Winter Wishes: A Regency Christmas Anthology

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Winter Wishes: A Regency Christmas Anthology Page 95

by Cheryl Bolen

  Jonah closed his eyes for a moment. It turned out he was a hypocrite after all, for her admission pleased him more than it should.

  He nodded toward the bed that was jammed into the corner of the room. From the haphazard piles of objects strewn on the floor next to it, he imagined Emily must have cleared the surface of the bed before he arrived. “Do you think that will hold our weight? It looks very insubstantial.”

  Emily lifted one shoulder. “I have no idea. Want to test our luck?”

  James laughed. “I’m feeling like the luckiest man in the world right now.”

  Emily squeaked, then clapped one hand over her mouth when he lifted her into his arms and tossed her onto the bed.

  Chapter 14

  Expectation rose within her when Jonah followed her onto the bed. Emily inched backward, making room for him. She’d thought she’d be filled with nerves when this moment finally arrived, but instead she felt nothing but anticipation. The way Jonah stared down at her as he braced himself over her on his elbows set her heart racing.

  She’d seen similar looks on other men’s faces, and now she knew what the expression was… desire. Perhaps Jonah had been correct when he told her that other men wanted her for more than just her dowry. But that knowledge changed nothing, because there was only one man she wanted, and he was here with her right now.

  She reached for him the same moment he lowered his head. This time he moved with care, his mouth exploring hers slowly, but somehow that only made her want him more. When he settled the length of his body over hers, most of his weight braced on one arm bent by her head, a delicious heat consumed her.

  This was what she wanted, what she needed. This surfeit of emotion and sensation that threatened to overwhelm her. She’d never imagined Jonah would be the man to call it forth. She’d always liked him, but now she felt so much more.

  She needed to let him know.

  When he moved to kiss along her throat, she was surprised at how good it felt to have his lips pressed there. She’d never realized just how sensitive her neck could be.

  Somehow she managed to speak. “We don’t have to do this.”

  He lifted his head and looked down at her. She didn’t miss the way he lifted his body so it was no longer pressed against hers, and she wanted to weep at the loss.

  “Have you changed your mind?”

  She shook her head. “No, I find that I want to continue more than I’d thought possible.”

  He searched her eyes, trying to decipher the truth behind her words. “Then why do you want to stop? If you’re not ready—”

  “No, it’s not that. I need to tell you something first.”

  He shifted so he was lying on his side next to her, leaning on one arm. The other rested on her hip as though he too needed to maintain that connection with her. He said nothing, waiting for her to continue.

  She shifted onto her side so they were now facing one another and brought her hand up to his face. Running her fingers along his jaw, she marveled at how Jonah was now so dear to her. “I’ve been very picky when it comes to men because I wanted to ensure I had the same type of marriage as my siblings found.”

  Jonah shifted his head and pressed a kiss in her palm. “Something for which I am infinitely grateful.”

  She smiled as she ran a thumb over his lower lip. “I approached this as a sort of test, but I’ve realized I don’t need it. I know you’re the only man for me.”

  He captured her hand and rolled so he was over her again. His gaze was intense as he stared down at her. “I love you, Emily Hathaway. But please don’t tell me I have to stop now and ask for permission to court you first.”

  Emily didn’t hold back her delighted laughter. She knew Jonah would wait if she asked him to, but that was the last thing she wanted.

  “I love you too, Sir Jonah. Now please compromise me so my family will have no choice but to agree to your suit.”

  Neither of them believed that would be necessary. Her brothers were protective, yes, but they liked Jonah a great deal. Still, if that lie was needed to overcome any qualms he might have about continuing, she’d tell it again and again.

  He answered with a smile that could only be called wicked, one that had all her senses on high alert.

  “Your wish is my command,” he said before kissing her again.

  They continued to kiss, and she had to concentrate to undo the buttons of his waistcoat. When she succeeded in tugging open the material, she made a small sound of satisfaction and placed her hand on his chest over the lawn shirt. That sound turned into a surprised moan when she realized he’d used the hand on her hip to inch up her skirts.

  He drew back and slid his hand along her outer thigh. “Are you fine with this?”

  In reply, she tugged his shirt from his trousers. When she burrowed underneath and ran her fingers over his abdomen, he let out a small hiss.

  “I’m going to take that as a yes.”

  He rose onto his haunches, and Emily watched with wonder as he removed his waistcoat and dragged his shirt over his head before tossing both garments onto the floor. When he lowered himself over her again, she took great satisfaction in running her hands over the exposed skin. He was harder than she’d expected, and his skin gave off enough heat to compensate for the lack of a lit fire in the room.

  She stiffened in surprise when he moved his hand to her inner thigh but then forced herself to relax. She wanted this, after all. It was normal to be a little nervous about what was to come, but she most definitely did not want to stop.

