Love Letters

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Love Letters Page 17

by Michelle Leyland

  “You did brilliantly,” she assured him, “but now you need to get lots of rest and focus on recovering. I hope you feel better soon.”

  “I should be able to return to work in two months.”

  “Take as much time as you need,” she replied. “I am sure my father will ask one of the knights to stand in until you are fully healed.”

  He nodded, wondering who would be chosen to temporarily replace him.

  “Isabelle has told me the good news,” she smiled. “I am very happy for you both.”

  He grinned, “I am fortunate to have a pretty lady taking care of me,” he looked fondly at Isabelle who blushed.

  “Isabelle, if you need time off to look after him, you do not need to ask,” Rosanna told her. “I can manage on my own and you have more important priorities for now.”

  “I do not think the king would approve…” Isabelle answered hesitantly.

  “He will not find out as long as your duties are being done for you,” she said determinedly, knowing she could easily clean her bedchamber and look after herself.

  Leonardo smirked, “I had almost forgotten about you recently downgrading from princess to maid,” he teased her, remembering what she had said at Nicholas’ cottage. “I wish I was fit enough to witness this.”

  “I promise that once you are better, I will sweep the floors for your amusement,” she joked.

  Rosanna realised that she would be late for breakfast with her family and had to say goodbye to Leonardo.

  Nicholas followed her out and they were about to leave the castle to go into the village when her father appeared in the corridor.

  “I see you are feeling better, Nicholas?”

  “Yes, your Majesty,” he answered politely.

  Her father turned his gaze to Rosanna disapprovingly, “I thought I made myself clear that it was inappropriate to see him before we resolved matters?”

  She looked down sadly, “I know, father, but I was worried about him. I wanted to check that he was feeling well and to help him find a place to stay.”

  “I am sure he can handle it on his own,” he replied sternly. “You have other matters to attend to.”

  She had been so preoccupied worrying about Nicholas and Leonardo that she had forgotten all about her plan to talk with Prince Ethan this morning. The thought of it made her nervous.

  “I am sorry, your Majesty,” Nicholas apologised, feeling guilty that Rosanna had gotten into trouble for him. “I will leave the castle now to avoid any inconvenience.”

  She felt upset to see him leave and not be able to go with him. She wished she could hug and kiss him goodbye and say that she loved him, but she didn’t dare try to with her father watching over them.

  “Nicholas…” she couldn’t bear to let him leave without at least saying something.

  He stopped and turned to look at her.

  “I will come and find you once I have sorted everything, I promise.”

  He smiled, “I will be waiting for you,” he agreed and left.

  She followed her father to the dining room, dreading the thought of seeing Prince Ethan soon. She felt tempted to hide away in her bedchamber all day, but she knew she had to be brave and confront him. It was better to get their talk over with than keep putting it off.

  She held her breath as she entered the dining room, bracing herself to greet Prince Ethan. However, she felt relieved to notice that her brother was the only one present yet and sat down next to her father.

  She still felt nervous as she ate, waiting for his appearance and wondering how she could break the news to him. She kept going over what she could say to prepare and hoped he wouldn’t be too upset or angry with her.

  She left the dining room after breakfast, and her heart raced with anxiety when she heard footsteps approaching her. She looked up at Prince Ethan and felt her stomach turn with nerves. He looked pleased to see her and smiled.

  “Good morning, your Highness,” he greeted and kissed her hand. “I am delighted that you have returned safe.”

  “Thank you,” she returned a smile and felt even more anxious now that he was here. “Could we go somewhere to talk? I need to speak with you in private.”

  “Of course,” he looked surprised by her request and followed her into the lounge.

  She shut the door behind them and they sat down together.

  “I am very sorry for worrying you with my disappearance,” she apologised. “I feel awful that you had to ride all the way here and spend days looking for me.”

  “It was hardly your fault,” he reassured her, “and I was happy to help with the search. I wanted you home as much as your family.”

  “The truth is, I am to blame for all of this,” she confessed. “I was not abducted like everyone suspected. I chose to run away.”

  He looked really shocked by her admission and struggled to get his head around it.

  “Why would you want to leave?” he frowned, looking baffled and concerned.

  “I was very unhappy with my life,” she explained carefully, “and I did not feel I could go through with the wedding.”

  He looked hurt and upset at first, then insulted, “am I not a good enough suitor for you?” he asked in disbelief.

  “You would have been the perfect husband for me in my father’s opinion,” she assured him, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

  She decided to confide in her embarrassing fantasy she had before meeting Nicholas, just so his pride wasn’t too damaged. “Since I was young, I used to wish I could meet you one day. I would imagine how perfect our wedding would be and what our children would look like.”

  She couldn’t believe how ridiculous those daydreams seemed now and how far away they were from what she truly wanted.

