The Forbidden Plan

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The Forbidden Plan Page 24

by Erika Starits

  According to Jude, the stronger male and female drudges were imprisoned. They were locked away in the cells behind Chief Meadows’s mansion. Our escaped band of drudges had ignited fear in the Chief’s heart. He worried an uprising may be forming and retaliated. The remaining drudges were worked extra hard to compensate for the shackled drudges’ inability to work.

  Lamont and Jude volunteered to free the prisoners as their first plan of action. Jude would be the only one able to get past the elite ten guarding the prison. Lamont would act like Jude was bringing him in to join the other incarcerated drudges. They would enter and free the others.

  Andrea and I would ensure the safety of the children, elderly, and the drudges unable to fight. We planned to conceal them within the nursery. The rest of the drudges in our party would contend with elite tens and firstlings who rallied against us. It was decided we would attack with the goal of defending ourselves, possibly wounding our enemies, but not killing them if it could be avoided.

  We were ready!

  Jude spoke to the group, “If things get out of control…can you please spare my father?”

  Zander moved into Jude’s face and snapped, “Why!? He is the ruthless leader of Starosa. It’s his fault things are the way they are! If I find him, I will kill him…and I would like to see you try and stop me.”

  He pushed a long, dark finger into Jude’s upper body. Jude’s chest grumbled distinctly. But before he could retaliate, Evander made his way between them. He seemed to move at a snail's pace and leaned weakly on his makeshift cane. Evander’s voice was surprisingly strong and steady, in complete contrast to his aged body.

  He roared, “Enough. We need the Chief alive. He might be the only one with answers regarding this land. We need to learn more about the wilderness. It has revealed talking boulders and massive murderous spikes.”

  Zander and Jude listened to Evander and moved in opposite directions, refusing to look at one another. Evander’s word always made sense and it was final.

  We made our way to the electric fence. Zander was livid and furious steam rose from his body. His defined and strong jawline was set as he stomped away with passionate strides.

  As we marched to the only entrance and exit of Starosa, adrenaline rushed through my veins. I gripped my knife with unsteady hands. Jude fell from the front of the group to walk near me. He did not say a word, but tenderly grabbed my free hand. He squeezed it gently and gave me an encouraging glance. He swiftly, but gently brought my fingers to his lips. He brushed an affectionate kiss on the back of my hand.

  Afterwards, he quickly let go and jogged ahead of the group. He was needed to enter the gate code to the buzzing electric fence. Jude’s gesture was fleeting and quiet. It was unnoticed by anyone else. But it caused my heart to do flips within my chest. A wide grin spread across my face, yet I was minutes away from entering a life-threatening situation. I might love him and the acknowledgement was terrifying. It nearly frightened me more than the approaching fight for our freedoms. The prospect of Jude and loving him sparked elation as well.

  We were able to enter Starosa. We made it to the road flanking the drudge houses, without being discovered. We would part ways here. We counted on being inconspicuous in our drudge apparel. Our faces were familiar and with luck, the firstlings would not notice us within the morning bustle.

  Breaking from normalcy, we were filthier, and our clothes were worn from our time in the wilderness. However, we hoped to blend into the crowds relatively overlooked. I was confident I would go unnoticed for sure. The top of my head barely reached both Jude’s and Zander’s chests. Their tall and lean statures enveloped my thin frame. A detail I observed, when each embraced me in the past.

  I watched as Lamont and the other brawny drudges dispersed throughout the community. Panic surged through my head to my toes. It became evident they would not be as easily disregarded. Drudges fitting their description were chained in prison. We anticipated the firstlings would be too wrapped in their own lives to take heed. They never paid much attention before, and I suspected they would not suddenly start. The major causes for concern were the elite tens and Chief Meadows.

  Andrea stayed by my side and we snuck our way to the nursery. Her cheeks were still flushed from the long, passionate kiss Jace planted on her lips right before entering the community. These sentiments, kisses, and touches were new. Yet, we seemed to be swiftly acclimating. We only needed the freedom to experience these foreign acts of human emotion.

