That is what I call a wake up work out” Gregg smirked over at me before moving off the bed and nakedly walking to our wardrobe opening the door he pulled me out a dress and threw it at my face before pulling out a suit for himself.

  “It will be the weekend before you know it gorgeous” Gregg flashed me a smile before going into our en suite.

  Sighing to myself I slowly rolled out of bed, stretching like a cat to attempt to wake myself up.

  Walking down our corridor I ran a hand through my hair before entering our main bathroom.

  Looking into our mirror above the sink I shocked myself at my hungover and overall shit appearance.

  My hair resembled a toilet brush; I had panda eyes: and the remnants of drawl were visible down my chin and around my mouth.

  Walking into our shower cubicle I gave a pleasurable moan as the warm water cascaded down my back.

  Facing the shower head I allowed the warm water to wash away the mess on my face and almost instantly I felt awake.

  Finishing in the shower I almost fell on the floor as I missed the bathroom mat and slipped on the bathroom tiles.

  “Fuck sake” I screamed with pure annoyance, was this a sign for the rest of my Monday?

  I bloody hope not.

  Throwing on the red dress Gregg gave me from our wardrobe, I wondered if I was going to be cold as according to what I remembered about my phones weather last night ‘there would be a cold feel to the blustery northerly winds’ and this dress was strapless and slightly exposed.

  I might have to dig out my scarf and long boots.

  When I had finished drying my hair I went back into our bedroom and found Gregg texting quickly on his phone.

  “Who are you texting?” I innocently asked.

  “No one” Gregg answered, quickly putting his phone in his trouser pocket.

  “Ok, I’m off now I will grab a coffee on the way otherwise I will be late and that will give Tom an excuse to fire me, he is such a dick” I explained before kissing Gregg on the forehead.

  “Anna, I love you” Gregg huskily randomly said, holding my hand.

  “Love you too but I really have to go” I smiled blowing him a kissing, running out our bedroom.

  Grabbing my handbag, jacket and scarf and throwing on my boots I quickly made my way out our home and onto our street.

  Suddenly my handbag began to sing.

  “Someone clearly wants you” Jeff my next door neighbour smiled at me.

  “Have a nice day Jeff… Hi mum” I waved at Jeff while answering the phone call from mum.

  “Your dad wants us to buy a canal boat” Mum basically screeched down at me.

  “I don’t have time to discuss another one of Dad’s ideas” I said to mum who literally growled at me down the phone.

  “But Anna!!” Mum screeched desperately.

  “I’ll call you later” I replied before putting down the phone.

  Entering the first cage I found, I was instantly stopped in my tracks by what or shall I say who I saw.

  I mean could this Monday get any worse?

  Chapter Two

  I cannot believe she works here! That son of a bitch with the face of a horse who used to pick on everyone at school because her mum owned a posh car which made her apparently rich.

  She was and I am sure she still is a complete twit.

  I don’t want to leave the queue for coffee as my urge for a caffeine boost has definitely hit me and I turn into a moody bitch if I do not replenish which my arrogant boss hates.

  Therefore I decided to distract myself by looking around at the café, which I must admit I had never noticed on my route to work before.

  I noticed how old and dated the furnishings were the place looked like it needed either investment or to be burnt down to the ground.

  Wrapping my scarf further around my neck I shivered when another customer entered the café, cascading ice cold winds across all those awaiting service.

  Turning my attention back to the bitch serving everyone I gazed at her features.

  She had changed dramatically since we
were at high school, I guess wearing cake on her face would distract customers from the cake she was supposed to serve.

  Una was chubbier than I remember, not that I can talk I am hardly a size 10 but she always used to bully people for having a little bit of puppy fat now look at her.

  I never usually judge people but Una deserves every judgement, you know what they say about karma, bitches like her get what they deserve in the end.

  “Where’s my coffee?!” A drunken homeless man spits all over the serving counter after pushing in at the front.

  “Gerald we have told you before we cannot give you free coffee” An older women stood next to Una said kindly to the homeless man.

  “What happened to…to gestures…this country is full of shit…” The homeless man shouted, waving his hands around like a banshee.

