Breaking Barriers

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Breaking Barriers Page 41

by Bob Dattolo

  I stared at her through the portal, “What? How did you know I wanted to do that?” Sure enough, I really, really did. Not that I thought I gave that away. I can’t even imagine how I would have done that.

  “What?” Rachel asked, “You want to…go rolling around on them?”

  Blood rushed to my cheeks, “Yeah? Quite a bit. I’m obviously trying not to.”

  “Why would you want to do that?”

  God, kill me. I blushed harder, “I don’t know? I can still hear everyone I killed screaming away somewhere, so, I don’t know, it just sort of seems like a fantastic idea to me.”

  Mom’s laugh stopped additional questions, “Don’t worry, Rachel. It’s part of what my new daughter is. It will make sense at some point. As I said, we both have urges and desires that we push aside. As you do. It’s just that, at times, our desires match up with what we’re required to do. Does that make sense?”

  Rachel did her the service of actually thinking about it for a minute, “So, just because I enjoyed it doesn’t mean I did anything wrong?”

  “Exactly. You fought back against them, you didn’t hunt them down as they did you. You bear no blame for what took place.”

  My friend’s eyes bled to black again, “Man, now I’m hungry again. So much blood.”

  I joined the laughter this time, “Well, feed away. I’ll see if I can come up with magic to clean us up and fix our clothes. What do we do with the bodies?”

  Mom looked across them again, “Leave them. I sense that you sealed the alley?”

  “Yeah? You can tell that?”

  “I can. Leave it sealed, and I’ll deal with them. Rachel, I’ll see if I can pick up any assets from them for you.”

  “Uhh, thank you?”

  “You’re welcome. Good luck hunting for your brother.”

  I let the portal go as my friend latched onto my neck, feeding through long, slow sucks that filled me with liquidy warmth and goodness, but didn’t send me screaming into orgasm. Thankfully.

  My magic coiled around us and then flowed out, stripping blood away from us and fixing our clothes in a rush of movement as she pulled away from me. “Holy shit, you just did that?”

  “Yeah? One of these days I’ll get an idea of what I can really do.”

  She snorted, “As if you’re not doing some crazy stuff without knowing that!”

  “All right, true. It’d still be nice to know, though.”

  I’ll admit, we did have to go for more food when we left the alley. What can I say, tasting that guy’s blood made me crazy hungry, to the point that we had to leave and find a second place to eat when people started staring at me.

  Rachel just laughed, making me think about teasing her murderous ways. For about a minute. Then I realized that’d be counter-productive like crazy, and not worth messing with her for. Let her laugh at me.

  I’ll just have to find something else to tease her about. Maybe her parents having a girlfriend? Nah, something better.

  Hours passed with nothing. We found shifter after shifter in our travels, but none that we could really stop and talk to. Granted, we could have, but that would have been weird. We encountered two groups that looked like gangs, but they didn’t seem inclined to talk with either of us.

  Seven vampires were bypassed as well. Mostly because she let me know that they’re very strong and might attempt something with her. Or us. Since we didn’t want to do anything that would get folks acting “normal” killed, we decided to keep going. She seems to think that I could take them out if I got annoyed enough. That’s both flattering and…probably the truth. Or it seems like it is. I could be wrong, but I keep going back to the idea that Mom wouldn’t let me get into a situation where I’d really be in danger. Not after waiting so long.

  Since I can see the logic to that, it makes me feel all sorts of good. Both that she would be here to help me if I needed it and because she seems to think that I don’t need it. I don’t need a warm hug, but it’s nice to know one’s waiting in the wings. So to speak.

  The streets long-since emptied of the heavy daytime traffic as we walked out of what seemed like a promising place. No sign of possible vampire gang members. That sucks.

