Breaking Barriers

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Breaking Barriers Page 31

by Bob Dattolo

  It helped a bit that I swear whatever it is that I took from my challengers is also in there with it. The oh so faint screams were like music to my ears.

  The light barrier was still in place.

  “So…really? Light barrier? Shouldn’t it be down now?”

  No response other than a few twitches as I waved at them. “Nothing?” I gave them two more minutes before I held up my hand, completely unsure if this would work. “All right, if you won’t remove it, then I guess I need to?” I slowly moved my hand forward, like I was going to poke it, then made a popping sound with my mouth and drove my finger into the wall, collapsing it entirely.

  “Huh, what do you know? It worked!”

  My classmates were gathered around the space, watching me in utter horror as I looked them over. “I’d like to point out that I don’t care about class ranking. At all. You want to be in charge? Go for it. But let me be clear that any attempts to force me to do something will be crushed. Any attempts to force someone near me to do something will be crushed. You guys want to fight for your ranking? Go for it. You want to lord it over the little people and make our lives hell, and, well, let’s just say that I’ll have to step up and stop you.”

  Rachel laughed again. “Hey, you’re right, you know. You walked out of there splattered with their blood.”

  No one laughed with us, but I still appreciated the sentiment.

  Chapter 17

  I have to say that I’m not shocked that no one followed me to the showers. Not that many people even talked to me after the shield went down. Sure as hell not the faculty. Even Ms. Darvel looked thrown and very near to the edge of what she can handle. I didn’t want to push her, so I didn’t try to get her to speak with me.

  Then again, other than Rachel and Steph, the others wanted to give me room. Mainly because Mr. Reynolds kept them to the side and asked them to give me space.

  Not that I need it, but I guess I can appreciate the solitude.

  A huge, huge part of me is more than okay with what just happened…but the rest of me? Not so much. Granted, it’s a tiny sliver now, but it’s a vocal one.

  Then again, it’s fainter than the screams of the people I killed out there. I’m tempted to use the word murder, but I can’t bring myself to do that. It wasn’t murder. In the slightest. It was self-defense. Granted, quite a bit more energetic than they appreciated, but that’s not my fault. They planned to torture and debase me for daring to stand up for people, so they can go fuck themselves.

  Oh wait, I fucked them first!

  And yeah, it makes me twinge to even think the words, which is enough to make me laugh while rinsing blood from my hair. It’s funny to me that I have a larger issue with the cursing than I do the fact that I had bugs tear someone to tiny pieces while they screamed. Frankly, the coiled-up bit of blackness in the back of my mind has plenty of other ideas to play with if anyone ever does something like that to me again.

  But seriously, what in the world am I turning into?

  Without really pushing it, the window formed again in the shower, letting me see Rasphael as she stood near her desk in Director Fitzsimmon’s outer office.

  “Daughter-mine? I see you survived?”

  Her darting eyes took in the fact that I’m naked and I had a strong urge to cover up, but continued rinsing instead. I have to get used to this at some point.

  “I did. Thank you for your advice.”

  She smiled and laughed, echoing sounds of faint bells coming to me from the walls around me. “And how do you feel about letting that part of you out?”

  My instant reaction faltered as I thought through everything and shrugged, “I feel good. Very good. I feel more centered, I guess? Like I’m accepting more of what I am?”

  She laughed again, “Wonderful. That’s what I was hoping for you. Given that, do you feel…more evil? Like the death and mayhem needs to continue? Maybe to those that don’t deserve it?”

  I recoiled from the window, almost stepping out of the spray of water. “No! Not even remotely. Knowing what my parents did to us…I’m not sure I could set out to do that to others. Maybe…someday, if things go really wrong. But right now? No.”