  Moments later, Andrea and I entered the nursery and surprised the elderly servant drudge managing the place. We informed her a battle was ensuing and she needed to stay and keep the children safe inside. We explained we would be sending the elderly and other helpless drudges her way. She was scared and unsure, but agreed to do as she was told. She recognized Andrea and I. She tended to each of us, at the different times we were in our nursery years.

  When Andrea and I left the nursery, the scene in Main Circle was short of chaos. Members of our scant group of rebels were clearly spotted because disarray was raging. Firstlings were frightened and frantic. The women and children ran to their massive homes. The men and older boys scrambled for weapons. Andrea and I sought the drudges who would be hopeless in battle. We raced them to the nursery for safety.

  When we stepped back into Main Circle, I searched for my band of drudges. I found Jace. He was stabbing Lankin, one of the elite tens, with his sword. Lankin’s brother Zed charged Jace with a knife and wrestled him to the ground. Next, my eyes beheld Tony. He was battling Elite Ten Zeenab with his fists. Tony’s knife was in his sheath and it was apparent Zeenab was without a weapon. Tony’s tan skin and Zeenab’s pale skin could be seen in flashes of pushing, punching, and kicking. Tony connected a clenched fist with Zeenab’s mouth. Blood splattered around them. The struggle caused me to immediately avert my attention.

  My eyes located Kylar. His lean, strong arms twirled two knives in front of his body. Elite Ten Edward tried to attack him with his sword. Kylar was fast and eluded the charge. He taunted Edward with more knife tricks, while simultaneously dodging Edward’s sword.

  A group of firstlings ganged together. Their intent was to overpower the rebel drudges with their larger numbers. My heart sank. We were detrimentally outnumbered. Where was Jude and Lamont? Were they successful? Were the strong, able drudges freed from prison? Or did they run into trouble?

  Andrea screamed. Elite Ten Ralina grabbed her from behind and yanked her long, reddish hair with harsh movements.

  Ralina snarled, “You’ve been missing from around here.”

  The two women were clawing, punching, and wrestling one another to the ground.

  I witnessed my elite ten, Cornelia Fadflair hiding behind a restaurant. She was donned in an outlandish and fashionable outfit. She was an elite ten who would not fight back and would never be seen as a threat. My eyes darted toward a young drudge. She looked to be around her tenth year of life. She was crying within the commotion of conflict. I sprinted to her. Kneeling, I focused onto her scared eyes.

  I offered assurances, “It’s okay, I will help you. Come with me.”

  I stood and reached for her hand. With terrified tears she timidly grasped my hand and I guided her to the nursery. We made our way through the maze of frightened firstlings running around hysterically. Drudges and firstlings were fighting in every direction. I caught sight of another young drudge hiding behind the stage. We made it to the boy and I led both children to the designated place of refuge.

  Fighting pursued and prospects were looking bleak. I nervously glanced at Jace. The incredibly tall, black-haired brothers, Zed and Lankin, were overpowering him. Zed pinned him and Lankin raised his knife in an attempt to stab Jace’s chest.

  Suddenly, a hatchet flew through the air and wedged into Lankin’s back. Zander swiftly appeared. He retrieved his hatchet and used the force of his body to swing around and slice Zed in the back of his leg. He was quick and fast. He wounded the two brothers within sec

  Despite the bloodshed, the elite tens were sparing drudges lives. An order to kill drudges could only come from Chief Meadows. We were the backbone of Starosa. What would they do without our dirt stained, overworked hands? I continued to scan the display of fists and weapons.

  Relief rushed over me when I spotted Jude and Lamont. They marched on the dusty road and prepared to storm the scene of combat. A collection of armed drudges trailed behind them. They freed the imprisoned drudges! I identified Brenna amongst the freed drudges and I was overwhelmed with joy. Her face was set with determination and she had a sword in hand. She had always been much larger in stature than me, and she looked brilliant and strong.

  I remained with my back against the door of the nursery. I was wracked with self-doubt. I lacked confidence in my ability to fight. I was positive I would not fare well in any physical encounter. I feared unfavorable circumstances in an attempt to combat. All drudges within my scope who were too young, weak, or old to fight were tucked away safely in the nursery. I accomplished what I initially intended. I glanced at the clash of firstlings and drudges and considered ways I could help next.

