Breaking Barriers

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Breaking Barriers Page 19

by Bob Dattolo

  “Well, believe it. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s something to crow about. I have to believe that Rasphael is right that it’s a difficult spell to cast. The fact that you did it unintentionally is…yeah, that’s messed up. Honestly, crow about it with us or Ms. Driscoll, but keep it quiet from the others. No idea what they’ll say about it.”

  “I don’t plan on telling anyone else. I’m having a hard time not huddling in a ball and crying about how things are turning out. I mean, yeah, I enjoyed it while it was happening, but now I’m kinda freaking out.”

  She snorted. “No doubt. I know you don’t understand it, but there’s nothing to freak out about. Nothing at all. We should be freaking out because we felt some of your power earlier. I haven’t felt magic from everyone, but yours is something else entirely.”

  I took a deep breath. “I’m going to try not to freak out, but I may do it anyway. I get that my life is changing in a lot of ways, but it’s a lot hitting me at once, you know?”

  She nodded, then adjusted her pillow. “I know. Just roll with it. Check with one of us for what’s normal. I doubt any of us would steer you wrong.”

  “Okay. Thank you. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome. G’night.”


  I rolled over and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the wash of color coming from the walls. That might be a little annoying and kind of makes me wish I could dim it a little, but I didn’t want to mess with it and somehow upset the part of the spell on Rasphael’s wall. The thought of her enjoying the spell makes me want to hide and smile at the same time. I think she gets far too little enjoyment out of life, so thinking about her enjoying herself with something I made is pretty cool. Granted, she’ll be having orgasms from it, which pushes at my boundaries, but like I said; I’d do far more for her. She offered to be my mom, and that’s big for me.


  Panic tore through me as my eyes flew open and I covered my mouth, stifling my scream. It didn’t do anything to help the tears. I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I did. Then my dreams started. Started and wouldn’t stop. While my day had been disturbing, my dreams took every bad thing and exploded them into monumental proportions and tortured me with them for I don’t even know how long, to the point that my sobbing was out of control.

  I wasn’t prepared for it, but Steph’s presence behind me didn’t startle me as I thought it would. Her warmth at my back as she slid under my covers and her hand running through my hair set me at ease. Combined with, “It’s okay, Ceri. It’s okay. No one is here to hurt you. You’re safe. You’re with me and you’re safe,” and it was a recipe for my fears to trickle away pretty quickly. Not even two minutes later, my tears had stopped, and I was on to the hiccupping breath thing that hasn’t happened to me in at least five years.

  Feeling my solid roommate behind me, ignoring the obvious bare skin, was soothing and relaxing, and it helped push everything away bit by bit, leaving me with a calm floating feeling that I’ve never felt before. Is this what it’s like to have friends? I won’t say someone to love me, since I know it’s not that, but friends that care even a little bit for me? If so, I need more of this. Growing up at home never prepared me for this, and I like it. A lot.

  I may have made it a few minutes before my room began to drift again, but I know she continued talking to me and stroking my hair the entire time. I only woke once after that, finding that she was still in bed with me, curled up behind me and holding me tight. I would have expected to freak out at that, but I didn’t. It allowed me to drift back to sleep again without much fuss. I’m pretty sure I smiled.

  In the morning, my eyes popped open and I felt ready to tackle the day. Granted, my alarm clock hadn’t gone off yet, but that didn’t seem to matter. My body was ready.

  And it was ready. What was it ready for? Well, my roommate was holding me tight, with her hand lightly touching my breast. I don’t think she did it on purpose, but…yeah, I liked that. How much do I like that? Enough that I tried a few times to rub my nipple against her skin. When I failed to make contact, or enough contact, I snaked my hand down low and began touching myself. I know she watched me do this not even 12 hours ago, yet doing it in the same bed with her made it that much better.

  I tried to stifle my reaction, but she twitched and moved a few minutes later just as the friction from my fingers began to really make headway. Her voice was a near whisper when she finally spoke. “Oh my…seems someone is up already?”

