Teased by Fire

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Teased by Fire Page 5

by Molly O'Hare

  Olive pushed herself back into the couch.

  It’s not that bad, you and I both know it. I’ve got to head back into work but call me tonight. And, remember, you’ve got a plethora of hot men to stare at from the station. Make this momma proud and go bring them some cookies and be sure to report back every detail to me.

  Olive shook her head with a laugh, before she typed out her reply.

  You are unbelievable.

  She got a reply within seconds.

  But you love me.

  Olive couldn’t deny it.

  I do.

  Putting her phone on the coffee table, Olive stood. She stretched her arms to the ceiling, as she tried to work out her stiff muscles.

  Glancing at Hank with the corner of her eye, she sighed. She couldn’t fix whatever was going on between her and Hank, and she couldn’t fix how forced her words seemed in her latest project, but she could fix one thing.

  One last glance towards Hank had her shaking her head in anger.

  Whatever. A shower would do me good.

  Hank’s jaw clenched as he watched Olive walk from the living room to the bathroom. The sway in her hips had his mouth watering.

  Closing his eyes, he recalled the little stretch she did after getting up from the couch. Her shirt had risen a few inches giving him the smallest tease of her skin.

  Sweat started to form on his brow as he held back his groan. He’d give anything to walk over to her, fall to his knees and finally get his first taste of her skin.

  He was hanging on by a thread. A fragile thread. A thread that if she looked his way one more time was liable to snap.

  Taking a deep breath to control his body he looked down at his phone.

  For the last four days, every spare moment he had was consumed with reading Olive’s books. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

  After starting the first one at the station, he couldn’t put it down. Not only did it possess a plot line that made him want to know what happened next, but they were hot. Really hot. Actually, hot wasn’t the right word. They were downright sexy as fuck.

  He’d taken more cold showers in the last four days than he had in his entire life.

  Not to mention the amount of times he had to relieve himself throughout the day, he was completely raw. At this point, he was worried his dick would start to chafe.

  When he came in from work and saw her on the couch, he had to bite back the urge to run to her. He was in the middle of reading a scene in her, “I’m Yours to Command,” series that had the hero standing over his heroine. Her arms and legs were tied giving the hero an open invitation to her body. His mind couldn’t help but replace the characters with him and Olive.

  The way Olive wrote the scene, had his dick threatening to break free once again. He had to hightail it into his room or risk her seeing his hard-on.

  It took him a few minutes, but once he got his wayward cock under control, he ventured out of the bedroom to finally say hello to her.

  That’s when he saw Dog once again showing her dominance over Olive.

  Fuck. He’d like to show his dominance over Olive too.

  After Dog reluctantly came to him he looked up to see Olive staring right at him. Her hair was a little messy, and her clothes were wrinkled. He examined her body further noticing, her cheeks held a hint of red, as her breasts rose and fell with her breathing.

  Without pause, his lower half had tightened. Olive Quinn looked like she’d been well and utterly fucked, and fucked hard.

  It took everything in him to turn away from her and head to the kitchen.

  As he busied himself looking for food, his mind wouldn’t shut off. He one hundred and fucking ten percent wouldn’t mind a little role play if that was her kink. And who wouldn’t want to see her tied to his bed at his mercy?

  This time he didn’t hold back his groan.

  Tossing his phone onto the counter he did his best to tamper down his lust. This needed to stop. This was Olive Quinn his little sister’s best friend.

  But, Olive Quinn, was also his fantasy come to life, her curves beckoned him, and her smart mouth had him coming alive.

  Fuck he needed to figure out his game plan and fast. He was done with waiting.

  Taking a deep breath, he stretched out his body.

  Looking at his phone he felt his body tighten. Scenes from her books played in his mind. Sweet, innocent Olive Quinn had a dirty as fuck mind.

  A grin ran across his face.

  Dog purred at his feet, pulling him from his thoughts. “I don’t know if I should,” he said reaching down to pluck the cat into his arms. “Didn’t we talk about intimidating Olive?”

  The cat blinked at him before purring again. “None of this sweet talk, missy.”

  He put Dog back on the floor before retrieving her food. “No more, you hear me?”

  The moment he placed the cat food on the floor he heard an earth-shattering scream. His natural instincts went into full force as he took off towards the bathroom.

  Chapter Eight

  As the water ran down Olive’s body, she couldn’t help but let her annoyance and hurt of the situation overtake her. She knew Hank living with her was going to be a problem, she just didn’t fully comprehend the extent of it.

  Living with him, was like permanently living on a roller coaster. And that was a life she didn’t want to live.

  Plus, it hurt.

  Ultimately, that annoyed her more than anything. She shouldn’t hurt because Hank finally realized he had better things to do than spend time with her. And it sure as hell shouldn’t hurt when he looked at her body and then blatantly dismissed her.


  She’d long since realized other people’s opinions of her should not matter.

  When Josh… she shuddered at the name. When he humiliated her by telling everyone they knew how lousy she was in bed, or how he’d have to take a deep breath in fear of being suffocated when he was with her, she promised herself she’d never feel that kind of worthlessness again.