  Further on the dirt road, advancing on the freed prisoners were Chief Meadows, Rykeir and Shane. They charged ferociously on top of horses. Chief Meadows’s thunderous voice shook all of Starosa.

  He hollered, “Kill them! Kill them all!”

  He raised his sword and whipped his horse to press harder and run faster. He charged the hostile chaos. With this official command, firstlings, elite tens, and drudges became more lethal in their aggression.

  On top of his horse, Shane jousted at Lamont with his drawn sword. His intent was to stab him in the chest. Lamont dodged the attack. He grabbed Shane’s leg and pulled him from the animal. They were beating one another ruthlessly.

  I sought Zander. I discovered him staying alive with ease and combatting exceptionally well. His hatchet was like an extension of his arm. He effortlessly threw it into firstlings and slashed elite tens.

  Jude’s eyes were flashing the all too familiar eerie, flesheater yellow. He was glowering and glaring. He searched the crowd of pandemonium. I knew who he was savagely hunting. It had to be Rykeir.

  Rykeir was on his horse knocking into drudges with crazed ruthlessness. His sword met the flesh of so many I had to look away. Jude made his way to Rykeir with unnatural speed. Rykeir was unsuspecting. Jude yanked him from his horse with ferocity. They tumbled to the ground. After regaining composure, a fight ensued with unbelievable fury.

  In the scramble, Rykeir’s sword was knocked from his hands, but the knife in his sheath waited to be unleashed. Jude had a blade nestled in his sheath as well.

  Rykeir roared, “I thought I got rid of you!”

  Jude growled back, “Looks like you didn’t. And now, I am going to kill you.”

  They exchanged angry blows. I was antsy with nervousness as I watched their struggle. I could not take my eyes off of them, worried for Jude’s life. Jude and Rykeir wrestled to the earth and took turns punching each other in the face relentlessly. With unexpected speed, Rykeir retrieved his knife and sliced at Jude’s cheek. The attack startled Jude. In the split second it took to regain his composure, Rykeir overpowered him. Rykeir pinned Jude to the ground with the intent to stab. Jude fought with all of his might.

  Suddenly, Jude’s features turned wild. With renewed speed, agility, and strength he effortlessly knocked Rykeir in the forehead with his head. He tossed him from his body. Jude powerfully hovered over Rykeir breathing heavily. Jude moved to furiously grapple, but a sword unexpectedly penetrated his side.

  A firstling with blood thirsty eyes sprinted forward. He retrieved his weapon and ruthlessly gleamed at Jude in a combative stance. By this time, Rykeir fully recovered from the impressive jolt to his head. Both men threateningly surrounded Jude. Jude was visibly stunned from the surprise assault. But with crazed vengeance, he slammed the firstling in the face and instantly knocked him unconscious. As Jude bent to grab the fallen blade, Rykeir swiftly retrieved a rock. In a zealous and deadly motion, he cracked the rock into Jude’s lowered head.

  Already weakened from the sword wound, the powerful knock to the head caused Jude to fall to the ground. His body became listless. At this point, I was running swiftly. I knew what I had to do. I pulled the knife from my sheath as Rykeir raised his knife to kill. I did not have time to process my raw actions. I only knew what needed to be done. I raised my weapon and stabbed it into Rykeir’s back with all of the strength I could muster. I ensured the wound would be lethal. He went stiff. His body was clearly shocked from the strike. He fell forward and onto Jude. My hands were shaking. I struggled to remove Rykeir from Jude’s motionless body. I strained with anxious vigor to roll the heavy monster.

  Jude was unconscious from the bash to his skull. He was covered in welts, bruising, and blood. I grasped both of his shoulders in my unsteady hands. The adrenaline needed to accomplish the deadly and vital task was waning. Reality flooded my senses in an overwhelming rush.

  With a hint of hysteria, I quietly begged, “Jude. Jude. Please, wake up.”