  My moan betrayed my actions, not that she didn’t know already. “Oooooh…I didn’t think you’d wake up!”

  She pulled back a little and slid her hand down my arm until she was just barely touching me where I was busy playing. “Can I help?”

  So very much of me wanted to say no, but it was overshadowed by the newly sex-crazed part of me that did not want to say no. At all. Not even remotely.

  “Please!” Did I mean to beg? No, not really. Then again, yeah, sort of?

  She slid her hand down farther and nudged my fingers out of the way so that she was touching me. All of the girls had fingered me yesterday, but it felt different today for some reason. It felt better, making me close my eyes and moan as she began to really probe, lightly moving me onto my back as she spread my legs. I feel like a slut for this, I can’t help it, yet they were all quite clear I’m not. It’s just so hard to go against everything I’ve been told growing up.

  Those thoughts flew away as she adjusted herself so that she was down low on me. “More?”

  More fingers? I’m okay with that! “Please!” More begging on my part.

  I expected another finger to squeeze inside of me, but I was wrong. So very wrong. Instead of another finger, she trailed her hand out across my thigh and I felt warm air on my spread sex…then something warm and wet touching me. My eyes flew open in shock to find my roommate looking up at me as she proceeded to lick me, flicking my clit with her tongue.

  I’ve imagined this happening before from the things I’ve read, but never really thought it would. Especially not with a girl. That being said? I don’t care. This is probably the best feeling ever. Or it’s my new number one feeling.

  Seeing her between my legs and feeling her tongue made the pressure inside of me skyrocket and I had to bite my hand from screaming bloody murder as she went to town. I think she waited to see if I’d freak before really going for it, which I appreciated.

  You know what I appreciated more? Everything she’s doing. She mixed fingers and tongue in combinations that I can’t even begin to track as the pressure shot through the roof, until she slipped two fingers inside of me and lightly bit at my clit, making the dam burst. Thankfully, I’d moved my pillow over my face just before then, because biting my hand wouldn’t have absorbed the scream of pleasure from me. It was at least as good as my first one with her yesterday when she pinched my nipples, and it rolled on and on, even as she pulled her fingers out and kept my legs spread to continue licking through my bucking motions. On one particular lick, my entire body locked up to feel her tongue hit me low. I wasn’t expecting it, so feeling her tongue touch my butt…my ass, caused a glitch in the matrix, so to speak. I guess I should call it my ass. My parents came down on cursing, but so much of what I learned from them is wrong. It’s…

  She licked again, starting just as low and gliding her tongue across my ass, and my bucking started again, even stronger. That seemed to be all the invitation she needed, because she stopped trailing upwards, and concentrated down low.

  Having her do something so crazy intimate in the midst of an orgasm reset the clock, so to speak, and the pressure release couldn’t keep up with the building as it eclipsed my prior best. When she penetrated me just a bit with her tongue, it all let go again and a huge wash of power moved out of me, leaving me with a white static in my head.

  I couldn’t even feel my body, I just had static. The room didn’t exist. I’d say that I don’t exist either, but…I do, right? I th
ink so.

  Warmth at my breast pulled me out of my blissful mental snowstorm, to find Steph sucking on one of my nipples. It took three attempts to be able to speak. “Ho…holy…you said that most roommates do things together?”

  She smiled up at me before pulling away, leaving my taut nipple behind. “They do.”

  I’m not sure what came over me other than a desire to help like she helped me. That has to be it, because I’m not sure I intended to say anything. “Can…can I touch you?”

  She smiled, soft and gentle. “Okay…”

  I was tempted to kiss her, but I’ve never really done that before. Not that I’ve done any of this, but that seems easier, somehow. While the girls all touched me yesterday, I never touched any of them. Granted, I had each guy’s penis in my hands and my mouth, but touching Steph was different.

  As is what’s between her legs.

