Teased by Fire

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Teased by Fire Page 15

by Molly O'Hare

  When they made it to the door Olive called out, “Oh, and one more thing…” The moment her parents turned toward her Olive smiled as wide as she could. “I write romance books with sex scenes that could make a nun blush. Have fun with the rest of your life knowing your daughter writes pantie dropping, pussy weeping, fuck me harder, I’m gonna come all over your face, books.”

  The room erupted in laughter, Hank didn’t even try to hold back his laugh as Mrs. Quinn’s mouth dropped open. He would never forget that image for the rest of his life.

  With one last huff, Olive’s mother stormed out of the hospital room, with Mr. Quinn right on her tail.

  “Well, okay then.” Robin coughed.

  Olive’s eyes widened as she looked at his mother. Even through her bruised face he could see the blush creep up her cheeks. “Umm…”

  “They’re great, Mom,” Miranda jumped in. “I mean I will never ever in a million years let you read them because eww, but they are fantastic.”

  “That’s nice, sweetie,” Robin nodded at her daughter, before turning to Olive. “We’ll talk once you’re better.”

  “Uhh, sure.” Olive shied away from Robin as she did her best to hide her embarrassment.

  “Come on, Miranda, time to go.” Robin pulled on her daughter’s arms.

  “I’m not leaving I just got here,” Miranda protested.

  “Yes, you are, young lady. You and I are going to the cafeteria to grab a coffee. Give your brother and Olive a few minutes. A lot just happened.”

  Miranda glared at Hank. “You do not get to steal my best friend from me. I’m warning you.”

  Hank held up his hands in surrender. “I’m not.”

  “You are, but I swear to god if you do anything to hurt her ever, I will murder you in your sleep.”

  “Miranda,” Olive warned which caused Miranda to turn her body to her. “And that’s another thing, missy. As soon, and I mean as soon as you’re better I’m kicking your ass from here to Timbuktu. Why in the hell did you not tell me you were sleeping with my brother? My freakin’ brother of all people.”

  Olive’s eye’s shot open in surprise. “Your mother is right there!”

  “Don’t worry honey, Hank told me all about your relationship when you were still unconscious.”

  Olive threw her head in her hands. “Universe, if you have any sort of mercy in you, will you send down your favorite alien race and have them take me away. I don’t care which one, any would do.”

  Hank burst out laughing as his mother wrangled his sister out of the room, with some additional choice words from her threatening to be back in exactly one hour.

  When it was just him and Olive, Hank grabbed onto her waist before he carefully pushed her to one side of the bed.

  “What are you doing?” Olive asked trying to adjust herself the best she could.

  “Shh.” He toed off his shoes before crawling into the bed with her. There wasn’t much room, and he knew Olive needed to be comfortable, but he had to be near her.

  “I’m so proud of you,” he whispered once he adjusted himself so he wasn’t hurting her in any way.

  After a few minutes of protest, Olive settled into the bed, curling her battered body around his. “Why?”

  “Because today you didn’t need the sight of a Christmas tree to remind you to be who you are.” He kissed her cheek. “Plus, you told me you love me.”

  Olive threw her head back onto the pillow with a wince. “And your mom heard about us, and found out I write sexy books.”

  Hank shrugged. “Who cares.”

  Hank laid his head in the crook of Olive’s neck as he molded his body to hers. This was what heaven felt like. And he was going to spend the rest of his life doing whatever he could to make sure Olive knew she was always loved. Hank pulled his head away briefly to kiss her cheek. “I love you, Olive.”

  “I love you too, Hank. You’re a pain in my ass, but I love you too.”

  “Good.” He placed his head back into the crook of her neck. “Remember that when you’re healed and I’ve got you bent over my knee.”

  He felt Olive push away from him. “What?”

  Hank ignored her outrage as a smile spread across his face. He didn’t have to look at Olive to know she was glaring at him. “We have the matter of you driving your car which you knew wasn’t safe to deal with.”

