Smuggler's Luck

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Smuggler's Luck Page 8

by S. W. Gunn

  Once she was gone Feligrin stated, “I hope she didn’t break your wallet.”

  Jarron chuckled. After a few minutes Elyse exited the changing room and rejoined them. She wore the gray and red blouse that he had selected, a gray skirt, a pair of matching boots and a red sash that wrapped around her waist with the ends hanging loosely on her hip. She spun slightly as if she were modeling her new clothing.

  Feligrin said, “I really like that.”

  She looked at Jarron with her soft hazel eyes and smiled nervously at him. Forgetting that he should not look into her eyes in public due to his own inability to control himself from staring at her, he looked into her eyes. He could sense nervousness building up within, which he was confident was not his own.

  “Jarron,” Feligrin asked, “What do you think of Elyse’s outfit?”

  He startled out of his stare when Feligrin spoke.

  Jarron replied to his question, “It’s wonderful, just like she is.”

  The sense of nervousness immediately disappeared and she pulled him into a tight hug.

  She whispered in his ear, “So are you.”

  The door of the shop opened and Burdal entered.

  “Are you done lass?” He asked grumpily.

  “Yes,” She answered before turning to Jarron and asking, “Could you help me with these bags?”

  He nodded and collected as many as he could carry. She took a few of the remaining bags, with Feligrin grabbing the last one. They followed Burdal as he left the shop with Larmai trailing behind them. Burdal guided them back to the conveyance and then opened a storage compartment. Jarron loaded the bags that he was holding. He took the bags from Elyse and loaded them in as well. They all entered the conveyance and immediately left for Dalain’s mansion. The trip back was pretty quick.

  As soon as they exited the conveyance Burdal said, “You should probably store most o’ the lass’s clothin’ aboard the Keg. Hain said that you won’t be stayin’ much longer.”

  Jarron responded, “That’s probably a good idea. Feligrin we should also clean out the extra room for her as well.”

  Feligrin nodded in response. They walked from the conveyance, with all of her bags in tow, and then entered the Keg. The three of them quickly cleaned out the spare room, storing most of her clothing in the room. She insisted on bring two bags of clothing with her to the mansion since she was unsure what she wanted to wear tomorrow. They exited the ship and followed Burdal, who was waiting outside, back into the mansion itself. He led them back through the mansion and into the dining hall.

  “Have a seat for lunch.” Burdal instructed them.

  He left the dining hall. Feligrin dashed madly to the throne at the end of the table and hopped on it. Jarron guided Elyse to the same chairs that they had sat in every time since they got there. He helped her sit down and then took a seat. Almost as soon as they all sat down several servants entered with plates of food. The meal consisted of some type of meat steak, a vegetable that was very similar to a human potato, a mug of ale, and a strange pastry that tasted more sour than sweet. After the finished eating the food Burdal returned.

  He announced, “Dalain suggested that you might like to take a walk through his garden, which he is quite proud o’.”

  Elyse said happily, “That would be wonderful.”

  “Very well, I’ll escort ya to the entrance. Make sure ya don’t stray to far from the path since the vegetation here is quite dangerous.” Burdal stated.

  He turned and began walking. They all stood up and followed him as he walked out of the dining hall. Jarron found the walk through this part of the mansion fascinating because he had been in the mansion only once before and it was just for a quick meeting. Almost every wall in the building was covered with paintings or tapestries. Statues of different Kalan lined the sides of main hallways. The entrance of the garden consisted of two large stone arches with doors that just opened as they approached. The garden itself was massive. It had thousands of trees, shrubs, and flowers that filled within a massive transparent dome.

  Burdal stopped at the arched entryway and instructed, “Dis is where The garden starts. Remember to follow the pathways an don’t leave ‘em”

  They nodded at his words and then turned to follow the nearest pathway. Jarron found himself impressed with the planet life within the garden. The flowers ranged from dull yellows to vibrant purples. They stopped at the first display of a breed of plant. The small display sign was written in Kalan. Elyse stopped and squinted at the sign. She leaned forward in an attempt to read it. Just as Jarron pulled her shoulder away from the plant a vine from it violently reached out and barely missed her.

  Jarron said, “It says, ‘Danger: the vines attack warm blooded animals’”

  “You can read Kalan?” A very surprised Elyse asked.

  He nodded at her and replied, “Yes, Hain taught me how to read, write and speak it.”

  “Please let me know what the signs say.”

  He replied, “Okay.”

  She reached out with her hand as a request for him to hold her hand. He responded by taking her hand. She then guided them down towards the main pathway. Feligrin walked slowly behind them. They spent the next three and a half hours slowly exploring the garden. As they finished Jarron noticed that it was getting close to supper time. Burdal approached as they made their way to the arched exit. He then turned immediately down the hallway towards the dining hall. They followed closely behind him as he walked along. When they entered the dining hall Jarron spotted both Dalain and Hain sitting at the table.

  Hain called out, “My cousin is gonna let us stay one more night, den we’re off to Cantua.”

  Elyse smiled at his declaration before saying, “Thank you Hain.”

