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Anne Page 13

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “My pleasure, anything for my girl, dinner will be about half an hour you relax I will call you when it’s nearly ready.” I smile my thanks and take a large mouthful of wine. Unable to relax I lay there and become more frustrated, draining the last of the wine I climb out of the bath wrapping a large fluffy white towel around me. I sit on the edge of the bed rubbing body lotion into my skin before pulling on my pyjama shorts and vest. “Dinners ready Angel.” Grabbing my empty wine glass, I make my way to the dining table and sit down.

  I walk into the kitchen and the smell of stir-fry fills the air, it really does smell amazing. Matt is a great cook. He sets the plate in front of me and sits opposite me refilling our wine glasses before he starts his dinner.

  “Thanks, it looks great.” I say. Taking a bite, it does taste as good as it smells, but I have no appetite.

  “I was thinking we could curl up and watch a film tonight what do you think?” I push my food around my plate in between bites, looking up when I feel Matt’s eyes on me. He pushes his plate away from him and takes a large gulp of wine. “Okay what’s going on and don’t say nothing or I’m fine talk to me.” Setting down my folk I push my plate away buying for time, I take a sip of wine and lean back in my chair.

  “I feel like you don’t want me.” I say letting out a breath and feeling a little relief I have actually said it. He laughs loudly, and it sounds deafening in the quiet room, I slam the wine glass down on the table, wine sloshing over the edge onto my hand before I push my chair back, it scrapes across the floor and I stomp past him and out on to the balcony I need some air. My fingers wrap around the railing on the balcony and I stare out over the river, I hear the door open and close and footsteps stop right behind me.

  “Okay, so it’s not a joke, I’m sorry I laughed, but Angel I have eyes for you and only you, you’re so beautiful of course I am attracted to you I would have to be blind not to be.” He says his voice is soothing and filled with sincerity. I can’t turn around, I stand frozen to the spot staring out across the water. I don’t want him to see the tears in my eyes.

  “Then why don’t you touch me?” My voice wobbles with emotion and I shiver in the cool night air, Matt steps closer his warm chest pressing to my back his large hands rub my arms, I feel the heat radiating from his body and I want to lean back, but I force myself to stand still.

  “What are you talking about. I always touch you, kiss you, and hug you I can’t get enough of you.” He turns me to face him. “I want you more than every breath I take you are everything to me.”

  “But, th…that’s it that’s all you do.” The tears I was trying to holding back spill, running down my now burning cheeks, his hands cup my face, his thumbs brush my falling tears from my cheeks.

  “You mean this is about sex Angel?” His gaze falls on my eyes. “I didn’t want to push you into anything till you were ready.

  “What made you think I wasn’t ready?” He pulls me against his chest wrapping his arms around me and I snuggle against his warm body, his voice is low and soft.

  “Well you kinda talk in your sleep and one night you were arguing, and you said… well you said you were a virgin.” I feel my body tense and his hand gently rubs up and down my back soothingly. “I didn’t know how to ask if it was true or not, I just decided not to push the issue. Do you know how many cold showers I have had?” I bite my lip to stop a grin and shake my head. Feeling him pull back a little he tips my chin up to look at him. “Is it true?” I nod my head unable to speak. “I love you I always want you, I want you right now, but I’m not gonna push you into anything, so when you’re ready I will be ready.” I run my tongue across my dry lip to moisten it.

  “I’m ready, if you really want me,” I whisper.

  “Are you sure?” I nod and open my mouth to speak, but his lips crash to mine as his hands slide under my bum, he effortlessly lifts me up, my legs and arms wrap around him as he carries me inside and straight into the bedroom never breaking the kiss.

  Slowly he lays me down on the bed his body over mine and I unwrap my legs from around him. He breaks the kiss propping himself up on one elbow to look down at me.

  “Your shivering! Are you cold or nervous?”

  “A little of both I think.” I answer honestly.