  “Good. As I said, just as the world is not a wick for your fires, the people around you aren’t playthings. They’re not peons to manipulate and throw away. They’re people. Just as much as you are. Or as I am. While they may not have as much power, they still matter. They think. They feel. They love. They deserve respect. Just remember that you don’t need to suffer fools. Feel free to destroy those that come for you. And they will come for you. If my long life and power has taught me anything, it’s that being powerful paints a target on you that others will want to hit from time to time. Just be prepared for them and take them out, and you’ll be fine. And…protect those you care about. Never step back from others and remain alone. Aloof. That way lies the path towards starting to use others as playthings. I’ve fought off those urges for century upon century specifically because I knew that if I did, I’d lose you.”

  “Uhh, lose me?”

  She nodded and stepped closer. “As I said before, I learned of you when I was roughly your age. I have spent more than 7,000 years struggling, waiting for you to arrive. And it has been a struggle. A very real one. I have many of the same urges that you do, although they come from a different direction. I was just warned when I learned of you and in subsequent readings of myself that if I gave in…If I let those things come to the forefront, I would lose you. Either you would never be born, or I would not be in the right position to meet you and to have you come into my life. I have wanted a daughter for thousands of years, so I pushed back on the natural urges that I have solely so that I would be here for you. Even worse, had I given in to some of those things, I would have been in the right position, but you would have pulled away from me. Run from the evil that I’ve let lose. Instead…I didn’t. It has not been easy, but it has been rewarding. It has brought me joy and happiness throughout the years that is now pushed aside by the joy of having you in my life. You don’t know the feeling of having your fondest dreams come true after waiting as long as I have. It’s beyond words.”

  Seeing the tears start down her face made my brain quiver with emotion, and the window expanded at the same time magic coiled around me, drying me before I stepped through into her office and pulled her into a hug.

  Her long arms engulfed me, and I cried with her. I can’t even imagine what it’s been like for her to wait for something…and for that something to be me. It made me realize that whatever emotions I may be feeling are nothing in comparison to what she’s more than likely feeling. Not even close.

  We cried for long, long minutes until a clearing throat to the side had me pulling back to find Director Fitzsimmons staring at us from her office door.

  “Umm…am I interrupting something?”

  Rasphael pulled away, but kept my hand in hers, “Nothing. Just some bonding.”

  The director raised an eyebrow, but her tiny smile never blossomed. Although it’s apparent that it wants to. “I can see that. I can also see just a bit more than is normal for an FBI office?” Her eyes danced down to my chest. Then lower.

  My blush took me hard and I made an eep sound before hopping back through the portal and shrinking it a bit. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!”

  Both of them laughed. “She’s coming along nicely, isn’t she?”

  Rasphael’s bell-like laugh filled the shower cube, helping me to push back on the blush. “She is. She didn’t grow up as either of us did, so her instincts are still being pushed aside by her upbringing. She’ll learn at some point.”

  Director Fitzsimmons moved up next to Rasphael…my mom, and smiled at me, “Ceri, you don’t need to be embarrassed. In the slightest. I was actually teasing. We’re the Department of Supernatural Affairs, you’d probably be surprised how often someone is naked in my office. It’s just a fact of life to us.”

  My cheeks were starting to cool down, t
hankfully, “Uhh, thank you? It’s still freaking me out. It’s tough enough handling, uhh, Mom, watching me in my room.”

  The director smirked at her secretary, “Monitoring, eh?”

  “It does my heart good to see her coming into her own. It also helped with the recent…issues, I’ll say. Speaking of, I’m not sure Director Fitzsimmons knows that you survived your challenge.”

  The director froze, “Challenge? What? When? This is the first I’m hearing about this?”

  “Umm, yeah? Corey’s entire family and the families of the others showed up here this morning and challenged me. Capitulation or death.”

  Her mouth fell open and she froze solid, looking like an exceedingly tall statue for nearly a minute, “And…that was what I overheard? You let some of you out? You killed them? All?”

  “I did. They’re all dead.”