  She wasn’t wearing any smallclothes, which Jonah clearly liked from the look of surprised wonder on his face.

  She yelped in surprise when he rolled them over again so she was lying on top of him. He used his legs to spread hers farther apart, and she didn’t resist. When his mouth clasped the peak of her breast through her dress, a bolt of pure sensation streaked through her. It only intensified when he moved his hand between her legs.

  “Jonah…” His name was a long, low moan on her lips. When she thought about the intimacies that took place between a man and a woman, she’d expected to feel embarrassment, but instead she felt only eagerness to experience more.

  His touch was pure magic, and the pull of his mouth on first one breast then the other had her making sounds that were decidedly unladylike. She allowed herself to sink into the world of sensation she was experiencing through Jonah’s touch. There would be time later for her to bring him to equal heights, after he showed her what to do.

  Once she stopped worrying about what she should be doing, it took little time for her to reach crisis. One pure, unexpected moment where all thoughts left her and she could only feel.

  When she called out his name, it was louder than she’d expected, but Jonah covered her lips and silenced her cry of pleasure.

  His movements slowed and she sagged on top of him, her head on his chest and her breathing ragged. It took her a minute before she found her voice. “I can see now what all the fuss is about.”

  Jonah chuckled, but the sound was cut off with a strangled moan when she reached down and cupped his manhood. She was shocked at how hard he was.

  Jonah dropped a kiss atop her head. “I’d ask you if you want to stop now, but I’m afraid you’ll say yes.”

  She lifted her head to meet his gaze. “I don’t want to stop. I want to experience everything with you.”

  He shifted their positions so he was over her again. “Good.” His brows drew together. “This might hurt at first.”

  “I know.” But given how much Sarah and Grace seemed to enjoy their husbands’ company, she also knew that it would pass. If not tonight, then the next time they were together.

  She’d worn a dress with a low bodice and a half corset, thinking only to entice Jonah. It hadn’t occurred to her that it would take just a quick tug for him to expose her breasts before he captured one peak in his mouth again. The feel of his warm, silken mouth on the bare skin of her breast was infinitely better t
han when he’d teased her through the fabric of her dress.

  She was determined to give him as much pleasure as he was showing her. Her fingers had gone to his hair, where they combed through the thick sandy-brown strands. Needing to touch every inch of him she could reach, she lowered her hands first to his shoulders, then stroked the heated skin of his upper back. When he lifted his head and began to kiss her again, she was able to reach his waist and she dipped her hands beneath the fabric that still covered his hips.

  He groaned and tore his mouth from hers. “I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.”

  “I’m ready now, Jonah.”

  He searched her face as if to assure himself she wasn’t just saying the words to give him what he wanted. In response, she started to unbutton the fall of his trousers. He remained unnaturally still, as though he were afraid to move, but when she reached to encircle his manhood with her hand, he let out his breath with a stuttering exhale.

  Jonah took over then, positioning her legs so he could brush his hardness against her folds. Then he moved forward, entering her with great care.

  She’d expected pain, but she was so slick with desire it didn’t hurt beyond the initial pinch at his invasion. Still, Jonah stopped his movements and gave her time to adjust to him, concentrating again on kissing her. Emily would never tire of the feel of his mouth against hers, but soon the ache where they were joined had her lifting her legs to encircle his hips. A spark where Jonah had touched her earlier had her gasping in pleasure, and she started to thrust her hips against him, chasing the earlier sensations.

  He gazed down at her, one corner of his mouth tilted upward. “I take it this isn’t unbearably painful for you?”

  From the tight set of his jaw, Emily guessed that his determination to be careful was costing him dearly and her heart expanded.

  “Is this all there is?”

  In response, Jonah pulled out and then moved back in. The smooth glide of his body within hers had her releasing a small “ooh” of surprise and delight.

  There were no words after that. When Emily reached her second peak, she stifled her moans against his shoulder. Jonah gave a small grunt and pulled out of her, spilling onto the sheets. She knew it was prudent, but a small part of her could hardly wait until they wouldn’t need to worry about preventing a pregnancy.

  Jonah rolled to one side and took Emily with him. They lay together, the only sound that of their mixed breaths for several minutes.

  It was Jonah who broke the silence. “How soon do you think we can wed? After all, once I declare my intentions, James will no doubt have a footman guarding you. We might not get another opportunity to be alone together.”

  Emily laid a hand along his cheek, savoring the knowledge that when the day of their wedding arrived, she’d be able to touch him whenever she wanted. “Then we should make proper use of tonight.”

  His smile was wicked. “I like the way you think, Miss Hathaway.”


  Christmas Day, 1816

  * * *

  No longer content to hide his feelings, Jonah asked James for permission to court her the day after their tryst. They wouldn’t need her brother’s blessing once she turned twenty-one in the spring, but they both wanted it anyway.

