Wake Me (Distracted Book 1)

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Wake Me (Distracted Book 1) Page 15

by Jill Sanders

  “Are you seeing this?” he asked after she answered the phone.

  “What?” she asked, and he could hear that she was walking. “I’m heading into class.”

  “Where’s Jamie?”

  “She’s with me.” Her voice dropped to a soft whisper. “We decided to go to class, as if nothing was wrong.”

  “Don’t, you may want to take her back home. It appears the guy… they found in the trunk of his car in the lake…” He realized that over the phone was not the best method of telling Emily, but he figured it was best coming from him. “They found several bodies on the guy’s property. Including Crissy. She’s alive,” he added quickly. He was still in shock after hearing that bit of news himself. He knew it would affect Jamie even more.

  “What?” He heard Emily stop walking. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, it appears the guy was a serial killer.”

  “They found Crissy? The woman you worked with?”

  “Yes.” He sighed. “She’s banged up but expected to live.”

  “Oh my… I have to… go,” she said quickly.

  “Yeah, call me if you—”

  “I will,” she said before hanging up.

  He dialed Blaine next and filled him in. Blaine basically did the same thing and quickly hung up on him after hearing the news.

  For the next few hours, he trailed Dr. Woods, standing over the operating table as she worked, taking in every detail of how she worked, giving answers when she asked him questions. The fact that he was only stumped once boded well for him. At the end of his shift, Dr. Wood’s patted him on the shoulder and gave him a smile.

  “I’m impressed. You’re better than the last kid they sent up here.” She gave him a nod and then motioned to her office door. “I’ll see you again tomorrow.”

  “Thanks.” He shook her hand. “How’s Crissy?”

  Dr. Woods’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh.” She glanced over at her computer. “She’s up in room three-twenty-eight. Why don’t you swing by and see for yourself?”

  “Thanks.” He stood up and walked out, figuring he could spare a few minutes before he was to meet everyone. He used the elevators to head up.

  When he stepped into room three-twenty-eight, it was dark, and he could see Crissy resting. He thought about turning around and leaving, but she spoke.

  “Rafe?” She hit the button and soft lights turned on. “I thought that was you. Come in.” She motioned with her hand.

  “How are you feeling?” He moved to her side.

  “Alive.” She closed her eyes.

  Out of habit, he took her chart and glanced over it.

  “I heard you watched over my surgery?” She smiled a little. “My husband’s a little jealous that you’ve seen my insides.”

  He chuckled. “Where is Carl?” He glanced towards the door.

  “He’s taking Emma to his mother’s so he can spend the night with me here.” She smiled, then he watched that smile slip. “God.”

  He set her chart down and sat beside her, taking her hand into his as tears started to slip down her cheeks.

  “Easy,” he told her when she reached up to wipe her eyes dry and winced with pain. Taking a box of tissues from the table next to the bed, he handed it to her and waited while she wiped her face.

  “God, I came so close,” she said softly.

  “Can you tell me what happened?”

  She closed her eyes. “The last thing I remember, before…”—she took a deep breath— “was serving drinks. I don’t remember clocking out, or leaving, but… Carl said they found my purse in the parking lot.” She shook her head. “I woke in darkness.” She closed her eyes. “Everything else, it was dark. I don’t know who… or where…”

  “It’s okay.” He could see that she was struggling to stay calm. He glanced at the monitor and noticed her heart rate rising. “Don’t worry about it right now. Just focus on getting better and being with your family.” He stood up and then leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

  “Rafe?” The voice from the doorway had him glancing over. Carl stood in the doorway, looking tired and happy all at once.

  “Carl.” Rafe smiled and walked over to shake the man’s hand. The guy surprised him by wrapping his arms around him.

  “Heard you helped with the surgery this morning.”

  Rafe chuckled. “I was sidelined but watched over it.” He winked over at Crissy.

  “We got lucky.” Carl moved to Crissy’s side and took her hand.

  “Sounds like it,” he agreed.

