Evelyn's Promise (A More Perfect Union Series Book 4)

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Evelyn's Promise (A More Perfect Union Series Book 4) Page 22

by Betty Bolte

Jack dismounted in one fluid swing of his right leg over the horse's back before dropping to the ground. He tied the reins of his horse to the hitching rail. "Sure thing. I'll only be a few minutes."

  Jemma clutched Jim to her chest and carefully stepped out of the conveyance. "I'm hungry. We'll order our meals, so they are ready when you come in."

  Evelyn stifled a vexed sigh, knowing but resenting the necessity of periodic rests, and led Jemma with Jim across the road to the tavern. "I don't want to stop for long or we'll never catch him."

  "Yes, but we have to eat and rest the horses at least." Jemma paused inside the door of the smoky room. "There's a table in the corner."

  Evelyn wended through the maze of tables filled with other guests enjoying an ale with their meal. A card game drew a crowd near the fireplace. The reek of stale cigars and ale battled with the overdose of fragrant waters several women had splashed on. She'd hesitate to call them ladies, however, due to the more revealing fashions of their dresses. In addition, they indulged in dark red lipstick and rouge with painted eyes and lashes. She surveyed the boisterous gathering, noting first the clientele did not behave with the same decorum of places in Charlestown. Second, only a few empty tables remained. She spotted a likely table for the four in her party, and strode toward it as quickly as possible given the number of stares and winks she received from the men she past. As she drew closer to the white cloth covered table, anxious to safely escape the attention of the other customers, she noticed a man sitting alone at a small table by the smudged window. He moved his head, candlelight catching the glint of gold in rich milk chocolate brown hair, and she gasped. Could it be?

  "What's wrong?" Jemma came up behind her where she'd stopped to gape.

  Evelyn couldn't speak for fear she'd evaporate the vision. She'd longed for four days to see him, and the moment had arrived when perhaps she had found him. Anticipation fueled her rapid pulse as she gripped the back of a chair at a neighboring table.


  He raised his head with a quick movement and spied her staring at him. His rough features blanched as he shot to his feet. "Lyn. My God, what are you doing here?"

  Without conscious thought, she rushed to him, his arms wrapping around her as she'd imagined in her dreams. "I came to find you."

  He put enough distance between them to look into her eyes. He inspected every feature of her face, finally locking his gaze to hers as his body stilled. "Why?"

  This was her moment. The one in which she must convince him of her intentions. "I've dreamed for many years of flying away on the back of Pegasus. But the statue is fixed in place and never changes. I don't want to live stuck in one spot forever."

  "What of your school? Your new house?" He searched her eyes, gripping her shoulders with a firm hold as though afraid she'd disappear.

  "Peggy has remained behind, and she plans to run the school, hiring help as needed and funding permits."

  "But the manor. You said you could never leave it. You said—"

  "Hush. I know what I said, but found I couldn't go through with it. I couldn't live without you in my life. So I've left my estate in the very capable hands of Ethan and his brothers to make it into their stable. When Jim comes of age, then he may decide what to do with the property." She gripped his hands, drawing him closer. "I love you. I want to be with you no matter where you go. We'll find the perfect place to raise a family out west. No matter what else, I know that you're my home."

  "Oh, my love. My Lyn." He clutched her, kissing her—to the cheers and jeers of the tavern's patrons—as though they were alone in the privacy of their home. Easing back from their embrace, he searched her eyes. "Are you certain?"

  Ignoring the clamor around them she nodded, too dizzy to put words to her happiness. After the trials she'd endured, the opinions of the others in the room would not stay her actions. She pressed her lips to his, savoring the feel and taste of her man.

  "Ahem." Jemma chuckled from behind Evelyn. "You're making quite a scene."

  "We'll make more than that." Nathaniel pulled her close, clutching their hands together between them. "Marry me, and we'll make a family together."

  "I'll marry you," Evelyn whispered, "and we'll make a home together."