  “My God…”

  Rasphael nudged her, “As I said, the two of us combined? She killed some very, very powerful people without really understanding what she was doing. Once she comes into her own…I would say that I pity someone that challenges her, but I don’t. They’ll get what they deserve. No one goes after my daughter.”

  I shared a look with her and then a small nod. I agree with that. The coiled something-or-other in the back of my head agrees with that as well and it popped out a little in my eyes as I nodded. Director Fitzsimmons pulled away from the window as she stared at me. I’m guessing something visible took place? No idea. I can’t say that I even care.

  The powerful vampire director in the FBI stared at me for another minute or so before leaving the room without saying anything else.

  I started up my shower again and continued getting clean as my hoped-for mom continued to make small talk with me. I was shocked how quickly we moved beyond mass deaths and slaughter to normal things. Then again, I guess that happens when you’re as old as she is.

  Her face firmed up as I began a final rinse, “You need to take care and keep your eyes open at all times.”

  “Umm, why?”

  “I can see much when I look into the future, but I cannot see everything. Especially when it comes to you. Your existence has been a mystery to me, and I’ve only ever been able to get the barest of information. I don’t know what will be coming up within the next two weeks as you approach your 17th birthday, so it fills me with fear that I’m not accustomed to feeling. I don’t know of anything in particular, but I would rue the day I didn’t pass on a warning, only to have something stupid happen and take you from me.”

  “So…you don’t know of any specific threats?”

  “None. Just concerns. I would not be surprised to have friends or partners of the families come after you. Speaking of, if you don’t mind, I’ll work on taking over their assets and accounts if you would like?”

  I gave her a look, “Umm, what? What does that even mean?”

  She laughed again. I’m coming to love the sound of her laughter and wondering why I can hear it in my voice just a little, “Oh daughter-mine…you fill me with such feelings! With a challenge such as you faced, you gain everything from those that you killed. Granted, much of what you gain is destroyed properties, but it is still land. You have a long life ahead of you to see it restored to its former glory. Then again, they each held large bank accounts and investment accounts. I’ll work on getting those taken over in our names? I hope you don’t mind that? You’re too young to have it in your name on your own. I would be acting as your…mother. Is that all right?”

  Tears trailed down my cheeks at that, “I would love that. More than almost anything.”

  “Then I will see about it. I will forward you an e-mail with information on everything. And…don’t forget to work on your senses. Yours should be stronger. Far stronger than they currently are.”

  “Umm, I’m still not sure how to do that?”

  She laughed again, pulling me along with her. “Just be open to it happening. I think you should see changes soon. Very soon.” She looked over my shoulder at I don’t even know what, “You may want to go about your day. Do keep in touch?”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  “You’re more than welcome, daughter-mine. I will be seeing you.”

  I let the window close after giving her a little wave. I really wanted to hug her, but I didn’t want to get her all wet at work.

  It’s probably a good thing that I didn’t do that, since noise behind me let me know that someone entered the shower area.

  Many someone’s.

  My entire dozenal stared at me from about the middle of the room, before Rachel moved closer. “Was that Rasphael again?”

  It didn’t seem worthwhile hiding it from them, since half of them heard the conversation anyway, “Yeah? I sort of needed to talk to her.”

  Zach laughed, “You’re really that close with her?”

  My vampire friend looked over her shoulder at him, “She told us. We told you as well. Rasphael considers Ceri her daughter. You can hear it in her voice. That’s why I didn’t have any worries out there with that fight. There’s no way Rasphael is going to allow the daughter she’s waited for since before wheels were in use to be in danger. None. We’ve all heard the stories about her and what she’s capable of. She single-handedly saved the fey from attack. By herself. If you think she’ll risk something so important to her…yeah, no. I’m not seeing it.”

  The others shared a look, but Rachel wasn’t part of it, “How did she take the news?”