  “If they hadn’t found that car and the guy in the trunk…” Carl shook his head as he glanced down at Crissy. “We got lucky,” he repeated.

  “Do they think the guy they found was the one who took you?” he asked Crissy.

  “No,” Carl answered for Crissy, “they don’t.” He glanced down at Crissy. “We can’t tell you much, but no.” He shook his head and sat gently on the bed next to his wife.

  “I’ll let you two catch up.” He started to go.

  “Rafe.” Carl stood up and followed him to the door. “Crissy, I’ll be right back.” Carl followed him out of the room. “Whoever did this is still out there,” Carl said when the door was shut. “The cops, they don’t think the guy will come after Crissy, but…” Carl glanced up and down the hallway. “It would sure be nice to get some extra security around here.”

  “Don’t mention it.” He shook the guy’s hand. “I’ll see what can be done.”

  “Thanks,” Carl said before turning back to the room.

  Rafe went and found the head nurse and chatted with her for a few moments about arranging security for Crissy and Carl. After being assured that it would be taken care of, he made his way back down to the locker room and showered and changed.

  He drove to his apartment, knowing that Emily, Jamie, and Blaine would all be there waiting for him.

  When he stepped in, Emily greeted him at the door and hugged him. Suddenly, he realized what he’d been missing his entire life. Having someone to come home to, waiting for him with a hug and a kiss. How could he continue without her in his life?

  Chapter 17

  Emily sat back with the rest of her friends and watched all the news reports, waiting for any new information to flash onto the screen.

  She and Jamie had called in sick for the day, thankfully, because when Jamie had found out about Crissy and what the police had found at the property, she’d had another full panic attack. Luckily, Blaine had been there and helped.

  Now she was holding Jamie’s hand as the image changed and the scene of the car being pulled from the lake once again filled the screen.

  “Tonight, we’re getting new reports of more information about the car that was found in a lake in the northern Everglades National Park by a father and son duo who were out enjoying a day playing with their new drone. It has been confirmed that the car belonged to a Scott Alcott who disappeared two years ago in June, but in a twist of fate, had never been reported as missing.

  When police arrived at Alcott’s property in Miami Dade County, they were shocked to discover a shipping container where Crissy Talbot, the twenty-seven-year-old waitress who had gone missing last week, was found alive. Talbot underwent surgery earlier today and is expected to make a full recovery. After further search of the property, the gruesome discovery of at least three other female bodies has been made. The police are not ruling out the possibility that they have discovered the lair of a serial killer and the person responsible for the seven women that have gone missing in the past six months along the coast.

  The police are looking into the possibility that Alcott may have stumbled upon the killer on his property and was included in the list of victims.

  Police are urging anyone with more information, to come forward…”

  Jamie reached up and hit the mute button on the remote.

  “He wasn’t a victim,” she said and leaned back.

  “You know what
this means?” Blaine said, wrapping his arm around Jamie’s shoulders.

  “What?” Emily asked, feeling the bottom of her stomach twist.

  “Jamie killed one out of two of the sick bastards,” Blaine finished. He turned to Rafe. “How’s Crissy doing?”

  “She’s bruised, but alive,” he said, taking Emily’s hand in his.

  They had ordered pizza before the report had come on and when the doorbell rang, Emily jumped up to answer it. Expecting the delivery guy, she released a little gasp when she noticed a police officer standing on the porch instead.

  “Can I help you?” she asked after recovering.

  “I’m detective Alan Mills.” A very tall police officer stepped forward into the light. “I need to speak with Jamie Garner.” He glanced over her shoulder into the apartment.

  Emily glanced back and watched as her friend’s face grew paler. Jamie knew what the police were there for.

  Thankfully, Blaine jumped up, grabbed Jamie’s hand, and dragged her into her room without a word.

  “I…” She turned back to the officer, making sure the door was blocking their view into the apartment. “I’ll see if she’s available.” She started to shut the door, but the officer placed his hand on the door, stopping her.