  “I am sorry Gerald” the older women said before giving the homeless man a big smile.

  “Stupid…suited…pricks” The homeless man muttered as he waddled past those waiting in the queue.

  “I was once in…in the war!!! I served…!!!” The homeless man shouted before yanking the door open and slamming it behind him leaving the rest of us customers with a stench of alcohol in the air.

  Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, taking my phone out, I discovered it was my manager who I immediately hung up on.

  It wasn’t like I was late, I was due in work at 08:30am and it was currently 07:45am.

  He probably wanted me to make him a drink or go buy him a breakfast baguette, asshole.

  Looking at my messages I realised that Gregg had text me ‘Lets go out tonight for dinner, my treat xx’ which instantly made me smile.

  Gregg was always caring and put me first.

  Texting him back I put ‘That sounds like a fantastic idea but please not that Indian takeaway the repercussions were not very romantic last time ;-)’

  Smiling to myself I ran my finger across my mobile phone screen as I waited for what I was sure would be a cheeky response from Gregg.

  “You silly bitch!!!” I heard someone shout from the front of the queue.

  Looking up I saw that Una had practically thrown a cup of coffee on a customer, pretty stupid if you ask me however if the shoe fits!

  “I am sorry, it was an accident!” Una shrieked like a seagull.

  Snickering I watched as Una stuttered and spluttered like a complete idiot and throw another cup of coffee on the customer.

  “Forget it!!” The customer hollered at Una before storming out of the café with a coffee stained shirt.

  Thankfully for the rest of us in the queue silly bitch Una actually served the next four customers in front of me correctly and then she saw me.

  “Anna, what a pleasant surprise you look different, I see you lost all your puppy fat. Kate this is my friend from school we used to nickname her Pug because of her puppy fat, those were good times weren’t they Anna?” Una smirked at me.

  Bitches like her don’t change do they, I could literally throw a scolding cup of coffee on her face right now and wouldn’t have any remorse.

  “Americano, white and please get the order correct. It’s not rocket science” I sarcastically said handing Una £5 as her face reddened.

  The elderly lady Kate prepared my order as me and Una stared each other out.

  Personally I was thinking of all the painful ways I could get revenge on her from burning her to death to performing deadly surgery.

  “Here you go madam, thank you for visiting us today and I do apologise about the service, I can ensure you it will not happen again” the elderly lady Kate smiled sincerely at me as she passed me my Americano.

  I nodded at the lady before departing the café without one backward glance at Una, I didn’t need to, I knew she looked like a complete dick.

  I mean who cannot make a cup of coffee?

  Chapter Three

  “I CALLED YOU ANNA! Why did you not pick up?” Tom, my asshole of a boss shouted at me from the entrance to where our office was based.

  “Tom, I do not start work until 08:30am and you called me at 07:45am, I was off the clock” I innocently said, smiling sincerely at Tom.

  “When you work for me, you work whenever I need you to. I need a coffee” Tom rudely said walking back into the building without holding the door open for me.

  Smacking the door open I sighed to myself, I hated Mondays and I hated Tom.

  What a great combination!

  “Beautiful Anna! It’s our favourite day my hotness in red, Monday!” Neo grabbed me from behind and gave me a big hug.

  “Neo how was your weekend?” I smiled and entwined my arm with Neo.

  “It was fabulous, I went to a gay bar and met a new man!” Neo excitedly shrieked in my still sensitive ear.

  “No way, another one. Didn’t you pick up a new one like last week?” I laughed as Neo pouted at me.

  “Of course, there are plenty of fish in the sea and I intent to indulge in my fair share” Neo started giggling hysterically as we went into our office we shared together.

  If it wasn’t for Neo working with me I probably would have gone crazy a long time ago.

  “ANNA!!!” Tom hollered from down the hall.

  “Jerk” Neo sighed and sat down at his desk.

  Placing my handbag; scarf: and jacket on my desk I walked down the corridor to Tom’s office.

  “Yes Tom, how can I help you?” I sincerely asked Tom.

