Holt Men of Clifton, Montana Book 12

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Holt Men of Clifton, Montana Book 12 Page 18

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  “Sort of…I’m married to Grayson Beckett.”

  “Well, lucky you.” Sloane laughed and Vivian laughed with her.

  “Do you know Grayson?” Vivian asked her.

  “I had an accident on Copper Ridge when I first arrived here from New Mexico. I was on the Hartland County side, so he was called. He was so nice to me.”

  “I’m sorry you met under those conditions. I absolutely hate that road. You weren’t hurt, were you?” Vivian asked with concern in her voice.

  “Just a bump from hitting my head on the steering wheel and a slight concussion but I’m fine now.” Sloane bit her lip remembering that was the first time she saw Holt. “Let me get your cupcakes. I’ll be right back.”

  Sloane hightailed it to the kitchen before she broke down in front of Vivian and JoJo. When she entered the kitchen, she saw that Nancy and Courtney were already there and busy working. They were here at four every morning just as she usually was but since she’d been in yesterday working and had a rough night as well, she came in late today. She got busy placing the cupcakes in a box.

  “Good morning, Sloane,” they said in unison as they looked at her.

  “Hi, Nance. Courtney. Did you have a good weekend?”

  “Yes, Rodney and I went horseback riding since it was so nice. Did you see Holt?”

  Sloane bit her lip to hold back tears and nodded.

  “Uh, oh. What happened?” Courtney asked her.

  “I’ll tell you both about it later, but it’s over between us. I need to get these to a customer.”

  She entered the front and put the two boxes in a white bag then had JoJo ring up Vivian’s purchase.

  “I appreciate this. I’m sure the kids will love them,” Vivian said as she accepted the bag.

  “I hope so. Have a wonderful day, Vivian. Please come back,” Sloane said.

  “Oh, I will. It smells so good in here. Have a good day,” Vivian said with a wave then after paying, walked out.

  Sloane sighed then turned to head back to the kitchen to work on a batch of cookies. Some women were lucky to get their happily ever after. It didn’t look like she had that same good fortune.

  On Friday, she called Tessa to meet with her about adopting a cat. She really hated going home to an empty apartment now and since she wasn’t going to be seeing Holt anymore…she sniffed and tried to hold back tears as she thought of him. She missed him so very much.

  She pulled into the lot of the Clifton Animal hospital, parked then walked inside. A pretty young woman sat at the counter smiling up at her.

  “Hi, can I help you?”

  “Yes, I’m here to see Doctor Garrett. I’m Sloane Gates. She’s expecting me.”

  “All right, let me tell her you’re here.”

  Sloane watched as she picked up the phone then spoke into it. When she hung up, she smiled at her.

  “She’ll be right out. You can have a seat if you’d like.”

  “Thank you, I will.” She made her way to one of the plastic chairs that sat against the wall in the waiting room. The hospital was old but clean. The black and white floor tiles showed signs of wear.

  “Hi, Sloane.”

  She glanced up to see Tessa in the doorway and got to her feet.

  “That was fast,” Sloane said with a smile.

  “I was just giving a rabies shot so it didn’t take me long. Are you ready to go?”

  “I am. I’m anxious to see them. I already bought a litterbox, food, a carrier, and some toys. In fact, I’ve got the carrier with me—just in case.”

  “Good for you. I’m so happy you decided to adopt,” Tessa said.

  “Of course. Those poor babies need a home.”

  “Yes.” Tessa turned to the young woman behind the counter. “Jodi, you can go ahead and leave. I’ll lock up. I’ll see you Monday. Have a good weekend.”

  “Thanks, Doc Mac. You have a good one too. See ya, Monday.” Jodi smiled, picked up her purse then left the hospital.

  Sloane frowned. “Doc Mac?”

  Tessa laughed. “When I first arrived here, my maiden name was McGuire, and the town shortened it to Doc Mac. It didn’t matter that I married Sam, I’m still Doc Mac.”