  He smiled, flattered by her secret, “If you had idolised me for so long then what changed your mind?” he asked.

  She felt it would be rude to say the reasons why she disliked him and decided to stick with the main reason they couldn’t be together.

  “I fell in love with someone,” she confessed, “and now I could never marry anyone else but him.”

  He looked jealous at the thought of another person having her interest.

  “What makes this man better than me?” he demanded. “Is he more handsome or wealthier?”

  “He is not at all rich and he does not have a better appearance than you. He is definitely not a prince, but he means the world to me.”

  Prince Ethan looked even more confused, but she already expected him not to understand her feelings or about her disregard for status and money.

  “Why did you not tell me any of this earlier?” he asked. “It would have made more sense to inform me before the wedding rather than now.”

  “I know I should have and I am sorry I did not handle this situation better,” she apologised. “I did tell my father once I found out we were betrothed. I even refused to go through with it, but he had already promised me and felt he couldn’t go back on his word. That is why I had to leave. It seemed like the only option I had rather than be forced into marriage.”

  “You should have spoken to me about your concerns,” he said, looking disappointed with her.

  “I wish I had, but you were happy with the decision and I did not think you would understand.”

  “Even so, I would have preferred that you did. If you had, this issue could have been resolved before it got so out of hand.”

  “I am very sorry. I feel guilty for what has happened and I wish I had been brave enough to tell you,” she apologised. “My father and brother convinced me that if I refused the marriage, your kingdom would declare war against us.”

  “I do not know how my parents would have reacted, but I do not want to take such drastic measures,” he replied. “I would have declined the wedding if I knew you were so against it. I never want to feel second best when I marry.”

  She felt ashamed and wished she could go back in time and change the way everything had happened.

I am disappointed that you do not want to marry me,” he admitted, “but I can easily find another suitor.”

  She felt relieved that he was taking it better than she expected him to.

  “I will return home and discuss the matter with my parents,” he promised her. “I will tell them it is both our decision not to marry and hopefully they will accept that.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled gratefully. “I appreciate your help and I hope that you find someone who makes you very happy.”

  “I am sure I will,” he replied confidently, knowing how many ladies adored him. “I suppose we can part on good terms despite all of this and keep our alliance intact.”

  Chapter 26

  A few days later, King Adrian asked Rosanna to join him in his study after breakfast to discuss the outcome. She felt nervous as she sat down, wondering what decision had been made about her betrothal.

  “I have received a letter from King Frederick,” he informed her. “They have agreed to cancel the marriage and have found Prince Ethan another suitor. Fortunately, they still wish to stay our friends and allies.”

  She smiled, feeling relieved that things had worked out. She was pleased that Prince Ethan had found someone else, so she wouldn’t have to feel guilty for being with Nicholas.

  “Am I allowed to visit Nicholas now that this is resolved?” she asked hopefully.

  “I suppose it does,” he replied, “but I would like to speak with him at some point today.”

  She felt very excited to finally see Nicholas again and rushed off to the village to find him and tell him the good news.

  She knocked on Bernadette’s cottage door, hoping he had been able to stay with them. Bernadette answered and beamed happily to see Rosanna on her doorstep.

  “Welcome home,” she hugged her. “We have missed you.”

  “I have missed you too.”

  Gretel ran over and hugged her tight, “I thought you were never coming back,” she sobbed.

  Rosanna felt hurt and guilty for upsetting her, “I am sorry I went away. I promise I will not leave again.”

  Gretel seemed happy with the promise and forgave her.

  “Is Nicholas staying with you?” Rosanna asked Bernadette.

  “Yes, he will be very happy to see you.”

  She found him sleeping in bed and went over to sit on his bedside. She stroked his face lovingly as she watched him sleep and gently kissed his lips.

  Nicholas sleepily opened his eyes and kissed her back.

  “Good morning, Rosanna,” he said, smiling as he put his arms around her.

  She cuddled up to him blissfully, “Good morning, Nicholas.”

  There was nothing more she wanted than to stay happily in his arms all morning.

  “Are you feeling better?” she asked.

  “It is healing now,” he answered. “I suppose you are no longer betrothed if you are allowed to see me?” he asked hopefully.

  “Yes. I was so excited to share the good news with you.”

  He smiled, relieved and happy that all their troubles were finally over.

  “I felt so nervous talking to Prince Ethan about it,” she told him. “I did not want to upset him, but he took it rather well and he is marrying someone else now.”

  “I am glad it went well and that he understood your feelings,” he said, stroking her hair. “He needed to know the truth no matter how disappointing it must have been.”

  She nodded, pleased that she had done the right thing by being honest and it had all worked out well in the end.

  “My father wants to talk with you,” she informed him.

  He looked nervous, “I hope I am not in trouble,” he joked.

  “I promise you will not be thrown in the dungeons this time,” she teased him.

