Beautiful No More

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Beautiful No More Page 5

by MJ Nightingale

  The fucking woman knew how to make an entrance. But how in hell did she get in?

  Just then eleven year old Johnny popped his head into the room. “Didn’t you hear the doorbell? It rang like six times?” he stated in disgust with his pre-teen blue eyes rolling.

  Chapter 9

  And Then There Were Two

  After the initial shock of Catarina’s arrival passed, Andreas came forward to make the introductions. This woman was a mystery. He had made calls after his appointment and so far he’d turned up nothing but dead ends. His brief stopover at her apartment to check on the security system install before coming home had revealed nothing more. She remained cool, and professional during the quick visit. Who was she?

  Lisa excused herself and took Johnny back upstairs. “I’ll be down in a minute,” she bowed on her way out of the room. She could be heard telling Johnny not to answer the door, but to come and get one of the adults instead. She was also informing him that they would be sleeping over.

  Cat listened to the exchange between parent and child curiously, but then focused her attention back onto the adults in the room. Her grey eyes finally settled on Andreas. He had changed since she had seen him four hours earlier. But the man was definitely appealing in his grey V-neck t-shirt, and tan cargo pants.

  “You think he is targeting you?” Andreas asked careful to keep the curiosity out of his voice.

  Without a hitch she responded. “Yes. I think it is simple. Your serial killer is targeting me. From what I have read he seems to prefer brunettes, with my similar build. I think he saw me, but because I keep a low profile, and do not go out much he targeted my girls. I checked my calendar, and saw a pattern. The girls were killed a week or so after I paid them a visit. Perhaps, he was following me. But,” she paused until she was sure she had his attention, “I think his focus on me is simply to get to you.”

  Andreas gave that some consideration. It was possible. But, he and Cat Stone, their paths had not crossed before. He would have remembered this remarkable woman. The others in the room remained quiet, and after a pause, he decided to a cut to the chase and find out what had prompted her impromptu visit this evening. “Perhaps. I will need to investigate this theory more. But, to what do I owe the pleasure this evening?”

  “I wanted to thank you for the security system you are having installed and to come and pay for it. Your men have come across a complication, and need some permits. They were unable to finish, but assured me that within the next couple of days everything would be in place.”

  His hands went straight to his hair. She could not remain in her apartment without a security system in place. “Well, you can’t stay there tonight.” He’d have to make arrangements for her to stay in a hotel. “As for payment, I will send you a bill at a later time.”

  “No, I insist. I like to pay my way up front.” She handed Andreas a check.

  Instinct made him look down. It was for fifty thousand dollars. He kept his face impassive.

  “I have hired you. I think it shall cover your expenses and your retainer. I am not a charity case. But, if it comes to more than that, just keep me informed.” Andreas slipped the check into his pocket. They could discuss this later. He wasn’t about to take her money. Not for catching Romeo. This was his burden to bear.

  “Miss Stone,” he started before she interrupted him. He heard the first sign of genuine fear in her tone when she spoke.

  “I also wanted to give you this as well.” Andreas looked down again. She had pulled a white sheet of paper out of her small clutch. It was folded in half. He looked at her curiously. This woman who appeared nothing but calm and serene thus far, was holding it out to him and her hands were shaking.

  “It is a note. Left by the killer. It was taped to my door this evening.”

  Nikko stood up abruptly.

  Andreas hastily reached for the note, and Gio came behind him to read over his shoulder. “My Beauty. Soon.” It was in red ink.

  “You can’t stay there.”

  “I’ve made other arrangements for the evening or until the security system has been installed.” Again, he heard the hitch in her voice as she peered behind her, looking towards the exit.

  Andreas took her by the elbow, and steered her towards the table. “Please, have a seat. Can I offer you a drink?” Andreas’ heart hammered in his chest. Romeo knew where Cat lived. He had been to her home. The building Bella and Blaze lived in.

