Beautiful No More

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Beautiful No More Page 13

by MJ Nightingale

  “Hey, speaking of security,” Blaze added. “With Bella pregnant, Andy, I’ve been thinking we should beef up security around here. The cameras are good. But, I’d love some guys watching them, and I’ve already talked to her about this. I want her to take a leave of absence at work. If Sal knows we are on to him again, then there is the chance he can get to the island. I want more.”

  “Okay, agreed. What about Ronnie? Lisa and Johnny?” he asked looking at the others.

  “Hell if Ronnie will stop working. She loves that damn job too much. But, I am thinking she needs an escort to and from at the very least.”

  Andreas nodded. “Done.” Then, to Gio he quirked an eyebrow.

  “Lisa is volunteering at the school until this is done until Christmas Break. They have two weeks to go, but I think we can get another ‘volunteer’ inside to keep an eye on them until that happens. They have an SRO on campus and we can inform him, should inform him.”

  “Okay, sounds good. I’ll go make some calls, and get the ball rolling on this.” He paused before he went to his desk. He looked at his brothers before they began to file out of the door. “Thanks,” he called out. They all just smiled and gave him a thumbs up on the way out. He was so proud to have them on his side.

  Chapter 21


  By the end of the first week in December, they had battened down the hatches. They hired five local men, people Andreas trusted implicitly to conduct round the clock surveillance on the Marino home.

  Tension was high, but they all wanted things to be as normal for Johnny as possible. Keeping up a festive mood, the women began to decorate for the holidays and do some shopping, but always accompanied by one of the new hired hands or one of the Marinos themselves.

  Andreas had taken Cat out yesterday to do her own personal shopping, and had taken her to lunch. She’d been cooped up all week and he knew the strain was taking its toll. He slept in her bed every night, but he knew for her, not used to people around constantly, it was becoming too much. He also wanted to fill her in on the details of the investigation thus far, and discuss the Christmas party they all planned to attend the next evening.

  They had gone to International Mall and Bay Street on the corner of West Shore and Boy Scout Blvd. Cat had made several purchases at Gucci, Nordstrom’s, and Tory Burch, before they settled on the Cheesecake Factory for a late lunch.

  He waited patiently outside each outlet keeping a watch on the entrances as she did her shopping in private and undisturbed. She had four bags which he carried, much to her delight. She teased him that he was quite handy to have around. “More than for just carrying bags, I hope?” he teased in return, enjoying her bright mood. She sparkled when she told him about her purchases for Bella, Lisa, and Ronnie. She also hinted she had gotten some things for him and his brothers as well. He laughed heartily, but also knew he would have to go out on his own. He had a few ideas of things he would like to purchase for her.

  “Oh, I am sorry. I don’t mean to be presumptuous and expect to be included in your family’s festivities once more,” she stated when he became quiet.

  “No Cat, of course you will be invited. I want you more than just for holidays. I hope you feel the same way. Our timing sucks, but I am really enjoying your company.”

  “I was hoping you would like to continue . . . this.” She used her fingers to indicate the two of them.

  “I do.” He replied with a twinkle in his eye while ushering her towards the restaurant renowned for its decadent deserts.

  They were greeted by the hostess, and then shown to a table right away. Once seated, and their drink orders taken with menus left to peruse, Andreas began to tell her what he had been doing during the week.

  “Tomorrow, the man heading Alvarez Security will take a moment to meet with us. He has been working on the employment angle I told you about. I gave him the list you gave me, all the places you can recall going to in the past six months, and he has been using his computer engineers to cross check that with employment records of recent hires in the fields of work we think Sal/Spiro might be employed.”

  “That it is quite a feat, and a long shot, I must say.” She sipped her water.

  He knew it was a long shot, but if anyone could pull a rabbit out of a hat, it was Tony’s people. “I know. But it is an approach. All the names of the places we gave him have employer identifications, and when they hire, that number gets attached to the employee by way of the IRS.”

  “But how will that help us. There could be hundreds of new hires,” she asked, doubtful.

  “Thousands actually. But, his people are good. They will look at all of the variables.”

  “How do we know if he is even employed, or if he is, legitimately?”

  “We don’t, but he has accessed other identifications before. So it is likely he’s done so again. The places you go are not places where one would find people being paid under the table. It’s a hunch. But, it’s all we got to go on so far.”

  “Andreas, I trust you,” she murmured taking a sip of the tea the waitress had just set in front of her.

  He took a sip of his soda, and then placed their order for them, she choosing the seared tuna salad, and he the white grilled chicken and avocado sandwich.

  “So,” he asked, “have you found everything you need?” It was his attempt to lighten the mood.

  She laughed. “No. But I think I will let you off the hook after lunch. You must be quite bored.”

  He rolled his eyes, but smiled. “I’ll admit shopping with a woman was never my thing, but I do enjoy spending time with you.”

  “Well, thank you Andreas. The feeling is quite mutual,” she purred back.

  He almost could not help the growl he wanted to release at her tone. It did something to him. He needed to change the subject or he would have to take her home now. “Are you looking forward to the party tomorrow night?”