  When he heard Olive mumble some choice words in his direction, he sunk deeper into her side a smirk gracing his face.

  His work here was done.

  Chapter Twenty

  Olive’s life had somewhat settled down after waking in the hospital two weeks ago. Well, they were as settled as they could be. Olive couldn’t really settle when her hospital room was the equivalent to Grand Central Station.

  She was looking forward to being discharged today. Maybe now she’d get some much needed alone time.

  The past two weeks had been far too “people-y” for her.

  She did have to admit though; her excess human interaction wasn’t too bad. It was nice that Miranda had taken a leave of absence from work to be with her. Most nights ended up being a slumber party just like they had when they were kids.

  Although, there was the addition of Hank the nights he wasn’t working. Those nights also seemed to come with Rick, Tim, and Lucas.

  At this point, Olive joked about making a sign to put on the door saying, “open for business.” She thought it was funny. Hank not so much.

  Then there were also Hank’s parents always stopping in.

  It was refreshing in a way. She’d never had the “parent” nurturing aspect before.

  She liked it.

  Between Robin and her need to mother everything and everyone, and Hank’s father Jim going out of his way to make the worst dad jokes he could muster in order to make Olive smile, she found herself being loved.

  A kind of love she never really felt before, well at least that she’d never realized existed.

  As for her own parents, Olive hadn’t heard anything from them. She wasn’t all that surprised.

  The look on her mother’s face after she found out what Olive did for a living was priceless. Olive would be shocked if she ever heard from them again. She went against everything they believed in.

  Although, there was a small part of Olive that hurt because her parents so readily threw her away, there was another side of her that finally felt free.

  Free to be herself.

  Plus, with the amount of love coming from the people surrounding her. What more could someone ask for?

  Who needed their biological parents when she had people who really loved her?

  “We’re here to spring ya,” Lucas announced as him, Hank, and Miranda walked into Olive’s room.

  Olive sat on the edge of the bed with a smile on her face. The nurse had unhooked her from the machines thirty minutes ago, before helping her get dressed.

  She turned her eyes to Hank. “I’m a little in shock you didn’t bring the whole Calvary?”

  “Tim’s getting the car, while the rest are at the apartment.” Hank’s face lit with one of the cockiest smiles she’d ever seen.

  “Oh jeez.” Olive rolled her eyes. “You do know that’s not necessary right?”

  Miranda sat on the bed beside her. “We are talking about the same person here aren’t we?” She pointed at her brother.

  “Yeah,” Lucas chimed in. “We’re here to make sure he doesn’t forget something important.”

  Olive’s face beamed. “And what could that be?”

  “Knowing his track record, I wouldn’t put it past him to forget you. We would have been here twenty minutes ago if he hadn’t lost his keys.” Lucas smirked in her direction.

  “Screw you.” Hank punched his friend on the shoulder. “You know damn well I’d never forget her.”

  “I believe you.” He held up his hands in surrender. “I have twenty bucks saying you don't. That’s why I’m here.”

  “To protect your investment?”
Miranda laughed which caused Lucas to shoot a wink her way. “Don’t I know it.”

  Olive sat back on the bed and observed the chaos around her as Lucas and Miranda started going in on Hank. Sure, she was still in a fair amount of pain, and although most of her bruises were healing nicely she still had a decent road to recovery left.

  She’d come pretty far the last two weeks. And, with the doctor’s encouragement and reassurance, she knew she was ready to leave. Even if her broken leg made it difficult to do anything, let alone walk on her own.

  She was still too weak for crutches, but they were going to send her home with them. Apparently, having a live-in boyfriend that was also medically trained made Doctor Wyatt give Hank the all clear to be in charge of her recovery plan.

  Lord help her.

  “You ready to go home?” Hank pulled her attention away from her battered body.

  “I am.” She gave him a small smile. “Thanks for picking me up.”

