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Lethal in a Kilt (Hot Scots Book 7)

Page 30

by Anna Durand

  Serena hunched a few meters away, wringing her hands, with the tracks of tears visible on her cheeks. She'd startled when I shoved the door open, but now she was shaking her head. "There is nothing left to say."

  "There's plenty." I leaned against the jamb. "I love you, Serena. My life is with you, and I'm not running away because you invent an excuse to leave me."

  "You still don't get it." She spread her hands, new tears rolling down her cheeks. "I can't do this. It's too much."

  "Everyone dies eventually. I can't promise to live forever, and neither can you." I took two steps toward her. "You are not a coward. You're a strong, resilient woman who faces life and deals with it. You've raised a son on your own, without even your family to support you. For Christ's sake, Serena, you convinced Alex to take a chance and come here to see Catriona again. You convinced Keely to give Evan a chance when she was afraid to love him. You fight for everyone else, why won't you fight for us?"

  She huddled there for a moment, looking at me with a pained expression. Her hands fell to her sides, and her shoulders caved in. "God, Logan, why can't you just give up? You're so much younger than I am, young enough to start a family, you should be with someone who can give you that, someone who's not messed up inside."

  "I thought you didn't care about our age difference."

  "That's not the point. I'm damaged. I don't know if I can ever get over the fear of losing the people I love." She squeezed her eyes shut. "I couldn't even watch Chase throw a caber because I was terrified he might get hurt."

  And then Alex had gotten hurt. Suddenly, her change in mood yesterday made sense.

  I came closer and clasped her hands, holding them between us. "Of course you're afraid. You lost your husband in a brutal, senseless way. Since then, you've only had flings with men, until you met me. Now, your whole life is different. Your best friend, who's like a sister to you, got married and had a baby. Your son is growing up. And being with me can't be easy. My past isn't the sort likely to give you comfort, and I've got physical scars to remind you of how dangerous my life used to be."

  She raised her face to me, her eyes red but dry, and there was something in her gaze that gave me hope I might get through to her.

  "That's the point, though," I said. "My life used to be dangerous. I'm not a spy anymore, and I have no desire to ever go back to that life. Yes, I liked our adventure in Cairo, but not because of the danger. I liked the challenge of finding Falk Mullane and the tablets, and I liked having you there with me. You've seen every side of me, and I thought you accepted all of it."

  "I did. I do." She hauled in a shaky breath. "I love you, all of you, even the deadly secret agent part. You're right about my fear of people dying, but I don't know if I can get over it."

  "You can, and you will." I cradled her face in my hands, caressing her skin with my thumb. "It will take time, Serena. You've avoided facing the fear for a long time, but you can get over it. I'll help you."

  "What can you do? It's inside me."

  "I'm going to teach you something I learned years ago on the battlefield." Keeping hold of her face, I inched even closer until our breaths mingled. "Life is precious. You can't think of it as a path to death, but only as a winding road full of life and love and opportunities. Every road reaches its end eventually, but you can't focus on that. Focus on life, Serena. On the future, the possibilities, the happiness you can have now—if you take the risk."

  Her mouth opened, but she seemed unable to speak.

  That was fine, because I had something else to say. "I talked to Evan last night, and we came up with a plan. You're right about the job at Evanescent. It bores me out of my skull. Evan and I agreed I'll stay on as head of security, but I won't man a desk anymore. My job will be to keep an eye on the other employees and run regular tests of the physical security measures, to make sure no one can circumvent them. Evan's people know how to deal with digital incursions, but I know more about the old-fashioned, hands-on sort. I'll offer the same service to the company's clients."

  I waited for her to say something, but she hadn't regained her voice yet. Honestly, I needed a moment too. Never in my life had I delivered such a long speech, and I wasn't done yet.

  So I got back to it. "I'll also occasionally travel to Evanescent's global headquarters at Inverness to perform the same sort of tests there and at the factories in Wales and Cornwall. But I will be free to take freelance security jobs, like the ones I've done for Alex."

  Though her mouth had fallen open again, her tears had faded away.