  Her eyes sparkled. “I am. Yes. I do enjoy good music and food. It is a good cause you support.” He told her earlier that he had been to several of the General Melendez’s Christmas events supporting the Fight for The Fallen. His cousin, Victor, and some other friends had served several tours. Traumatic Brain Injuries unfortunately were much more common than people realized, especially when fighting an urban war. Victor had been fortunate to escape injury on all three of his tours, but some of his friends had not.

  “It is the least I can do for the men and women who serve this county. They are willing to sacrifice their lives to keep us safe.” Reaching for his glass he took another sip of his soda.

  “You attend a lot of charity events. I remember seeing you once at a function I attended with Councilman Bartlett. It was for NOW.”

  “Yes, I was at that event.” He didn’t elaborate. He knew that event was to help the women who were victims of abuse. He had seen the effects of that on plenty of women in his career. She had experienced it. She remained quiet and then reached for her glass. To lighten the mood once more, he asked. “Will you be bidding on me tomorrow night? I am quite the eligible bachelor.”

  “I might,” she teased. The event cost one thousand per plate, and there would be over five hundred guests. The night ended with the auctioning off of 10 of Tampa’s most eligible bachelors in the hopes of raising even more money. The General was hoping to raise 100,000 for his cause this year.

  “Well, it will be a fun night for everyone. Angela will be staying with Johnny so we can all get out a bit.”

  “Then, it will be especially fun.”

  The food arrived and they continued to discuss the following evening’s activities, and the fact that he would meet with Tony. He wanted to introduce the two of them.

  * * *

  Sal fumed as he watched the two through the windows of his car. He had just purchased the junk the day before. It had cost him a thousand bucks, but it ran. It included the cost of the tag and license and so he couldn’t complain too much. He had decided to try and see if he could catch Andreas and
had waited under the bridge to Anna Maria Island for the car he had seen him driving the one day he saw him leaving work the week before.

  When he spotted the vehicle, around nine that morning, his heart slammed to a stop. He could tell Andreas wasn’t alone, but he didn’t get a good look at the passenger since his focus had been on the vehicle. He couldn’t even be sure it was Andreas as someone else on that Island might also be driving a Black Mercedes. But he had taken the chance and followed the vehicle to the mall.

  He parked two aisles over, and he watched the closest entrance to the mall instead of the car. He did not want to be seen. And sure enough it was him. He was with Catarina, and they were holding hands. He felt sick and pounded his fists on the steering wheel. His eyes burned with rage that she was with him once more. He knew now that she wasn’t staying at some hotel like he hoped.

  When they emerged five hours later, he was still there. He saw Andreas laughing and carrying her bags. He recognized one of the bags right away. It made him break out into a cold sweat despite the car not having air conditioning. The man even had the nerve to kiss her in the open for the whole world to see after he placed her bags into the trunk of his car and then helped her inside. Fuck. No. His beauty was spreading her legs once more for his enemy and wearing slutty undergarments for the man. They would have to pay. Both of them. If he couldn’t get to them on that God forsaken island he would have to lure them out. The secretary.

  He would teach the bastard not to take what was his once more.

  Chapter 22

  Getting In . . . Deeper

  Cat made one more stop before they left the mall. She ducked into a small boutique and Andreas was only too happy to oblige her. She would be wearing something special for him later, he presumed. He and every red-blooded man in America did not mind stopping at this store, of that he was positive. He winked at her when she indicated with a flick of the head the store she wanted to check out. He nodded vigorously and appreciatively with her laughing. “Want to help me pick something out?”

  “No, surprise me. I do like surprises. Of this kind anyway.”

  In ten minutes, she had emerged with several more bags.

  “What did you get me?” he asked teasingly, reaching for her bags.

  “Hey, you said you wanted a surprise,” she chastised and pouted sticking out her bottom lip just a tad.

  “Don’t do that,” he growled mischievously. Her lips were gorgeous. Red and full. He could only imagine the things she could do with those lips. The image of those lips on his cock had him throbbing.

  “What?” she continued to pout.

  “That thing with your lip. It has me thinking all kinds of things I’d rather not be thinking about in the parking lot of a shopping mall.”

  “Oh, you are bad,” she laughed lightly.

  “You have no idea,” he teased back. He was enjoying the conversation and was glad to see that she was too.

  “Well, maybe you can show me when we get to your house.”

  “Get in the car,” he growled as he popped the trunk of his car open and tossed her bags inside.

  “Impatient.” She laughed breathily, but he could see her eyes had dilated and she was breathing more rapidly.

  “If we’re lucky, everyone will still be out doing their own shopping. Let’s hurry.” He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and inhaling her scent as she slipped inside the car. He closed the door softly, and then hustled to his side of the car.

  * * *

  They were in luck. It was only two in the afternoon, and they had been the first to leave to go shopping. He was carrying her bags, and dropped them to unlock the door. When he entered the house, one of the men he had hired when they had increased his security came out of his office. “Can I help you with those?” he asked.

  “No. But thank you though,” Andreas replied. Cat was already headed up the stairs. She had one bag in her hand, and it was pink. “All is good here.”

