The King's Ancestors

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The King's Ancestors Page 19

by Robin Simmons

  “Yes, yes,” Samuel stated, “that is what I said.”

  “How do I control time without traveling anywhere?” Lorriel asked.

  “This is where my theory breaks down,” Samuel had to admit. “I, nor any other person I know of understands how a time shifter creates any type of temporal shift. I was hoping you and Merry would come up with that solution.”

  Merry sighed, “Samuel we tried this long ago and failed, remember?”

  “Yes, yes, but only once,” Samuel added. “You were so frustrated that the stones were not doing anything that I said to you, just take us back eighty years and you did! After that we forgot about our first experiment. Any time shifter generates a small field around them and can take objects they are holding in their hands with them, even without the use of the stones. That we know to be true. Small objects close enough to a time shifter might be able to be controlled if there was enough concentration involved.”

  Merry interjected again, “Samuel I have tried that many times years ago with your encouragement and failed every time.”

  “Yes,” Samuel stated without so much as batting an eye, “but Lorriel has never tried.”

  All eyes went to Lorriel and she blushed at the sudden attention.

  “I do not know how to do what you ask, or where to begin.”

  Samuel rubbed his chin, “I do not know how to explain it to you either, I just believe it can be done.”

  Andrew was observing and thinking the whole time Samuel spoke to Lorriel, “Lorriel, how do you travel in time?”

  “It is easy,” she replied. “I just close my eyes and think about when and where I want to go, will it so, and it begins to happen.”

  “Why do you close your eyes?” Andrew asked.

  “So I can concentrate on when and where I want to go without being distracted by where I am right then.”

  “What if,” Andrew began, “you kept your eyes open and concentrated on an object and it alone because you want it to do something? You would not go anywhere but the object would slow down or speed up as you command it.”

  With that he drew out his knife and held it before Lorriel and said, concentrate on this knife and slow it down when I drop it. Andrew released the knife and it fell and clattered to the floor to everyone’s disappointment.

  Andrew picked up the knife again and said, “I believe you can do this Lorriel, concentrate.”

  This time he brought it closer to Lorriel and held it with the point facing down next to her. Then brought it up to her eye level and released it. Raven realized suddenly that the knife was falling toward Lorriel's foot and would find its mark there if he did not do something. His reflexes came into play and he began to move when all of a sudden the knife slowed and seemed to stop before them all. Lorriel took a step back and reached out for the knife and it resumed its normal speed dropping to the floor clattering again.

  Lorriel looked at them all with surprise and then glared at Andrew. Raven was glaring too for they both knew what Andrew had done.

  “You dropped that on purpose over my foot to force me to do something about the knife did you not? Lorriel said with anger in her voice.

  Andrew smiled, “Yes, but I also knew that Raven would be quick enough to do something about it if you did not. It forced you out of instinct to use your power on the knife. Now you know it can be done with concentration.”

  Samuel was beaming, “A brilliant idea,” he said. “I wish I would have thought to try that in my own experiments years ago.”

  Now Merry glared at Samuel and said in an indignant tone; “I’m glad you did not, I might be limping to this day.” And then she added, “You two Crestlaws are so much alike it is a little scary.”

  Everyone began to laugh except Andrew and Samuel who now were the ones glaring at the others. Raven could not help but smile and laugh a little too, he could see where Andrew got some of his character.

  Samuel interrupted the snickers of the others, “We should get down to business and refine this new skill you possess.”

  Raven still not understanding the importance of how this would solve their problem asked: “How will this help us defeat Layton?”

  “Very simply,” Samuel stated. “If Layton Teal and his men are surrounded by the stones and Lorriel were to slow them down you could disarm them all before they could react.”

  Andrew rubbed his chin, “I think it would be easier for Lorriel to speed one thing up instead of trying to slow a lot of things down.”

  “Yes, yes, it would be,” Samuel replied. “That is what she must practice to do.”

  Samuel then produced a small writing instrument and said smiling, “We will work with this, no more knives.”

  So Lorriel began to concentrate on the object, slowing it down, then speeding it up. Raven watched for a time as Merry encouraged Lorriel with her control, then went out to the balcony that overlooked the courtyard. He was aware that someone was following him and knew without turning around that it was Uriah. Uriah came beside Raven and leaned on the rail and neither said anything for a while. Raven just waited for he knew that there was something that Uriah wanted to speak with him about. Finally Uriah asked what was weighing heavily upon him.

  “In the future our family line will be king of this land, why and how will that take place?”

  “I do not want to tell you too much about the future,” replied Raven. “But I will tell you this. The throne was left empty and someone needed to fill it. The dukes chose our family to fill that position. Not because of our abilities to fight, or do battle but because we were honorable and cared for the kingdom. You see a king must do what is right regardless of the personal cost, and must think of the good of the kingdom before himself. The power a king possesses must only be used to help others, not to accumulate more power or wealth for himself. You are a duke and your descendants will someday rule over the people of your dukeship. Teach them to be honorable and self sacrificing for the people, and it will not be a large step at all for a good duke to become a good king. You have power over these people, I have seen it Uriah. But do be careful, with great power comes great responsibility. Do all you can to support Daniel in his new role as king. He will be a good and caring king for this people, I have seen it.