  Catarina scanned the table. Despite her outward appearance the note had shocked her. She had come to deliver it after packing a bag. She had planned to stay at the Sheraton until the security system was finished. She would accept the offer of a drink to soothe her shattered nerves. “Yes. A glass of wine would be nice. Whatever you are having,” she indicated the glasses on the table still half full with whatever the girls had been drinking.

  Nikko went to the sideboard to fix the drink, while Andreas escorted her to a chair.

  “Cat,” Andreas began, wanting to reassure her as she sat down at the table next to Ronnie. “My brothers will be working with me on this. I have told them about the situation.”

  “I presumed you would have,” she stated as she accepted the glass of red wine from Nikko who also took his seat. “Thank you.”

  Nikko gave her a sympathetic nod.

  Andreas still stood, but backed up so he could see her eyes. They glimmered in the dimly lit dining room. “I think we need to know more about you. I’ve done some digging of my own this afternoon and frankly I have not been able to find out much about you. We need to find out what he wants with you. Why your girls?”

  “It’s not my past. I’m a nobody.” When no one spoke, Catarina took a sip of her wine. It was delicious. “Really,” she added. “I’m just a business woman in an unusual line of work. I think your investigative efforts would be better served in another direction.”

  “Can you let me be the judge of that?” Andreas wanted to follow every possible lead. Catching this criminal was his number one priority. He was going to drop everything to focus on this.

  Catarina thought. She really didn’t think her checkered past would be helpful. She didn’t like to think about it; she didn’t want the pity. Sighing, she shook her head. The dark waves of her hair fluttered around her shoulders. “Stop asking about my past. I really do believe it’s been you all along. I’ve never been to New York. It’s not me. I believe this Salvatore Mazzelli followed you here. Perhaps he saw me at a function we both attended and that is how I got onto his radar.”

  Andreas paused. “I most certainly would have remembered you. I don’t think. . .”

  “I was at the luncheon last month with General Melendez. I was also at the 4th of July Banquet you attended.”

  “You noticed my brother, yet he does not recall meeting you . . . ,” Ronnie’s elbow to the ribs cut off the rest of Nikko’s statement.

  “That a girl, Ronnie,” Lisa added as she rejoined the group and took her seat at the table. “Let him have it.”

  Catarina smiled at the easy banter. “I was with the General. I make it a point of knowing who his guests are, but we were not formally introduced. I was his dinner companion, and did not stand in the receiving line. It would not have been seemly.”

  Gio burst into laughter. He had been uncharacteristically quiet up until this point. He had been too busy watching his brother. He knew the signs. His brother found her attractive, and was doing his best not to show it. “Seemly? Who says that?” His laugh rolled out of him like a wave.

  “You want some of what Nikko just got?” Lisa glared at her husband.

  Gio’s lips clamped tightly shut.

  Andreas’ eyes narrowed ominously, but Catarina let the comment roll off of her. It had helped somewhat to alleviate the tension she was feeling in this room with all of these large, menacing men. “I don’t know where else he may have spotted me. I don’t go out much. If I do, it’s exclusive and private, and I am usually spoken for. I only escort a few clients the
se days, and the remainder of my clients are handled by my girls.”

  “Handled? Ugh!” Gio looked green when Catarina glanced his way. She also noticed Lisa smiling politely, her elbow in front of her husband’s chest, and Andreas was fuming.

  Cat gave all the men in the room a level look. “Mr. Marino, all of you. You are the common denominators here.” She was adamant. Her face softened then, “But I don’t want any more of my girls killed. So I’ll do what you say. I will give you any information I have. But my past is off limits, and not fodder for the press. It’s bad enough the way the police have treated me since I was the one to come forward, and the press has twisted it to make it look like I am a suspect.” She was clearly exasperated. This had been an incredibly difficult day for her. “I hope we can be clear on this. My line of work is unpopular with most conservative people. But, I provide a service to many gentlemen who wish to be accompanied to their civic and professional events by lovely, bright woman. My past would only tarnish what I am trying to do for myself, my girls, and my clients. Are we understood?”