  “You can stop this at any point just say the word okay.” I nod, and his face turns serious. “I mean it, I love you and I can wait.” I reach up pulling him down to me.

  “I love you too, and I can’t.” Making my point I pull him closer and kiss him. He presses against my body and I feel how much he really does want me, I groan against his lips. Straddling my thighs he sits pulling his t-shirt up and over his head throwing it to the floor, my eyes wander over his perfectly toned body, he’s never seen me naked, and the butterflies start to flutter as his hands slowly skim up my sides as he pushes my vest top up exposing my stomach, I sit up and raise my arms allowing him to pull the top up over my head, laying back down his eyes wander over me, his hands follow them down my shoulders. “I think we were made just for each other.” I add on a soft whisper surprised just how breathy my voice sounds. His lips press to mine, and he trails kisses along my jaw, and slowly down my neck.

  We walk into work the following day, hand in hand. It seems since it finally happened last night we can’t keep our hands off each other, any opportunity he gets it seems his hand or lips are finding me. He gives me a lingering kiss before he steps out of the lift and I can’t wipe the grin off my face as I step out at my floor.

  Brad eyes me suspiciously as I sit at my desk which makes me blush just in case he knows. I know it’s silly, but that man has a radar he knows everything. His look makes me fidget in my chair, I have to look away. I try and keep busy all morning and I’m about to leave for lunch when the lift doors open, a delivery man steps out with a huge bunch of flowers. He checks his clipboard before looking up.

  “Anne Ryder?” He asks questioningly looking at me expectantly.

  “That’s me.” I say as the clipboard is pushed towards me, I sign it before he hands me the flowers. Breathing in their scent I thank the delivery man as he leaves, and I set the flowers down on my desk to look for the card. I remove the envelope and take out the card.

  Anne, My Angel

  I love you

  Matt x

  Grinning I tuck the card in my pocket and I look into Brad’s office calling out to him.

  “I’m just off to lunch.” The smile is obvious in my voice, he looks up from his paperwork his eyes move from me to the flowers.

  “It’s nice to see you smiling again.” I nod and turn to leave stepping into the lift, stepping out at Matt’s floor. He looks over and smiles at me as he meets my eye’s and I mouth thank you. His smile widens, he quickly locks his Mac, grabbing his jacket before walking over to me. I lean up to kiss him still grinning away.

  “They are beautiful, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, just remember how important you are to me.” He says smiling.

  “I know as are you to me. Now can I buy my amazing boyfriend lunch?” He wraps an arm around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head.

  “I think you can, come on everyone is staring at us.” We step in the lift and I grin.

  “Today I don’t care let them.” Reaching up I turn his face to me and kiss him again as the doors close.


  I take her hand as we exit the lift.

  “So where do you fancy for lunch? Do you have to pick any up for him?” I ask.

  “No not today honestly I didn’t even ask him if he wanted anything, do you think I should pick up something for him anyway?” She bites her bottom lip as she debates what to do.

  “It’s up to you.” I shrug, I’m not bothered if she gets him some or not he’s a grown bloody man he can get his own lunch.

  “I’ll decide before we leave.” She says. We walk up the street before we come to a sandwich shop that doesn’t look too busy, I’ve never been in here maybe we should try it?<
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  “Do you fancy trying here for a change?” I ask as I halt us in front of it.

  “Looks good to me.” Anne says, I don’t want to let go of her hand, but I do, placing my hand on the small of her back. I just have to be touching her. She looks up at the board that holds their menu.

  “What do you fancy?” She asks me. I know it’s corny, but I answer her with one word.

  “You.” She grins and bites her bottom lip as she blushes. Blush is such a sexy colour on her. After placing our orders, we take our drinks over to a small booth in the corner.

  “What?” Anne asks. “You keep staring.” She says blushing again.

  “I can’t help it your gorgeous.” I tell her.