  Raven could see Uriah was deep in thought from the words he had spoken and so turned once again to face the courtyard in silence. The silence was not awkward, for there was an unspoken kinship between Raven and Uriah. Uriah was a little rough around the edges but deep down inside he had a heart of compassion and Raven knew he really cared what happened to others. That, Raven knew is what Layton Teal missed in Uriah. He probably expected Uriah to be like himself with no true feelings for anyone but his own ambition. But Uriah was not at all like Layton, and Raven knew why Layton had not seen Uriah’s betrayal before it was to late. A man cannot see or understand in another what he himself does not possess. Uriah had betrayed Layton because he cared, not just for Merry but for others as well.

  Raven’s thoughts were interrupted by Uriah asking another question.

  “I am curious,” he began, “how after a thousand years you and the others finally found the retreat at the top of the falls. How did you even know to look for such a place?”

  “It all started with a riddle I found in your castle that led us up Happiness Creek.

  “Happiness Creek?” Uriah asked.

  Raven saw the confusion and before he thought about it he said, “You know the creek that flows south of your castle.”

  “Yes,” Uriah said now comprehending, “that creek is called Happiness? That is a good name for it to be called.”

  Raven groaned within himself when he realized what he had just done. It was he who had planted the thought in his ancestor’s mind to call the creek such a silly name. Andrew would never let him forget this if he found out. I just will not tell him, Raven decided. He heard Uriah mumbling something in a riddle about the source of happiness and knew the riddle
s had been set in motion by his suggestion. He would have to be more careful of the things he said to his ancestors.

  Uriah left and suddenly headed back into the great hall shouting to Merry.

  “No, wait!” shouted Raven, but it was too late. By the time he caught up with Uriah he was telling Merry that he had found a great name for the creek south of their castle thanks to Raven.

  “Happiness,” he said, “is what we will call it.”

  Andrew and Lorriel stopped what they were doing and stared at Raven.

  “You?” Andrew said pointing to Raven, was all he could say before he burst into laughter. Lorriel likewise was laughing so hard tears came into her eyes. For they both remembered the comment Raven made about the silly name of Happiness Creek in the Crestlaw dukeship. Andrew had laughed at that time as well and informed him that it was his ancestors who had named the creek not the Crestlaws. Now to find out it was Raven himself was too much for them. Raven turned the brightest shade of red he ever had in his life. The others were perplexed at this outburst but soon realized it must be an inside joke.

  Finally when everything quieted down Raven wanted to know how things were progressing with Lorriel. Samuel took over and explained that things were going well, though Lorriel’s control was erratic. He then held the writing instrument in his hand and as it was released it merely vanished. Raven looked for it and then saw it lying on the floor of the great hall.

  “How did it get there?” he asked.

  “It merely dropped,” Samuel explained. “Lorriel simply sped up the writing instrument’s fall to the floor while everything else stayed the same speed.”

  Raven nodded with understanding, “How long will it take Lorriel to be ready for a larger experiment to be undertaken?”

  “She should practice the rest of this day,” Andrew replied, “and maybe tomorrow we can attempt a larger control area.”

  Raven nodded as he once again left them to practice the time shifting control. He then spent the rest of the day with Uriah, being taught how the weapons worked that Layton Teal possessed .

  The next day they were ready to try a larger experiment with more people involved. They gathered people around the castle and Joanna, Andrew and Uriah wore the stones in a triangle formation. The rest of the volunteers, fifteen in number were inside the perimeter of the stones holding up flags. Raven was in the middle with Lorriel concentrating on him. She was to make Raven speed up while everyone else within the perimeter of the stones remained in normal time.

  She focused her ability and said, “Now Raven go!”

  There was a blur and everyone’s flag just disappeared out of their hands. In the next blink of their eyes Raven stood in the center holding all of the flags. Samuel should have been ecstatic, but instead he just looked mystified at his empty hands that had held the flag.

  He finally spoke and said, “This works better than I had imagined, but it is also unsettling. Who could stand against such an attack? You should be able to disarm everyone easily for Layton surely will not expect this.”

  Everyone was just as impressed with what had happened, but Daniel had one question.

  “How will you be able to surround Layton and his force with the stones?”

  “I have a plan that I am sure will work,” Raven said shrewdly. They practiced the maneuver two more times with the same results and felt that Lorriel was ready.

  After this Raven informed the ancestors that they would be leaving, since they had received the help they had come for.

  “We are thankful,” Raven said to them all, “for the help you have been to us. Pray that we will be able to save the kingdom from Layton Teal.”

  Then looking at them all he stated, “Do not live your lives in fear that Layton will eventually find you. For if you fear him and he never comes, that is one more victory he will have over you.”

  “Why do you have to be in such a hurry?” Uriah asked. “Staying here longer will not affect your return.”

  “This I know but we have unfinished business awaiting us in our time, I cannot be at peace until it is taken care of.”

