Beautiful No More

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Beautiful No More Page 16

by MJ Nightingale

  Cat was quiet for the drive home in the limousine. Andreas and she had not been able to talk privately yet. The girls filled up the silence, and his brothers chose wisely too remain silent about the auction. Something may have been held against them if they spoke, namely his fists, with the mood he was in. He still wasn’t sure what had suddenly provoked her anger, because the evening had been perfect. Until he said . . . what? He couldn’t even remember the exact words he had spoken that led to her walking off in a huff. He tried to think back to what it was, and to figure out why she had become so offended.

  Chapter 25

  Promises to Keep

  Andreas was silently fuming, but held his anger in check. He did not like the way he was feeling in the least. Cat had humiliated him, but the heck if he understood why.

  They said their goodnights downstairs to everyone including Angela who did not stay long. She had a long drive ahead of her, and wanted to be home for her family in the morning. Andreas let Catarina leave first, hoping she would have some time to cool down, and then he followed her upstairs shortly thereafter. Nikko, and Gio were finding it too hard not to laugh, and Andreas made a hasty retreat before he did something stupid. He just hoped Cat had calmed down.

  He was wrong.

  As soon as the door flew open, Cat was brushing her long dark hair and already dressed for bed in one of those white nightgowns he found so appealing on her. But she was still mad. She continued to brush her hair, but her tone revealed the emotion she was feeling.

  “For your information, Mr. Marino, I am not some woman who needs a man to take care of her. I can manage on my own. I have been doing that for quite some time now, if you recall any of my past that you dug up without my permission.”

  He was at a loss still, but remembering Ronnie’s advice started with an apology. “I’m sorry. But, I never said you could not take of yourself.”

  “You glowered at me whenever some man approached tonight. Do not think I did not notice.”

  He let out a tense breath. “Baby, I wasn’t glowering at you. I was glowering, as you call it, at the men who kept trying to dance with you.” He began to approach. Was that what she was mad about?

  “Then you should have explained that to me. But, when I express the mildest concern about Simone Stevens, you laughed at me.”

  “No.” He took the brush out of her hand, but she tried to keep ahold of it. “You misunderstood. I was not laughing at your feelings. Please don’t think that. I was laughing at how you expressed your feelings. For that I am sorry.” Her eyes narrowed at him, and she pulled her wrist out of his grip.

  “Then why did you offer me money? I already told you before the dance tonight I planned to bid on you.”

  He still wasn’t following her train of thought. His hand flew to his hair. “Cat, I just thought, I mean, I wanted to ensure that you would win me. After you expressed jealousy, I did not want to risk Simone winning, and causing you further pain.”

  “Pain?” she questioned.

  “Hurt feelings?” he clarified.

  “Why would my feelings be hurt if some woman bid on you? You hurt my feelings by insinuating that you were above me? Worth more than I could afford for your services.”

  He couldn’t hold back his frustration any more. “No, no. That is not what I meant at all. You took it all wrong.”

  “I took it all wrong!” her voice was rising. “You offered me money, like some . . . some . . .,” and then she threw her brush on the floor and turned from him. The tears fell. And he finally realized what set her off.

  “Oh, baby,” he came from behind and put his hands on her shoulders. “I am so sorry. I never meant to treat you like, a . . .”

  “A whore,” she cried out, her head falling forward towards her chest. It dawned on him then. She felt ashamed.

  He tried to turn her around and she resisted. So instead he pulled her back up against his chest, and held her that way. “I have never seen you as that. Never. I think way too highly of you for that.” Her silent angry sobs began to subside. “I think of you as strong, beautiful. Someone I care about and want to protect.”

  “I don’t need protecting. I don’t need handouts. I don’t need your money.”

  Andreas’ anger began to subside. He realized what he had done. First the stares when men approached. Laughing at her, not giving her attention when she stood right before him, then the offer of money. She had felt cheap, and he had done that to her inadvertently. He held her and hoped that alone could convey his feelings.

  “You said the other night you wanted more?” she questioned, her silent cries subsiding.

  He remained quiet.

  When she turned to gauge his reaction, she saw panic in his face. The look on his face spoke volumes. The man wanted to bed her, to continue with that alone. She needed to protect her heart. He couldn’t meet her look for long. He turned away, and rubbed the bristles that had grown during the evening.

  “Cat, I’m sorry,” he started to say. He didn’t know what to say to make it better.

  “No, don’t say anything. I think I have said enough,” her eyes bore daggers into him until he turned to face her.

  “Cat, give me a chance to explain.”

  “I think I just need to have a good night’s sleep. I need to think.” She turned from him then.

  “Cat?” His tone made her pause, but she was not ready to face him yet. “Do you want me to leave?” he asked.

  Did she? She closed her eyes and thought. No. She didn’t. But could she continue in this relationship, trusting him more and more, and not get hurt?

  “No,” was her answer to his question. But to the question in her heart, would she get hurt, the answer was yes. She was falling deeply in love with this man, but he was not. He cared and enjoyed what they had, but perhaps that was all. Inwardly steeling herself for heartache, she put on her mask once more. “You can stay.” Shaking her head and taking a step back. “I just over reacted.” She would put this aside, for now, and let the chips fall where they may. If it ended, if he did not want a future together, she would walk away, head held high, knowing she had at least tried.