  “Oh, Matt stop being corny.” She says with a soppy smile on her face.

  I swear I don’t know what it is about this woman that’s had me transfixed from the moment I laid eyes on her, but after finally making her mine she has me hook line and sinker.

  Chapter 22


  I hum to myself as I walk around decorating the office for Halloween. My life is perfect, I am so happy, I love my job, I love my apartment and I love my amazing boyfriend. Leaning over my desk for the blue tac I can feel eyes on me and I know Brad is looking at my bum I smile to myself and turn as he looks away and pretends to be shuffling papers on his desk, shaking my head I laugh softly.

  I work straight through my lunch hour eating a sandwich while I finish putting the Halloween decorations up. I take a quick look around at my handy work feeling pleased with myself before I head to the kitchen to make Brad his coffee.

  Carrying the steaming cup to his office I knock on his door before walking into his office as he closes a file

  “I made you a coffee.” I say, and I set the cup down on his desk.

  “Anne take a seat.” He replies as I sit in the chair opposite his desk, I chew on my lip wondering what’s wrong. “Relax nothing is wrong, why do you always assume the worse?” Crossing my legs, I sit back and rest my hands in my lap.

  “I don’t know, I don’t mean to.” I reply softly as Brad leans back in his chair with a smile on his face. His elbows on the armrests of his chair, his fingers arched up tapping his lip thoughtfully. I know he’s trying to make me nervous and I try not to fidget in my chair.

  “You have worked for me for six months now, how have you found it?” He questions.

  “I have really enjoyed working here, over the months my responsibilities have increased, and I have enjoyed the challenges that they have brought. I like the company and the fact there is always something new happening. I really do enjoy working for you.” I say honestly.

  “I’m glad to hear that. You are the best secretary I have had, you have proved yourself to be invaluable to me and I would like to renegotiate the terms of your contract.”

  “Really.” I ask a little surprised.

  “Absolutely, you have been my secretary, my assistant, your conscientious, honest, trustworthy, you put up with me and my moods.” He smirks. “That alone is a rare trait and I also know other companies have tried to poach you and you have remained loyal to me. I would like to make you my permanent PA. You will carry on the duties you do now, but on top of those you will help me organise other areas of the business and you will be required to attend meetings from time to time. Along with the new title is a new salary.” He reopens the file on his desk and turns it to face me pushing it across the desk, reaching out for it my eyes scan the first sheet of paper they widen, and I look from the contract to him in shock.

  “If it’s not enough we can negotiate I need to be clear I don’t want to; no, I can’t lose you.” He says completely serious.

  “I don’t know what to say, I don’t want to go anywhere. The salary is fine.” I reply a little stunned.

  “Good you need to read through the contract before you sign it

  “Okay Mr Mathias and thank you.” I smile up at him gratefully.

  “Anne please can we try and drop the Mr Mathias, I’m Brad okay.” He says sounding frustrated.

  “Sorry I will try.” I reply unsure of how I feel about it.

  “Good girl.” I blush, and he chuckles as he pushes a key and piece of paper across the desk to me. This is for my house and the alarm code…” I try to speak, but he cuts me off by raising his hand. “You may need it, or I may need you to go to my home office to get files from time to time this way it’s easier.” He adds, his tone firm and I know he won’t change his mind on this.

  “Okay, I understand that.” Taking the key and code and placing them in my pocket.

  “I don’t give my key out likely Anne only my Mum has a key, please keep it safe.” He adds, and I nod.

  “I understand I will I can assure you of that.” I try and reassure him.

  “Well I need to go and see Will you can stay in here and read that contract any queries or questions we can discuss them when I come back.” He says before he gets up taking his coffee and leaving his office. Smiling I take the contract and sit on the sofa kicking my shoes off and curling my legs under me, I work my way through the contract. As well as a substantial pay rise, I also get five extra days holiday taking my annual leave to thirty five days plus bank holidays and an option for a company phone or claiming my phone bill through expenses. I pull out my mobile and dial Matt desperate to share my news.