  “I wouldn’t have forgotten you.” He placed his hand over his chest like he’d been shot. “Do you not have any faith in your man?”

  Olive shrugged. “If you were another twenty minutes late I would have won the bet.”

  “Oh, you are gonna get it,” he growled before he brought his lips down to hers in a hungry kiss. “I’m keeping a running tab. I think you’re up to fifty-six now.”

  Olive pulled back in shock. “The heck you say?”

  “What a sad day it is to see my favorite patient and her rambunctious posse leave.” Doctor Wyatt strolled into the room.

  “Didn’t you threaten to send me to the psych ward the other night?” Lucas asked.

  The doctor smiled at him with his brow cocked. “It wasn’t a threat.”

  “That hurts, Doc. I thought we’d become best friends over the last two weeks.”

  “Why yes, you and your friends rearranging all the supplies in the stock room was loads of fun. Remind me to put you at the top of my Christmas card list, since we’re best friends now.”

  “I’ll be glad to.” Lucas stood straighter with a new sense of pride written all over him.

  Doctor Wyatt shook his head before he turned his attention to Olive. “Are you sure you want to go home? It’ll probably be safer here and less chaotic.”

  Olive grabbed onto Hank’s hand before giving it a squeeze. “I’m positive.”

  With a reluctant sigh, Doctor Wyatt continued. “Fine, have it your way.” He started scribbling notes on his clipboard. “I know we’ve talked about it already and you’re all set to be discharged. Do you have any other questions for me?”


  “Okay then, I release you to the care of one Hank Parker.” He pointed at Hank. “Listen to him. He’s got your recovery plan already memorized. He’ll have you walking on your crutches in no time.”

  Olive groaned. “Can you pretend he isn’t qualified. I don't want to listen to him bossing me around. Can’t I just go to rehab like everyone else?”

  “You’re still going to rehab,” Doctor Wyatt announced. “He’s just gonna make sure you follow through. I now relinquish my power to him.” He handed some papers to Hank.

  “Is it too much to ask for you to start the zombie apocalypse before we leave? I’m sure you have the altered DNA strand somewhere in the hospital. No one will question it if you accidentally grab the wrong syringe.”

  “And, that right there is why you are my favorite patient.”

  Olive sighed. “Not so favorite that you’d do it?”

  “If I had the magic string like you say, I’d do it for you.”

  “That’s all I can ask.”

  “Hey.” Hank pulled Olive closer to him. “Stop trying to poach my woman. Get your own nut job. She’s mine.”

  “Did you just call me a nut job?”

  “Conspiracy theorist, nut job, they are one in the same,” Lucas remarked, coming in to defend Hank.

  “Neither one of you call her a nut job,” Miranda growled. “Olive might have her quirks, but I will throat punch either one of you in a heartbeat if you try and rile her up.”

  “Did anyone ever tell you, you’re sexy when you defend your delusional friend?” Lucas looked Miranda up and down.

  “Excuse me while I vomit.” Miranda threw her hand over her mouth.

  “And with that, it’s time for me to say so long.” Doctor Wyatt placed the clipboard under his arm. “You’ve got your follow up appointments already scheduled. Take it easy and listen to him.” He pointed at Hank. “He’s in charge.”

  “Damn right I’m in charge.” Hank puffed out his chest.

  “Any moment now,” Olive yelled out to the doctor as he left the room laughing. She then turned back to Hank. With all the strength she could muster she punched him in the arm.

  Ouch, that hurt. When she saw Hank’s face morph into surprise. She smiled. Worth it.

  “What the hell was that for?” he asked, faking hurt.

  “You called me a nut job. You’re not the only one keeping a running tab.”

  “I only said that to scare him off. He was getting too chummy with you.” Hank pouted.

  “He’s married and is old enough to be my dad.”

  “Don’t care. I saw the way he looked at you.”

  “Oh, for fucks sake, is this what I have to look forward to? A jealous Hank Parker is an annoying Hank Parker.”