  Andreas could tell she was nearing the end of her rope, and he couldn’t blame her. He stood abruptly before his brothers picked up where he left off with the interrogation. “Yes. But I have a condition of my own.”

  Catarina gave Andreas a cool look, eyes narrowing at the man approaching her once more. “Yes?” she asked when he did not continue and stood silently by her, staring down at her.

  Andreas drew his tongue across his bottom lip before speaking. His mouth had suddenly become dry. “I insist you stay here until the security system is in place. I do not want you to become his next victim,” he paused, “on his way to get to me.”

  Catarina lifted her glass and finished the delicious dry wine. Andreas could not stop staring at her. Her tongue darted out, and licked a drop of red liquid off of the even redder lips. Her voice dropped an octave, and to Andreas’ ears her words came out huskily. “I have a bag in the car.”

  “Prepared?” Gio muttered under his breath. Then a thump could be heard.

  Cat’s eyes did not leave Andreas’ face. Her next word was for him, even though it answered the brother’s question. “Always.”

  Andreas swallowed. Hard, and then with a flick of his head nodded in Nikko’s direction who scooped up the keys dangling from Cat’s hand. He immediately left the room to complete the unasked task given to him.

  The room was quiet. The tension palpable. It was Cat’s sultry tone that broke the silence. “Where am I sleeping? It’s nearly eleven, and I’m tired.”

  Gio hid his closed fists in his hand, and resisted the urge to answer her question with a quick comeback. He sensed the moment was wrong. Just looking at his brother’s face, he knew something was going on between these two that was oh so right. The chemistry between the two of them was electrifying. The air around them charged. He could tell just by looking at his brother that he felt it too. He looked at the woman more closely. She was stunning, exotic looking in an understated way. You would never make the assumption she was a high priced call girl from looking at her. She oozed class, and sex appeal. Unusual. Definitely a woman his brother would find intriguing. A real puzzle. And Andreas loved puzzles. He usually tried to avoid them in his choice of women, but this one was different. His brother couldn’t avoid her, he was welcoming her into his home. This woman, even though the timing and situation were horrible, might be just what his brother needed. Yup, he would keep his mouth shut, for now.

  “Let’s head up, Lisa?” Gio indicated upstairs. Lisa nodded and quickly followed him out of the room.

  “Good night,” Bella whispered as she and Blaze left.

  Andreas and Catarina continued to lock gazes, ice blue eyes on fire meeting molten silver.

  Sighing Ronnie muttered, “I’ll wait in the hallway for Nikko,” to no one in particular, and added an eye roll as she passed the only couple left in the room that hadn’t even glanced her way.

  The spell he was under broke when Andreas heard Ronnie’s heels on the tile making a quick retreat. “Have him bring Catarina’s things to my room. I’ll sleep in my office.”

  And then there were two.

  Chapter 10


  After leaving Catarina ensconced comfortably in his room, Andreas made his way down to his office. It was comfortable enough, had a sofa, and even a small bathroom. No shower, but he could wait until morning.

  The first thing he did, however, was boot up his computer and once again scour the internet for some kind of information on Catarina Stone. She was still an enigma. His buddy Mark at the station hadn’t turned up anything either. He did say that because she was from out of the country he might have better luck looking internationally. That was what he was doing now. As he glanced at the clock, he realized he had been at it for over two hours. All his searches of Catarina Stone, and Cat Stone, and Amsterdam had turned up nothing. Having the city she grew up in he felt sure he would be able to find something there, but he had come up with absolutely nothing. Simple fact was that no one was that invisible, and it bothered him. Even a name mentioned in a high school event showed up these days on the internet. No one could be that invisible unless they were not using their real name. He had found many Cat Stones, Katrina Stones, Catarina Stones, but none of them were her.

