Small Town Big Man

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Small Town Big Man Page 5

by Penny Wylder

  Sighing, I force myself back into work mode, trying to ignore this irrational desire to have what it isn't mine. She's not mine. I rip away another chunk of plaster to make room for the new doors. The plaster breaks free quickly, causing my elbow to snap back and knock a bottle of shampoo to the floor.

  Picking up the bottle, I recognize the scent instantly. This is what I've been smelling. Laney in a bottle.

  My nose hovers over the small opening, and I take in a few deep breaths. Catching my reflection in the mirror, I feel ridiculous and look like a freak.

  Stop smelling it! Embarrassment makes my gut clench, so I double check over my shoulder to make sure she isn't standing there watching me in horror.

  All clear.

  Setting it back down, I go back to the whole reason I'm even here: shower doors.

  Sitting down for lunch with her was really nice. It was the longest conversation I've had in a really long time, actually. And it felt so natural, aside from the few times I made it awkward.

  My feet crunch over the builder's paper I laid on the floor as I move through the living room to throw debris from the bathroom into the back of my truck. Each time I pass, Laney's head is buried in her drawings as I walk by, bopping to the music.

  I should ask her out to dinner. What's the worst she can say? No?

  Glancing at myself in the mirror again above the sink, I give myself a little pep talk. I need to just go for it. Nothing can hurt as much as what I've already been through. Fuck it, if a girl I hardly know says no to a date, it isn't even going to cause a sting. Life will go on, like it always does.

  Packing up my stuff for the day, I shut off the light and start down the hall. “Hey, so I'm all done for today,” I say as I rearrange my tools in my work belt. I'm looking down, still talking. “I put up a temporary curtain for now, this way you have—”

  My eyes jump up, and I stop talking instantly. Laney is sitting at the kitchen table with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She smiles, her eyes sparkling as she holds up both glasses.

  “Got time for dinner and wine?” she asks, her voice confident, but holding a hint of uncertainty.

  I can’t answer. I’m positively tongue-tied with surprise. I want to say yes, but the shock I feel is holding me back. “Uh, I, uh—”

  I'm stuttering! Why the hell am I stuttering?

  She drops her eyes to the table as she sets down the glasses and tries to force a smile. “It's fine if you don't want to, I totally understand.” Focusing on a wrinkle in the tablecloth, she smooths it over. “I mean I've got work to do anyway, and I'm sure you have other work to do—”

  Think of something to say, man, before you blow this! “No, no,” I say, cutting her off quickly before she talks herself out of it completely. “I'd like that.”


  “Yeah, really. You just took me by surprise is all. I didn't expect this.”

  Her eyes lift back to mine, and she tilts her head. “Anders, I punched a guy in the face, and let you take me home, but my offer for dinner is surprising?”

  I chuckle and rake a nervous hand through my hair. “I guess I should be afraid of you, not surprised by you, huh?”

  Laney giggles, and I swear that giggle lights up something inside me. It's raw, fresh, a flame that's been flickering in the darkness, and is now a burning inferno. I want this woman. I want this woman, and I don't think there is anything she can do to change my mind.

  “Good, you can help me peel potatoes.” She pours two glasses of wine and brings one over to me. “Come on, I'm starving.”

  I follow her back to the kitchen, and she sets me up with a bowl of potatoes and the peeler. She sits across from me with a cutting board and starts chopping some onions and other vegetables for a salad. We work and drink and talk. Idle talk. She asks me the plans for the shower doors, when they’ll be done. I ask her a little more about her work and she explains her artistic process.

  By the time she’s grilling a steak at the oven and I’m mashing the steaming potatoes, we’re on our second glasses of wine and telling each other about our pasts. What is was like for her in art school. She gets an excited glint in her eye telling me about her favorite professors and all the friends she made. And I tell her about my clients in town and some of my favorite projects.

  When we set the table, she hands me plates and cutlery and it feels like we’ve been doing this forever. Like we’re already in a routine. A familiar old dance. She lights the candles and I pour more wine. We sit across from each other and talk and laugh easily. We compare our childhoods; me growing up in this small mountain town and her in the bustling city.