  They all understood what Raven had said and no one else tried to delay them any longer. Raven walked over to Uriah who placed the stone back into Raven’s hand. They looked into each other’s eyes until Raven turned and went back to join Lorriel, Andrew and Joanna. Daniel Brickens stood at attention and smartly saluted Raven as he joined his group.

  Daniel bid them farewell with these words; “We have learned much from you and your friends, King Raven. May the kingdom we form be worthy of descendants such as you, Godspeed!”

  They formed the triangle once again with Lorriel to their center and held out the stones.

  Raven whispered to Lorriel, “Take us back to just after we left the Hall of Wisdom.” Raven turned back in time to have the scene imprinted in his mind forever of the ancients standing there waving goodbye. Just as the scene began to fade Raven thought he saw tears in Uriah’s eyes.

  Chapter 6

  Another Time, Another Place

  “Love has no bounds. Love is fashionable in any age and does not grow old with time. Who can forget the sacrifice one would make in laying down his life for another? That kind of love transforms everyone it touches.”

  --The Wisdom of Fathers

  The sunlight woke Rebekka up from a groggy sleep. When she opened her eyes she at first did not know where she was and began to panic. Then recognition set in and a sadness came over her, she was in Layton Teal’s time, the future. Rebekka sat up and stretched to relieve the sleep that still clutched at her body. When she was fully awake she went into the main room where they had spent most of their time the day before. Elise was seated there and beside her was a tray of pastries and some juice. She looked up as Rebekka came in and motioned for her to be seated and have some of the food. Rebekka sat down and began to nibble absentmindedly on a pastry as she watched Elise reading something on a flat tablet. She could not tell for sure if Elise had aged since yesterday but she thought she noticed a little change since the day before.

  Finally Elise spoke to Rebekka, “Same old news every day from the electronic paper, nothing seems to change. Now I know why Layton wanted to go on this great adventure, to change our dull routines. Did you sleep well?”

  “Surprisingly, yes,” Rebekka answered.

  “I did too,” Elise said, “time travel has a way of really taking your energy away. I was famished last night and have never eaten so much in my life.”

  Rebekka only nodded, for she had seen the girl eat what three people normally would. Maybe her appetite had something to do with her aging faster, Rebekka thought.

  “Will you see your physician today?” Rebekka asked Elise.

  “Yes, I have an appointment in an hour,” she replied. “You can stay here or you can come with me if you like.”

  “I would very much like to come with you if you do not mind,” Rebekka answered. For she was very interested in what was happening to Elise. Rebekka knew that Elise was a key in this whole plot of Layton’s. If there was some way that she could persuade Elise not to go back for him, he would be stranded in her own time, unable to reach or find the ancients. That would make the kingdom safe and would only cost her and Raven personally.

  A small price, she winced, to save the kingdom for all time. But she was unsure of how Layton’s plans were laid. Did he have a back up plan to time travel if Elise failed? Rebekka knew she had to find the answers to these questions, and the only way to do that was to befriend Elise. Not that it was hard to be Elise’s friend, she was likable, just a little spoiled.

  “Elise,” Rebekka asked, “have you told anyone who I am or where I am from?”

  “No,” Elise replied, “Layton wanted this mission to be kept a secret. Only Blastion Astmos, his top aid knows he is gone. And he was only told it was a political fact finding mission that might take a week or two. Layton Teal is not a very public man, he is rarely seen
other than on electronic screen so only a select few people know he is gone. But I am the only one who knows where.”

  Perfect, thought Rebekka, how could someone so brilliant as Layton leave so much in the hands of this young girl? Then she realized, that was the reason Layton did trust her, she was too young to think up any conspiracy and rebellion. She could see it all now, the position and wealth Layton had given her were enough for this young girl to be influenced to do all Layton told her to do.

  Well, she thought to herself, that may all change.

  “You are wise,” Rebekka stated, “not to tell anyone who I am and where I come from, that would only lead to more questions about Layton’s mission.”

  Elise just looked at Rebekka and said flatly, “People don’t care what I do, only who I am. None of them are really interested in what I say or think. I would be no one of consequence if I was not a time shifter. It is time for us to go see Dr. Farley, he is Layton’s personal physician and sees to my needs as well.”

  The ride to Dr. Farley’s was a short one and it did not take them long to get there. Rebekka was just as mesmerized this second trip as she was the day before by the tall buildings and speeding transportation going every direction. The building they entered was large and had a strong chemical odor as they entered. They went to another traveling room that took them higher into the building, exited, and found themselves in a lavish well furnished waiting area.

  Elise walked over to a woman seated at a desk and as she approached the woman stood and said, “Right this way Miss Wells, Dr. Farley is expecting you.”

  Elise looked over her shoulder and said, “Come on Rebekka, we don’t have to wait like other folks for our doctor appointments.”

  Rebekka just smiled and followed a few steps behind Elise. As they entered the room where the doctor would meet with Elise, Rebekka noticed all kinds of mechanical things attached to the walls and standing in corners. The doctor entered, only looked at Rebekka before he turned to Elise and began to look her over.


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