The Chosen

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The Chosen Page 11

by Kaitlin Himmelstoss

  If his words were meant to be a comfort, they failed miserably. She was even more afraid than before. Dante started the ritual. It was a combination of ancient words that cast a spell with physical manifestations of magic. The room only had a handful of warlocks to witness this. They were all deeply invested in the ritual and seemed to be chanting along with Dante. The six that were maintaining the shield were focused only on the shield. That is where Isadore needed to break their ranks.

  If six were holding the shield, it was strong, but the less that were powering the spell, the easier it would be to break. Isadore stood quietly. The ritual would awaken Dagny’s powers, this he knew. He just needed to interrupt it before it was completed. He needed to stop it before the malachite stone could penetrate her and hold her hostage to The Order. He knew how difficult it was to break that bond. It was nearly impossible, but he had done it and it cost him everything.

  Leif watched helpless from inside the shield as Dante started the ritual on Dagny. The stone slab started to glow green as strange swirls of blue and purple moved around her and seemed to be attacking her. Dante kept his hand pressed firmly on her chest, ensuring she was connected to the stone. That was crucial for the ritual to work completely.

  “Izzy, now would be the time to do something.” Leif said getting impatient.

  Isadore looked at him and gave a slight nod.

  “Get Gorm up and get ready to fight.” he said softly.

  Leif nodded with anticipation. He pulled Gorm back to his feet, where he grunted and struggled a moment, but shook off the painful after effects the shield had on him. He drew up his ax and glanced at Isadore.

  “I will be honest with you; I have never fought a warlock before. Is there anything I should be worried about?” Gorm asked.

  “If you think you see something, remember, it isn’t real. Ignore the fear and attack the caster.”

  Gorm and Leif glanced at each other and shrugged. Another riddle they didn’t quite understand. Isadore spotted something in the corner of the room and his eyes went black again.

  The attention and focus were on Dagny. The entire room was chanting as the ritual was growing in intensity. Leif and Gorm were ready to brawl with all of them. Isadore was locked in with the rat. He moved along the side wall and ran up to one of the warlocks casting the shield. He waited there by his foot, holding out just a moment longer.

  Out of one of the windows Crowley sailed in unnoticed. He dove down towards one of the warlocks holding the shield up. The rat watched and timed it carefully. As Crowley attacked one of the warlocks heads the rat ran up and bit another warlock’s ankle.

  Both dropped their arms in shock and swatted away their attackers. Isadore pulled out of his connection with the rat and immediately drew in his energy. His eyes glowed blue as wisps of blue energy charged in his hands.

  “It’s time to fight.” Gorm said with a satisfied laugh.

  In one quick move, Isadore sent out bolts of energy towards the six warlocks around them. Only four were holding the shield, the other two were fighting off Crowley and the rat. The blast knocked them all back with such force they fell backwards and landed on the ground.

  Dante felt the energy surge and was pulled out of his chanting. He was angry as he looked up from the platform he was performing the ritual on.

  “Stop them, I must complete the ritual!” he growled.

  The half dozen remaining warlocks all turned and saw the group. They started drawing up spells and approached them.

  Gorm wasted no time and charged in. He started swinging and batting off bolts being thrown at him. He managed to land a blow to one warlock, who was shocked as he stood gasping, looking down at the thick, heavy ax that was now embedded in his chest.

  Leif wasn’t far behind, running in as Isadore provided cover to him, tossing bolts of energy at the warlocks and pulling up elemental spells. Water seeped up through the stone floor morphing into a water shaped person that went after one of the warlocks.

  Gorm yanked his ax out and looked up at his next target. The warlock stood staring at him with a smirk. Gorm shifted his ax in his hands gripping it tightly and went to take a step but stopped suddenly. Around him on the floor were hundreds of snakes. While normally snakes are not anything he would be concerned with, these were poisonous snakes and there were hundreds, all hissing and snapping at his feet.

  He felt fear grip him as he backed away, seeing no escape as they slithered around him. He swung his ax around, but the snakes slithered out of the way and returned just as strong. He looked up at the warlock, who was still smiling as he moved his fingers around in the air. Gorm looked back at Leif fighting and Isadore. He was helpless.

  “It isn’t real Gorm!” Isadore shouted, not even looking over at him.

  Gorm looked back down.

  “They are not real.” he whispered to himself.

  He squeezed his eyes shut and drew a deep breath. He opened them and only looked at the warlock. The warlocks face changed from one of smug to one of concern as Gorm remained focused on him and started charging with his ax. Gorm ran forward, ignoring the snakes. He anticipated feeling them under his feet as he ran but he felt nothing but the stone floor. The warlock threw a bolt at him, that Gorm knocked away with his ax as he went after the man.

  Leif was shoved up against one of the walls by two warlocks that were using a restraint spell. The yellow glow crushed around him as they held him there. He could feel it becoming tighter and tighter. He was gasping for air as the glow crushed around him. He felt his sword drop to the floor as it slipped out of his fingers.