  I'm surprised by how much fun I'm having. I've never been a man who liked small talk. I mostly drift off, my mind wandering to projects I'm working on or ones I'd like to do. But not here, not with her.

  I'm listening intently, stealing these little bits of her and tucking them away. She tells me how much she loved the flower boxes in the apartment she grew up in, and how her mother would braid the flowers into her hair.

  I'm enjoying her smile, her soft laugh, and the way she reaches out to touch my arm as she talks. Her fingertips send a spark up my arm, a spark that quickly zips down to my cock, making it thicken.

  “You want a coffee?” she asks, taking my plate from in front of me and placing it in the sink.

  “Yeah, sure, I'll take a coffee.”

  I watch her body move as she reaches up to grab the French press, her shirt inching up and revealing a beautiful strip of soft, pale skin. I remember what it was like to touch it. When the coffee is prepared, she passes one to me as she nods her head for me to follow her. Moving through the living room, she snatches a blanket off the couch and heads for the front door.

  “Where we going?” I ask.

  “The front porch. I like cozying up in a blanket with a hot coffee when it's cold out.” She pushes the door open and holds it open with her back, giving me space to walk past her.

  There's an outdoor swing on the porch, with snow piled up underneath and a little on the seat. Brushing off the bench, I take a seat.

  Laney plops down beside me, throwing the blanket over both of us. “There,” she says, snuggling her body deeper as she scoots a little closer. “I mean, look at how clear the sky is up here. It's amazing.”

  “Yeah, it is. You can see all of Crestline from here.” Pointing my finger, I aim it down between the tree line. “Lake George is right there.”

  She squints her eyes and looks down the line of my arm and follows my finger.

  “Oh yeah, I can see it.”

  We sit quietly like that, rocking gently and drinking our coffees. The crickets chirp loudly out here, and every once in a while a shooting star streaks across the black sky causing Laney to cry out. She doesn’t get many of those in the city.

  When she finishes her coffee, she motions toward mine. “You done with that?” I drain the last drops and hand her the mug. She places them on the ground and then she moves her head close to my chest. Her hair brushes the side of my cheek, and the urge to wrap her in my arms consumes me instantly.

  Slowly, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her in. Laney closes the gap between and pulls her legs up under the blanket. Using my other arm, I point out a bright sign in the distance. “That there's the Bear Claw. That's the sign you can see from the highway.”

  Nuzzling herself deeper into the nook of my arm, I can't stop the grin that spreads on my face. My arm hooks around her tightly, and I curl my fingers around her thigh. I don't want to let go, I want to keep her here, right here like this.

  “Was this place always like this? Secluded and perfect?”

  “Actually, it used to be more secluded. When I was a kid there was nothing but trees everywhere. We were a logging town. Main street only had the post office, a few little stores, and the grocery. But then things changed, people came in and bought up all the open land. It went from logging to tourism in a blink of an eye.”

ng my head back, I keep talking. “I helped build a bunch of cabins with my dad, it was nice. That's what I miss the most. I miss working side by side with him.” My eyes drift up to the cloudless sky as thoughts of the past fill my head.

  Laney shifts in my arms, her head tipping back against my shoulder. “You were close with him, huh?”

  “Yeah,” I say, my voice low.

  I can tell she can hear the pain in my voice, so she changes the subject. “The sky is incredibly clear up here. You see that star cluster right there, the four stars that bend and then there are five above and to the side. You see it?” she asks, pointing and moving her finger.

  “I think so.”

  “That's Leo.” Her hand sweeps across the sky, almost bumping me in the chin. “And you know the Big Dipper, right there?”

  “That's one of the few I actually do know,” I say with a chuckle.

  “Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but it's not a constellation, it's part of Ursa Major, the Greater Bear.” Her finger dots across the stars, and I try to follow.

  “I had no idea.” My tone is dry and playful.

  “See, I just saved you from embarrassing yourself one day. You can thank me later.” Giggling, she points at one more set of stars, but I know what it is.