  Something tickled my nose and I sniffed again, “Hey, do you sme…”

  Chapter 22

  What should have been debilitating pain radiated through my body when I clawed my way back to the world of the living, and I have to say that I’m pretty fucking angry. Flares of near-agony radiated from multiple spots on my head. My face feels like it’s been torn apart and my arms feel like noodles. My legs feel…I can’t even tell what they feel like. They’re hazy and indistinct. My stomach feels like it’s been sliced open, and I swear my guts are either hanging out or pooled next to me. I can’t tell which. I’d love to open my eyes, but that’s a no-go. It’s not even a starter, frankly. I can’t feel them moving when I try to look left or right, which makes me wonder if someone tore out my eyes.

  Are you kidding me?

  Are. You. Kidding. Me?

  Noise nearby made me realize that there are numerous people with me. Most of them laughing and having fun.

  “…again. This time you don’t get to leave!”

  Hits and blows reached my ears, and I picked up grunts of pain mixed in. It took me more than a few to realize it’s Rachel. Mainly because she sounds as if she’s been screaming for a long time. Her voice is shot beyond belief. I can’t even imagine what that takes to happen for her.

  Her cries end as she gasps, “Kevin!”, earning more laughter from the people around us. At a guess, there have to be at least 40 people nearby. I can’t seem to smell them, so I don’t have a clue what they are. I’m guessing vampires, though, given our situation.

  A loud laugh ends, with the others following suit, “Oh, I’m sorry. You see, young Kevin isn’t quite done. Don’t worry though, he’ll be up and about in a bit. Then he’ll join us having some fun with you. Haven’t you always wanted your brother to cum down your throat? That should be fun. And that’s just the start. You left us…and now we have you again. We don’t let go of what’s ours!”

  It took me until just about then to realize I wasn’t breathing. Like at all. Nor did I feel the need to breathe. What the hell?

  Rachel’s soft cries pushed at me, getting me to try to move or react. Nothing seemed to work. Like at all. I’d swear I’m freaking dead, but that can’t be. I’m here and thinking, right? I mean, yeah, the screams inside are louder than they normally are, but…I can’t be dead. I can hear them. I can feel my body, just not move it.

  What’s wrong with me?

  The sounds of hitting ends as it seems like they line up to start fucking my friend. Oddly enough, where that would have been the most horrifying part of things originally, I’m relieved now. She can handle sex with them far easier than the beating. That’s one heck of a thought to have. I now think that being hit is way higher on the scale than a gang rape. What has my life come to

  This, I guess. My life has come to this.

  I can even tell that she’s enjoying at least some of it and getting into it, especially when one of the girls says, “Oh yeah, use your tongue just like that! Don’t stop!”

  Okay, attackers suitably distracted, what’s up with me?

  Except for not breathing and, well…wait…huh, no heartbeat. Okay, so am I dead? I guess I can be, although I don’t think I am. I shouldn’t feel any pain if I’m dead. Unless that’s a thing? I hope not. That would suck. Not that the pain hurts per se. I can feel that it’s supposed to be pain, but like some of the other times I’ve been hurt, it’s not registering like that. It’s not quite orgasmic, but dang, it’s close.

  So what’s wrong with me? The last time this happened I was…I was in the bottom of the bin, covered in blood. For seven hours.

  What did I do then? Umm…Drink and breathe in a ton of blood? Like dozens of gallons of it? Then absorbed the rest through my skin?

  Where’s a trusty tub of blood w
hen you need it?

  Huh, not here it seems. Or, if it is, it’s not conveniently all around me.

  Inconsiderate vampires.

  Noise announced more people showing up and made me realize that the room is much bigger than I had been figuring. That’s good to know.

  The gang members began greeting the others, and it became clear that it’s another gang. Also that they’re vampires too. So, what, they’re friends with the other gang? That’s not supposed to happen!

  Something speared into my side and I swear I slid across the floor a bit, “What’s up with this trash?”

  Like a dozen nearby voices began laughing, “Oh, you know, she was with our newest member. We had some fun with her.”