  “I don’t think you understand the importance of me talking to her.”

  Rafe moved beside her and opened the door further and smiled at the officer. “Is there a problem?” he asked smoothly.

  The officer looked annoyed for a split second, then cleared his throat and said. “I’m here to talk to Jamie Garner.”

  “Emily, why don’t you go see if she’s awake,” he told her easily.

  Emily didn’t need any more encouragement. She disappeared down the hallway quickly.

  When she stepped into Jamie’s room, Blaine was shoving Jamie’s head between her legs as she sat on the edge of her bed.

  “Tell me she isn’t high right now,” Emily whispered.

  “I’m not,” Jamie’s voice came from between her knees. “I’ve thought about it but…” She shook her head.

  Blaine got up. “Where’s your stash?” he asked quickly.

  “What?” Jamie sat up.

  “Where?” The urgency in his voice had Jamie pointing to a small stuffed dog that Emily had given her the first Christmas they had known one another.

  Blaine ripped the dog’s head off, took the small bag of pills enclosed within, walked into the bathroom, and flushed them.

  “Hey,” Jamie said with annoyance.

  Blaine walked back over to her and assessed her eyes and face. “You’ve got some color back to you. Now, go out there, don’t tell them anything, and if they want you to go down to the station…”

  “I’m calling my dad,” Emily jumped in.

  “Good.” Blaine nodded. “Tell them you want to talk to your lawyer.”

  “Oh my god.” Jamie grew pale again.

  “Hey.” He took her shoulders in his hands. “Remember, you’re a victim. You’re a survivor. Nothing more.” He leaned in and kissed her. “I’m right here with you.”

  “We are.” Emily walked over and wrapped her friend in her arms.

  “Oh god.” Jamie sighed as Blaine hugged them both.

  “Shoulders up, eyes forward. We’ll do this together.”

  Jamie and Blaine stepped out of the room, and Emily hung back and dialed her dad’s number. She held her breath as it rang twice before he answered.

  “Hey, sweetie, I was just thinking—”

  “Dad, we need you,” she interrupted.

  “What’s wrong?” Her father’s voice was laced with concern.

  “Jamie. It’s… complicated… I think she might need your help,” she said quickly, unsure of what to tell her father. She had been planning on talking to him, asking his advice, but didn’t think that she would be needing his help so soon.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “Our apartment. But I don’t know—”

  “I’ll be there in five minutes,” her dad said before hanging up.

  When she left Jamie’s bedroom, Rafe’s eyes met hers and she relaxed a little when he smiled at her.

  Jamie was sitting on the sofa while the officer stood with his back to the door. The man’s eyes were glued to Jamie but darted occasionally towards Rafe and Blaine.

  When another knock sounded at the door, Rafe moved over and opened for the pizza guy.

  “Perfect timing,” Rafe told the guy under his breath as he paid him and set the pizzas on the kitchen table.

  “As I told your…” the officer started to say when everyone had settled down again.

  “Roommate,” Emily supplied as she sat next to Jamie. The man nodded at her. “I’m detective Alan Mills. I need to ask you a few questions.”

  “About?” Jamie asked, her voice sounding small and weak.

  “Scott Alcott.” The detective stepped forward, his eyes on Jamie as if he was assessing her reaction to hearing the name.

  “Who?” Jamie shook her head.

  “Isn’t that the guy on the news?” Blaine said, motioning to the screen, which was still on the news channel. “The one that they found in the car?”

  “Yes,” the detective said easily. “Miss Garner, did you know Scott Alcott?”

  “No.” Jamie frowned. “I don’t think so,” she added, shaking her head slightly.

  The detective moved forward and showed them a picture of a blond man. Emily watched Jamie’s face closely, but her friend looked at the image as if she’d never seen the man before. Thinking back to what Jamie had said, Emily didn’t doubt it was the first time she was getting a good look at the man she’d killed.