  “Yes, sir,” replied Peter. “The men are outside. I have one on the beach, and the others are making rounds of the perimeter.”

  “Very good then. My brothers are all out?” he asked wanting to be sure.

  “Yes, Gio, Lisa and Johnny went shopping. Nikko and Ronnie went to her mother’s for the day. Blaze and Bella took the boat out and said they would be out until late. They left just twenty minutes ago.”

  “Perfect. Keep up the good work. Miss Stone has a headache after shopping and wants to lie down,” he lied. “I believe I will join her since it is quiet.”

  A small smile played around the corners of Peter’s lips. “Fine, sir. I will monitor everything from inside the study, and will inform you if there is a breach.”

  With a curt nod and a pat on the back, Andreas fled up the stairs to his room. He was wondering if Cat was ready and what she was wearing.

  As he entered his room, he noticed the darkness. She had drawn the curtains over the windows and doors that gave him an unobstructed view of the Bay. She had left a single light on by the bed. The slit of light coming from the bathroom told him she was still inside. Changing. He licked his lips in anticipation.

  Setting her bags down on the chaise lounge by the closet, he began to undress. He stripped to his boxers, placing his clothes on one of the other chairs in the room. He was about to crawl into bed to wait for her when the sound of the bathroom door opening made him turn. His jaw dropped.

  Cat was sexy as sin. But in this outfit, his cock hardened like a slab of granite. And it fucking hurt. He wanted to rip that outfit off of her and plunge into her pussy taking her deep. He took several breaths to calm himself.

  “Do you like it?” She twirled for him, spinning around, and revealing to him the entire outfit.

  “Um, yeah.” His ridiculous response and the look on his face had Cat laughing. She felt powerful in the items she had chosen. The black stilettoes showed off her calves, and the faux black leather thong she suspected would shock him. She had also purchased a matching bustier that pushed her breasts incredibly high, but left most of her midriff bare. It was simple. But made her feel strong. She knew he would like it, and appreciate the shocking difference in her usual nightwear. She had never worn anything like it before. It was just for him.

  She knew not where this relationship was going, but this man made her feel alive. He had mended her and made her feel whole once more. For that she would be forever grateful. But while it lasted she wanted to experience as much of it as she could.

  “It’s not too much?” she asked knowing it wasn’t from his reaction.

  “No, it is not!” He breathed heavily and was still staring at her body longingly, like a starving man. “Cat, you do not know how incredibly beautiful you are. I want you to know that. I want you.”

  “I feel the same, Andreas. I think you know that.” Her voice shook.

  “I do. Thank you. For trusting me.” He could see some of her nerve leaving, and he didn’t want that. He began to approach. Fire burning in his eyes. Again, he would make this about her. An afternoon she would never forget.

  He took one step closer, stalking her like she was his prey. She could feel the heat emanate off of the man shear across the room. His eyes burned blue for her. Her confidence returned and she began to walk toward him.

  “Stop,” he told her, and she did. The one word had been a command, and her heart beat faster as he took his time to come get her. She could see the tent his boxers made, and knew he was aroused, and that made her insides melt. She felt the all too familiar heat pool in her core as her pussy clenched in anticipation of what was to come.

  When he was just a foot away, she thought he would reach for her, and she yearned for his touch, the sensations only his hands had ever evoked in her, but instead he circled around her, and she felt his breath on the back of her neck as he carefully moved her hair aside. He kissed her shoulders and then trailed kisses down her back on the skin laid bare by the small closure in back. Next, a finger in the center of her shoulder b
lades. It began to move. She held her breath and then let it out on a sigh as the finger, just the one made every nerve ending come to life. Her nipples hardened when it reached the small of her back. Then she felt him stroke along the top of the G-string, tracing along top of it. She felt his finger then slip underneath. She waited with bated breath. She felt the moisture dampen the thin cloth that covered her.

  “So fucking beautiful.” His voice sounded further away, and when she turned her head to look, Andreas was on the carpet behind her, on his knees. She nearly wept at the sight of his eyes. They burned. She felt his hands on her hips, and he pulled her to him. He pressed his face to her ass, and kissed each rounded globe. She felt herself tightening, her pussy muscles clenching as her head fell back of its own volition to experience the riotous pleasure her was evoking within her.

  “Your scent, your body, everything about you, I desire.” His hands left her hips and then she felt his hands on her ankles, and then those hands began to stroke her upwards. First on the outside of her legs, and then on the inside. “I want to touch every part of you, Cat. Stake my claim. Take what it is mine.”

  His words, the tone, sent the flames higher in her.

  “Are you mine, Cat? All mine?” she heard the undercurrent of possessiveness there, and it thrilled her. Belonging to someone had once terrified her, but not with this man. With this man, she had begun to hope and dream once more.

  “Y, y, yessss,” she hissed as his hand cupped her femininity from behind.

  Andreas’ cock throbbed and he wanted to enter her depths and lose himself inside. But not yet, this was too important. “Say the words, Cat. I need to hear them.”

  “I. Am. Yours.” And with that word he slipped two fingers inside of her wet sheath. Her legs began to tremble. To shake. “I am yours,” she cried out as he felt her contractions pull his fingers deeper.


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