  “I need you to write up a report about the expenditure we have had in the last two months and the comparison from last year. I need the report by 11am” Tom commanded rudely, throwing a large pile of paperwork in front of me.

  “Tom that involves comparing over 20,000 records that will take at least until 2pm” I answered a little irritably.

  “Then for once you will have to move that fat ass of yours, I thought you were meant to be going to the gym to shift that puppy fat on your ass?” Tom mocked me like he usually did.

  The problem with Tom and this business was that he owned it therefore he had no one to answer to which meant he could do whatever he wanted and he knew that, the power hungry freak.

  “Why don’t you fire me then because I will not be able to do the report by 11am and you know that” I mocked Tom back as I felt anger stir at the bottom of my belly.

  “Get on with it Anna and give me an update at 11am” Tom pointed to the door to tell me to leave which I did quietly.

  Chucking the paperwork on my desk, Neo gave me a sympathetic smile before taking my cup from the desk to make me a drink.

  Switching on my computer, I wondered why I still work for this jerk.

  Una’s voice from this morning echoed in my ears and I remembered her face at school stealing my equipment and stamping on my back pack.

  The anger erupted inside of me like an explosion, looking at the paperwork I needed a distraction before I did something drastic.

  Chapter Four

  “Tomorrow will be better my darling” Neo encouragingly said, putting his arm around me as we exited the building together.

  Smiling at Neo, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off into the darkness of the evening.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about Tom and Una, their mocking of my puppy fat and how they both belittled me.

  Why did they deserve to get away with their actions? Why did I deserve to suffer?

  Standing outside the café where the bitch worked for some reason I was transfixed and couldn’t move.

  Entering the café I was pleasantly surprised to see that the café was empty except for the homeless man from this morning and Una who looked like she was clearing up.

  “I’m sorry we’re closing, oh it’s you” Una chucked the towel down and moved her greasy locks from the front of her eyes.

  “I would like a latte to drink in please” I smiled at Una who grimaced back at me.

  “Of course, please sit wherever you would like Anna” Una gestured to the
empty café with a sickly sweet smile.

  I sat close to the homeless man who still stunk of a pub which was quite overpowering.

  “Here you go Anna” Una placed a coffee on the table in front of me.

  “Why don’t you get yourself a coffee on me and take a seat” I smiled innocently up at Una and gestured to the seat in front of me.

  “Thank you Anna!!!” Una squealed with excitement for some bizarre reason.

  Una placed another latte on the table and smiled down at me like she was thinking.

  “I’ll go get us some cookies, we have some that we baked like an hour ago and we have so much to catch up on” Una ran into the back of the café.

  Something inside of me changed, I cannot put my finger on why I did what I did next but I knew what I was doing was right.

  Taking my sleeping pills I carried in my handbag, I crushed three tablets and placed them in Una’s latte.

  Looking over at the drunk homeless man he was now slouched across the chairs asleep.

  Una returned with two cookies and sat opposite me, taking a sip of her latte.

  “I am sorry about earlier Anna, old habits they die hard” Una smiled at me and taking another sip of her latte.

  “Obviously” I muttered sarcastically, taking a large drink of my latte.

  “You dress differently now” Una commented, gesturing to my clothes.

  “I have a job and pay for my own clothes which means I have more choice, plus my boss like me to dress in dresses” I responded to Una comment.

  We sat in silence as we drank our lattes and nibbled on our cookies.

  Una looked uneasy and rather drowsy which meant my tablets, which I regularly hid from Gregg in my handbag, were working.

  “I need to use the bathroom, is it located at the back?” I asked Una who silently nodded at me.

  Walking passed the kitchen area and into the customer bathroom I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

  My expression was different, I didn’t know the person in the reflection, but I liked her.

  She was a little wild and her eyes they were sparkling but what was she going to do next?

  Closing my eyes I remembered all the evil; cruel: and belittling things that Una ever said to me.

  The taunting; the bullying; the name calling: and the cruelty.

  For ten years she relentlessly bullied me and even today, this morning she had to taunt me, she couldn’t resist.

  What was her comment she just made? Old habits? Well bitch how about this for a new habit!


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