Sold to the Billionaire Brothers

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Sold to the Billionaire Brothers Page 7

by Genelia Love



  As soon as we saw Lindsey, heard her words and then heard the door slam, we knew what was happening and why. Jamel and I were kicking ourselves in the ass for arguing, especially when Lindsey could hear us.

  I grabbed the flashlight and Jamel grabbed the blanket and we headed out. Both of us were so excited to find her. Then, I was furious when I saw her feet. Mad at her for being impulsive and running out the door without any shoes on, but angrier at Jamel and me for being stupid.

  When we finally pulled out of the splinters out of her feet, it was time to eat. Apparently, Lindsey was quite the fisherman.

  “So, Jamel. I heard that you thought you could catch more fish than Lindsey. I heard you got your butt handed to you.”

  “He sure did,” Joan said. “I heard him challenging her, telling her that he thought he was better than her. Then, she came back with all but one small one. He caught a minnow. I’m honestly not sure if he just didn’t bring back some bait and say that he caught it.”

  “Ouch,” Jamel said. “What did I ever do to you?”

  “Do you want me to list all the things?”

  “Mmmm. No.”

  After dinner, we told Lindsey that we wanted to talk to her in the lounge. She limped in there.

  “We're sorry that we upset you. The fact is that we both are starting to feel more for you. We both think that you are an amazing woman. Smart, caring and beautiful. Everything that both of us have been looking for.”

  “I know I am a phenomenal woman. But I will not come between you guys. No woman, however phenomenal, is worth coming between brothers.”

  “You won’t. When Jamel and I first saw you, we knew there was something special about you. We agreed then that we would share you. Now that we both care very deeply for you – actually, we love you – nothing has changed. You can be part of both of our lives. If that is still okay with you.”

  “Do you promise that you guys won’t fight or argue over me? I love you both, too.”

  “We promise.”

  “Scouts’ honor.”

  “You weren’t ever a scout.”

  Jamel wrinkled his nose at me. “I can still have the same honor as a scout.”

  She whacked me with a pillow and then threw it at Jamel.

  “Fine, but the first time you guys argue about me, I’m done. I will not come between you. Understand me?”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Jamel said.


  Lindsey stared at me until I gave in. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “That’s what I thought,” she said. “Yes, Ma’am. I think I could get used to that. You sexy men can be my minions. Do my bidding. Obey my every wish and command.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  “I would,” Jamel said.

  “Suck up.”

  Just then, Lindsey’s phone rang. It was her mother. She kept the phone on speaker so Lindsey’s father could join in the conversation.

  Jamel and I listened to Lindsey’s side of the conversation.

  “I’m having a great time. I won a raffle at a charity, and I have an all-expenses-paid vacation on an exclusive island. The chateau is beautiful. There is a beach where I can hang out, some places to fish, and a nice wooded area with trails. It’s absolutely gorgeous.”

  Lindsey paused for a moment, then blushed.

  “Yes, there are sexy men here, too. I’ve met a couple who have piqued my interest. To be honest, I’ve been hanging out with them quite a bit, and we are getting very close.”

  Another pause, then, she said, “Yes, there are two of them. Their names are Jamel and Xavier. They are sweet and they treat me like I'm some kind of treasure.”

  She paused again. “Why do I have to have only one man? You wanted me to find someone who would treat me well, who would make me happy, and who would give me the world if I wanted it. I found that. They just happen to come in a pair, instead of one.”

  Apparently, one or both of Lindsey’s parents were not happy with what she was saying.

  “Look, I’m just on vacation, enjoying the company of a couple of good men. I’m having an amazing time. I’m not trying to join to join a crazy commune and I’m not running off to Reno tomorrow to marry the both of them. Right now, we are hanging out, getting to know each other. We talk, we go fishing, we go for walks, and play cards and croquet.”

  Based on Lindsey’s next answer, they still were not satisfied.

  “Guys. First, you know that I don’t give a rat’s ass what other people think about me or what I am doing. If they want to judge me, I would tell them to check in their own closets and under their own beds first. Second, even if I did care, which I don’t, there isn’t anyone on this island who is going to say one thing about who I hang out with.”

  Jamel and I heard Lindsey’s mom’s voice on the other end of the line, although we couldn’t make out what she was saying.

  “Mom and Dad.” Lindsey’s voice was very firm. “I know that you love me and that you worry about me. I’m a grown woman. I’m a lawyer, for heaven’s sake. I promise you that I can take care of myself. Okay?”

  That apparently ended that part of the conversation, because Lindsey talked about the law firm and how great they were to give her the time off she needed. They talked a bit about her parents’ health. After about a half hour conversation, they ended the phone call.

  Jamel and I looked at her with raised eyebrows.

  “They are going to be some tough nuts to crack. They’ll eventually come around,” Lindsey sighed.

  “What if they don’t? We won’t come between you and your family, just like you said you wouldn’t come between Jamel and me.”

  “There is a difference. You two are brothers. These are my parents. I love them, but they don’t get to run my life. Eventually, they will come around anyway. I know them.”