  “I love that,” Sloane said with a laugh.

  “Let’s go. We can take my SUV. There’s no sense in taking two cars, it’s just a couple of miles from here.”

  Sloane nodded and they walked out. After she got the carrier from her vehicle, she climbed into Tessa’s SUV and they headed for the shelter.

  Once there, Sloane followed Tessa through the shelter and her heart broke for all the dogs, cats, kittens, and puppies in the cages.

  “I’d take them all if I could,” Sloane said in a low tone of voice.

  “You and me both. Sam knows there’s a chance I’ll bring another one home anytime I come here. I’m usually here once a week to give inoculations.”

  “I don’t know how you do it.”

  “One of the hardest things to do as a vet is see all these babies that no one wants.”

  Sloane stopped when she came to a cage with a calico cat inside. When she put her fingers between the wire, the cat butted her head against them.

  “He likes you,” Tessa said from beside her.

  “He? I thought only females were calico.”

  “One in every three thousand is male. Juniper here is one of them. He is the sweetest cat. He’s only two and would love to find a forever home.”

  “I’ll take him.”

  “Wonderful. Darby will have you fill out some forms then take your payment. After that, we can get him in the carrier then I’ll take you back to your vehicle and you can be on your way.”

  “Sounds good.” Sloane followed Tessa to the reception area where a woman sat. She smiled up at them.

  “Sloane, this is Darby Stanton. She runs this place. Darby, this is Sloane Gates,” Tessa introduced them. “She’s decided to give Juniper a good home.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m so happy to see Juniper getting a home. He’s such a lovebug.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Darby.” Sloane glanced at Tessa. “Can I also add a donation?”

  “Absolutely. We’d love that.” Tessa smiled.

  After filling out the necessary forms, she handed Darby her debit card and told her what to add as a donation. Darby smiled at her as she ran the transaction then handed the card back to her and had her sign the receipt.

  Tessa helped Sloane get Juniper into the carrier. He was a sweet cat who didn’t balk at all about getting inside. It was as if he knew he was going home. She grinned happily as she picked up the carrier with Juniper inside then followed Tessa out the door.

  At the apartment later, Sloane smiled as she stroked Juniper’s soft fur and listened to him purr. He seemed like he was going to be a good cat.

  “At least, I have a male to sleep with now,” she murmured.


  Soon summer was in full force but it didn’t matter to Holt. He missed Sloane so much. He’d been so tempted to go into the bakery, but he knew he wouldn’t be welcomed. She was done with him and who could blame her. She just didn’t know that he’d been up that night not only because he had dreamed of Carolyn, but because he’d realized he was falling in love with Sloane.

  Hell. What was he supposed to do? He had hurt her, but he didn’t even get a chance to try to explain. She’d shut down and wouldn’t hear him out. She’d been hurt enough by her ex-husband and wasn’t willing to listen to explanations.

  “Then you hurt her—again. Maybe if you’d been open right away rather than keeping it to yourself,” he muttered under his breath.

  “You talking to me?”

  He glanced to his right to see Al standing beside him.


  Al laughed. “Well, I know what that means.”

  “Hell yeah, I fucked up again.”

  “Now what did you do?”

  “I hurt Sloane again. She told me she was done with me.”

/>   “Oh, hell, you did fuck up. Can’t you fix it?”

  “I don’t know. I know if I go into the bakery, she’ll just toss me out.”

  “I never took you for a pussy, Holt.”

  “I’m usually not but having that woman mad at me…well, it scares the living hell out of me.”

  “I get that, but if you need to apologize then you need to do it.”

  Holt looked at Al. “I’m in love with her.”

  “I kind of figured that out by the way you’re so upset about this. Go see her, Holt. The worst she can do is tell you to stay away from her.”

  “And if she does?”

  “Then you do it. As much as that will hurt, you can’t get her back into your life if that isn’t where she wants to be.”

  “When did you get so fucking smart?”