  "In case I wasn't clear enough," I said, "this means that I'm not going back to MI6 or the military. Not ever. I don't want to. This arrangement eliminates the boredom, and it will let us have a holiday in Scotland whenever we like. The only unknown in this equation is you."

  "Why would you do that? Why change your whole life?"

  "For you, because you mean more to me than any job. Can you handle having me around every day, permanently?"

  She gazed at me with eyes that had become clear and bright, full of the life I'd always seen in them, the life that made her so beautiful and wonderful. "Yes, Logan, I can handle it. I want to be with you, I want to take the risk."

  "Good, because I have something else to say." I dropped to one knee. "Maybe I shouldn't do this yet, but you might've noticed I'm not the sort who waits for the right time."

  "You always pick the right time. I just couldn't see how right you were." She brushed her fingers over my cheek. "I see it now. And I'm ready, so go on."

  I took hold of her left hand. "Serena Carpenter, will you be my wife?"

  She laughed, almost giggling. "That's it? No romantic, soppy speech?"

  "You also might've noticed I'm not one for speeches. The one I made a minute ago is all I've got in me today." I kissed her hand. "Well, will ye have me?"

  "Of course I will. Yes, Logan, yes."

  Was this what Kirsty had meant? The answer would be yes, she'd told me twice. No, second sight was a myth.

  I rubbed Serena's third finger. "Sorry I don't have a ring yet. This proposal was spontaneous."

  "That's the best kind." She knelt and looped her arms around my neck. "A bone-melting kiss will do for today, to seal the deal. Are you sure you don't mind being a stepdad to a teenage boy?"

  "Chase is the least annoying child I've ever met, even if I did watch him stuff an entire Scotch egg in his mouth at Aunt Aileen's birthday party."

  "He did what? Oh, he'll be hearing about that when I see him."

  "Later. Right now, I need to kiss my future wife."

  "Yes, you do."

  I tugged her close. "Your lips won't be leaving mine for a long, long time."



  Five Weeks later

  Human bodies filled the great hall at Dùndubhan, humans full of life and revelry, men and women dressed in elaborate costumes and wearing masks to conceal their identities. Colored lights cast a muted glow on the cavernous room, with delicate strobes occasionally flaring across the space. Only Aidan MacTaggart would turn his birthday party into something naughty and for adults only. Earlier today, he'd held a party with the children, his and the ones belonging to his siblings and cousins. Tonight was for the rest of us.

  Trying to identify the partygoers proved a challenge, with their faces mostly or fully covered and only their eyes and mouths visible. I recognized Aidan's wife, Calli, by her red hair and striking green eyes. Evan's wife, Keely, had even more striking green eyes and raven hair that made her stand out from the crowd. There was no mistaking Evan either, with his eerily pale blue eyes that seemed almost silver. As for Logan, I knew him by his stance and the way he seemed to always be watching for trouble. With a beautiful wife like Serena, I didn't blame him for keeping watch on the other men in attendance.

  I weaved my way through the throng of dancing couples to get to Logan and Serena.

  "There you are," Serena said, smiling.
"We wondered where you got to."

  "Just taking in the party." I took in her costume, a scrap of black fabric with fringe that shimmied whenever she moved. A cap with a red feather attached to it covered part of her black wig. "What are you again?"

  "A flapper." She twirled around, making the fringe dance. "You know, from the Roaring Twenties."

  "Right. Well, you do look ravishing, Serena. If you ever tire of Logan, let me know." I smiled and winked. "Or if you fancy a shag on the side."

  "I don't sleep with men who are in love with someone else."

  Logan strapped his arm around Serena's waist. "Stop flirting with my wife, Alex, or I'll have to take you outside and beat you with a caber."

  "Just having a bit of fun. Your wife is, sadly, devoted to you and you alone."

  It was charming how in love they were, but sometimes watching them together gave me heartburn.

  Glancing around the room, I said, "This is quite a party. I'm surprised Aidan invited me, but then, you and Serena probably harassed him until he agreed to do it."

  "We invited you to our wedding. That makes you family."