  “That's Orion,” I say before she can tell me.

  “Ah, but, see those three stars coming down from his belt? They're supposed to be a hunting knife, but you know what I think they look like?” She's already laughing as she says, “I think it looks like a giant cock in the sky.” She giggles again, hiccupping slightly as she inhales.

  “Is this where I'm supposed to say I have a giant cock you don't need a telescope to see?”

  She looks up at me with pause, and I'm suddenly not sure if I should have just kept my mouth shut. I wait anxiously for her to do something. To either laugh or slap me.

  Her lips peel back into a giant grin and she lets out a hysterical laugh. Lowering her lids, her mouth thins. “That was a good one.” She's laughing hard, wiping tears from her eyes. “You want to stay the night? It gives you a chance to get an early start in the morning.” Waggling her brows, her teeth shine brightly as she runs her tongue across her bottom lip.

  “You're seri—” I'm about to ask when her lips suddenly crash against mine.

  I'm stunned for a second, still as a statue as her hands sweep through my hair and her lips part with a sexy exhale. Her tongue slips into my mouth, and I can taste the hazelnut in her coffee as she twirls her tongue around mine.

  Fuck yes.

  Grunting, I press my lips harder against hers, my body coming alive as I pull her into my chest. I don't think I could ever say no to her. I did that once, but could I do it again? Not a chance in hell.

  She tastes amazing, like perfection and satisfaction all in one drop. Her hand settles on my chest, resting right over my heart, and I'm sure she can feel it as it pounds like a drum.

  I can see our breath in the cold night air. It comes up between our faces in long, wispy tendrils, twisting in the air before getting blown away. But I can't feel the cold anymore. I'm hot, beads of sweat are building across the back of my neck and trickling down my spine.

  Laney's hand begins to glide down my chest, moving over my abs slowly, until she reaches my cock and just grabs it. Her eyes steady on mine, and she breaks our kiss.

  She's quiet for a second, softly stroking my hard cock over my jeans. My dick is engorged, pressing angrily against my zipper as she pinches the tip and traces my shaft down.

  Growling, I press my forehead against hers as she moves her fingers up and down. Biting on her bottom lip, her eyes shift between mine.

  “Can I. . .” Her voice trails off as her eyes glint like gun metal. “Taste you?” she asks as she nibbles on her lip.

  “Fuck yes you can.” I don't even have to think about it. “Suck my cock.” I tangle my fingers through her hair and push her right down into my lap. She drops down under the blanket and undoes my pants. Pulling my cock out, I feel her let out a hot breath. It spreads over my tip and down my length as she moans under the cover of the blanket. I stretch my hand down her back, creeping my fingers under her shirt to touch that smooth skin I’ve been dreaming about for days.

  Her tongue licks across the tip, sucking it like a lollipop. She sucks my crown into her mouth, and drives her head down halfway, stroking the rest of my length with her hand. Laney pulls back to the ridge, and I slide my hand under the blanket, resting it on the back of her head, and giving her a little extra push.

  She sinks down deeper, so deep my tip hits the back of her throat. Helping her back up with my hands tangled in her hair, she groans with pleasure. Her head bobs up and down under the blanket, and I can hear the slurp of her mouth as she sucks me hard.

  It feels so fucking good. Her mouth is wet and hot, and her tongue flattens as it glides down the underside of my dick. She gags slightly as I jerk my hips right as her lips reach my base.

  Smiling to myself, I lay my head back and close my eyes. Colors are flying behind my eyes as her lips squeeze their way down my length, and she tickles my balls with her fingertips.

  Faster and faster she devours the hard muscle. She's moaning as she gives me head, enjoying it as much as I am. Well, maybe not as much as me.

  Snow starts to fall around us, but we're protected under the overhang of the porch. I watch as flakes flutter to the ground, the slight breeze blowing them onto the deck as Laney makes her own warmth under the blanket.

  This is incredible, amazing, completely surreal. I'm in heaven.

  “Fuck, Laney, I'm going to come,” I say, wrapping her hair around my hand, and tugging at the roots.