  Once James granted it, Emily took great joy in being able to show her affection openly. But Jonah had been correct when he said her brother would have someone watching him like a hawk at all times to ensure he didn’t overstep the bounds of propriety with her. Fortunately, she’d earned the affection of most of the household staff, and they were willing to look the other way when she and Jonah wanted to be alone together for brief periods of time. It also helped that Sarah was more than willing to distract her husband.

  At Jonah’s insistence, they didn’t make love again. He wanted to wait until they were wed, and Emily was currently in negotiations with her family about how soon she and Jonah could marry without stirring gossip about unseemly haste.

  It was Christmas morning, and Emily’s patience was starting to wear thin. She managed to grab a seat next to Jonah in the breakfast room, where they’d all gathered before they would go into the drawing room to open their gifts. James’s brows drew together when Jonah reached for her hand, which was resting on the table next to her plate. She was relieved when her brother didn’t say anything.

  “What do you think about a March wedding?” Sarah didn’t look up from the task of buttering her toast.

  Emily’s heart leaped. Her preference was for Jonah to fetch a special license so they could be wed soon, but she realized that wasn’t going to happen. And calling the banns over the next three weeks had also been vetoed. Fortunately, March wasn’t so far away.

  “I don’t see why we need to rush.” James’s voice was a petulant grumble, suggesting he and Sarah had argued about the matter and he’d lost.

  Emily frowned. “First you wanted to throw me at Lord Kirby, a stranger, and now you have reservations about my marrying someone you know, whom you respect and call a friend?”

  James had the courtesy to look abashed at her rebuke. “I have no reservations about Jonah. It’s just difficult for me to think of you as a grown woman who will be leaving us soon.”

  “The distance between Newmarket and Northampton isn’t that far,” Jonah said. “Besides, we’re also going to be business partners, and I’ve always found it preferable to conduct business in person rather than relying solely on correspondence. Have no fear, James. We’ll be here so often you’ll soon tire of seeing my face.”

  James made a small harrumph. “That’s a gruesome thought.”

  Everyone broke into laughter since they all knew that of the three men present, Jonah was the only one whose features could be considered classically handsome.

  Jonah squeezed her hand and she met his gaze. “It’s only three months.”

  Emily released a soft breath. “I’ve never been very patient. But I’ve already waited three endless seasons to find the love of my life. What’s three more months?”

  She knew the smile she gave Jonah would be considered overly sentimental, but she didn’t care because she meant every word.

  “With that settled, we should head into the drawing room,” Sarah said. “I’ll go collect the boys so we can open presents. I’m sure they’re driving their nurse crazy.”

  “Well, I already have my gift,” Edward said. All eyes turned to him as he dropped a kiss on the back of his wife’s hand. “Grace and I are expecting our first child.”

  Emily leaped from her chair to congratulate her brother and his wife but had to wait her turn to offer them each a hug since the other women had done the same.

  They were making their way to the drawing room—minus Sarah, who’d gone up to the nursery—when Mrs. Stanton spoke. “Perhaps by next Christmas Emily will be able to give me a grandchild as well.”

  That was all it took for James to position himself between her and Jonah. “Just make sure there are no surprises before then,” he said with a low growl.

  Emily couldn’t hold back her laughter, and soon everyone else was joining in.

  When Sarah returned with her two nephews several minutes later, Emily found her heart was full. Jonah had already fulfilled her Christmas wish. Anything else she received that day would pale in comparison.

  About Suzanna Medeiros

  Suzanna Medeiros was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. Her love for the written word led her to pursue a degree in English Literature from the University of Toronto. She went on to earn a Bachelor of Education degree, but graduated at a time when no teaching jobs were available. After working at a number of interesting places, including a federal inquiry, a youth probation office, and the Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario, she decided to pursue her first love—writing.

  Suzanna is married to her own hero and is the proud mother of twin daughters. She is an avowed romantic who enjoys spending her days writing love stories.

  She would like to thank her parents
for showing her that love at first sight and happily ever after really do exist.

  * * *

  You can find details of her work at

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  Gabriel, Lord Lockhart, is shocked by the woman his childhood friend has become. Distant and aloof, Maddie’s beguiling beauty remains, but she is nothing like the mouthy hellion he remembers. That is until the day he finds her on a dirty street in one of the seediest areas in London, championing children.

  * * *

  He soon realizes how wrong he’s been about her, and that his long-buried feelings for her have reignited into something even more powerful. Now all he has to do is keep her safe!

  * * *

  Miss Madeline Spencer loathes society, but has promised her parents she will behave so she can keep her freedom. Everything is going to plan until Gabe stomps back into her life. He uncovers her secret, and demands she stop taking risks. She soon realizes that the gentle boy she once loved is now a passionate man with an iron will. But she can’t allow him to deter her from what must be done. Even if it means she can’t be with the man she loves.

  Copyright © 2019 by Wendy Vella

  Chapter 1


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