  The End

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  Missed the first book in this series?

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  A More Perfect Union Series

  Book One

  Excerpt from

  Emily's Vow

  A More Perfect Union

  Book One


  Betty Bolté

  Award-winning Author

  "My apologies." Emily glared at Frank, no hint of remorse in her posture or her voice. All trace of tears vanished like so much spilled water on a hot summer's day. "I know how you despise any sign of emotion. Do not take that attitude with me, though. I shall not stand for it."

  She did not need to be rude. Of course he did not mind emotion. People emoted all the time around him, and he did not care. He—no, more to the point, he and her father were only looking out for her and the rest of the family. Frank straightened. See now, even he was emoting.

  "Do not attempt to avoid the bald fact that, number one, you have absolutely no business being out of the house at this time of night." Frank held up one hand and pointed at a finger as he counted off his very valid reasons. "Number two, you're alone, for goodness sake! Have you absolutely no regard for your father's feelings? How would he feel if something disastrous befell you?"

  He held a finger to her lips when she dared to open her mouth to speak, ignoring with difficulty the sudden intense desire shooting through him. "I'm not through."

  She closed her mouth, pressing her ruby lips together into a mutinous pout, and he nodded. The desire to kiss her speared through him, but he grimly continued his harangue.

  "Finally, it was you writing those missives of dissent you call essays?" That new comprehension set his heartbeat pounding in his ears. "What will your father say when he learns of this betrayal?"

  "Betrayal?" Emily frowned at him, her lovely eyes clouding. "I have not betrayed anyone. You dare to betray me with your lack of insight and understanding. 'Missives of dissent' indeed!"

  She'd gone too far now by traipsing about town after all he and her father had said to impress on her the risk to her person. He needed a fitting punishment to force her to comply.

  "Emily, please, hear me." Despite her current agitation, she possessed a captivating golden beauty, with dark blonde locks, eyes that drew him in, and rosy lips begging for his kiss. No wonder the damn soldiers paid so much attention to her.

  "Does this mean you will not print this one either?" Emily waved at the paper on the floor neither bothered to retrieve. "Is this the end or the beginning of my writing?"

  "If it's going to raise as much of an uproar as I suspect—" Frank hesitated as an idea dawned. Yes, that would work. "I will on one condition."

  Wary hope replaced the anger in Emily's gaze. She clutched her purse, her chest quickly rising and falling as she waited.

  "Condition?" she whispered, then swallowed.

  Frank nodded at her awareness of the import of his next words. "I wish to court you, Emily."

  "Court me?" she parroted.

  The glimmering hope in her eyes changed to worry. She glanced away from him, her gaze flitting from one object to another around the room like a bird suddenly caged.

  "Yes, I do wish to court you properly. An
d you must agree to wait for me to escort you, no excuses. This is for not only your safety but for my peace of mind." Frank closed the distance between them. He laid her purse on the counter behind her and gently enfolded both her quivering hands in his. "You can't deny you're attracted to me as much as I am to you."

  Emily tugged on her hands, and he let them slide out of his.

  "If I say no?" She raised her chin, her hands grasping her upper arms in a defensive gesture, barring him access to her. "What then?"

  "Simple, my dear. I tell your father what you have been doing."

  Emily's Vow


  Betty Bolté


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  Emily's Vow

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  Betty Bolté writes both historical and contemporary stories featuring strong, loving women and brave, compassionate men. But no matter the setting, she loves to include a touch of the paranormal.

  In addition to romantic fiction, Betty has authored several nonfiction books, including Hometown Heroines, an award-winning young adult book featuring true stories of bravery, darning and adventure.

  Betty earned her masters in English in 2008 and is a member of Romance Writers of America, the Historical Novel Society, the Women’s Fiction Writers Association, and the Authors Guild.


  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Excerpt from EMILY'S VOW (A More Perfect Union, Book 1)

  Meet the Author




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