  “I’ve been married long enough to know. I will never, for the life of me, understand a woman but I wouldn’t have them any other way. You need to go see her. Make things right, no matter what the outcome.” Al slapped him on the shoulder. “I’m going to the east pasture and get the horses in. It’s calling for a thunderstorm later.”

  “Okay. I’m heading to town. Wish me luck.” Holt gave him a wave then made his way down the aisle of the barn.

  He knew Al was right. No matter what happened, he owed her an apology, yet again. Sloane had known something had been bothering him the last time they were together and instead of telling her he loved her, he just said nothing was wrong. Women were so complex, but he wanted Sloane in his life and he just hoped he hadn’t messed up too much this time.

  He stepped out into the sunshine and looked up at the sky.

  “Caro, you know I will always love you, but I love Sloane so much. I need her with me. Please let this be all right.” Holt stopped when he felt a drop of rain on his shoulder but it was only one, and the sun was still shining. He looked at the dirt and didn’t see any other wet spots. He looked up again. “Caro, you always said rain made you happy. You were the only person I know who loved it when it rained. I know I’m probably crazy to think this, but was that you? Does that mean you’re happy for me?”

  He shook his head at that thought but when he started across the yard, another drop hit his shoulder again. Stopping, he looked around. Once again, there were no other drops of rain and the sun still shone. What the ever-loving fuck? Could it be Carolyn was letting him know she wanted him happy? He believed in the afterlife, but for someone to reach out…that was something, he wasn’t sure about.

  Removing his hat, he looked up and squinted at the bright sun then he felt it. A drop of rain hit his face and rolled down his cheek then no more fell. He lowered his head and looked at the toes of his boots as a tear rolled down his cheek then he looked to the heavens above.

  “Thank you, Caro,” Holt whispered then ran to the house, up the steps, and entered the kitchen.

  He needed to change his clothes and take a quick shower since he’d been working in the barn, but he was going into the bakery and face Sloane. He had to take a chance. She was worth it.

  As he drove down Main Street, his gut was in knots. Had he messed this up so much that she’d tell him to leave her alone? God! He’d been miserable ever since he took her home that day. There were so many times he’d wanted to call her, but he was afraid she’d hang up on him.

  He shook his head. He’d never been like this with Carolyn. He always said his piece as she did hers. She had never told him she was done with him and when Sloane had, his heart shattered. If he had told her he loved her at that time, he knew she would have thought he was just saying it to get back into her good graces. What she didn’t know was that he was not the type of man to tell a woman he loved her if he didn’t. There were only two women he loved in his life. Carolyn and Sloane. Carolyn was gone and he’d always hold her in his heart, but Sloane was the one he now wanted to be with the rest of his life. He never thought he’d love someone again and never so strongly. He didn’t want to tarnish what he’d had with Carolyn, but he knew he loved Sloane so much more. He had to make this right somehow.

  Holt found a spot to park across from the bakery and pulled into it. He sat there staring at the shop. People were going in and out and it looked busy. He was so happy that it had taken off so well for her. She deserved happiness in her life after what her jackass husband did to her.

  “Yeah, like you were so good to her. Idiot,” he murmured.

  Taking a deep breath, he threw the door open, stepped out then jogged across the street. He pulled on the door and entered the bakery. The smells were enough to make his mouth water. Glancing around, he didn’t see her but figured she was in the kitchen. The place was packed with people. JoJo and Katherine were busy waiting on customers, so he pushed his way through the crowd to enter the kitchen. He ignored the grumbling of the people as he moved past them.

  When he entered the kitchen, he stopped and glanced around but didn’t see Sloane anywhere then he caught Courtney’s eye. She smiled and pointed to the pantry. He nodded then headed that way. He opened the door, entered, and saw her with her back to him.

  “I’m still trying to find more cinnamon. I’ll be right out,” Sloane said without turning around.

  “I’m not real fond of cinnamon,” he said.

  She spun around to look at him then her eyes narrowed as she stared at him.

  “What are you doing here, Holt?” She turned back around to look through the spices.

