The Chosen

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The Chosen Page 8

by Kaitlin Himmelstoss

  “Alright, let’s get this ship moving! Hurry up!” he called out to the sailors.

  Gorm glanced over at the commotion. There on the dock running towards the ship as it was slowly drifting out to sea, was Harold Karman. He was wearing armor and had his sword at his side.

  “Ah, Leif, it looks like Harold wants a word with you. Stop the ship!” Gorm called out in a joking voice.

  “No, no. Don’t stop the ship.” Leif shouted in a nervous laugh.

  “LEIF ARGENT!” Harold shouted as he teetered on the edge of the dock.

  He had drawn attention to himself as he was shouting profanities at him. He was red in the face pointing his finger, practically ready to leap to the ship. Leif ran to the edge closest to where he was.

  “Harold! I’m sorry we are leaving town for business. Please give my regards to your wife!” he shouted.

  Harold growled in anger and his face was bright red as he screamed a string of profanity at him. His arms were flailing in the air and he suddenly slipped and fell off the dock into the water. Some people on the docks watching this unfold came to his rescue and helped him out and back onto the dock. By the time he got back up on the dock the ship was well out into the bay on its way to Sard.

  Chapter 12

  “You do know Leif; we have to return to Crown Bay at some point.” Revna said.

  “And when we do, I will deal with Harold at that time.” Leif said shrugging it off.

  “So, your intention is to make things as worst as possible for yourself?”

  Revna crossed her arms glaring at him. He gave a slight chuckle.

  “Revna, I don’t expect you to have to get involved in this situation. I will manage it myself. Fear not.”

  “I do have to get involved. I would like to continue to get paid and to do that I need a boss. If Harold kills you, I will have to find another job.”

  Leif scrunched his brow together.

  “You believe Harold Karman would best me in a duel? Revna I am hurt by your assumption.”

  Gorm chuckled.

  “Leif, you are a better swordsman, but Harold fights dirty.” Gorm said trying to help Leif’s damaged ego.

  Leif scoffed at Gorm’s comment.

  “I will handle Harold when I return. Let us focus on the mission and Dagny’s safety.”

  Leif looked at Dagny with a charming appreciation. She smiled and nodded.

  “Thank you, Leif.” she said softly.

  The trip to Sard was uneventful for the most part. It took several hours as they crossed the ocean to Lode. When they reached port, the ship docked and the group made their way through the busy streets.

  Sard was much smaller than Crown Bay. The city did not have the towering cliffs like The Springs or the magnitude of the Royal Commons. Sard was built into the green forest of Lode. Lode was famous for the Oak Lode, which was a massive towering tree, centered in the middle of the island. It marked the boarding lines of Sard, Carnelian and Thornwood. All cherished the tree and it had deeply religious roots in the elven city of Thornwood.

  Further north a rising mountain jetted unnaturally out of the ground. Unlike a normal mountain that rose up gradually, this one was surrounded by a stone wall that appeared natural but had to be man-made. Also, unlike most mountains, this one was made entirely of malachite, a dark green stone with darker and lighter bands of green running through it.

  Malachite fortress sat high up as the top of the mountain. Instead of a peak, a giant dark looming structure formed the top in twisted spires and lookouts, all made of the same malachite stone. From the fortress one could look down and see the thick forest stretching out towards the Oak Lode.

  The group moved through the busy streets of Sard. This city was filled with traders and dealers moving and selling products. The streets were narrow and twisted in confusing means, unlike Crown Bay which provided very structured and manageable roads, even in The Thumb.

  Isadore led them, being the most familiar with the city, but all of them, with the exception of Dagny, had been to the city before. They moved to the far north of the city to find a place to stay. Isadore knew that their travels would take them to Malachite Fortress and being as close to the edge of the city would lessen their journey over the next few days.

  They arrived at Oak Lode Inn, which was a large establishment. There were several rooms for rent within the facility itself, but this place also offered smaller cabin rentals that faced the forest towards the trails and roads that led to the Oak Lode, which was a very popular destination for many people visiting.

  They were able to rent a large cabin with four small bed rooms, a large fireplace and sitting area, and a separate cook fireplace where they could prepare food or stew if they desired. Each cabin had its own water pump out back and a separate outhouse.

  Everyone was given a room and Leif agreed to sleep out near the fire place in the sitting area. They weren’t planning to cook themselves, so they settled in and then ventured out back towards the main building where they served food and drinks.

  They found a nice cozy place near one of the many large fireplaces that was snapping brightly with hot flames. There were several large chairs and sofas clustered around it with side tables and a large wooden coffee table. The group all settled down and food and drinks were brought out to them. They didn’t speak much of their journey while sailing over, due to the many spies of The Order.