  She heard him sigh behind her as she walked toward the bed. It was a sound of relief. This man confused her. He panicked when she asked for more. Feelings she thought safe to express with him. She thought he was different somehow. Pulling back the sheets, she crawled into the bed, and turning on her side, closed her eyes. She felt the room grow dim, and heard him undress, then felt the mattress move beside her. He got in behind her and pulled her to him. His words tickled her ear, making the hairs along the back of her neck move. “I care for you very much, Cat. You mean a great deal to me. More and more every day, I am finding. Please believe that.”

  Cat sighed, and although she was terrified of further humiliation and rejection, she needed to say the words aloud. “I think I am in love you.”

  “Cat, I . . .” He froze. Why was this so hard?

  She cut him off not wanting to hear that he cared about her again. “Do you believe in soul mates?”

  His voice was rough when he said it. “I didn’t for a long time. Then my brothers found theirs.”

  “I didn’t believe,” she whispered in the darkness.

  “Do you believe now, Cat?” He wanted to hear her answer.

  “I’m not so sure.” With that she pulled out of his embrace and curled further into the pillow she was holding.

  He cursed himself and his cold feet. He knew that losing her would hurt. But he was terrified of committing to anyone until Romeo was caught, and behind bars. Not until the people he loved were safe. His head ached, because in that moment he knew he loved her, he just couldn’t say it. Something was holding him back, and the hell if he knew what it was.

  * * *

  Andreas did not sleep well that night, and he could tell Cat had been restless too. When he awoke with the dawn, he got up and quickly went to the bathroom to get changed for a run. He needed to clear his mind and r
unning always did that. He looked towards the bed, and she lie sleeping peacefully. Last night had been great. Wonderful. Then he screwed it up. Royally. First his jealousy, then his callousness, and then offering her money. That was stupid. That simple offer because of her profession had a connotation to it. She had taken it hard because she was falling in love with him, and he had given her hope. Hope he had dashed because he was a stupid moron who could not say the words aloud. An idiot who was risking losing her because of his vow to never love again, until all his loved ones were safe and Romeo was gone.

  He finished his stretching outside and he saw the curtains upstairs moving. Cat was up and had glanced out. She often arose right after him and did her own exercises. He figured she needed the quiet time to reflect as much as he did. They had that in common. He began to run when he saw the upstairs lights go on. He would talk to her again when he returned. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he wanted to at least explain where his hesitation came from. He owed her that. He prayed she would understand.

  He could make her all the promises she needed after Romeo was taken care of. With that thought in his mind, he set off more quickly, determined to do his 10K and then talk. Plus, he wanted to go through the thumb drive Tony had given him. He had forgotten to glance at it last night, what with Cat having been so upset. But first, he would talk to her, and lay all of his cards on the table.

  Chapter 26

  Revenge is Sweet

  Sal sat at home fuming. He wanted to nab Angela, and his plans had been foiled by the arrival of her police officer son. But, there was a still a chance. He knew what car she drove, so he would wait and try again later, after she drove off of that god forsaken island.

  He wished he could nab her now, while she was with the Marino kid. But he could not get on that island. Not without a boat, anyhow. In disgust he reached for the remote. He had at least a few hours to kill, and he clicked on the television. He would hopefully see Angela’s car, follow her home, and nab her there. If he was lucky, all would be sleeping when she arrived. That was his new plan.

  He glanced at the television, and disgusted by the reruns playing during the holiday season, he switched stations. His eyes were immediately glued to the television screen. There was Andreas smiling at the cameraman. He caught the end of his comment only. “I will get him. He won’t escape me again.” And then the camera panned out to include Catarina Stone standing by his side. Andreas reached his arm behind her and pulled her in close.

  “Yes, we are seeing one another,” he confirmed to the reporter. He turned his head and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. And she glowed, tucking her head under his chin!

  The reporter asked one more question, and he saw Andreas’ smile. Sal wanted to blow a hole in the man’s face. This bastard was ruining it all again.

  “Sorry, we need to move along. We are holding up the line.” With a quick wave at the camera, he turned, Cat with him, and his hand was placed on the small of her back. He saw Andreas stroke her, and again he felt the rage within him burn. He got up and kicked the small coffee table over, displacing all the contents onto the floor. His fury continued as he picked up, everything within his reach and flung it at the walls, the floor, until, his wrath was spent. He collapsed onto the floor, raging until thumping and yelling next door quieted him.

  “Cut that shit out or we’re calling the cops, you freak,” came the angry voice of his drug addicted neighbor through the paper thin walls.

  Sal clamped his mouth shut. He hoped he had not yelled anything that gave him away, but after a moment of panic, he knew he hadn’t said any names. Nothing to indicate what his anger was about.

  He picked himself up off the floor. He needed to get out of there. He needed to think. He needed blood.

  Picking up his keys from where he had thrown them on the kitchen table, he pocketed them and slipped outside into the growing darkness. It enveloped him. Called to him.