  Yes, I remembered the wedding. Catriona had glared daggers at me through the entire ceremony. Hot, serrated daggers dipped in poison. During the reception, she hadn't deigned to speak to me.

  But she had looked at me. Often. Stared, actually.

  I hadn't seen her at this party yet, but her costume might have fooled me.

  "What does Cat do for a living these days?" I asked, for reasons I couldn't explain even to myself.

  Logan answered. "She teaches the occasional class at the Loch Fairbairn school."

  Catriona had been the cleverest student I'd ever known, but now she worked part-time at a school for children. She should've been a tenured professor at a university by now, conducting her own digs and making archaeological discoveries.

  "She's over there," Serena said.

  I swung my gaze back to her. "What?"

  "Catriona. She's over there." Serena raised her arm and pointed one outstretched finger toward the other end of the great hall. "She's the one dressed like a pirate wench. Or is it a hot peasant girl? Not sure, but it's something from ye olden days. Either way, you can't miss her. She's standing at the wall."

  Against my will, my attention swerved to the sexy female leaning against the far wall. I couldn't make out her costume from here, not with the dim lighting.

  "Go on," Logan said. "You want to see her, so get your eejit erse over there."

  "That would be a bad idea. Waterloo bad."

  Logan slapped a hand on my upper arm and shoved. "Get your erse over there before I have my sisters cast a love spell on you."

  I started to walk away, then paused to tell Logan, "For the record, I am not doing this because I'm terrified of your sisters. They're odd, but hardly frightening."

  Serena laughed. "Of course not."

  Why did she sound sarcastic when she said that?

  I wended my way through the crowd of dancers again to reach the far side of the great hall. The woman leaning against the wall had her eyes closed, but I would've recognized her even if Serena hadn't pointed her out. That silky, cinnamon-colored hair. Those sensuous lips. Those legs. I remembered vividly how it felt to have her thighs gripping me while I fucked her.

  Cat's costume was...incredible. She wore a pink, mini-skirt version of a peasant frock from medieval times, with tiny sleeves that hung low off her shoulders and a plunging neckline. Knee-high boots covered her calves, but most of her thighs were bared. Red velvet gloves stretched down her arms from her elbows, though they left her fingers exposed. Her mask was crimson, and its color accentuated the shimmering highlights in her hair. The luscious locks cascaded over her bare shoulders, teasing the slopes of her breasts.

  She opened her eyes and blinked at me.

  Did she recognize me? I was in costume too, wearing something Logan had picked for me—a black-and-red kilt and a loose-fitting white shirt with billowing sleeves. It gaped open in front, revealing everything down to my waist. I'd told Logan this was not historically accurate clothing, but he only clapped me on the shoulder and said, "But the lasses will like it." He had insisted I wear large black boots too, along with a sporran and a cutlass. I felt like a Scottish pirate who had taken a job at a male revue, the sort where the blokes stripped naked for a slavering crowd of women.

  "Are you a friend of Aidan's?" Catriona asked.

  I started to speak, then closed my mouth. She hadn't recognized me yet. If I spoke, she might realize who I was. Since I'd come over here to see her, why was I worried she might recognize me? Perhaps because she'd punched me in the gut not long ago, and to this day she refused to speak to me or be anywhere in the vicinity of me, except at Logan and Serena's wedding. After glaring at me throughout the ceremony, Catriona had brushed past me but hadn't deigned to glance in my direction.

  The fact she didn't recognize me tonight offered an opportunity, if I were the sort of man who would take advantage of the situation. If I were the rake everyone thought I was.

  Yes, I was that kind of man.

  I braced a hand on the wall beside her, slanting in to whisper in her ear, lowering my voice and speaking more roughly, like the Scottish pirate stripper with a rakish soul that I was pretending to be. I even tried for a Scottish brogue, though I ended up sounding a bit like a drunken Highlander who had a cold. "You are the most ravishing lass in the room. How about a wee bit of the old hochmagandy?"

  "No one says that anymore. You're as Scottish as a burrito, and your accent is horrible."