  “No.” Jamie shook her head even more. “I’ve never seen the man before.” She leaned back and glanced over to Blaine.

  “What’s this all about? I thought the guy had been in the trunk for two years?” Blaine asked.

  Detective Mills nodded. “We’ve found some… evidence that we believe ties Miss Garner to Scott Alcott.”

  “Evidence?” Rafe asked.

  “A University of Miami library card belonging to Jamie Garner,” Detective Mills added.

  Emily watched Jamie’s face turn a little green just as another knock sounded at the front door.

  Relief flooded her when she saw her dad standing on the other side of the door.

  “Hi, sweetie, …” Her father’s voice dropped off when he noticed the officer in the apartment. “What’s all this about?” he asked, easily stepping in and taking over the situation.

  The detective backed down immediately after her father walked in and introduced himself. Her father was very well known in Miami as one of the best lawyers, and that seemed to be working in their favor. When her father suggested they meet down at the station, the detective shook his head.

  “There’s no need. If I need any further information”—his eyes moved to Jamie again— “I’ll get in touch.”

  When Rafe shut the door behind the officer, the entire room was silent.

  “I don’t know about you,” Rafe said, “but I need a beer.” He walked into the kitchen and pulled out a couple of beers.

  “I’ll have one,” Blaine said as he pulled Jamie into his arms.

  “Who wants to start at the beginning?” her father said, sitting down across from them.

  Jamie held it together as she once again ran through what had happened over two years ago while her father listened intently, taking notes at times.

  “Dad, can you help Jamie?” Emily asked when Jamie grew silent.

  Her father looked at her and she noticed a look cross his eyes that she had never seen. Instantly, she worried.

  “Of course, I can,” he answered. “Jamie, don’t worry, I’ve dealt with worse cases.” He winked at Jamie. “You have nothing to worry about. You were a victim and therefore are protected under several laws. I’ll pick you up around nine tomorrow so we can have a little meeting before we head into the station. Get some rest.�
� He turned to leave, but Emily rushed after him.

  “Dad?” She shut the door behind them and stood out in the porch light.

  “You should have told me.” He turned on her.

  “I just found out myself,” she said, feeling her heart sink. “I was going to call you.” She sighed. “I should have called you sooner.”

  He glanced towards the door. “The boys in there?”

  Damn, she hadn’t even told her father she was seeing Rafe. She might have an excuse for not telling her father about Jamie’s predicament, since it had just been sprung on her, but she’d been seeing Rafe for several weeks now and had yet to officially tell her father. It wasn’t as if she’d been hiding it from him, she’d just been… busy and hoping that it would last.

  “Dad, I’m sorry, I should have told you.” Just then Rafe stepped out of the apartment.

  “Mr. Stokes, I’m Rafe Turner.” He extended his hand.

  Her father glanced at it. “I remember you from the restaurant. You’re my daughter’s teacher, right?”

  Rafe cleared his throat. “No sir, I’m a teacher’s assistant at the college. I work with Emily at UMH.”

  “You were with a blond…”

  “My roommate’s…” Rafe shook his head. “Our old landlord,” he finished. “Emily and I have been… exclusive for a few weeks,” Rafe said smoothly.

  “Right.” Her father sighed. “I suppose after this mess is cleared up, we’ll have to do what normal people do”—her father’s eyes met hers— “and have dinner someday.”

  “Dad.” She felt her throat close as her father nodded to Rafe.

  “It was nice meeting you again.” He turned and left while Emily closed her eyes and tried to breathe through the pain.

  “Hey.” Rafe wrapped his arms around her. “He’s just hurt.”

  “I know.” She sighed into Rafe’s chest. “I should have told him.”

  “Why didn’t you?” he asked. “Embarrassed of me?”

  She laughed. “No. Have you told your mother about me yet?” She glanced up at him and when he winced, she nodded. “Yeah, we’ve been a little busy.”

  “Hey, let’s go in and have some warm beer and cold pizza.” He took her hand and led her inside.


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