Large and in Charge

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Large and in Charge Page 23

by La Jill Hunt

  “No one ever figured it out. Some said it was so she could sneak out of the house to see other dudes. Others thought she was stealing money from his wallet. I know this is gonna sound weird, but Nigel thought it had something to do with sex. She got off on him being asleep. There were times that he woke up, and there would be signs that they’d had sex, but he wouldn’t remember or thought he’d only dreamed it. He’d go to sleep with his shorts on and wake up naked. Little stuff like that.”

  Asha jumped up and grabbed her purse. She had to get the hell out. “I gotta go.”

  “Wait. Hold up.” Ben stood and reached for her.

  “I-I-I’ll call you later.” Asha was so distraught. She rushed out the door and into the hallway, unsure of where to go. She panicked.

  “Asha, what’s going on?” Ben steadied her.

  “I gotta get out of here. Please, help me get out of here,” Asha pleaded.

  Ben grabbed her hand and led her out of a side door to the parking lot. Asha was shaking so badly that she kept fumbling her keys and couldn’t even hit the unlock button.

  “Give me those.” Ben took the keys and hit the button. He walked her to the passenger side and opened the door.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  “Taking you wherever the hell it is you’re trying to go. Get in and put your seat belt on,” he said. After they both were seated inside, he looked over at her. “Now, where to?”

  Asha was still trembling as she pulled up the GPS and said, “Sully’s house.”

  Chapter 27


  “What the hell is that? I didn’t even hear the delivery driver ring the bell,” Chase asked when Devyn walked into the house with the large cardboard box. “Did Uncle Julian send another package? Is there something in there for me?”

  “No, this isn’t from Uncle Julian,” Devyn answered. She continued into the kitchen and put the box on the marble island.

  “Oooohhhh, is it another gift from an influencer?” Chase, being her usual nosy self, strolled into the kitchen. One of the perks of Pivot’s recent success was the frequent arrival of items from fashion sites and beauty brands, hoping to get a shout-out on social media accounts. They’d discussed the possibility of doing paid endorsements as another stream of income for the company, but Devyn wasn’t too thrilled with the idea. However, she wasn’t opposed to the freebies they’d been receiving.

  “No, it’s from Nigel. I honestly don’t know what it is. He asked me to pick it up and told me not to open it until I got home.” Devyn stood back and stared at the package.

  “Oh God, shouldn’t this be in your bedroom? It’s probably something kinky. Nigel looks like he got some freak in him.”

  In an effort not to confirm or deny the insinuation, Devyn ignored the knowing glance Chase gave her. Unfortunately, the slight smile she tried to suppress was a dead giveaway.

  “You’re unscrupulous, you know that?” Devyn shook her head.

  “I knew it. You can try to play it off if you want, Dev, but I know better. Chef Nigel looks like he can flip more than pans. I must say, I’m impressed with you, though. Lawd knows that’s a big tree to climb. Kudos, sis. Them arms, that chest, those tats. I don’t blame you for saying the hell wit’ what Asha thought,” Chase teased.

  “Chastity Domonique, please,” Devyn exclaimed.

  “Please, what? I’m happy for you. Hell, at this point, I’m Googling to find a life coach so I can get my life fixed and my own back blown out.” Chase reached for the box. “Now, let’s see what Nigel ‘Vanzant’ sent you.”

  “Move. I’ll open it.” Devyn pushed her away and pulled the box open. Sitting on top was a piece of paper with the Culture logo, and a sticky note addressed to Devyn.

  Hey, Beautiful,

  Inspiration comes from many places. My latest venture came from you. This is the first official box for Culture Cuisine Meal Kits. So simple even you can make it. Test it out and call me when dinner’s ready. Watching you Pivot your life motivated me to do the same. I’ve already secured my first investor. We launch in six months.

  Love, Nigel

  “Oh my God,” Devyn exclaimed, reading over the instructions before looking inside. Everything was proportioned and prepped for an entire Sunday dinner: chicken that could either be baked or fried, collard greens, yams, macaroni and cheese, dressing, corn bread, and a peach cobbler. All she had to do was follow the simple directions. In addition, there was a link to a video featuring Nigel, who gave step-by-step details, if desired. It was like having a personal cooking demo in her home. Devyn was flabbergasted. A comedic moment shared between them resulted in something that could propel Nigel’s culinary success.