  He agreed to go back with her to speak with him, and they held hands as they strolled back to the castle.

  “Rosanna, do you think your father will accept me one day?” he asked unsurely.

  “I think so,” she said positively. “He must be considering it if he let you return with us.”

  “Does your brother still hate me?”

  “Sadly, yes,” she replied, “but I do not care what he thinks. At least all my friends like you.”

  He smiled, happy that he wasn’t despised by everyone.

  “I will do my best to gain your family’s approval,” he said determinedly.

  They entered the castle and went over to her father’s study. He was happy to make time for them and they both sat down nervously at his desk.

  “I am grateful that you took care of my daughter on the day we were attacked,” her father told him, “so I would like to thank you.”

  “There is no need to thank me, your Majesty,” replied Nicholas modestly. “I wanted to keep her safe and I will always protect her with my life.”

  “It shows good character to put someone’s life before your own, and you obviously care about my daughter a great deal. If you had not been riding with her then Rosanna might not have made it home. Therefore, I am indebted to you for saving my daughter’s life and I will give you my blessing.”

  Nicholas was stunned by the offer. He hadn’t expected to prove himself this soon and felt very happy that he had unknowingly gained his acceptance.

  “Thank you. I am very honoured,” he replied, still taken aback.

  “Father, now that I am eligible, would Nicholas and I be allowed to marry?” she dared to ask.

  “Are you certain that this is what you want?”

  “Yes, I want it more than anything,” she replied, taking hold of Nicholas’ hand affectionately.

  “Very well, I will start organising a wedding for you both,” he agreed.

  They smiled at each other excitedly.

  “But first we must announce your engagement. I suppose I have time for us to do that tomorrow.”

  Rosanna was thrilled and couldn’t wait for everyone to find out that she was marrying Nicholas. She couldn’t believe that after all the wishes about marrying the man of her dreams, it was finally happening. She had no idea that things would turn out the way it had, but she knew deep down that Nicholas was the person she belonged with.

  That night, her and Nicholas went out into the garden together and sat under the willow tree, happily thinking of the memories they shared. They felt blissful that they were now finally allowed to be together.

  “It feels strange to be back here again after all that has happened,” Nicholas said thoughtfully, holding her in his arms. “The last time we were here, we were both terrified of telling your father about us in case we were separated.”

  She cuddled up to him happily, feeling relieved that they had managed to get their happy ending despite everything that had happened.

  “It seems like a long time ago,” she replied.

  So much had happened in the short time they had known each other.

  “I am surprised your father will let me marry you,” said Nicholas, feeling extremely happy and unable to believe it. “I thought I would never see you again after I was banished. Yet, we ended up living together after you ran away and now we are officially engaged and have your father’s blessing.”

  “I am relieved that I was not forced to marry and move away. I am very happy that things have changed for the better.”

  “I am too, and I still cannot believe how lucky I am to be your future husband.”

  “And I am very fortunate to have found someone as wonderful as you.”

  They shared a long kiss, feeling extremely happy and in love.

  “Would you be happy to stay here after the wedding?” she asked him, thinking of their future.

  “It is a lot nicer here than living in my small cottage, so it does not take a lot of persuading,” he replied. “Besides, I told you I am happy to be anywhere as long as I am with you.”

  “But what about your home and your job?” she asked, feeling guilty that he was now the one giving up everything in his life for her.

“I can sell my cottage,” he insisted, “and maybe your father will let me work in the stables again?”

  “I think you should continue making furniture,” she encouraged him. “You were really good at it and you should not have to give it up because of me. I am sure you could sell them in the village.”

  “Maybe I will,” he smiled. “I love you, Rosanna.”

  “I love you too,” she kissed him.

  She stayed in his arms for a while, thinking blissfully about their future and all the wonderful things that were about to happen. Even though it felt amazing to finally get what they wanted, she knew this was only the beginning and that things were about to get even better.

  If you enjoyed this story, why not try one of my other medieval romance books?

  William is madly in love with Selena and is heartbroken when she reveals her engagement to her current partner Edmund.

  Selena is thrilled to be marrying Edmund, yet she starts to secretly fall in love with William also and begins to feel trapped in her loveless engagement.

  Edmund is desperate to marry Selena because she is the heir to the throne and he is sneakily hatching a plan to murder her father.

  Available to download now at Amazon:

  About the Author

  Michelle Leyland was born in 1990 and spent all her life living in Lancashire, England. She has always loved writing and drawing and since the age of 13 has dreamed of becoming a published author and illustrator one day. She has written several fiction stories for children, teenagers and adults, and has illustrated all her children’s books.

  Michelle also loves to play drums, dance, sing, go to concerts, daydream and read.

  Follow her on Twitter and Instagram: @MLeylandAuthor

  Like her Facebook page:

  Michelle Leyland (Author and Illustrator)


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