  Another hit, “You fucked her up. What’d she do to you guys?”

  “Nothing. Wrong place, wrong time.”

  More laughter, “Huh,” a voice said, “you care if I get a piece of her?”

  One of the girls laughed harder, “You into that? She’s torn up!”

  The same guy grunted, “What can I say, I like ‘em a little on the dead side.”

  What? Seriously?

  My body flipped around, and I distinctly heard a zipper coming down. Then a little more laughter. Then someone grabbed my hips and he shoved his length straight up my ass.

  Oh no. No no no. I don’t think so. Kill me and now rape my corpse?

  I do not think so.

  I hadn’t realized that the blackness in the little cubby inside of me was just sitting there, seemingly watching me without a care in the world until the rage started. Once that happened, it perked up and came poking out. Every pump and groan from the guy caused my rage to spike, pushing at me and pushing, getting the blackness to swirl around. It wasn’t until the guy in my ass groaned, “Damn, for a dead chick, she’s tight as hell. I’m gonna bust and do her again!”

  “Man, whatever floats your boat,” someone else said.

  I barely heard the second person, because the rage blossomed hard, with the blackness swarming out and filling me. My center, where I’ve been feeling my magic collect and grow and move, feels colossal for some reason. It’s like having a plastic tote for a container and then finding out you have a garage. Or a grocery store. Or the Grand Canyon.

  No…no, this feels more like the Grand Canyon. A monstrously massive space with magic simply roiling around inside of it.

  The blackness swelled to fill that space, and then pushed out to my skin, at which point I felt flares of pleasure as my injuries started to heal.

  The guy in my ass grunted more and built up his tempo, “Damn, she’s getting tighter! Fucking hell, this is the best!”

  Not even five seconds later, I felt my heart start again, sending oxygenated blood throughout my body for the first time in I don’t even know how long. He came with a long shout, burying himself deep.

  He wasn’t loud enough to drown out someone saying, “What the fuck? Is she alive again?”

  The guy in my ass pulled out and gripped my hips harder, “I don’t care, I gotta do her again.”

  No…no you don’t. Not again.

  The rage stopped fucking around and shoved every last part of me that wasn’t pure anger into the background, and my healing shot forward as my magic pooled out, letting me hear Mom’s voice, “Oh my, daughter-mine, what have you gotten yourself into?”

  Vampires began cursing and I guess pulling out weapons as she laughed, “Little vampires…you chose the wrong girl to waylay.”

  Magic pooled out of me again and wrapped around the guy in my ass and he froze as I pulled myself forward, opening my eyes for the first time. I caught something like 50 or 60 vampires in front of me, but I’m not at the edge of the room, so I have no idea how many are behind me. I only have plans for one so far.

  Screams and noises around me reached my ears, but bounced off as I stood, raising my attacker up by his cock and balls. I’m pleased to see that they could support him. But now I want my pound of flesh. Or two pounds. Or all the flesh.

  Magic coiled again, and his skin peeled off in long strips without me even touching him as he screamed bloody murder and bullets began flying. Another spell set up a wall around me, Rachel, Kevin, wherever he is, and Mom’s portal.

  Then I was on my attacker, feasting on him and sucking him down in a long draught that ended with his death not even five seconds later.

  I felt fantastic as I let his corpse hit the ground, finding that there is a literal army of vampires here, all festooned with weapons and out for my blood.

  “Oh, poor little vampires want a piece of me? Well, you have the whole me. Let’s see what you do with me!” Another spell went out and sealed the space. It’ll allow others to come in, but no one to leave.

  Mom laughed through the portal and she began calling out directions that didn’t make any sense to me…but did. As the fourth vampire died, I realized that she’s like a freaking general. The general of generals. Every command ended up with a vampire dead and their power flowing into me. I felt like a dancer with the world’s best choreographer directing me, and I came alive as I moved through them. They gave up on bullets early on and came at me with tooth and claw and bladed weapons. I had a spell ready to go out to stop them from being able to touch me, but Mom killed it and laughed as I took a sword looking thing through the chest and feasted on the bastard’s throat before dropping his corpse and pulling the sword free in a wash of blood that I swear sucked back inside of me.