  She was perfect goddamn it, and if anyone had a problem with that it was on them, not her.

  But here she was again.

  Olive just didn’t know why this time it hurt worse.

  Pushing away her betrayal and hurt, she took a calming breath. Olive prided herself on being a strong person. Just like the women she wrote about. That’s why as soon as she got wind of what Josh was saying and doing, she hightailed it over to him and slapped him in the face. No one was going to publicly humiliate her and walk away unscathed.

  Nonetheless, that was one of the last times she ever went to a party. Parties weren’t safe. Hell, people weren’t safe. Humans were assholes, and human interaction was the absolute worst thing possible.

  You can’t trust humans, time and time again that was proven to her. In order to shield their own insecurities, they’d find someone else to sling their hate at. Somehow, she was always that person. From her parents always telling their friends she was a disappointment, to Josh preaching how he threw himself on the sword to even sleep with her.

  See people were assholes.

  After Josh, she promised herself she’d never let another person shame her.

  She groaned as the water ran over her skin. She placed her head on the shower wall before she lightly smacked it. You’re doing so well on your promise to yourself, Olive. Oh, so freaking well. Idiot.

  She didn’t know how or why it happened, but Hank somehow got under her skin.

  And not the under your skin that would go away eventually. No, this was the under your skin that felt like poisonous caterpillars had decided on making you their host, and you can’t do anything but let them have their way with you as they eat you alive from the inside out.

  “Stupid Hank,” she mumbled as she reached for the body wash. “Stupid cat.” Her anger started to rise even higher. “Stupid everything.” After putting some of the body wash in her hands, she slammed the container back onto the side of the tub. “And stupid freak
ing body for constantly responding to Hank the stupidest of stupid Tank!”

  Olive started angrily washing her skin as she looked at the ceiling. “I swear to all things, Universe, if you have any ounce of mercy in you, please send down your alien minions to take Hank back to their leader.” Narrowing her eyes at the ceiling she continued, “Or hell, take me for all I care.”

  Her lips thinned while she continued her task. “And why the hell doesn’t he ever wear a shirt? Seriously, a shirt is a barrier against the elements. A shirt should always be worn. It’s science. Duh.”

  As she grumbled in her angry fantasy, her mind took a turn. Out of nowhere, she pictured Hank in all his glory coming out of his bedroom, shirtless no doubt. And he was headed right towards her. “What are you doing, Olive?” he asked before looking her up and down. When she looked into his eyes, she saw pure heat. Her breath hitched at the intensity she saw there. “Nothing, Hank. Just getting something to drink and making a snack.”

  Hank licked his lips before pushing himself off the wall and purposely walking towards her. “What a coincidence. I came out here to get a snack too.” Olive turned to face him. “Oh, really.?” He stopped a few inches from her. “Yes, really. Only difference is you’re my snack.”

  The shower water felt heated against her skin. She couldn’t stop her body’s reaction to her fantasy even if she tried. Instead, Olive let her hand glide down her curves as she sought out her core.

  This is Hank, your best friend’s brother and the guy that’s turned your world upside down. Stop! Her mind tried to protest, but quickly lost the battle when her fantasy moved to Hank falling to his knees in front of her.

  Olive was so caught up in her fantasy, she didn’t realize her body had started leaning. Right as she was about to hit her peak, her shoulder hit the wall causing a jolt of surprise to shoot through her. She flailed around hitting all of the bottles off the ledge causing her to scream in shock as she toppled over.

  Hank burst through the bathroom door, his adrenaline working overtime. Dread washed through him as he scanned the room, looking for anything that could confirm Olive was not in danger.

  Blame his firefighter instincts. He didn’t care. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d gone into a situation thinking everything would be fine, for all hell to break loose.

  Taking a few steps towards the shower he threw open the curtain and jumped in. “Olive, are you okay? What happened, are you hurt?” He fell to his knees as he saw Olive in a pile on the shower floor, with miscellaneous bottles flung all over the place.

  Within seconds he was moving her around examining her body for any sign of injury.

  “Get out!”

  Olive slammed her arms over her chest. “Hank, get out now!” she repeated.

  Hank blinked a few times trying to register Olive’s movements with hiding her body. Why in the hell was she so stubborn? Didn’t she understand he was checking her over to make sure she wasn’t hurt? Shaking his head, he started to examine her again. “Not until you tell me you’re okay,” he growled with annoyance. Stupid fickle woman.

  “I’m fine, now get out!” Her hand went to the back of her head causing Hank’s focus on where she could be injured. He threw his left leg over her hips, straddling her to get a better angle. He then pulled her head closer to his face.

  “I said get out, not dry hump me.”

  “I’d be wet humping seeing as the shower is still on,” he ground out before examining her head. “It doesn’t look like it’s bleeding. Where did you hit it?”

  “Hank Parker, I swear to all things, get out of this shower right now. I’m freakin’ naked!”

  If her being naked was her biggest concern then he was going to fix that. “Oh, for fuck sakes.” He grabbed the waistband of his basketball shorts he’d thrown on after work and pushed them off his body. “See, I’m naked too. Now, tell me what the hell happened?” His eyes narrowed at her. If she wanted to be a pain in his ass, then he was going to be a pain in hers.