  She's going harder, like knowing I'm about to come is filling her with an intense desire to finish me off. My balls tense up, and I can feel my muscles contract as the orgasm starts to stretch out through my body.

  Gripping her scalp with my fingertips, she drives down and I thrust my hips up while holding her in place. My cock explodes, pump after pump of hot cum fills her mouth.

  Laney slides her mouth off my dick, and pulls her head out from under the blanket. With her cheeks puffed, she swallows my load as she wipes the edges of her lips.

  Her lips are swollen and red from arousal as she softly touches them, and stares into my eyes. I can't control myself anymore, I grip her face and kiss her. I can taste myself in her mouth, but I don't give a shit. I need this woman. I need her more than I've ever needed anything in my life.

  Pulling away, Laney swallows hard and tries to slow her breathing. The way she's looking at me, it's like she's ready to jump me like an animal. Her eyes veer as her pupils grow wide as saucers.

  I can see the stars reflecting back at me, bright and sparkling. I catch a glimmer of something else in the mirror of her eyes. It's primal, it's raw. . . It's me.

  She tugs her bottom lip in, and her brows soften as she tilts her head. Her fingers softly dance up and down her neck, and I watch her suck in a breath. She holds it in for a moment, only to exhale as her voice comes out low.

  “Inside,” she says, “now.”



  His cock was so big in my mouth. And his taste. . . He tastes so damn good.

  Reaching back, I take his hand and lead him into the house. I pull him to my bedroom and turn around to face him once I step inside the room.

  I can't take it anymore. I need him inside me. I need to feel him again.

  Anders stares at me, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his eyes lick up and down my body. His jaw crooks and he lets out a slight growl as he wraps me in one arm and yanks me in for kiss.

  The hair on his face tickles my skin as his lips part and he kisses me harder and with more power. His fingers curl under my shirt and he pulls it up, only breaking his kiss to pull it over my head.

  Dropping my shirt to the side, his lips are back on mine as he moves to my pants. Anders tugs them down my hips, and I step out of them, kicking them
off. Standing in my bra and panties, he pulls away, taking the chance to look at my body under the faint light of the lamp in my room. He's devouring me, licking his lips as his firm fingers hold me in place. The way he's staring at me is like a lion about to devour its prey.

  “God damn, you're so fucking sexy.” He bites the inside of his cheek as the corner of his lip twitches.

  “Now it's your turn,” I say, digging the tip of my toe into the cool floor as I take a step forward.

  My hands grip the edge of his shirt and lift it over his head. As soon as it’s over his head, he grabs my face and kisses me again. His strong arms wrap around me and I feel his skin against mine. He pulls my hair to the side so he can kiss down my neck. Our kisses are frantic. His hands hold my face as if he’s afraid if he lets go I’ll disappear. Kissing him back with as much fervor as he’s kissing me, I start inching down his pants. When they get down to his ankles he moves clumsily, trying to get them off while still holding me tightly and kissing me.

  Once his pants are kicked away, he pulls back, still holding my face, staring into my eyes with a small smile on his face. There's a slight chill in the air that causes a ripple of goosebumps to cascade down my arms.

  He sees the shiver run through me, so he pulls me closer to his body. My eyes shift to the beautiful colors and designs on his arm. My fingers trace the swirls and follow the thick lines as he holds me close.

  “Did it hurt?” I ask.

  “Nothing hurts me. Not anymore.” His voice is husky and hard as he crushes his lips against mine again. With firm hands, he grabs my ass and lifts me off the floor.

  Wrapping my legs around his waist, he pulls his lips off of mine and raises my body higher. His mouth falls over my nipple, sucking through the lace of my bra. His tongue twirls around it, and the friction of the lace and his hot tongue leave me panting. His tongue flicks back and forth over the stiff peaks, drawing out a long moan as I drag my fingers through his hair and rest my cheek on his head.

  He walks me effortlessly back to my bed and lays me down lightly as if I'm made of delicate porcelain. My head meets the mattress and Anders releases my tit. Throwing his head up, he starts to crawl on top of me, and then stops midway.


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