  “I owe you an apology. Again.”

  “Fine. I accept it. Now, please leave.”


  She turned to look at him again. “What do you mean, no?”

  He folded his arms. “No, I’m not leaving. I know you told me you were done with me, but you didn’t even let me explain what was going on.” He bit his lip when she folded her arms, tapped her foot, and glared at him.

  “I know what was going on. You were thinking of your wife again. Thinking about how much you love and miss her. I will not be second to any woman. Never again.” She turned back to the rack.

  He moved closer, took her arm in his hand, and turned her to face him again.

  “Sloane, I was up that night for two reasons. One was that I had a dream about Carolyn—” He stopped at her gasp. “It wasn’t anything sexual. It was just a dream. We were taking a horseback ride, but she rode ahead of me then disappeared.”

  “What was the other reason?”

  “The other reason was that I realized I had…fallen in love with you.”


  “I love you, Sloane. So very much, but you need to understand that even though Carolyn will always be in my heart, there is so much more room for you…if you’ll have me.”

  He watched a tear roll down her cheek and she shook her head. His heart shattered. She didn’t want him anymore. He sighed.

  “All right, Sloane. I’ll leave you alone. You’ll never hear from me again.” He turned around to open the door.

  “I love you too,” she whispered.

  He turned around to look at her. “What did you say?”

  “I said I love you too, Holton James. More than I thought it possible to love anyone. I don’t want you to leave me alone, I want to be with you. I know you’ll always love Carolyn and I’m fine with that as long as you love me too.”

  He reached her in two strides, cupped her face in his hands, lowered his lips to hers, and kissed her long and slow. He raised his lips from hers and stared into her beautiful green eyes.

  “When you shook your head, I was sure you wanted me to go.”

  “I shook my head because I couldn’t believe you loved me.” She touched his cheek. “I love you.”

  “Oh, baby, I love you too. I want to marry you. I want your face to be the last thing I see before I leave this earth.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, put her face against his chest, and cried.

  “Please don’t cry. I never want to see tears in those beautiful eyes again,” he whis

  “These are happy tears.”

  He hugged her against him as tight as he could. He loved this woman so much and he swore he’d never hurt her again.

  He kissed her lips. “Can I come by tonight?”

  “Yes, please.” She stood on her toes and kissed him.

  “I’ll see you later, darlin’,” he said with a big grin.

  Holt walked out of the pantry to see Nancy and Courtney staring at him. He grinned at them then left the kitchen, entered the front then walked out the door. He wanted to make a stop before he drove home.


  Later, when they were lying in bed, Sloane held her left hand up and stared at the two-carat emerald cut diamond ring on her finger. The light from the lamp made prisms glitter on the wall when she moved her hand back and forth.

  “I can’t believe you bought me a ring,” she said with her voice catching.

  “Why not? I did ask you to marry me, didn’t I?”

  “Hmmm, not really. You said you wanted to marry me. I don’t recall a proposal.”

  “Oh, I did, didn’t I?” He rolled on top of her but kept his weight off her by his elbows. “Will you marry me, Sloane Gates?”

  “If I say no, can I keep the ring?” She laughed at the look on his face.

  “I can see I’m going to be marrying a smartass,” he growled out then took her lips in a deep kiss then raised his head and gazed into her eyes. “Do I get an answer?”

  “Of course, I’ll marry you. I love you, Holt. I was just so hurt that you wouldn’t talk to me about what you were thinking or going through.”

  He rolled to his back, pulled her against him, and kissed the top of her head then he jerked when Juniper jumped up onto the bed.

  “I’m sorry. I really am, Sloane. I wasn’t sure how to tell you that I had a dream about Carolyn and that I’d also realized I loved you. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Then when you wanted me to take you home, I knew if I told you then, you wouldn’t have believed me because you were too hurt. I will promise you right now, that I will try to never hurt you again. I promise I will try to do better about talking to you when things are bothering me. I know we’ll have disagreements but there is nothing we can’t work through—together.”


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