G-TRAX Devo's-Spiritual Gifts Part 1: Are You a Minister-Type Peeples?

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G-TRAX Devo's-Spiritual Gifts Part 1: Are You a Minister-Type Peeples? Page 2

by Ron Fast


  During the next few days we are going to be looking at eight attributes that are true for each Christian who has ever existed or will ever exist, no matter who he or she is. These eight things should give each one of us a huge boost as to how we view our value.

  Before we can go any further (have you ever been around someone who says the word "further" as "futher", sounds really funny), we need to establish why each of us exists. Now if evolution is true, which it ain't, then this study is a waste of time. But since evolution isn't true, then this study isn't a waste of time.

  1st Attribute

  To figure out the first of these eight attributes, turn to Eph. 2 and read verse 10. We should all know this verse by heart. This verse is very important in figuring out why we exist.

  Why were we created?

  When did God figure out what each of us were going to do during our lifetime?

  Now, we have to somehow relate "doing good works" to a ministry. Write down, in your own words, what the word "ministry" means.

  Based on your definition of the word "ministry", how does it relate to doing "good works"? (They really do relate.)

  Based on this verse, fill in the blank in the following sentence.

  God has c________ed us into a ministry.

  2nd Attribute


  Now turn to 2 Timothy 1 and read verses 8 and 9. When Jesus came to earth as a human-type-peeples, He got up on the cross and died for our sins. In other words He "saved" us. What did He save us from?

  Take another look at 2 Timothy 2:8, 9. What did He save us for?


  Third Attribute

  Read 1 Peter 2:9, 10.

  In these verses, what does the word "darkness" refer to?


  What about the word "light". What does it represent?


  What does it mean to be "called" from darkness to light"?

  Why would God want to call us from darkness (Satan's world) to light (God's world)? (HINT: Remember what Eph. 2:10 says what God created us for.)

  Complete the following sentence:

  God c___led us to minister to others.

  Fourth Attribute

  God does not expect us to do stuff for Him without giving us the ability to do what He asks us to do. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, stuff happens to us (duh!!). There are two main things that happen to us when we become "Followers of Christ". What are they?

  1. The Holy Spirit sets up house in our hearts to help us to grow.

  2. The Holy Spirit gives us g_______s. Read 1 Peter 4:10 to fill in the blank.

  Now complete the following sentence. God has given each one of us certain gi_______ so that we can use them to minister to others.


  Fifth Attribute

  There are many things that God wants us to do as a "Follower of Christ". Where do we find out what these things are? (I know this is a "duh" question but I want you to answer it anyways.)

  For an example of something God wants us to do, read 1 Peter 1:16. What is it that He wants us to do?

  Now, is this a request or do we have the option of doing it? (I know that God gives us choices but sometimes He tells us to do it.)

  When He tells us to do something, what is another word for it? (HINT: It starts with a "c".)

  Turn to Matt 20 and read verses 26 through 28.

  Based on these verses and your answer to the previous question, fill in the blank in the following sentence.

  God doesn’t just ask us to reach out to those who are lost but he c___________ed us to minister to others.


  Sixth Attribute

  Imagine that your math teacher announced on Monday that there would be a test on Friday. In order for you to be ready for the test, what would you have to do?

  I always liked it when the ‘teach’ gave us a week to get ready for a test, because at least then I could study for it. What I hated was when a teacher says, "OK!! I want you to put away everything that's on your desk and take out a pencil and paper." Your first thought is, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'm gonna die!! We're going to have a test now and I'm not ready for it.” This sort of relates to us in our Christian lives. Read 1 Peter 3:15. What does it say about being ready?

  Based on 1 Peter 3:15, complete the following sentence.

  In order to minister to others we need to be pre___________ to minister.

  Seventh Attribute

  As we study why we need spiritual gifts, each of us will discover our place in the body of Christ. We will also discover our value to God's church while we are here on earth.

  Read 1 Cor. 12:27. What does this verse say about each of us?

  Each of us is considered a "part" of the Body of Christ. Imagine that your hand was suddenly cut off (ew… gross. . .sickening. . . yuck). Do you think you would miss it?

  What things would you have to change in your life in order to get around having only one hand?

  We need each of our body parts. This is the same thing that happens in a church. Each of us has certain gifts that are unique to us. And if we are missing from the church body, it's like missing a piece of a puzzle.

  Now, based on what we know about where we fit in the body of Christ, complete the following sentence.

  Each of us is n_______ in the Body of Christ in order to reach out to others.


  Eighth Attribute

  In our relationship with Jesus, our attitudes are so important. Jesus teaches us during the Sermon on the Mount that Christianity has to be a matter of the heart. If it isn't, then everything we do or think or say, is based on the wrong thing. The one huge difference between Christianity and all other world religions is why we do what we do. Other religions say do this and this and this and that and you'll go to heaven. What does Jesus say about how we get to heaven? (Read Romans 10:9-10.)

  It's really easy to know there is a God and He exists, but to believe in your heart that this Jesus came to earth to save us from Satan's world is much harder. Where was I going with this. . . thinking. . . . still thinking. . . DING, oh yeah… attitudes. If your relationship with Jesus is based on what you believe in your heart, then your attitudes about life and stuff will be correct. One of the attitudes that Jesus wants us to have is to always think about others more than ourselves and that we shouldn't expect anything in return for stuff we do for them, which is a true mark of a servant. What is the reason for us to be doing good works as stated in Matt 6:20?

  Read Col. 3:23, 24 in order to complete the following sentence.

  He is planning to ________d us for doing good works while we are here on earth.

  So What????

  So why did we spend all this time this week studying these eight things? Well. . . . it's like this. You see, this study gives us a reason to figure out what our spiritual gifts are. It also tells each of us how to know our purpose and how we fit into the body of Christ. There is a reason God created us. There is a reason we exist and it's more than taking up space on this earth, and sucking air into our lungs and eating and sleeping.

  So please take this study seriously. It really helps when we know what our gifts are because then we can use them for God's glory and store up our treasures in heaven.


  Ron Fast is the author of G-TRAX Devo's, Biblical devotionals for youth. G-TRAX Devo’s are now available online at www.youthministrydevotionals.com in an interactive form. He has over 9 years of experience working with Junior High and Middle School students. His personal mission is “to make the Bible relevant to today’s youth”.


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