  He was getting dizzy and each breath he found harder and harder to take in air. The two warlocks pushed harder with their spell, trying to crush the life out of Leif as he gasped desperately for air and felt the crushing weight pressing around his arms and chest. Just as he was about to pass out, a sharp dart slammed into the side of one of the warlock’s necks.

  The warlock let out a painful gasp as he dropped his hands and grabbed at the painful infliction. Blood was gushing from the wound as the warlock fell to the floor writhing in pain and shock as he started to choke on his blood. The release of his spell was enough for Leif to draw in a deep breath and push forward shoving the other warlock to the ground. He grabbed his sword off the floor and drove it into the warlock as he tried to retreat back to his feet.

  Leif was catching his breath and glanced over. He saw Revna and Arman standing by the entrance to the room. He nodded as they came over.

  “You appeared to need some assistance.” Revna said sarcastically.

  “As always, your timing is impeccable Revna.” Leif said nodding.

  He glanced at Arman. “I wish we could have a proper introduction but I believe I am in the middle of trying to save your sister.”

  Arman looked up and saw Dagny up on the malachite slab. He gasped and went to run to her but Revna grabbed his arm.

  “Stay back here, if you run up there, they will not hesitate to kill you.”

  Arman felt helpless. Revna pulled out a small blade and handed it to him. “If you are in trouble, jam this into them.”

  Leif and Revna ran back towards the other warlocks fighting with Gorm and Isadore. There were several dead on the floor. Revna saw Dagny as Dante stood over her. The warlocks, although now diminished in numbers, were still holding the room with their spells and attacks. Isadore was doing his best to keep them from ganging up by attacking many of them at once.

  Leif and Gorm were struggling with the fear spell the warlocks could implement. The snakes were only one of many they were now facing. Revna stopped, looking up. She didn’t hesitate and drew out one of her throwing daggers. She hurled it at Dante. He pulled out of his trance from the ritual and stopped it in the air with a spell by holding his hand up. It floated there, dancing around. Revna was stunned watching. Dante looked up at her angrily and flicked his wrist, sending the blade turning back and launching at Revna.

  Her eyes were wide a moment when s
he saw what he did. She turned quickly, avoiding a direct hit, but took the blade in her shoulder. She stumbled and grabbed her arm, feeling it imbedded deep in her flesh. Arman saw it unfold and came running to her, grabbing her to help her stay standing.

  “Revna.” he shouted.

  She gasped looking at him. She shook her head.

  “I am fine, its minor.”

  Arman was concerned. She could tell by his expression. He was handsome, despite the scratches and smears of dirt on his face. His blond hair fell uncombed around his eyes as he looked at her injury. She felt a moment of security as she looked at him, feeling his strong hands hold her. Her expression changed quickly as a warlock came up to them and held up his hands to cast.

  Arman reached back and pulled the small blade Revna had given him. He released his grip on her and went at the warlock as a spell was being released. The two tumbled to the floor in a flash of purple mist. Revna called to Arman. She ran over to where they were both on the floor. Arman pushed himself to get up and he glanced at Revna. She looked him over quickly and saw it did not appear he was injured. She couldn’t say the same for the warlock as he laid dead, with the small blade driven right into his chest, piercing his heart.

  Arman had never killed a man before. He was in slight shock, but his mind was distracted when he looked back at Revna. His concern was for her and her injury. She just smiled and nodded to him.

  Most of the warlocks had started retreating, as their numbers continued to dwindle. Isadore, Leif and Gorm ran up to just before the platform. Dante was at the end of his spell and the ritual would be complete. Dagny was now motionless as she laid there on the slab, unable to process anything that was happening to her.

  “We cannot let him complete the ritual.” Isadore said concerned.

  “We can’t stop him; he is too powerful.” Leif said looking at Dante.

  “We all attack him at once.” Gorm said angrily.

  He looked at the group. “He can’t fight all of us.”

  Isadore nodded in agreement; it was the best they could do. Isadore started in, throwing energy and elemental spells at Dante. At first, they were an annoyance to him. He tried to ignore them to complete the ritual undisturbed. Gorm came running up the platform and swung sideways towards the warlock. Dante leaned back and then pulled his hands away from Dagny and threw a blast at Gorm sending him crashing off to the side of the platform. Dante was glaring at him when he was hit from behind by another blast from Isadore.

  He growled as he turned back to attack Isadore. As he raised his hands Revna threw several darts at him. Dante flicked one away, but the other three hit him in the side. He flinched back from the pain. They were not fatal, but they hurt and provided a distraction.

  Leif charged in as Dante turned towards Revna and attacked her. He caught Leif in his peripheral vision and quickly slammed Leif with a blast. It sent him back into the wall behind the slab. Dante was on him in seconds. He grabbed Leif by the throat with one hand and slammed an energy spell into his side with the other. The pain resonated through Leif, as if he had taken a punching blow.

  Leif let out a painful moan as he dropped his sword.

  “You and your foolish Brotherhood will all perish under the Malachite Order.” Dante growled at him, as he slammed him again with another blast.