  “I hope so. We don’t want to lose you, but we don’t want you to lose your parents.”

  “It’ll be fine. They won’t walk away from me, I promise.”

  We sat in silence for a few minutes, and then Lindsey asked, “What do Joan and Frank think of this? Of me? They aren’t stupid. Surely they know what is going on here?”

  “Both of them think that you're wonderful. I can tell just by the way that Joan is always joking around with you,” I reassured her.

  “Yes, but I came here basically to have sex with the both of you. What does that make me in their eyes?”

  “It makes you our friend and our honored guest. Joan and Frank didn’t judge you, except on how you treated them and us.”

  Lindsey was silent for a minute.

  “I do love you both. I would like very much to be a part of both of your lives. I’ve never really cared about what most people thought of me, anyway. I guess, I just have to say again that I would never want to cause any problems with you guys or between you guys.”

  “We swear you won’t.”

  Jamel nodded his agreement.

  Lindsey smiled. “Then, I guess we are the new version of the Three Musketeers.”

  We sat and chatted for a while about whatever. It was a huge change of pace, because I had never really been with a woman who was at ease talking about anything without having some kind of edge on it.

  A couple of hours later, I decided that I really wanted to feel Lindsey tonight, so I presented her with a new adventure that Jamel and I had talked about earlier.

  “So, we have a special room that has some special toys in it. We have one that we would especially like to try with you, if you’re game.”

  “I never agree to anything unless I know exactly what I’m about to get myself into.”

  “Smart woman.”

  Jamel held out his hand and pulled her off the couch, almost giving her whiplash.

  “Hey, Superman. There’s no need to throw me around.”

  “Sorry, just got excited.”

  We led Lindsey to a locked room at the end of the hallway.

  “I hope this doesn’t make you run away in shock.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “Not likely, unless this is where you keep all the heads of your ex-wives, like Bluebeard.”

  “Here goes nothing.”

  I swung the door open and flipped the lights. Lindsey walked around and saw all of the toys and contraptions that we had.

  “It’s our playroom.”

  “I can see that. Looks like there could be some interesting adventures in here.”

  Jamel smiled big. “It could be if you’re interested. But tonight, there is something specific we have in mind.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her to a swing. It was designed for her to slip her legs into special slots that kept her legs spread open wide. There was a small back to it that helped support her. She would use handles further up, above her head, to hold on to.

  Lindsey looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

  “Well, we thought that we would like to have you sit in this. That way one of us could pleasure you from the front and one of us can pleasure you from the back, if you get what I mean.”

  “What you mean is that you want to double fuck me.”

  “Now that you put it that way, yes.” Jamel said.

  “If you’ve got something in mind, just tell me, for heaven’s sake. I’m not a child and I’m not going to run away screaming. If I don’t want to do something, I will tell you.”

  “Woman, quit taking the words out of my mouth,” Jamel sighed. “We assumed you have never experienced anal sex.”


  “Well, if you’re game to try it, we will. If you say no, that's okay, and we will not be disappointed or upset.”

  She simply looked at him.

  “If you do try it, and decide that you don’t like it, all you have to do is say ‘red’ and we will stop.”

  “Fair enough.”

  I shut the door and helped Lindsey shed her shirt. I took off her bra and rubbed her nipples with my thumbs, making them hard.

  Jamel helped her step out of her pants and panties. As I kissed her neck while pulling and rubbing her nipples, he nudged her legs apart and rubbed her clit.

  When I heard her moan, I whispered in her ear. “Are you ready for the swing?”

  She nodded.

  I lifted her up, and Jamel guided her legs through the holes, spreading her legs open, showing us that glorious pussy that already glistened with her heat.

  Her ass was positioned perfectly as her back rested against the swing. She grabbed the handles.

  I stood back and looked at the amazing picture she presented. Her beautiful pussy open to us to see. Her large breasts were tantalizing and her nipples were standing at attention. This was the most incredible picture of a woman I had ever seen.

  “Baby, you are gorgeous. I wish I could just look at this view forever.”

  My cock was so hard at this point, I thought it was going to explode without even touching her.

  We thought she might be a little nervous at trying something this new, so we decided that she needed to relax. I slowly licked the entrance of her pussy, then I pushed my tongue in, tasting her pussy walls. I lapped at her clit, until it became a hard bud. Then I sucked it, flicking it with my tongue.

  Her loud moaning told me that she was enjoying the experience. I slid two of my fingers inside of her pussy, working them in and out, while sucking her clit.

  Jamel stood behind her. He had put a lot of lubrication in his fingers. Then, he slowly and gently slid two fingers inside of her ass. He was kissing the back of her neck, and squeezing her tit with his other hand.

  We alternated pleasuring her with our fingers. I pushed my fingers deep inside of her pussy, spreading my fingers apart, stretching her silky insides, as I twirled my tongue around her clit.

  When I pulled my fingers out, Jamel pushed his in, spreading his fingers, stretching her velvety ass, while he pulled her nipple out with his thumb and finger, lightly pinching her nipple in his hand.