  I shrugged and turned the water off, grabbing my towel and debating whether or not I should wrap it around myself. In the end I said screw it and stepped out, drying away. None of them even looked at the goodies. “She didn’t seem surprised that I won. I didn’t even have to tell her about it, she already knew. Director Fitzsimmons showed up when I was hugging her, and she didn’t have a clue it happened. She was shocked. Very shocked.”

  Armand stood up straighter, “Umm, hugging her? What do you mean?”

  Crud. I couldn’t fight my blush. I didn’t mean to really let that slip. “Umm, I can create a portal? Like a window? And see her? And…I can go through it, too? She was in her office, so I hugged her.”

  He staggered into Tom before he could catch himself, “Oh my God…that’s…I’ve heard people talk about that as a possibility, but I’ve never heard of it actually being possible. You did that?”

  “Umm, yeah? Twice now.”

  Christine laughed hard at that, “You’re something else.”

  They followed me to the sink, where they watched me put on deodorant. I fought the urge to cover up the entire time, and I’m proud of the fact that I didn’t. “So…umm, now what?”

  Sarah handed me my brush, “Now? They’re cancelling classes for today. They have to have the, umm, bodies cleaned up.”

  I grimaced at that, “Oh…crap. I didn’t think about that.” My laugh filled the room, and I heard bells again in it. It made me smile even more. “Maybe I shouldn’t have been so aggressive with some of them? It might have saved on cleanup.”

  My entire dozenal joined me in a laugh at that. “No worries.” Sarah said. “I won’t say it’s happened quite like that before, but there’s always some cleanup after a challenge to the death. Just not so many bodies, you know?”

  “Umm, nope? No idea. That being my first challenge and all.”

  More laughter from the group, this time sounding just a little disjointed. Almost manic.

  “So, seriously, if they’re cancelling classes, what are we supposed to do? Or am I being suspended or something for fighting? I mean, I wasn’t before, but I did just kill a bunch of people out there.”

  “No…no suspension. No detention. They should be done with the cleanup before breakfast tomorrow, so we’ll pick up with classes Monday morning.”

  “That’s good then, right?”

  “Yeah…yeah, that’s good.” Tom answered. “Umm…are you okay? I mean, with everything that happened and all?”

  They followed m
e back to my room and settled on every available surface while I picked out clothes. No one touched the rainbows on the wall. “Am I okay?” I strapped on my bra and thought through everything. “Yeah? I believe so. Far better than I have any right to be, that’s for sure. I shouldn’t be okay with what I did. Actually, I shouldn’t really be okay with much of anything I’ve done since coming here, but that feeling is fading. Disappearing, somewhat. Not quite into nothing, but it’s being crowded out by these other feelings inside of me.”

  Tom and Sarah shared a look while he swallowed hard, “Umm…feelings? Do you mean the part of you that you said you let out?”

  I laughed again, loving the bells. I’m going to need to ask where that’s coming from at some point. “No. That part’s been with me since this all happened. I just kept it locked up. It’s not locked up any longer. It’s just waiting to come out if it’s needed.”

  Another shared look, “What…what would make it needed?”

  His bearing hit me, rocking me back on my heels. “You guys are worried about me? About what I might do? Why?”

  He wouldn’t meet my eyes, “Umm, you just killed an army of adults. They were hitting you with spells that tore you apart and you laughed. Then with others that just disappeared into you. You killed an entire family of shifted rhinos with a wave of your hand. We’re…I’m…”

  He froze when I raised my hand, “Okay, to be clear? Yes, I did kill the hell out of those people for coming after me. That doesn’t change anything that I’ve said since coming here. Or, hell, after walking out of the circle. I’m not about to challenge for the first spot in the school. Or in our dozenal. The rest of the group is okay with you leading? With Sarah being in second place? So am I. Like I said, put me in last place if you want, just don’t think I’m willing to take whatever anyone decides the person in last place should be taking. I don’t have any plans of trying to be head-honcho for our group. You have it and you can keep it with my blessing. I barely understand myself from minute to minute, so me leading something isn’t a great idea.”


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