  This one was harder and more powerful. Leif could feel the hit draining him of life. He wouldn’t survive much more. Leif looked desperately at Dante and the warlock’s face snarled, prepping for a final blow. Leif gasped as Dante’s grip on his throat tightened. He drew back his hand to form another strike. Leif’s eyes darted up behind Dante. The warlock saw this and snapped his head around.

  Dagny was standing there breathing hard. She was displeased. Her hands were glowing blue, pulsing and shaking. Dante was shocked.

  “Leave my friends alone.” she growled.

  Isadore and Gorm stood to the side watching this unfold. Revna was leaning on Arman for support, catching her breath. Dante released his grip on Leif and turned to face Dagny. Leif was so weak he slid to the floor unable to get up. Dante smiled and slowly approached Dagny with his hands out to the side.

  “Your abilities are waking Dagny, let me finish the ritual, the malachite will give you power.” he said in a soft voice.

  He was just before her now reaching out to guide her back to the slab. She was shaking, glaring at him. Before he could grab her, she let out an angry scream and raised her hands up, slamming them into Dante. He went flying through the air and crashed to the floor. Isadore could see she was starting to glow blue. Her powers were manifesting, but at an alarming rate and out of control.

  “Get Leif, take them out of here.” Isadore shouted.

  Gorm didn’t hesitate, he ran up to grab Leif, who was semi-conscious. He pulled him to his feet and helped him along.

  “Let’s go Leif, the party is over.” Gorm said as he ran back down the steps of the platform. “Pull back.” he said as he ran past Revna and Arman.

  Revna and Arman looked back up at Dagny. She was throwing more blasts at Dante, who was now on his feet, fighting back. The room was shaking with each explosion. Dagny was hurling them and missing, her energy was out of control and it slammed into the stone walls, crumbling support pillars with the force.

  Dante was avoiding her attacks and trying to launch ones at her that would knock her down long enough for him to get her back on the stone. He was pushing her back towards it with his attacks.

  “We can’t leave her!” Arman said to Revna pleading.

  “Isadore will protect her. We have to leave; this place is going to collapse.”

  Reluctantly, Arman helped Revna make it to the door. They all drew back into the hall, away from the room. They could feel the walls shake and tremble as they navigated down the twisting, dark hallways. They needed to make it outside quickly, before the area they were in collapsed in on itself.

  Isadore remained back in the room. The outer celling had already started to cave in from the support columns being knocked out. Dust rose up into the night sky above them. Dagny and Dante continued fighting, throwing bolts at each other. Dagny was almost in a trance of rage. Her entire body now glowed blue and her eyes were white, glowing with blue anger.

  “Dagny, you will destroy us all, you must allow me to contain your powers.” Dante said pleading with her.

  He was becoming more and more concerned with her as she continued her onslaught. He needed to finish the final part of the ritual, but she had to be touching the malachite slab. He threw one spell at her and then ran and tossed another knocking her back. She gathered herself back up and he slammed her again, this time he was upon her.

  He grabbed her before she knew what was happening. He shoved her back into the slab, pressing her back to it as her feet scraped under his on the floor. She couldn’t match his physical strength. He was a strong individual naturally, his casting abilities only enhanced him. Dagny couldn’t cast, he held her hands up over her head, pinning them to the slab while his body pushed against her keeping her in place.

  “Get off me!” she screamed.

  The room was still unstable as the walls continued to crumble. Stones were cracking and tumbling as the mortar that held them together gave way. Dante didn’t hesitate and he started his ritual, the final part. He muttered the words and the green slab started to glow. Isadore knew he needed to stop it.

  He launched an attack at Dante. It took him off guard as everyone had left the room. He didn’t see Isadore had remained. He hissed at him as the bolt stung his back.

  “You will not control her Dante.” Isadore stated.

  “You are a fool Isadore, she is the chosen, you of all people can understand why she must be part of The Order.”

  “I of all people understand why she cannot.”

  Dante hissed again angrily. Dagny struggled under his weight. He tried to continue but Isadore attacked him again, this time he fell to the side and lost his grip on Dagny. She slid to the fl
oor gasping. The slab had almost paralyzed her. She could feel the stone gripping at her as if trying to dig into her mind.

  Isadore and Dante started fighting. Their attacks were harsh and violent. Dagny crawled away and made it down the platform. Dante saw her trying to make it to the door and he went after her. Isadore attacked him from behind but Dante took the hits with gritted teeth as they slammed into him, draining him.

  He caught up to Dagny and grabbed her from behind. She let out a scream and started struggling. Isadore threw one last bolt, this time he super charged it with air energy. The hit knocked into Dante and took the breath out of his lungs. He fell to the floor, releasing Dagny. She stumbled and fell to her knees and rolled over onto her backside looking up.

  Dante was gasping painfully as he composed himself. He was furious. He gathered himself to his feet and turned to launch a bolt at Isadore. It was powerful and charged with malachite energy.


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