Sold to the Billionaire Brothers

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Sold to the Billionaire Brothers Page 1

by Genelia Love

  Sold to the Billionaire Brothers

  Genelia Love

  Copyright © 2019 by Genelia Love

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  Prologue: Lindsey

  1. Jamel

  2. Lindsey

  3. Lindsey

  4. Jamel

  5. Xavier

  6. Lindsey

  7. Jamel

  8. Lindsey

  9. Xavier

  10. Lindsey

  11. Lindsey

  12. Jamel

  13. Lindsey

  14. Xavier

  15. Lindsey

  16. Jamel

  17. Xavier

  18. Lindsey

  19. Jamel

  20. Lindsey


  ‘Sold to the man in the back, for one million dollars.’

  It’s supposed to be a month of good time, right?

  A few minutes later, I am asked “Are you ready to meet your ‘masters’ for the month?”

  Did he just say ‘masters?’

  Well, this is going to be a REAL good time!

  But one month later…

  I am pregnant, and I don’t know which one of the billionaire brothers is the father!

  How am I going to handle that now?

  Prologue: Lindsey

  I’m going to kill Ashley for talking me into this. Certainly she has other friends who could take her place, instead of me. But no, she had to come to me. She knew I was soft-hearted enough to do this.

  A couple of weeks ago, my friend, Ashley, came to me with a problem. She had volunteered to be a part of an auction. Her mom had gone into the hospital, and there was no way she could honor the commitment.

  All of the money from the auction was to go toward helping the local animal rescue groups in the area, including animal rehabilitation. It was a cause that was very close to my heart. I lived in a small apartment and could not have pets, but I loved them. I dreamed that someday I would live in a place with a lot of land so I could have all the dogs, cats and horses that I wanted. But for now, I would help out in the best way that I could.

  Helping animals was one of my two passions. My other passion was lost children. Not the ones who were missing and were on the back of milk cartons. The ones who came from abusive homes or were passed around from one foster home to another.

  This was a different type of auction. There were men who had come to bid on the different women who were presented on stage. The man who won the bid was able to take the woman home for a month. The woman had to serve the man in any capacity he chooses, as long as it wasn’t physically, mentally or emotionally harmful.

  It would have just been my luck if I was bid on by a man who needed someone to cook for him. I had never been so good at that. That was why the guys at the local delis and cafés knew me by name. I also hoped that some guy didn’t bid on me to muck out his stalls. I loved animals, but I wouldn’t want to shovel poop.

  This was not the type of charity event that I would have ever chosen for myself. I wasn't a prude, but this was a little bit outside of my comfort level. I had never been a person to show off my body, and my favorite dress consisted of t-shirts and jeans. I knew how to dress up and look fabulous. I just preferred not to.

  However, Ashley twisted my arm with a yummy steak dinner and talk of all the poor animals I could help. I was afraid that she was going to start showing me that ASPCA commercial where Sarah McLachlan sings Angel. Then, I would have never been able to get to sleep, because those poor doggy and kitty faces would be haunting me.

  When I finally said, “Fine,” she was over the moon, ecstatic. That was not the last time I wondered what I got myself into.

  I picked out my favorite dress for this evening. I was a little curvier than most men preferred, so I was not too worried about someone choosing me. However, I loved myself and how I looked, so I decided that I would flaunt everything I had.

  My dress was emerald green and it showed that I was a woman. It was low cut and my cleavage was tastefully revealed. My favorite emerald necklace hung on a white gold chain. The pendant rested at the top of my breasts, drawing the eye automatically to them.

  The black strappy heels made me three inches taller than my normal five-foot-five-inch height. The slit that went all the way up my thigh showed my legs.

  I put diamond combs in my hair which flowed sensually down my back. A little bit of eyeliner to highlight my dark blue eyes, a splash of color on my lips and I was ready to rock.

  Well, I told myself that I was ready to rock. My hands were shaking and I wasn’t sure if my knees were going to hold me up, let alone move me down the catwalk. I took several deep breaths to try to calm myself. Then, my brain automatically moved to my mental go-to when I got nervous.

  Smiling to myself, I recalled my favorite poem, written by Maya Angelou, Phenomenal Woman. The first stanza of the poem floated through my mind:

  Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.

  I’m not cute or fashion model size.

  But when I start to tell them,

  They think I’m telling lies.

  I say,

  It’s in the reach of my arms,

  The span of my hips,

  The stride of my step,

  The curl of my lips.

  I’m a woman,


  Phenomenal woman,

  That’s me.

  All through my life, I knew that I wasn’t just like the other girls. I always had more of a Marilyn Monroe kind of body type than a Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen type. Maya Angelou helped me understand that was just fine.