  “Hi Angel, are you okay?” I hear the question in his voice, I don’t usually use my mobile while I’m at work if I need him I use the internal phone, but this is just easier as I’m in here.

  “Yes, I’m more than okay. I’m in Brad’s office that’s why I’m on my mobile, I just had my six month review.” I say trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

  “Okay and?” His tone is neutral, and I try and contain my excitement.

  “Brad gave me a promotion to his PA.” I blurt out excitement filling my voice.

  “That’s great Anne.” I sense hesitation in his voice and sigh. “I mean it Angel you're great at your job and you love it plus everyone in the building loves you, you make everyone’s lives easier. Congratulations you deserve this.” He adds.

  “Thank you I’m really pleased I do love working here and Brad’s not that bad really once you get to know him.” I say trying to ease the tension.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Brad’s voice makes me jump and I gasp as I turn to see Brad stood leaning against the door frame smirking.

  “He’s back I take it?” Matt’s voice pulls me back to our phone conversation.

  “Erm yes.” I reply embarrassed.

  “Okay Angel I will talk to you later oh and we are going out tonight to celebrate.” Matt adds his tone sounding a little off.

  “Okay Matt bye, I will see you soon.” I end the call and lower my legs slipping my feet back in my shoes as I look up, Brad pushes off the door frame and walks to his desk taking his seat.

  “Sorry.” I say embarrassed at being caught talking about him.

  “It’s fine don’t worry. Is the contract alright?” He asks as I take my seat opposite him.

  “Yes, I will get a pen and sign it now.” I reply and immediately he picks his pen up and holds it out to me.”

  “Eager aren’t we.” I laugh as I sign my name, Brad takes the pen and the contract and signs his name on the contract before handing it back to me.

  “I don’t want you doing a runner now do I. You can copy this for yourself and send it to HR to update the systems. He leans back looking pleased with himself. “I just got a great deal.” He laughs. “You know I would have paid more.” He says smugly.

  “You know I would have accepted less.” I say with a smile and he laughs harder.

  “Touché, I’m a fair man if nothing else Anne and your worth every penny.” Leaning down he places two boxes in front of me one containing a MacBook and the other containing an iPad. “These are yours they just need setting up.” I sit back a little shocked. “If your attending meetings and travelling you need the tools
to do the job properly, you were aware you would be travelling with me, you did see that part of the contract?” He asks his brow furrowing.

  “Yes, I did, and it is fine I will set them up this afternoon, do you have a Mathias iCloud I.D. I need to use?” I ask as I reach for the boxes.

  “No, you can use your own if that’s okay. These are new and for your sole use, no one else will have access to them. You can buy yourself cases and bags. I didn’t pick one I thought you would prefer to choose your own. Pay for them and any accessories you need on this.” He adds as he hands me the company credit card.

  “Okay, is that everything?” I ask still a little stunned.

  “Yes, unless you have any questions?” He asks sitting back in his chair.

  “Well I do kind of, but it isn’t related to this.” I say nervously.

  “Okay shoot.” He replies curiously. Taking a deep breath, he’s in a good mood so this can’t hurt, can it?

  “There is a centre not far from here where kids can go, most of the kids are from poor families on the poverty line they have nothing. The centre gives them a place to go, to play games which they wouldn’t have at home, to talking to adults and kids their age in the same situation. It is a real salvation for some. They aren’t bad kids, they are good kids who have nothing and don’t expect anything most work hard, at school to strive for a better future.” He nods as he listens to me.

  “Okay, so you want money for them?” He questions. I shake my head no.

  “I keep hearing a local radio station collecting gifts for Christmas to take to hospitals. I wondered if it was alright to email all the departments and see if anyone would like to buy a gift for a child at the centre there are about fifty kids that go and they probably won’t get much this Christmas if anything at all.”


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