  He was going to have to call in some favors if he wanted to learn more about her, and it was obvious after tonight that her past was not up for discussion. After giving up on the internet, he stretched out on the sofa. He knew Romeo was after him. It was her insistence that her past, before coming to the United States in 2004 at the age of 19, was negligible that bothered him. He wanted to rule out that Romeo wasn’t targeting her; that he wasn’t someone from her past.

  * * *

  Even after his late night, Andreas was up early as was his custom. He freshened up as best as he could, and then put on on his running shorts and a simple black razor back t-shirt he’d found in his gym bag. He also grabbed his Adidas off the floor of his study. Making his way into the kitchen he filled his large water bottle, the one he carried with him when he ran, and then he made his way outside off the back of the living room onto his large terrace that overlooked the Bay. He put on his running shoes there, enjoying the still cool enough morning before the heat of the day returned. He needed to stretch and then he would run his usual 10k. He liked to run each day. It cleared his head, kept him in shape, and made his doctor happy.

  As he began to stretch out his limbs, he watched the sun come up from behind the house, and when he twisted he saw her. Catarina. She was upstairs on his balcony that overlooked the swimming pool and bay. She faced the ocean and from this angle he could see her clearly. She took no notice of him. He watched in fascination as she began to move, doing stretches of her own. Her hair, so thick and glossy, billowed about her in the morning breeze. He watched as she scooped it up off the nape of her neck and tied it up with something. He hated to admit it to himself, but that simple act made him slightly disappointed. The girl was stunning. Her hair was so thick he couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to touch, to pull. He had never seen anyone like her before. Her skin was pale, pink and cream, her hair a rich dark brown, her lips red, and not from lipstick. He had noticed last night she did not wear much makeup, only light tones that enhanced her natural beauty. Her grey eyes were dull one moment, and then in an instant sparked with intensity, but revealed nothing. The woman did not have a tell that he could pick up on. Her face was a mask of few lines and gave nothing away. He had to admit he was attracted to her. Just shaking her hand in the office yesterday, he felt the heat between them. Last night, after she agreed to stay, he could not get the image of her in his bed out of his mind. She had showed no signs of interest though. None that he could tell. The look she gave him was one of someone studying a person. He too was schooled at revealing nothing. With four brothers around he learned to mask his emotion, hide his feelings. He always needed to be the strong one. The on
e in control.

  Her arm swept the sky as she reached for something, yet nothing. She was obviously doing Pilates or Yoga. But the shapes her body made as she moved had him mesmerized. Even from this distance he knew her body was perfection. Her dress last night had revealed her shapeliness, even though she was covered with just a hint of cleavage showing. He had taken it all in. All of her in an instant.

  Walking her to his room last night had been torturous at best. After she finished her wine, and they talked a bit more, Andreas took her upstairs to show her the way, and to grab the things he would need for the night. The perfume she wore intoxicated him. She waited silently by the door while he gathered some things, and then thanked him as he walked out for being a gracious host. He had bowed out. Her whole demeanor was alluring and sophisticated. But yet he could not for the life of him figure her out. She wasn’t flirtatious, but oozed sex appeal. She was stunning, but did not flaunt her beauty. She was like no woman he had ever known.

  Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, realizing he was still staring at her, at half mast no less, he decided to head out on his run. The last thing in the world he needed was for one of his brothers to catch him here. He would never hear the end of it.

  * * *

  Cat knew the instant Andreas was no longer watching her. She had continued her exercise throughout the time he watched her from down below. From the instant the sliding glass doors below opened and she heard the faint hiss of the glass in the early morning until she heard his feet slap softly against the pavement as he began to run, she had sensed his nearness. Even though she did not make eye contact, she knew the moment his eyes saw her. Her body already warmed up from her moves began to burn. The blood to pump more quickly. Her body, so long dormant, became alive. She knew it was attraction. She was attracted to this strange man who looked at her so oddly. Catarina had never felt these things before especially around someone of the opposite sex. Her body and mind questioned why she felt this now. Perhaps, it was the fear she felt with this murderer on the loose that had her other senses heightened.


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