  He moved his examination down her body, making sure she was in fact okay. After doing a preliminary scan he looked back at her eyes. That’s when he noticed they were wide, frightful, and also zoned in on one thing.

  If this were another time he would have laughed. He’d dreamed about Olive witnessing his dick for the first time for years. Her being sprawled out on the shower floor, clinging to her head was not how he imagined it happening. Leave it to Olive to always keep him on his toes.

  Ignoring the lust building in her eyes as she took in his dick, he moved his attention back to the situation. “Olive,” he spoke a little softer. “Tell me you’re not hurt. Or if so, where?”

  Hank watched as she forcefully removed her eyes from in between his legs and looked at him. “I’m… no… I’m not hurt.” She swallowed.

  Knowing she was out of danger he let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

  The reality of the situation started to sink in.

  Right now, he was in the shower with a naked Olive Quinn. He was just as naked, sans the shorts around his knees. His eyes slowly scanned her body more appreciatively. He didn’t even try to hide his body’s reaction.

  Olive’s breasts were full, just the way he liked them, far more than a handful. Her nipples were a dusty pink, that called to him. It took everything inside of him not to bend down and finally get a taste of her. Unfortunately, her lower half was covered with his own body, so he moved his gaze back to her face.

  What he saw almost knocked the breath out of him.

  Lust stared back at him.

  Lust for him.


  In one movement, he had his hands on her waist lifting her in the shower. He placed her on her feet, turning her away from him.

  “What, what are you doing?” she breathlessly asked as he started moving his hands all over her body exploring every inch of her.

  “I’m making sure you don’t have any cuts on your back.” This was the moment he’d been waiting for all his life. He wasn’t about to miss this opportunity.

  Moving all of Olive’s hair to her shoulder he started at her neck. Using his fingertips, he gently traced down the curve.

  He placed his other hand on her hip and squeezed causing her to hitch her breath. He squeezed again causing her body to grind into his. Bringing his lips to her ear, he whispered, “Now, that I know you’re not hurt, Olive. It’s time to clean you up.” He reached around her grabbing the body wash that had somehow escaped catastrophe. He brought his other arm around her, plastering his front to her back. Squeezing some soap into his palm, he threw the bottle down, before he brought his hands together.

  Feeling her body pressed against his, had every last one of his nerve endings on fire. He’d never been harder than he was right now in his life, and he knew Olive could feel every inch of him. There was no hiding it, and frankly he didn’t want to. Not when his fantasy girl was standing in front of him. Her lush curves, pressed against his body, enticing him.

  “Okay,” she moaned.

  Hearing her voice sent a new shockwave through his body. He couldn’t wait a second longer. He brought his hands to her breasts cupping them before he slowly started to lather them. Using one of his hands, he found her nipple and began to tweak it, while his left hand started trailing down her stomach.

  “Yes,” she whispered as she pushed her ass against his groin, signaling for him to continue.

  That was all he needed.

  His predatory instincts took over.

  Turning her around to face him, he pushed her against the tile wall before sealing his lips to hers. Her hands frantically roamed his body as he explored her mouth with his.

  Their kiss ignited him. It was unlike any other kiss he’d ever had. “Touch me,” he growled into her mouth.

  His own hands started exploring her, as he did his best to memorize every inch. He lost count of the time’s he’d imagined her body, and there was no way in hell he was missing the chance to not
commit her lush curves to memory.

  Breaking away from her mouth he turned her once again, before pushing on her back, forcing her to bend at the waist.

  “I’m clean,” he gritted his teeth, as he traced her skin with his fingertips. “We have to be checked every three months at the station.”

  “Me too,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him. The urgency in her eyes almost unmanned him. “I mean, I don’t have to get checked at the station, but I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone since-”

  “Don’t say his name,” Hank swore. Fuck that asshole. He was about to make sure she forgot his name. Grabbing the base of his dick he lined it up with her pussy.

  Fuck, she had the most perfect pussy he’d ever seen. It was full, just like the rest of her and lightly trimmed. He wanted to sink to his knees and bury his face there, but that was going to have to wait for another time.

  Even through the water of the shower he could see her glistening with a need for him.

  Dragging his cock against her slit again he enticed a moan from her. That’s right baby, moan for me. Only me.

  Olive pushed back against him, trying to force his hand and enter her. “Not yet, Olive. You need to learn who’s in charge here.”

  “Hank, please,” she begged, before slamming her ass against him.

  He liked the sound of that. Her begging for him. He was damn sure going to make it his mission for Olive to always beg for him. Squeezing her ass with his free hand, he moved his dick so the tip was inside of her. Her tight walls clamped around the head causing him to throw back his head and groan. “Olive, my sweet Olive, please tell me you are on the pill?” He felt like he was seconds from snapping.

  “Yes!” she screamed.

  “Thank fuck.” He never wanted to be inside of Olive with a barrier.


  Picking her left knee up, he placed it in the crevice of his arm giving him the perfect angle to enter her.


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