  “Get used to it. You’re stuck with me for life.”

  “Not unless the zombies are unleashed.”

  “Huh,” Lucas remarked. “You’re right Miranda Panda they are fun to watch.”

  “Do not call me that!”

  “What do you mean, Miranda Panda?” Lucas’ face broke into amusement.

  “I’ll kill you.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  “That’s it.” Miranda turned to Olive, before kissing her lightly on the cheek. “I’ll see you in the car. I can’t be around this dickwad another second.” Miranda started walking out of the room, with Lucas following right behind her. “Oh, the way you sway those hips.” He groaned. “Miranda Panda, I’d follow you anywhere.”

  Once they were out of the room Olive turned to Hank, her brow raised.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “We’re just gonna have to sit back and watch.”

  “I’ll bring the popcorn.”

  “Deal.” Hank stood before retrieving the wheelchair. “Let’s get you home.”


  Olive smiled as she stared at him. Home, that is precisely where she wanted to go. Home with Hank. “I love you.”

  Hank’s whole face lit. “I love you too, Olive.” He placed the wheelchair in front of her before gently grabbing her at the waist and placing her in the chair, with zero effort on his part.

  “No manhandling,” Olive joked which cause Hank to shake his head with a smile.

  “Sure thing, Olive Oil. No manhandling.” Hank pushed the chair out of the room. “Now, let’s go home. I know Dog has a few words she’d like to discuss with you.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Stop looking at me like that,” Olive growled as she glared at Dog.

  It had been a total of seven weeks. Seven freaking weeks since she had been released from the hospital. And, at this point, she was confident she was going to either pull her hair out or murder Hank in his sleep.

  Either would suffice right now.

  Dog looked Olive directly in the eyes before she hissed.

  “Do not speak to me in that tone of voice, young lady,” Olive growled. “I’m doing this for a reason.”

  Dog jumped onto the bed in Olive’s room, which had also become Hank’s room since coming home from the hospital. The creature then walked over to the see-through lingerie Olive was about to put on and plopped down onto it.

  “You have got to be kidding me. Why are you being such a bully?” Olive tried to push Dog off the material only to be rewarded with a smack from her paw.

  She pulled back her hand and made sure
there weren’t any lacerations. Thankfully, for her and Dog’s sake, there weren’t. Olive threw her head back before pleading with the ceiling. Please give me the strength to not kill this cat. Or, if you’re being super generous, can you distract her long enough I can lock her in the bathroom. Sure, I know I’ll be signing my own death warrant, but I have needs.

  Olive decided on changing tactics. “Did you know you’re such a pretty kitty? So strong, and forceful. Right now, I’m trying to seduce your daddy tonight. If you let me have this I promise tuna dinners for the rest of your life.”

  Dog wasn’t impressed. Instead, she yawned showing her teeth.

  Olive glared at the ceiling. “Why, universe, freaking why?” She threw her body onto the bed, letting her crutches fall next to her. “Forget it,” she huffed.

  It’s not like Hank would have wanted her anyway.

  Sure, he was the loving and caring boyfriend she knew he would be since coming home from the hospital. He always made sure she had everything she needed. He was always there with her medicines, food, water, an extra pillow. You name it, he did it.

  Hell, that first week he carried her everywhere. He waited on her hand and freaking foot. And she was grateful for him. She really was. He was absolutely the perfect boyfriend.

  Except for one thing.

  Olive threw her arm over her eyes.

  No matter how many times she hinted at it, or tried to get things going, Hank refused to touch her.

  Zero. Zip. Nada. Nothing.

  She was about to lose her ever-loving mind.

  Every shower she took, he was right there with her. He was meticulous at washing every inch of her body, but he refused to linger in any one spot.

  She’d rub up against him, only for Hank to adjust to make sure she had more room.

  He was driving her crazy.

  It was almost as if she was this delicate piece of glass and he was being extra careful not to break her.

  Give me a fucking break! She huffed into the room.


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