  Everyone took their seats from breakfast.

  Once they were fully seated Dalain announced, “We haven’t learned much more ‘bout your man, however our interests have found out that there is a bounty out on ya. The bounty calls for capture o’ both Jarron an the lass. I’m sure that Hain’ll be able to take care o’ ya though.”

  Hain grunted at his words before Dalain continued, “I’m havin’ my best technicians work to upgrade de Keg’s engines an movement thrusters, along with as many repairs as they can get done in a night.”

  Several servants entered the dining hall and began serving dinner.

  “Yay! Supper time!” Feligrin joyfully declared,

  Everyone in the room laughed at his enthusiasm. As dinner was being served several conversations broke out.

  Elyse turned to Jarron and asked, “Do you see yourself ever having children?”

  “Honestly,” Jarron answered, “I’d never really thought about it.”

  She nodded before saying, “I have but I don’t want to risk bringing a child into the galaxy unless I was sure that both the father and I could raise the child together.”

  Jarron asked, “A rough childhood?”

  She nodded at the question.

  He said with a roguish smile, “Well hopefully things are already on their way up.”

  She laughed at his comment and then gave him a gentle nudge. Jarron again looked into her eyes. She reached out her left hand and softly stroked his cheek. They sat there looking at each other for some time. Jarron felt like he could sense her emotions and it also seemed as though the longer he looked into her eyes the stronger he could sense them.

  “Lad ya there?” Dalain almost yelled out at him.

  It shook Jarron from his gaze at Elyse.

  “Yes, I’m good why?” Jarron replied.

  “Cause ya seem to be distracted by the lass.” Dalain said.

  Feligrin chimed in with a wicked grin on his face, “He is, guess he just really likes a pretty face and pointed ears.”

  The group around him laughed uproariously at Feligrin’s joke.

  Jarron asked, “Dalain will it be alright if Elyse and I use your front lawn to practice her use of the Gift?”

  “Of course lad, have at

  After they ate dinner Jarron stood and then helped Elyse from her chair. They left the dining hall and headed to the large front yard of his mansion.

  “Alright,” He said, “Let’s practice a bit because I’d like to have some movement when you’re using the Gift.”

  “Ready?” She asked.

  “Yes, but make sure to pause once in a while.” He said.

  She looked over to a nearby rock. The pulsing sensation shot through Jarron as the rock slowly lifted into the air. He struggled mightily to try and move but could not budge. He decided to focus on just moving his right hand. Straining to move his hand he swore that he could almost move it but it did not move. Elyse released the rock, which caused it to drop and allowed Jarron to move again.

  She asked, “How’d it go?”

  Jarron shrugged at her while saying, “Not bad I guess, I think I just need more practice.”

  She said, “Okay.”

  Suddenly he found himself immobile and the intense pulsing sensation returning. She lifted the same rock at least a dozen times, each time Jarron found he was unable to ever move while she used the Gift. No matter how hard he struggled, his body just would not work. After several more attempts Jarron finally just gave up and accepted that he would not be able to move while she used the Gift.

  He said with a frown, “I guess I just won’t be able to move when you use the Gift around me.”

  She nodded sullenly and said, “So it seems.”

  He sensed sadness coming from her.

  “What is wrong Elyse?” He asked.

  She replied, “I am just very concerned about Father Lapella.”

  Jarron told her, “Well Hain said we’re going there next so very soon you will be able to see him again, along with everyone else at your church.”

  She nodded at his words. Feligrin appeared at the entryway of the mansion. He walked down the steps and up to them.

  “Hain wants to see you guys.” He announced.

  Jarron nodded at him and then softly took Elyse’s hand. They walked back through the mansion and into the dining hall were Hain was sitting with Dalain.

  “Lad we’ll be leavin’ first tomorrow. I’ve got a bead on another job.”

  “What sort of work did you get us?” Jarron asked him.

  He responded, “Well I’m gonna drop you an the lass off at Cantua an then head off to Portsmouth Station to get some mechanical parts for delivery at the Mars Base. I’ll come back an get ya once I finish.”

  “That sounds good.” Jarron stated.

  Hain nodded back at him.

  “But for now,” He said, “Let’s get some rest. Tomorrow will undoubtedly be a busy day.”

  “Good call, I’m going to head off to bed.” Jarron stated aloud.

  He picked up the two bags of clothing of Elyse’s that they had left sitting in the dining hall. Elyse followed him as he turned and slowly walked back to their assigned rooms.

  “Can I stay with you again?” She asked.

  Jarron answered, “Of course.”

  They walked through the halls and then entered his room.

  Chapter 7

  As soon as they entered the room, Jarron started to feel very nervous. He let go of Elyse’s hand and walked over to the small cabinet that he kept his own clothing in. He set her two bags down in front of it. She followed him and then after he set the bags down she shuffled through them. After a bit of digging she pulled out a light blue nightgown and some undergarments.

  “I am going to take a shower.” She announced.