  I looked around at all the other women here. Most of them seemed calm and collected. I wondered what their backgrounds were. I was a family lawyer. Were there other lawyers, teachers and professionals here who believed in a good cause? Or were they just seeking an adventure? Because this was certainly an adventure.

  The other thing I noticed was that I was overdressed. I showed cleavage and my dress had a nice slit to the side. But there were some women who had to shave their nether reasons to get into their dresses. My “girls” were safely tucked away. Some of them barely had their nipples covered. I was not one to judge other women, especially considering the reason why we were here. However, I definitely would have fit in better if I had worn a thong and some pasties.

  My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the emcee announce my name.

  One more deep breath, and I smiled my sexiest and strutted on stage like I was the most stunning woman in the entire auction. If no one bid on me, that was just fine. I could use the month’s vacation I took off from the law firm where I worked and go visit my folks. I also had a ton of new books to read.

  I strode down the runway, making sure my ass swayed just as pretty as you please. My head was up and I plastered my sexiest smile I had across my face. I made sure that my chest was thrust out. I had it, and I intended to flaunt it. If no one wanted it, well, that was on them. As I strolled down the runway, I heard a bunch of whispers, but no one called any bids. The least someone could do was bid on me and free me from the contract. It was a good cause.

  To be honest, I really didn’t know if my feelings were hurt or if I was relieved.

  The auctioneer was going to end it, without me getting any bids, but then I heard a deep voice from the back pipe up and bid a million dollars.

  Everyone’s head turned like they were on a switch, including mine. One of the hottest men I had ever seen in my life was standing toward the back, holding up a sign. Next to him was an equally sexy man.

  The emcee yelled, “sold.”

  I waved as I headed back behind the stage, thinking to myself, “What in the world did I just get myself into?”



  “What do you want to do tonight?”

  Xavier yawned. “I don’t really know. To be honest, I’m a little tired of the clubs. I can’t even sit and enjoy a drink anymore. I know that this is the twenty-first century, but just once, I would like to do the chasing. Is there anything at all going on on the mainland? I’m bored on the island, too.”

  To emphasize his boredom, he stretched out his six-foot-two-inch frame. His outstretched arms showed that he worked out regularly. His t-shirt emphasized his broad, muscular chest.

  “You sound jaded and spoiled.” I told my brother. Neither of us could go anywhere without turning the heads of any woman who had a heartbeat. We were tired of it. Just for once, we would like to have to pursue a woman. The bad part of women chasing us was that we never knew if women were interested in us or our family name. And the family money.

  About that time, my phone rang. It was Robert, one of our friends we grew up with, who usually found some trouble to get into. Not serious trouble, like the kind that would have us in trouble with the law. Just the kind of trouble that would make Mama do a faceplant if she found out about it. The kind of trouble that Dad would lecture us about, but would secretly be laughing about. Xavier, Robert and I had been getting into that kind of mischief since we were little boys.

  “I’m in, and I’m pretty sure Xavier is in, too. He's over here whining about being bored. See you in about an hour.”

  “Robert said that there is a charity auction going on at a friend’s mansion, just outside of town. It is an invitation only event, and he can get us the invites.”

  Xavier yawned again. “Now why in high heavens would we want to go to something like that?”

  “Because they aren’t auctioning off the normal type of items. No pottery and paintings tonight. They are auctioning women who have vowed to serve whoever buys them for one month.”

  “Really?” Xavier’s eyebrows shot up in interest and surprise.

  I nodded. “I’m going to get into my tux. You coming?”

  “It doesn’t look like I have anything better to do with myself tonight.” I gave my brother a hand and hauled him off of the couch.

  We met up with Robert and headed off. Xavier and I grabbed a couple of seats in the back of the room.

  The first few women came on stage, and they were your typical everyday women. Sure they were beautiful, but both Xavier and I could have a beautiful woman any time we wanted. And we certainly didn’t have to spend any money on one or spend a month with any woman who hit on us.

  Toward the end of the show, they called out Lindsey’s name. Everyone went quiet. This woman one the runway was very different than the rest of the women. She wasn’t beautiful in a classical sense, but she was beautiful in her own right. She had more of a “girl next door” kind of beauty.

  Instead of looking like she was in dire need of a meal, she actually had a body. Her dress was tasteful. More than any of the other women’s so far. It was perfect for her. I’d always been a chest man, but I never liked the women whose boobs were super huge and the rest of their body was tiny. I loved proportions. And this woman was perfect.

  Her reddish blond hair swayed down her back, and I could easily imagine her hair fanned out over the pillows as we had sex. In my mind, I pictured her pretty mouth opened into a moan, as I took her to places she’d never been before.

  What really caught my attention was that she looked proud of who she was. She had a sexy lilt to her lips, and her chin was up as if to say, “This is me.”