  I’ll admit that I don’t have a clue what I’m doing, so I tried to mimic what she did on me. I’ll also admit that she tastes delicious. Feeling her muscles move, hearing the sounds she’s making, and tasting her at the same time made it that much better.

  I worked her hard, trying to use effort to make up for lack of skill, and was rewarded with two orgasms from her. When she subsided a little from the second one, I did to her what she did to me, and began moving lower. Her throaty response let me know this was the right decision, and I found myself doing something to someone that I never, ever expected. I never even knew it was a thing.

  I also knew I’d do it again.

  She came hard from my exploration and settled onto my mattress with a cute smile on her face. “Okay, that was good. Thank you for that.”

  “You’re welcome? I…I never really thought about doing most of that before, so I hope I wasn’t horrible?”

  She snickered, but it was lazy. “Not in the slightest. Wow, yeah, no.” She cocked her head. “I’m not sure if it’s the pressure you released earlier, but everyone that I hear is busy doing the same thing.”

  “All of them?”

  “Yeah. I can’t hear to the floor above or below, but everyone on this floor seems to be.”

  That made me moan. “Even the guys?”

  She smiled again. “They’re even going at it.”

  “God…that’s sexy.”

  “It is, isn’t it?”

  I blushed again at the thought. “Uhh, I feel like I should be hiding…”

  She sat up and pulled me up as well. “Don’t. I won’t say that what we felt from you is normal, but everything else is.” She waved around the room. “Well, not this, either, but we’re going to be the most popular room on the floor for a while.”

  Blush forgotten, I laughed. “I just bet.”

  She hopped up and grabbed her phone just as it buzzed. “All right, there’s the alarm. Shower then food then school?”

  “Yeah? I guess?”

  I almost covered myself with my hands when she turned on the lights, but she didn’t even remotely stare, so I was able to fight off the urge. She tossed me my towel from my hook and grabbed hers while I grabbed our caddies. Again, I wanted to hide before walking into the hallway, but I managed not to as I followed her. It was a little pied piper bit of exhibitionism to the bathroom, where all 12 of us laid out our caddies at the sinks. I tried to follow suit as everyone brushed their teeth, and it was a surreal experience being there with 11 naked people as they got ready in the morning. Even over and above seeing everyone naked in my room, this little bit of abnormal normalcy really highlighted how different my world is now. They didn’t care, but it was hard not to stare at boobs or swaying penises in my mirror. Granted, there were a few knowing smiles coming my way, but no one teased me about it.

  No one even blinked at three of the guys using the urinal as we walked past them. I’ve potty trained the boys in my family, so seeing a boy peeing from behind isn’t a huge deal, except they’re grown boys, so it’s kinda different, you know? Then watching folks use the stalls, all the while keeping up conversations?

  And, yeah, I did as well, listening in to Steph talk about an assignment with Christine.

  I managed to hold it together through that and washing my hands, only to balk again when I came to the showers. They mixed and matched with abandon, seemingly based on which of them were in the midst of a conversation. Since Steph was talking to Christine, they were sharing a stall, which left me with Rachel, who held the door open for me as I joined her.

  “Bizarre, right?” She kept her voice quiet, but I’m sure everyone heard. Or most of them.

  “Yeah. Totally.”

  “You’re going through what I did when I first got here. For vampires, we don’t get changed and have thoughts change immediately.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She shrugged as she soaped up. “The horniness kicks in immediately. As does everything else that way. Like wanting blood?” I nodded along with that. “But that doesn’t help us get used to this. I never really liked changing in gym class, so coming here and seeing how comfortable everyone else is? It took me a bit to get even remotely comfortable with it. I still have twinges where I think oh, I can’t be naked or something like that, but it mostly fades.”

  I rinsed and shook my head. “Seriously, this is just too strange. I went from being a norm, fearing everyone and thinking I’d go to hell for so many things, to this. I’m struggling to handle what happened last night and this morning, even though I can feel that it’s not all of me fighting against it. Whatever is happening inside of me is okay with everything, but what I was brought up believing still lingers, you know?”