  Her next command had me pulling Rachel to her feet after breaking the bonds on her arms, and then force feeding her some of my blood. Once that was in her, she went to town as well, laughing along with me as we fought and killed, fought and killed.

  Some unknown amount of time later, we were left standing in a huge room with literal piles of bodies around us.

  Bodies, plus one fledgling 15-year-old vampire staring up at his older sister with shock and awe on his face.

  “Ra…Rachel? You came for me?”

  Chapter 23

  Hours later, we left the space after my mom told me all about what I’m becoming.

  I kid you not. I was so shocked.

  Okay, yeah, I’m kidding. She clammed up so fast I swear she broke a tooth. In between laughing and coming over to look through the vampires, she wouldn’t tell me squat about things. Other than the fact that she’ll be tearing their financial worlds apart for us. She also let Rachel know that she should use some of her newfound wealth to purchase the lovely little ring I gave her. The ring’s pretty much priceless, but she recommended a hefty amount of cash plus a continuing relationship. I’m more than okay with that, as is Rachel. I tried to counteroffer with maybe the cost of dinner, and Mom gave me a look that had me shutting up.

  “Even at 100 million, the ring would be a steal. In our world, a discount is only given in certain situations. If you don’t have those ties that bind in place, then others will make assumptions and take advantage of things. Don’t give them that opportunity.”

  Rachel touched my shoulder, “I’m okay with that. If I’m really getting enough to pay for that from this fuck up, then I’m okay with that. We’re already lovers, so it’s not like it makes a difference.”


  Kevin perked up, “You’re lovers? Wait…like Mom and Dad and Mindy?” He didn’t look pleased at that.

  Rachel laughed, “Sort of? You’ll get it pretty quickly. If you go to the school with me, you’ll be having more sex than you probably ever dreamed of.”

  He stood up taller, “Wait, so there are perks to this? I mean, beyond the whole vampire thing?”

  I shrugged, “Perks, but also pain.”

  “Pain? From what?”

  Looking him up and down, I shrugged again, “You’re set to look 15 for more than a thousand years. Tell me how much of a non-pain it is trying to buy a house when you’re 200 but look like a freshman. Or 1,000 and can’t rent a car without issues. At least Rachel looks older than 17. You’ll make it through,
but it’s not all sex and being strong.”

  Mom laughed as she stepped back through the portal to her room, “Too true. My daughter may be able to age you up, but that’s an exceedingly difficult spell that only a very, very few magic mages can cast. As in I know of only five including myself that can do it. The last time I saw it done, the spell sold for more than a billion dollars in cash and goods. Be prepared to pay heavily for it.”

  Holy…okay, that’s unexpected.

  We were gone shortly afterwards, with me hitting us with a spell to feel awake. I didn’t actually think that it’d work, so I was pleased that it did. It’s been a long dang day, and even though I was apparently dead for part of it, I’m still exhausted. Or was.

  Kevin apologized for most of the way across the bridge.

  “Just stop, Kevin. Please.” Rachel seemed done with it. Not that she didn’t appreciate the sentiment.

  “I can’t! You got raped because I’m a fuck up. I couldn’t handle learning about Mindy and all of that. I had a feeling it was happening, but when I found out for sure, I sort of freaked out. Now…now this. You got attacked. They were raping you! I know I saw that before everything sort of went dark. Then what they did to Ceri! I…I don’t even know how you’re still alive!”

  Rachel snorted, “Yeah, well don’t think that either of us could have healed what happened to her. We’d be just as dead. Well, more dead. I’ve never met anyone that could handle what they did to her and heal like that. Certainly not come back from the dead. And she was dead. Don’t think she wasn’t.”


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