  As they sat and ate, Isadore decided to bring it up, as this was a private as a setting as they would get.

  “I will do some research here in Sard, but I believe Arman is in Malachite Fortress. We will need to infiltrate it to get him.”

  The group was all very quiet. The thought of trying to enter Malachite Fortress was something no one in their right mind would do. Even for the Argent Brotherhood, this was a daunting task filled with almost certain death or worse, being used as torture for training practices as was greatly suspected by many.

  “Isadore, I am not doubting your intelligence on how you got this information but Malachite Fortress is impenetrable, and not to mention, filled with very bad warlocks.” Leif said.

  “I understand your reservation Leif. This is a journey that not all of us will be able to make. I can scout ahead with Crowley, but even he will be spotted by The Order. I will have to use a different approach once we get past the broken stairs.”

  “The broken stairs?” Dagny asked confused.

  Isadore looked at her with his emotionless face. He paused a moment, dragging out the silence until it was almost uncomfortable. He drew a slight breath.

  “I am sure Leif has mentioned my history to you Dagny. I am well versed in Malachite Fortress, including the few ways to get in. The broken stairs are our best bet at entering undetected.”

  “And once inside, how exactly do you plan to navigate through the fortress undetected? I mean we are doing a rescue mission for someone that obviously The Order values greatly enough to kidnap and attempt to kill over.” Revna said sharply.

  She glared at Isadore, unconvinced by his plan. Isadore looked over at her.

  “It is why not all of us will be going. I am going because I am the only one that can navigate the fortress.” Isadore said firmly.

  “And I am going because this is my mission and my company. I promised Dagny that I would help her find Arman and I intended to follow through with that promise.” Leif said nodding at Dagny.

  “Dagny needs to stay here but she must be guarded.” Isadore stated glancing at Revna.

  Revna’s face changed from one of protest to realization.

  “You want me to stay?” she asked surprised.

  She glanced at Dagny a moment, not wanting to insult her, then looked right at Isadore. “You don’t think I am valuable on this mission?”

  “It is not that you are not valuable Revna, we need someone to guard Dagny, you or Gorm would be capable of this task but Gorm’s strength will be needed during our trek up the broken stairs. Your fighting ability is unmatched, b
ut Gorm’s physical strength is what we need on this mission.” Isadore said trying to sound sincere.

  There was a pause in the conversation as Revna took a sip from her mug to try and drown out her hurt feelings. Isadore knew she would take it as a personal attack. He didn’t want to tell them all of what he knew and how dangerous this all was. He feared for what The Order may do if this was what he thought it was. He drew a long breath and looked at the group.

  “What is it Izzy?” Leif asked, sensing there was hesitation.

  “I do not wish to tell you this for the simple fact that it makes our mission that much more urgent for success, but I feel you should all know, especially you Dagny, that The Malachite Order thrives on ancient prophecy and meditation.”

  “Prophecy?” Gorm asked slightly put off.

  “Yes, as a former member, we were trained in great detail how to interpret and decipher ancient malachite warlock scrolls. The Malachite Fortress wasn’t always as dark and bleak. They were once a harmonious class living with all others, especially the elven folk. Much of the magic and uses come from the Thornwood teachings.”

  “What does this have to do with our mission?” Leif asked.

  “There is one prophecy, the great prophecy, the one all warlocks are brainwashed to believe in and worship as their rise to power. It is said that the second awakening will begin with a chosen one. This is a new caster that will display significant powers beyond belief. It is why The Order has been adamant in finding and taking any clandestine, hoping they will find the chosen one to fulfill their prophesy.”

  “You believe my brother is the chosen one they are seeking?” Dagny said fearfully.

  Isadore looked at her with his cold blue eyes. She felt a shiver run down her back as if he could see everything, her thoughts, her fears and her secret.

  “I do.”

  “How will they know? What if he isn’t, what if he has no powers or abilities at all? How can they know if he is the one to fulfil the prophesy?” she stammered out.

  “There is a ritual performed. If one possesses abilities, they will manifest. Generally, the individual becomes aware and those powers are then developed under strict and demanding training. This is where The Order gains control and compliance in their ranks. Once you are part of it, you cannot break away.”

  “But you did.” she whispered staring at him.

  He was the only one she could count on to find her brother. As frightening as he was and how dark and afraid he made her feel, he was the only comfort in getting her brother back.

  “That is a story for another day.” he said in a low, gentle voice.

  The group was silent once again as they all paused to eat more and drink. The fire was getting low and no longer snapping flames but a warm glowing red ember of wood. Dagny still had questions she wanted answers to. Leif could sense her uncertainty as she kept glancing at Isadore, trying to find a way to speak again.