  I was panicked. I placed an ear to his chest hoping to hear his pumping heart. I tried to feel the beat with the cheek firmly pressed against him. I was shrouded within the turmoil of battle. The clamorous contention combined with immense concern for Jude’s life made it impossible to concentrate. I could not find his heartbeat! Was there even a pulse to be found?! I was frantic and discouraged tears were brimming.

  This time I screamed, “Dang-it, Jude!”

  I shook his body fiercely. The surrounding commotion became a blur as I awaited signs of life. His eyelids gently fluttered and he strived to focus on me. I stared at him with a glimmer of relief.

  In an uneven voice he asked, “Ana?”

  I hugged him firmly and cried out loud, “Yes! Yes! Oh, thank you!”

  His features appeared perplexed and he asked, “Why are there two of you?”

  The corner of his mouth twisted into a crooked smile. I was positive his head injury was serious, but he attempted a joke. He was alive!

  I glanced around. The scene was horrible with fighting and injury at every turn. Brenna and Tony operated the flamethrower. They must have detached it from the back of the stage. It was normally secured and used for potential crowd control. It was made for the hands of the elite tens, but drudges acquired it during battle. With fire starters, Brenna and Tony set unknown material on fire. They used the launcher to heave a large ball of flames onto Main Circle’s stage. It became enveloped in the unforgiving destruction of fire. After the stage, they aimed for one of the firstlings’ restaurants, clearly planning utter devastation.

  My eyes found Zander. He was in position to strike Chief Meadows with a lethal swing of his hatchet! I was infuriated! We needed him alive for answers!

  Zander was a stubborn hot head with complete disregard for anyone’s feelings or wishes. I braced myself for the deadly blow to the Chief.

  Chapter 30

  A booming sound shot throughout Starosa. The ear-splitting noise shattered the air and everyone froze. Weapons were lowered and fists were unclenched. Drudges and firstlings moved to identify the surprising disturbance.

  Evander’s hunched form stood steady and strong. His makeshift cane was tossed in front of him. In each hand he held the only two guns in Starosa. The deafening disruption was from the guns he had pointed to the sky.

  He bellowed, “Stop fighting! Enough blood has been shed.”

  He deliberately pointed one of the guns at the most powerful man of Starosa and commanded, “Chief, wouldn’t you agree? Command your elite tens and the firstlings to cease combat. Drudges are only fighting for one thing and we will stop as soon as we are given what we ask for...our freedom!”

  Contrasting voices of agreement and disagreement interrupted the silence. Evander shot another thunderous bullet into the air. Once again, it sent an alarming wave of anxiety into everyone’s hearts.
r />   Evander steadily aimed at the leader’s chest.

  With ruthless determination he pressed, “What is it going to be, Chief?”

  Chief Meadows searched the crowd and fully grasped the turbulence of the battle. Zander hovered threateningly in front of him. He held his hatchet resolutely with strong and sturdy hands. Jude stood from the ground. He strove to steady himself after the dizzying blow to his head.

  Jude pleaded, “Father. Do the right thing. It’s not fair. Drudges are treated like animals. Conditions need to change. You can either be part of this necessary revolution or you will be locked away in prison.”

  Chief Meadows’s face contorted in anger, betrayal, and disgust.

  He demanded, “How can you be part of this treason? My own son? You are as worthless as them.”

  He spit on the dirt near his son’s feet. It was an act of revulsion. He glared with abhorrence.

  Jude stood steady and countered his father’s heated words, “It’s not a matter of betrayal. It’s a matter of standing for what is right. Drudges are no different from firstlings, and should be treated as our equals. If these ridiculous rules were not ratified, my real mother, a girl you once loved would still be alive. She would not have been murdered!”

  Jude’s voice was strong and powerful, but it faltered at the mention of his mother. The Chief speedily turned and looked at Jude in horror and disbelief. His son knew his dark secret and he was astonished. Suddenly, his livid features softened. His eyes glistened with apparent anguish. Jude’s words inflicted pain and possible defeat. Years of suppressed grief rushed through him.

  He firmly gripped his sword. In a wave of rising emotion, he raised it high above his head. Zander flinched, and steadied himself for an attack. The Chief wielded his weapon in aggression. His entire body shook with the weight of the decision he had to make.


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