  I was just about to say something to Xavier when he nudged me in the ribs.

  “I like this one.”

  “Me too.”

  Her smile never wavered, her gait never faltered even though there was not a single bid for her. Everyone simply stared at her.

  “Do you think we could share her?”

  “Why not. It would be fun. If she's annoying or if we get bored, we can always take her back to the mainland. We’ll just tell her something came up with the business that we have to take care of, and we have to go. That way, we don’t hurt her feelings. ”

  Just as she was turning back, I decided that it would be an interesting new adventure. I raised my card and said, “A million to close all bids.”

  Everyone’s heads jerked toward me like the president had just entered the room, including Lindsey’s. She had a look of interest, confusion and perhaps a little fear. I thought I saw a little bit of a smile as well.

  I was pretty sure that the emcee just about crapped himself, because he repeated what I said and closed the bid before I had a chance to take another breath.

  “Sold to the man in the back, for one million dollars.”

  Robert met us as we were heading to the back room to meet our new friend.

  “Well, I guess you found the auction worthwhile.”

  “Xavier here was bored. We thought that this woman could be a fun diversion. Did you see the mischief in her smile? I bet she gave her folks a run for their money when she was younger.”

  Robert laughed. “Not unlike you guys. But I’m willing to bet that she’ll be giving you guys a run for your money. She looks like a real woman.”

  Xavier gave him a playful shove. “Nuh-uh, Buddy. You need to go get your own woman. This one is ours.”

  “Party pooper,” Robert retorted.

  “Yes, I am. Now please excuse us while we go meet our woman friend.”

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Xavier raised his eyebrows. “And what would that be?”

  “Not sure. Just make sure and give me a good report,” Robert shrugged.

  “Don’t count on it.”



  The crowd erupted in applause as I sauntered off the runway. How in the world did this happen? My hands were clenched in tight fists by the time I made it to the back room. I was trying to keep myself from shaking to death. I wasn’t sure if it was me or the world that was starting to move like a teeter totter.

  My heart was trying to escape my body by thumping out of my chest. I could feel my temples throbbing as my thundering heart sent my blood racing through my veins as though all the blood cells were tiny race horses.

  All the other women backstage were clapping for me. They smiled and patted me on the back. I thought that I smiled back, but to be honest, I really was just trying to breathe. Breathe in, breathe out.

  I leaned up against the wall, willing it to hold me up. Suddenly, it felt as though my dress were shrinking on me, tighter and tighter, like a boa constrictor, until I could barely breathe.

  The charity organizer rushed up to me and grabbed both of my hands. He started to speak, and I must have looked a little dazed, because he quickly asked me if I was okay. I nodded, and then blurted out that I never expected anyone to bid on me.

  “Why not? You're a beautiful woman.” He seemed to be genuinely puzzled that I would think that no one would bid on me.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You have helped out so many animals. There are a lot of dogs, cats and various other creatures who will be able to go to no-kill shelters now because of you.”

  I smiled and nodded. My heart had finally slowed. Instead of beating a million miles an hour, it was only beating a thousand. I was pretty sure my body had started breathing on its own, since I hadn’t yet passed out.

  “Are you ready to meet your ‘masters’ for the month?”

  Breathing deeply to keep from panicking again, I nodded.

  He took me to a back room that was decorated with flowers. There was a bottle of champag
ne cooling in a bucket of ice, along with three glasses.

  That took me by surprise. Three? Then, something else registered in my brain. He said “masters”.

  My eyes focused on two of the sexiest men I had ever laid eyes on in person. I had always been attracted to black men. Shemar Moore was one of the reasons I loved Criminal Minds so much. And these men, who must have descended from Mount Olympus, were standing in front of me, smiling.

  “Hi, Lindsey. My name is Jamel, and this is my brother, Xavier.”

  I smiled at them and shook both of their hands. Their smiles were genuine. Their beautiful eyes immediately put me at ease. I sensed in my soul that these two men were good men.

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Jamel motioned for me to sit down, and I did – in the chair. They both sat on the couch opposite of me.

  “When you came out on stage, we both thought you were gorgeous. You were sexy and classy all at the same time. It was breath-taking.”

  I smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  “We talked and thought that the three of us could have a month long of fun while supporting a good cause. That is, if you were willing.”

  Xavier seemed to be very observant, as he sat quietly to watch his brother explain the situation. His eyes focused on my face, and he seemed to be listening to every word that I said. I thought that he was appraising me. Not my body, which they had already had a chance to see, but my reactions.

  I was careful to keep my face neutral, while I thought over what he said. There were two sexy men in front of me, and they both thought that I was beautiful and classy. Talk about a compliment. I was tempted to jump in their laps right then and there, but the other, more conservative side of me won out. This was something to think about.


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