  “What happens if the ritual is performed on someone that is not clandestine?” Leif asked.

  Dagny felt some relief, as that was a burning question in her mind. What if Arman did not have abilities? What would they do to him?

  “The ritual would not harm the individual; it was just expose them as not having any abilities or power. Once that was established, they would no longer have a use for them.”

  Isadore’s eyes met Dagny’s, who was holding her breath at his words. She felt her throat close up.

  “They would kill him?” she whispered, not quite as a question but rather, a statement.

  “Not entirely.” Isadore said.

  He glanced at Leif who was just as invested in knowing what they were getting themselves into. “Most that make it into Malachite Fortress do not make it out. This is not due to being killed, most are kept as servants. The fortress is rather massive and requires many hands to maintain it. The Order does have funds, but why pay for something when you can cast a spell to make someone do something for you? While inside Malachite Fortress, you are surrounded by malachite rock, this is the fuel that makes the warlocks so powerful. This is why they can control anyone inside the fortress with enough willpower and spells. Outside of the fortress their influence over someone becomes less and less powerful. It is why The Order can’t control everyone in the Royal Commons, their spell for control will only be at its strongest when closest to the fortress.”

  “So, they will make my brother a slave?” Dagny asked slightly relieved.

  “More than likely, yes, but there is still a chance of him being killed. The warlocks use many prisoners to practice their spells on. Many do not survive the torture.”

  Dagny knew it was a possibility that Arman would be dead. She felt in her heart that he was still alive. They were twins and she felt that she would sense if he was no longer living.

  Chapter 13

  It had been a day since Leif, Gorm and Isadore left Sard. The fishing city was still busy as ever, not aware of the troubles that were unfolding just north of the continent. It bothered Dagny as she and Revna walked through the busy streets getting supplies for the few days they would be held up there.

  Each face she passed she looked at with great sorrow. None of them were even aware that Arman was missing or that an evil plot was manifesting within their very home. She was also fearful of everyone she encountered, wondering which one of them was a warlock or which one of them might be the masked killer that Revna managed to scare off.

  They had gathered some food and supplies and were making their way back to their rented cabin. Revna was always alert and wary of anyone that approached them. She was extremely protective of Dagny. It was her one job to keep her alive and safe. She couldn’t be with her companions to infiltrate the fortress so she would take this assignment with as much regard.

  A large ship sailed in from Crown Bay. On it were several passengers that left the ship and scattered into the streets of Sard. One dark individual stood a moment looking at the small city before him. He had been here before. He had assignments all over the world and each one brought him to new and strange places. Desmond stood with his long dark leather coat drawn tightly around him and buttoned up to cover his mouth. His hat concealed his head and hair and only his dark eyes were visible to scan the area.

  It took him a day or so to track the Brotherhood here. He was still on a mission and couldn’t fail this time. The Order didn’t accept failure. Despite not being a caster and having no power, he was in debt to them and this was his means of repaying that debt. He stood a moment expecting someone to give him a signal. They always did. He was their tool, to do what they couldn’t do, to keep suspicion away from The Order.

  How many had he killed and silenced? He couldn’t remember. How many things had he done that destroyed lives and ruined futures? It was second nature to him now. He felt nothing in his cold unemotional body. Was it always like this? Or had they placed a spell on him to not feel? He didn’t care, he only cared about finding Dagny and killing her.

  He scanned the area and saw nothing. Where would they have gone? He started his journey to seek out the Brotherhood. This time he wasn’t going to fail.

  He had made it half way though the city. The sun had long set and he was now wandering the dark streets, checking in at each inn or cottage that offered rooms. So far, his search was turning up nothing. He even inquired at the local taverns to see if anyone had seen the group, but nothing came of this. He figured they were remaining low to avoid being found after the first attack.

  He stood looking at another inn entrance wondering if this one would turn up anything.

  “You are lucky to have failed.” a voice whispered.

  He turned slowly looking behind him. A shadowy figure stood just several feet away. They could always find him. They could track him. They owned him. He drew a long breath and approached.

  “My failure will be amended.” he whispered.

  “No, it will not.” the shadow said firmly.

  Desmond stood confused a moment.r />
  “But the woman…”

  “She is who we are searching for. You will not kill her, you will bring her to us, alive.”

  Desmond stood there slightly angered. He had dreamed of killing Dagny. Her perfect frame and face, her slender neck so longing to be strangled by his firm hands. He drew a long breath.

  “I do not understand. I thought the other was whom you were seeking?”

  Desmond was referring to Arman. He had been ordered to take him, specifically him. He was given the tools, even given the rope with the incinerating spell already imbedded in it by a warlock. It went perfectly until Dagny started sniffing around.


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