  He nodded at her and as she moved to enter the bathroom, he opened the cabinet. Since it was about time to go to bed he decided to change his pants to something a little more comfortable for sleeping. He found it very strange that his nervousness seemed to continue to increase because until he got into the room he had felt perfectly fine. After a few more seconds of contemplation he realized that it was not him who was nervous, it was Elyse. This whole thing with the Gift was really throwing him for a loop. He seemed to sense her emotions, but only when they became very strong. Either way he was concerned so he turned towards the bathroom and walked up to the door. As he lightly knocked on the door he could hear the shower running through it.

  Elyse’s voice called out through the door, “Yes?”

  He slowly cracked the door open to the bathroom. A heavy wall of steam struck his face. He was shocked because he could only guess that she must have been running the shower at full heat, which would burn the skin of a human. The highest settings on the showers were for the Kalan, who were much thicker skinned than any other being. He could only see steam in the bathroom.

  “Are you alright?” He asked her through the cracked door.

  Her voice called through the steam, “Yes why?”

  “Well I swear that I could sense nervousness coming from you and I was just concerned.” He told her.

  There was a long pause of silence and then he could hear her moving in the wall of steam in the bathroom. He heard the shower as it was turned off and she appeared with nothing but a towel wrapped around her that covered her from the chest down. Her hair was soaking wet. Her Eal’tain heritage was clear now in her body structure, which was quite lean and graceful in appearance. She looked as nervous as the emotions that he was feeling from her.

  “I lied.” She said.

  “What about?” He asked.

  She replied, “I am very nervous.”

  “Why are you nervous?”

  “Because it’s my first time.”

  “First time?” He asked confused at her response.

  She nodded and moved closer to him.

  “Yes, it’s going to be my first time.” She replied as she reached out with a hand to gently touch his cheek.

  It had taken him a moment to realize that she was talking about sex. He had not realized that she was a virgin but it made sense since she spent most of her life in a church full of elderly men.

  “Oh.” He said.

  He was not entirely sure how to answer her because he had not intended to even try anything with her since she had said just this morning that she did not wish to rush.

  “I thought you wanted to take it slow.” He told her.

  She shook her head and then said, “I had thought I did as well but I can’t.”

  He was even more confused so he asked, “Why can’t you?”

  With a heavy sigh she answered, “Because my whole being is begging me not to wait. My body yearns to be with you, it has been pleading with me. Every time that I reach out and touch you, everything within me wants you. I’ll go insane if I don’t listen, I already am.”

  “I can wait I promise, besides what about the whole church thing?” He said softly.

  She laughed and replied, “I was only the healer Jarron, not a nun!”

  He chuckled. She let her towel fall to the floor and began kissing him.

  * * * * *

  Later in evening as they curled together naked under a blanket on the bed in his room, Jarron found himself again slowly playing with her one of ears. Elyse was toying with the end of the braid that she had made with his hair.

  “Jarron.” She said.


  “Do you think what we’re feeling is love?”

  He sighed heavily before answering, “I don’t know. I’ve never been in love before. All I know for sure is that I find myself going just as crazy as you said that you were going, but for me it happens even when I’m not in the same room as you.”

  She nodded at him and said, “That’s how I feel as well. It’s why I kept coming in here to see you.”

  “I just thought it was my roguish good looks.” He stated with a cheeky grin on his face.

  She laughed loudly before her face shifted to a serious expression.

  “Can I ask you a question?” She asked.

  He nodded at her.

  Her voice sounded a little hesitant as she said, “Please let me know if this is too pe

  “No go ahead.” He told her.

  “I was wondering how many women you have been with.”

  Jarron was shocked that she would ask such a bold question. He was also very unsure how to answer her. He shifted his position underneath her.

  She spoke up, “You’re uncomfortable. Never mind I asked, I didn’t intend to make you uncomfortable.”

  He immediately stated, “No it’s fine, I was just surprised in the change of direction in our conversation. I think it’s important that we are honest with each other and if I’m honest with you I’d have to answer that I don’t remember. I’ve slept with more women than should ever be proper.”

  “What do you mean?” She asked.

  “Again sticking with honesty, I’ve moved around so much that any time I spent with women was just revolving around having fun. Not only in bed but I’d go out dancing or to a pub. Usually whatever came up or was available. Heck one even took me to a Kalan opera. I don’t even want to talk about the Kalan woman that Hain tried to set me up with.” He answered.

  She laughed before saying, “Well now you have to tell me.”

  “I guess I set myself up for that huh?” He asked with a chuckle.

  She nodded.

  After a brief pause he said, “Well I went on several dates with her and each time I spent trying to fend off her very aggressive advances. I think that she had wanted to bed a human badly. I finally caved in and midway through she broke my arm. I had to wear long sleeves and jackets to hide the cast from Hain since she was one of his cousins.”


  Jarron nodded at her before asking, “Does it matter that I cannot even remember the number of women? I know it has been many. Reflecting on it now, I feel badly about it.”

  She shook her head as she responded, “All that matters is that we’re here together now.”

  He smiled at her.

  She got a keen look on her face as she asked, “It sure felt great didn’t it?”


  “Sex.” She answered with a giggle.


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