  “Dev, this is crazy. You know neither one of us can boil water, right?” Chase stared at the paper and sifted through the items in the box as Devyn removed them.

  “You were the one who raved about the fish I cooked. This is the same thing. Everything we need is right here. We can do this.” Devyn nodded. “We just need pans and the stove.”

  While Chase opened the cabinets and began taking out pots and pans, Devyn grabbed the cooking utensils. They washed their hands, turned on some music, and went to work. Within an hour, Devyn’s kitchen smelled like Thanksgiving dinner at her grandmother’s house back in the day.

  “Holy shit, I think it worked.” Chase peeked into the oven at the browning marshmallows on top of the yams, and golden corn bread baking beside it.

  “I told you.” Devyn plated the perfectly baked chicken on a serving dish, then set it beside the pan of macaroni and cheese that looked like it had come straight from a soul food restaurant.

  “Nigel is a damn genius, for real. Do you know how many dudes I’m about to catfish with this service? I’m finna be somebody’s wifey. I’ma have a ring on it,” Chase cackled.

  “You know how cheap guys are already. I can hear them now. ‘Nah, boo, I don’t wanna go out to eat. Let me cook you a homemade meal,’” Devyn mimicked in a deep voice. “Okay, I’m gonna text Nigel, then take a quick shower. You got this?”

  “Yep.” Chase went and grabbed her iPad.

  “Chase, please don’t let anything burn. You said it yourself . . . Any dummy can do this,” Devyn reminded her. “Remember, when you take the yams out, put the cobbler in.”

  “I got it,” Chase nodded.

  Devyn went upstairs and was deciding on the perfect outfit when the doorbell rang. She hadn’t texted Nigel and wasn’t expecting anyone. It’s probably just a delivery from UPS.

  “Dev, get down here, quick,” Chase yelled.

  “Please don’t tell me you don’t know how to take something out the oven, Chase, I asked if you—” Devyn stopped midsentence when she got to the bottom of the steps and saw Nigel standing in the great room. “Nigel, what are you doing here? Dinner isn’t ready yet.”

  “Hey, Dev.” Nigel gave her a half smile. “It smells good too. But dinner’s gonna have to wait.”

  “What’s going on? What’s wrong?” she asked, noticing the solemn look on his face.

  “I just got a call from Ben. He’s been arrested,” Nigel told her.

  “Devyn’s Ben?” Chase asked. Devyn shot her a startled glance, and she quickly regrouped. “I mean, uh, Asha’s client, Ben?”

  “Yeah, that one.” Nigel raised an eyebrow.

  “Arrested, for what?” Devyn asked.

  “Assault and breaking and entering. Asha’s with him,” Nigel answered.

  “Who did he beat up? Where? And why is Asha with him? She should be at work.” Devyn was bewildered as she looked around for her cell phone while waiting for Nigel to answer her.

  “Sully, at his house.” Nigel stunned her. “I told him we were on the way.”

  “Shit, let me turn off the stove and grab my shoes.” Chase rushed toward the kitchen. “Don’t leave me.”

  Devyn stood and stared at Nigel. “Why would Ben assault Sully?”

  Nigel took a deep breath, then said, “I don’t kno
w. Ben’s not the violent type. I guarantee whatever Sully did to make him do this, it was bad.”

  Devyn spotted Asha as soon as they entered the police station. She was sitting on a bench in the lobby area, crying. Devyn didn’t hesitate to rush to her side.

  “Asha, girl, are you okay?” Devyn put her arm around her best friend, anxious to hear what caused her to be there.

  “Oh, Dev, this is all fucked-up. I can’t believe him. I can’t believe he would even do something like this.” Asha sobbed into Devyn’s shoulder. Chase made her way to Asha’s other side while Nigel watched from a safe distance.

  “It’s okay, Ash. We’re here. You’re safe now.” Devyn rubbed her back. “Calm down.”

  “It’s just . . . I just . . . How can someone hurt people like this? He’s crazy.” Asha wept. “He’s sick.”

  “I know, Asha. Don’t worry, though. He’s been arrested,” Devyn assured her. “He’s not gonna get away with this.”