  It only took Lindsey about three minutes until she exploded all over my hand. I pulled my fingers out of her pussy and held them up to her mouth. She sucked my fingers in, tasting herself.

  Then, I kissed her deeply.

  “Do you want to try more?” I asked her. My aching cock was rock hard, and I was praying that she said yes, but would understand if she didn’t.

  Lindsey smiled and nodded. “I would like to try it. Just go slow.”

  “You’ve got it, baby.”

  Jamel had lubed up his hard dick and her ass. I fingered her pussy as he slowly pushed his way into her ass. After he got a little way in, he stopped and asked if she was okay.

  She nodded. I continued sucking her nipple and rubbing the other nipple as he pushed in a little further.

  Her clit was a hard pebble, as Jamel finished pushing the rest of his way in.

  “How do you feel, my love?”

  She moaned so loud that I was sure people on the mainland heard her. “Oh. My. Heavens.” She gasped out.

  “Do you want him to continue?”

  She nodded, leaning her head back.

  I pushed three fingers inside of her super wet pussy. As Jamel slid out of her ass, I pushed my fingers deep inside of her. Then, as he embedded himself deep with her, I pulled my fingers out.

  “Do you want to try another cock inside of you?”

  She nodded. “Yes, please.”

  As Jamel pulled out, leaving only the head of his cock at the very entrance of her ass, I sheathed my hard shaft deep inside of her. I reached between us, pinching and rubbing her clit as I moved into her. She cried out and gasped.

  “Oh, baby. My loves. Don’t stop.”

  Jamel squeezed her tits as he pressed his cock inside of her and I pulled my cock slowly out of her pussy, until my head rested at her silky, wet entrance.

  Back and forth, we filled her, while keeping her hard nipples and clit tantalized.

  She started to tremble and her moans grew louder until they filled the room.

  As I slid into her silky walls, I could feel her heat growing hotter and hotter. I slowly slid out of her as Jamel filled her ass. She threw her head back and howled. As I embedded myself deep inside of her pussy, she started shaking and a rush of hot lava exploded out of her core and completely covered my cock.

  I kissed her passionately as my dick began to throb and explode deep inside of her. A few seconds later, I heard Jamel follow suit.

  When he all but stopped shaking, we helped her out of the swing and to the shower.

  “So, baby, what did you think?”

  She looked at me and grinned. “When can we do it again?”



  I stretched out on my bed this morning after an amazing night with Jamel and Xavier. I had to admit that I was very sore. Being taken in both ends by the men was quite the experience, especially since neither of them was what you would call small.

  However, the orgasm that I felt was – well, there were no words for it. It was an incredible explosion of pure heat.

  I was really afraid that the anal sex would be painful. Some of my friends had done that before and said that it was. But Jamel was so gentle. He was slow and took his time. He and Xavier did everything perfectly.

  If I could have got off my bed, I would have grabbed a book until the guys were done with their work for the day. Unfortunately, I found it too difficult to move. The bed was so comfortable, the sheets were so soft, and I was so…tired.

  I woke up several hours later because my phone was ringing. Jamel and Xavier truly wore me out.

  Caller ID said that it was Ashley. She was no doubt calling to find out how things were going.

  “So, how’s it going?”

  “Better than I ever thought that it would. I’m learning a lot of new things.”

  “I bet you are. They are definitely some sexy men, aren’t they?”

  “That they are. But there's a whole lot more to them. They're smart and
fun. I went fishing with Jamel. I had a long conversation about art with Xavier. We played croquet with the staff here.”

  “I bet that isn’t all you played.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. I would never kiss and tell.”

  “It isn’t the kissing that I’m interested in hearing about. It’s what the kissing causes that has my attention.”

  “Well, I guess you are going to have to go find your own brothers to find out. Because I ain’t tellin’.”

  She laughed.

  “Seriously, though. I feel – bad – for being with two men at the same time. Not bad exactly. Guilty might be the better word.”

  “Why?” Ashley sounded genuinely confused at my confession.

  “Well, because. I guess it's societal norms.”

  “Let me ask you something. Would society have the same issue if the genders were reversed. One man and two women?”


  “That’s right. As a matter of fact, that's part of the culture in a lot of societies.”

  “This is true.”

  “And since when do you let so-called cultural norms dictate your life anyway? Last time I checked, the Lindsey I knew did what she wanted, society be damned.”

  “True ‘dat.” I paused for a minute. “There is something else.”

  “More? Pray do tell.”

  “I’m falling in love with them.”

  “Them? As in both of them?”

  “Yep. They say that they love me, too.”

  Silence for a second. “Well, I repeat what I said earlier. Do what makes you happy. Do what is good for you.”

  I smiled at her words. “I think that is good advice.”

  “I know their family. They have a reputation for helping out and doing a lot of charity work. They help out families that can’t afford their rent, who need food or need help buying their medication. They buy clothes and school supplies for kids who need them. They also help out families whose kids are chronically ill.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know all that. I'd never even heard of them or their family before the auction.”

  “I figured as much. You don’t get out a whole lot.”


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