  "Maybe, but you want me anyway."

  "I don't know who you are."

  "That makes it more exciting, doesn't it?" I dragged the back of my hand down her arm. "A forbidden liaison at a naughty birthday gala. I bet the thought of it makes you wet."

  "Excuse me?" Her breathless, husky tone shot lust through me. "I donnae have sex with strangers."

  We aren't strangers, I thought. But I said, "Ahm going to kiss ye now."

  She hadn't looked at me yet, not since I'd come closer to her.

  I trailed a finger along the neckline of her frock. "Ye want me to kiss ye, donnae ye?"

  Maybe I was laying on the Scottish a bit thick, but I didn't care. To be this close to her, near enough to sniff her womanly scent and see the pulse throbbing in her neck, it was better than all the fantasies of her I'd enjoyed over the years. This time, I meant to come inside her delicious body instead of my own hand.

  I touched my lips to her cheek. So fucking soft. I traced a line across her skin with my mouth, down to the edge of her lips.

  Her breath hitched.

  "You are stunning," I murmured. "The most beautiful creature ever molded by the angels."

  She turned her face toward me. Our lips grazed each other, and our gazes met.

  Her eyes widened.

  Oh fuck. She'd recognized me.

  Cat smacked her palm on my chest and shoved me away. "Alex Thorne, ye bleeding ersehole. What are you playing at?"

  "I was chatting you up, wasn't I? You used to love it when I'd do that."

  Her lip curled. "I used to love you, but I recovered from that disease."

  "How about a relapse, then? Just for tonight."

  She bared her teeth at me, like a she-wolf chasing away an interloper. "I'd sooner bathe in scalding acid than have a poke with you. I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear your voice, I don't want to be in the same room with you. Make that the same country. Stay in America, or better yet, move to the middle of the Sahara Desert."

  Cat shoved me again with much more force.

  I stumbled. Christ, but that woman was strong. "All right. If not a poke or hochma-whatever, how about your mouth on my cock? You used to love doing that."

  She raised her hand in preparation for a sound slap but froze. Her hand hung there, caught mid-swing, for several seconds while we stared at each other.

  "You're not worth it," she said.

  Then she spun around and stomped away from me.

  Logan and Serena hoped I might reconcile with Cat. Even if I wanted to reconcile with her, Catriona would never forgive me for the things I'd done. I couldn't blame her for that. Still, part of me wanted to win her back, or at least fuck her again. I'd have more chances to seduce her, since Logan and his wife both seemed determined to invite me to family gatherings.

  I could've said no whenever they asked me. Why did I keep accepting their invitations?

  Across the hall, I spotted Cat in her sexy little outfit.

  Yes, I wanted her. Maybe I still loved her too. But I knew myself well enough to realize a good woman like Catriona MacTaggart deserved better than a rake who had a shaky relationship with the truth.

  I said goodbye to Logan and Serena and left the party.

  On the way back to my hotel, I wondered if I had it in me to be honest with Cat. Completely honest. The entire truth, unvarnished, no evasion or glossing over the facts.

  Where was the fun in that?

  Logan had told me Cat worked part-time at a school. She would, I was sure, jump at the chance to have a real job in archaeology. Since I'd gotten my job back, I now had a certain measure of influence again. I could arrange something for her.

  She would never accept a position I'd found for her.

  I wouldn't tell her I'd done it. Honesty? I'd give her that later, much later, after I'd pulled her into my world again. This would be a secret. An underhanded, rotten excuse to get her back in my life by any means necessary. The truth was overrated, anyway.

  An itch started behind my ribs, a deep and unscratchable one that had sharp claws. My conscience again, niggling at me.

  I ignored it, again.

  Alex Thorne returns in Irresistible in a Kilt.

  About the Author

  Anna Durand loves romance, men in kilts, and cheesecake. Not always in that order. She slaves away every day writing about sexy people doing sexy things together, with heart and humor and sometimes with suspense. With paranormal stories, she explores the darker side of romance. With contemporary romance, she delves into the emotional side of love and sensuality.


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