  “He has?” Asha finally raised her head. Devyn used her fingers to wipe Asha’s tearstained face. “They said they took him to the hospital. The ambulance came. They put him on a stretcher. I saw them.”

  “No, he’s in jail, boo. He called Nigel and told him.” Chase rubbed Asha’s back. “That’s how we found out.”

  “Wait—what? Why would he call Nigel?” Asha asked.

  “I don’t know. Because that’s his friend. The important question is why was he at Sully’s house in the first place? Did he attack you too?” Devyn asked.

  “Attack me? No, Ben was there to help me. He drove me to Sully’s house, and we were inside going through the medicine cabinets when Sully showed up. He started screaming and grabbed me, and that’s when Ben hit him,” Asha explained.

  “Well, damn.” Chase said the words that Devyn was thinking.

  “What were you looking for?” Devyn asked.

  Asha reached into her purse and took out a handful of prescription pill bottles. “These.”

  Nigel stepped closer to where they were sitting. “Nah, it can’t be.”

  “What are all of these, Asha?” Devyn frowned, looking at the bottles, most with names of other people. “Ambien, Lunesta, Halcion.”

  “Trazodone,” Chase exclaimed. “That’s some powerful stuff.”

  “That bastard,” Nigel snapped.

  “Asha, why would he have all of these?” Devyn prayed that Asha wouldn’t say what she already felt was true.

  Asha’s bottom lip trembled. “He’s been drugging me.”

  “Where is he? Where the hell is that motherfucker?” Ingrid yelled as she entered the station and hurried to the magistrate’s desk. She was in such a tirade that she hadn’t realized the small group seated on the bench staring at her.

  “Ma’am, lower your voice and calm down,” the uniformed officer warned.

  “Nah, I ain’t calming nothing until I confirm that one, y’all locked up the psycho that broke into my daddy’s house and tried to kill him, and two, make sure his black ass don’t get bail,” Ingrid threatened. “My daddy is down the street, fighting for his life. And, last . . . I wanna make sure y’all add attempted murder charges.”

  “First of all, ma’am, charges can only be upgraded by the district attorney.” The officer sighed. “And again, please lower your voice.”

  “Where is the whack-ass DA then?” Ingrid folded her arms. “Lemme speak to whoever that is.”

  “He would be at the courthouse. This is the police station,” another officer volunteered as he stepped toward the desk. “If there’s nothing else, feel free to leave.”

  “This is some bullshit.” Ingrid turned around and saw the four sets of eyes that had been staring at her. “Oh, hell naw.”

  Devyn jumped to her feet. “Aye, they told you to leave, so I advise you to keep walking.”

  Ingrid came within six feet of Asha but paused when she saw Nigel.

  “Keep it moving.” Chase pointed to the door. “We didn’t send for you. Don’t start none, won’t be none. It would be a damn shame to get that ass tapped in the police station, but I got time and bail money.”

  Ingrid’s eyes went back to Asha. “How dare you sit your ass up in here and cry. You got some nerve.”

  “You got it twisted, Ingrid. Your daddy is the one who should be locked up. I’m going to make sure it happens when I file charges. He’s a sexual deviant, and you’re both fucking sick,” Asha spat at her.

  “Charges for what? You’re the one who broke into his crib and had him assaulted.” Ingrid looked her up and down.

  “Like father, like daughter. Your daddy was doing the same thing to her that you were doing to me,” Nigel spoke up.

  “You shut the hell up, Bear. Ain’t nobody talking to you,” Ingrid yelled. “Don’t act like it’s my fault that your big ass couldn’t stay awake. I’m surprised your little kitchen ain’t burned down . . . yet.”

  “Girl, I will . . .” Nigel took a step forward, but Devyn jumped in front of him.

  “You’ll what? Put your hands on me again?” Ingrid taunted.

  Chase stood up and before knocking Ingrid to the floor, smiled, and said, “He don’t have to. I will.”

  The officers rushed to help Ingrid off the floor as Chase sat back beside Asha with a satisfied look.

  “Get your hands off me. Didn’t you see her assault me? Arrest her,” Ingrid yelled as the officers dragged her out the door.

  “Jesus, Chase, did you have to hit her in here?” Devyn whispered.

  “Where else was I gonna hit her? Never point a gun at somebody if you’re too scared to pull the trigger. She wanted to act up, so she had to get smacked up.” Chase tilted her head.