  “You’ve got me beat, then. For me it’s entirely getting used to it and being able to handle it. If you have parts of you that are okay with it? I say embrace it if you can. If you fight it, you’ll find that it’s harder to fit in. And, frankly, you seem to be in a better position that I was. Or am. You’re willing to fight. I’m still struggling with what I am sometimes, so even though I want to rend and tear at someone that pushes me, I keep fighting against it.”

  “That’s what happened with Corey?”

  She sighed. “Yeah, pretty much. I can kill him easily enough, but I can’t fight back against his fire magic without killing him. I’ve managed to not kill anyone since being turned, and I’d kind of like that to continue, you know?”

  Do I know that? You’d think I would, yet…nothing inside of me seems to care about the possibility of killing people. It should. It should care quite a bit. But here we are. I’m not sure I’m okay with that, but it’s not being okay with being okay with it, if that makes sense. I’m more disturbed by the lack of reaction to the thought of being a murderer than I am of being one. Lacie could have died from what I did to her yesterday, and I didn’t even remotely care. Like at all. There wasn’t a single bit of me that spared her a thought other than that she was away from me and that I needed to eat.

  Which puts me back to feeling like I should care.

  Just like I should care that I’m standing here in a group bathroom completely naked.

  Don’t get me wrong, I do care about that part, I’m just sort of forgetting why I care. I’m just not at the point of losing it entirely.

  As Rachel moved into shaving, I took stock. I had noticed that every one of my classmates shaves, with me being the only one with pubic hair. That left me feeling a little out of it, so to speak, so I spent a little time landscaping, removing the hair entirely. It felt erotic, especially doing it with other people nearby, but it made me feel more normal compared to the others. When I was done, I wrapped up my shower and dried off, being joined by pretty much everyone else one after another. A few of them gave me an appreciative smile when they noticed my efforts, but they didn’t say anything. That’s probably for the best, since most of them can smell how turned on I am right now. Will I ever get used to that?

  I tried to put the weirdness that is my life out of mind as I got dressed, then followed Steph back out into the hallway and the minglin
g group. Carl was the last to arrive, and we moved off as one block, idle chit-chat keeping things flowing, so to speak. For my part, I just listened in, trying to absorb everything. Just like with the day before, Tom and Sarah were in front, but I didn’t question them on it.

  The caf smelled fantastic, and I had a nose full of it before we even entered the building. “Oh my God, that smells delicious!”

  Snickers from folks. “Doesn’t it? I’m going to miss this when I graduate.” Nick had a rapturous look on his face, which I can appreciate, given what I’m smelling.

  Unlike the day before, the other students were all up and about when we walked in. I didn’t get a lot of time to see the other students yesterday, but I knew that they were mingling between the dozenals. At least a little bit.

  It didn’t take me long to realize that Corey and Connor were towards the head of the line of people getting food. It took them freezing and turning to stare towards me for me to realize it. Conversation quieted down around them, but my little group continued talking. Man, I wish I could hear all the way across the room to find out what people are saying!

  I had to fight drooling as I grabbed a tray and piled it as high as physically possible before following the others to the same table we sat at the day before. Just like then, everyone sat in the same seats as well. Interesting.

  I left my tray behind and grabbed drinks for myself, not stopping to chat with the other students near the drink area. Not that I have anything to say to them. Or like they tried to talk to me. Not that I can blame them for that.

  Rejoining the table, I found that they were talking about specific classes, so I sat again and consumed my massive quantities of food as I listened. For the most part, it sounds exactly like every television show I’ve ever seen on high school. Or, mostly. Those shows didn’t mention magic at all, so those parts were weird, but the rest of it? Pretty much spot on.

  I continued to listen through a second and third helping, keeping pace with Steph as she reloaded her tray as well. No one specifically pulled me into a discussion, so I let it go around me. It wasn’t until I felt tingling reaching me from another table that I realized someone was attempting to do something to me.


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