  * * *

  He walked along the street, but with purpose. He pulled his hat low over his eyes and carried a seven eleven bag in his hand; it contained two bottles of coke. His ruse, if stopped or questioned. He had left his car parked there as well. It was two blocks away. Not far. The moment he saw a limo turn onto the bridge, he double backed to get his car. He assumed they were in it. It shouldn’t be long. He knew that secretary drove one of those fancy Prius’. Marino must pay her well. When his car was stopped at the light fifteen minutes later, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. He saw her car, and followed. Too easy. He would get her when she got home, before she even left her driveway and made it to her front door, he would nab her. He would get his revenge and send Andreas Marino a message. Loud and clear.

  He was worried after following her for over three quarters of an hour. But finally he saw her pull into a subdivision, and he rubbed his tired eyes, and sped up. He couldn’t lose her now. Not now, when he was so close.

  He made the turn and he could see her car up ahead, and so he began to close the distance.

  Glancing down side streets he saw she lived in a neighborhood of beautiful homes along canals. The houses were multi-storied with garages on the bottom. He sped up, even more. He hoped she wouldn’t be pulling into a garage. He might lose her, so he closed the gap. He saw a sign. Carlota Way. He’d ask her for directions; say he lost his way to get her attention. She made a turn onto Seahorse Drive, and he was still behind her. She turned into a drive way, and he saw the garage door already opening. He had his window open ready to call out.

  She was getting out of her car. Not pulling inside. He let out his breath slowly. He saw the garage was already full of vehicles. But she saw him, and began to move.

  “Sorry, I’m looking for Carlotta Way,” he asked softly, not wanting to startle her.

  “Oh,” she replied nervously. “You just missed it. Turn back onto Mayfair, and it is two blocks east.”

  “That way,” he pointed purposefully in the wrong direction.

  “No,” she laughed softly probably not wanting to wake up her neighbors. She got closer to his car, just a few feet away. He had the rag ready. Just another step, he prayed. He couldn’t let her scream. “That’s the Gulf there, so that’s west. You need to go in the other direction.”

  “Okay, thank you.” He waved and she turned around.

  It was now or never. He pushed open the car door, and jumped out. Popping the trunk on the way out.

  “What? My God!” She called out.

  But he was already on her, and the rag lightly spritzed with his family recipe was covering her face. She kicked, and bit on the rag, and his hand. He winced through the pain, and raised the rag to cover her nose. She struggled a bit more as he forced her to walk backwards towards the trunk of his car. She went limp just as he reached it. He threw her in, glad she was a slight woman, and slammed the lid closed before anyone could see or look out. It had been a mere few seconds since she screamed, and he needed to move. He glanced around for lights as he ran towards the driver side door which he left open.

  He climbed inside, and slid behind the wheel. Back into drive, he drove straight down the block, to double around on the next block so he could get back to the highway. He let out his breath and smiled. He hadn’t seen a light, and so no one knew. He had hours to have fun. But first he needed to take her some place. He knew he couldn’t bring her to his apartment, but he had already thought of that. He knew exactly where he could take Miss Angela. This was going to be fun. A lot of fun. But more than that, when Andreas found her body, it was going to be satisfying indeed.

  * * *

  The offices of The Marino Bros: Bail, Bonds, & Bounty would be perfect. And it wasn’t far now.

  He’d seen no cameras when he’d watched the strip mall it was located in. There might be some inside, he couldn’t rule that out. He needed to know if there were cameras in the rear of the building too. That was important. He did not want to enter by way of the front in case street cameras captured him bringing her in. Or some rand
om late night traveler spotted him. Nebraska Ave was still a pretty busy street.

  He pulled off the parkway and made a left. And from the sounds of it, his passenger was starting to come around. He could dose her with chloroform again if she proved too difficult. Although he really wanted to see the light fade from her eyes. It was almost his favorite part. That, and the blood. He liked the blood.

  He saw the neon sign indicating the strip mall, and then at the left side the sign indicating Marino’s business. This was going to be perfect. He’d do it in Andreas’ office. It would show him who was really in control. Who was hunting whom!

  The alley behind the lot looked empty and he started to drive down it. There was one large dumpster out back, and it appeared no one was lurking around. If stopped, he could say he was throwing out his trash. He had plenty of it on the floorboards.

  He examined the entire back of the building, and not seeing signs of cameras, he knew it was now or never. It was nearly 4AM. He needed to get inside and take care of business. He also wanted to be out of there within the hour before any early risers were out and about.

  * * *

  Angela knew she was in a shitload of trouble. She cursed herself for being all kinds of a fool for falling for the man’s simple request for directions. She knew better. Her son was a cop. Several of her uncles too. She worked for four former police officers, some of whom had been detectives as well.

  Her first instinct when she woke up was to fight, but after a few moments she got quiet. She had to think instead. Not panic. That was crucial. Whatever the man was up to, it was no good. She had to use her wits and get away before he could carry out whatever he had in store for her. And she had a really bad feeling about his guy. She thought it might be this Romeo that Andreas had been trying to track down for years.


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