  “Asha Bailey?” the officer came back in and asked.

  “Yes?” Asha answered.

  “Can you come with me? We need you to answer a few questions,” the officer stated.

  “Sure.” Asha nodded as she picked up her purse.

  “You want me to come with you, Ash?” Devyn volunteered.

  “No, I’m fine,” Asha whispered.

  “We’ll be waiting right here for you.” Devyn hugged her and watched as Asha followed the officer.

  “I’m gonna see if I can get some information on Ben,” Nigel told them.

  Devyn nodded and sat back in her seat. She wanted to kill Sully. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he even do such a thing? Drugging Asha? Why? It was all too much. To think that something like that could happen to her best friend was frightening. They would’ve never thought that he was capable of something so deranged.

  They sat for what seemed like hours, hoping that every time the door opened, Asha would walk out. Finally, she emerged. She wasn’t alone, either. Devyn was shocked to see her by Ben’s side, his arms holding Asha close to him.

  “You good?” Nigel smiled as the couple strolled over to them.

  Ben gave Nigel a dap and a hug. “Yeah, man, I’m good. No charges filed. Asha gave her statement, and they let a brother go.”

  “Thank God,” Asha sighed.

  “What about Sully?” Devyn asked.

  “Oh, I most definitely filed charges against his ass. They’ll be hard to prove, but I’m at least gonna try. He has a concussion and a bruised rib, but he’ll be well enough to be arrested once he’s discharged in a few hours,” Asha told them.

  “Serves his ass right.” Chase nodded, then motioned her hands toward Ben and Asha, still embracing each other. “What’s up with all this?”

  “This is us, I guess.” Asha smiled as she looked up at Ben.

  “Damn right it is.” Ben leaned down and kissed her.

  Devyn clapped and leaped for joy, thrilled at not only the unexpected connection, but also the PDA Asha was allowing to happen. Devyn had never seen her so comfortable with a guy before. I knew she had a crush on him. That’s why she was pushing him so hard—that damn Asha.

  “I’m starving. How about we go get some food,” Asha suggested.

  “Actually, Chase an
d I already cooked. Dinner at our house,” Devyn smiled.

  “Oh, hell no.” Asha shook her head. “We’ll pass.”

  “I think you’ll be surprised at what they prepared,” Nigel laughed. “I promise if you don’t enjoy it, I’ll treat everyone to dinner at Sage.”

  “Now, that’s an offer no one can refuse,” Ben laughed. “Let’s go eat.”

  Nigel took Devyn by the hand, and Ben took Asha’s.

  “No way. Nope. This ain’t gonna work at all. Y’all both are boo’d up, and I ain’t. This must be fixed immediately.” Chase announced as she followed the two couples out the door. “Ben, Nigel, come on. I know y’all got a brother, cousin—somebody. Ben, I know there’s some single bus drivers over there at your company.”



  Three Months Later . . .

  “Excuse me, I have to take this,” Asha whispered to Mrs. Phillips and Glenda, one of the casting agents at The Walton Agency. They’d been waiting for Dionne and Journi to return from the tour they were being given. Asha stepped out of the office and across the hallway into an empty conference room. She closed the door before answering.

  “I take it congratulations are in order,” the voice on the other end said. “I heard things went well.”

  “They did. The girls blew it out of the water. We’re just waiting for them to get back to Glenda’s office so she can give them the good news. They’re being offered a contract.”

  “I suspected that’s what was going to happen.”

  “What can I say? They’ve been trained by the best,” Asha bragged.

  “Well, let me know if I can do anything else.”

  “Actually, there is. I’m working on an amazing fund-raiser in October for Breast Cancer Awareness. It’s going to be a formal dinner, followed by a fashion show featuring the Pivot models, of course, along with breast cancer survivors.” Asha explained the concept she and Ben had finally agreed on.

  “Sounds wonderful. What do you need from me? Certainly, you’re not asking me to participate, although I’m not opposed to that idea.”

  “You know that ain’t happening. But, along with your generous cash donation, I was hoping you could reach out to some design houses and get them to sponsor and maybe provide attire for the survivors to model.” Asha pitched the idea she’d been sitting on for the past two weeks and prayed it would work.


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