Into the Darkness

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Into the Darkness Page 11

by Michael Clement

  Along with caring and thoughtful.

  I didn’t make them commands, only my observations of her taking care of her little brother.

  She had blocked her mother, taking the old woman’s anger on her own skin. When her mother looked for someone to hit, when she was drunk or stoned, Hana took the abuse, protecting him. The scars on her face, arms, and back were all from the evil woman.

  Hana shuddered, reliving her memories while I viewed them.

  Then, I saw happier thoughts. Memories of her favorite activity, reading. The words were hard for her, they tended to float and squirm on the page, shifting and twisting all by themselves. But, she valiantly fought on. Books were her only friends, and even they spurned her more than naught.

  Magesight, I whispered to her. The words moved because they were meant to. She was a prodigal.

  I let her feel my delight. She would be a godsend. Hana could read what other mages would take a lifetime to comprehend or decipher. Encrypted messages opened before her eyes without effort.

  She was worth a king’s ransom.

  Her mind scoffed, but… blushed. I could feel her pleasure… someone valued her.

  It was almost inconceivable.

  No one had ever cared.

  Even when she excelled at slaughtering the sacrifices.

  Visions of her wielding a dagger for the Dark Coven filled her mind. She had murdered dozens of victims, butchering them with ease. In a different world, she could have been a skilled surgeon.

  But, even with her perfection, none of the cultist’s had complimented her.

  Hana felt my unease and disgust with that part of her past. It was impossible to hide my feelings.

  Her flower of happiness wilted in the sun of my displeasure. Hana could feel that I didn’t like what she had done, and I didn’t want her to do it again.

  The little wallflower grew cold and unhappy.


  I was fucking this up.

  So, I showed her my past.

  Even the terrible parts.

  Goblin children fought to eat, and I had grown up in the caves. Meat was meat, no matter where it came from. Survival meant everything.

  Hana had killed humans, sacrificing them to a dark and evil god that she didn’t even care about.

  I had eaten humans… and enjoyed it.

  Hana’s shock and horror flowed over me, but I went on, showing her every terrible thing that I had ever done. I didn’t hide anything, including how it felt to force Taesa, Mary, and Brynn to change. I knew it was wrong. But, I didn’t want to die, and they hadn’t given me a choice.

  And, then… I asked her if she still wanted to be with me.

  Her huge blue eyes looked up at me, but she never wavered. Her lips met mine, and I felt our bond cement into something permanent, as she decided, with her own free will that she wanted to be with me, even with my past.

  The other girl’s connections were deep and black. But, Hana’s was a golden hew that made me feel warm and safe.

  I couldn’t move easily, because of Brynn lying on my legs, and Mary was pressed up against me. I let Hana know that I wanted her, and I wanted to be inside of her.

  Hana’s face blushed… and then, she climbed on top of me.

  The pockmarked girl wanted me, as much as I wanted her.

  One second she was lying next to me. The next, she was on top of me. Her lips were pressed against mine, crushing them with her need. Hana’s tiny breasts were pressed into my chest as she fought to devour my mouth.

  Her breasts felt so soft and wonderful, and I let her know it. Then, I caressed her back, ending with my hands on her hips, as she struggled to figure out how to get me inside of her.

  She was too nervous and excited. Her frustration began to grow.

  Then… Mary woke up.

  - 27 -

  Hana and I both felt Mary wake up… at the same time. It felt like a cold wind rushed through both of our souls, coating everything with a frigid, alien distrust.

  Hana freaked out. She sat straight up and stared down at Mary, who was plastered against my side. Mary had been her role model. Her powerful, aggressive style enabled Mary to be the most powerful woman in the cult. And, Hana wanted that acceptance, no matter what she had to do to get it.

  And, now her role model was lying next to her… naked.

  Mary sat up, pushing Brynn off her legs without a second thought. She looked younger, and I realized that her blonde hair had gone mostly gray, early in her life. She couldn’t be more than thirty-five, even with the crow’s feet.

  Her breasts were small like Hana’s were. But, Mary’s muscles were toned on her arms and stomach. She could run for miles without taking a break.

  Hana instantly felt… less than.

  Until Mary’s memories swirled through ours, just like Hana’s had been exposed to me.

  A broken home.

  A man who didn’t love Mary and told her so, every day.

  Dead children, stillborn… again, and again.

  And, her lack of emotions.

  Emotions were hard for Mary. They felt… alien. She didn’t always understand how other people felt, and sometimes, it was easier not to care.

  Whisps of blondish gray hair touched Mary’s shoulder, making her look fae and inhuman.

  But, when she looked at me, I felt the stirring of love.

  Mary called me, My Love, and she meant it. The curse had changed her, just a bit. She was still an evil woman who always saw killing as the most expedient solution. But, she was now willing to change… for me.

  And, Mary felt how much I liked Hana.

  Instead of jealousy, which she didn’t understand any more than any other emotion, she just accepted the new information.

  Hana was important.

  And, so were the other woman.

  And… Hana needed help.

  Mary had always been good at sex. It wasn’t emotional to her, just physical. The skill was no more complicated than riding a bike.

  Men didn’t interest Mary, and neither did women. Both of them felt good inside of her.

  “Let me help you,” she murmured, looking deep into Hana’s eyes.

  The younger woman quivered on top of me, and I didn’t blame her. Losing her virginity, surrounded by other women, would be terrifying.

  “Relax,” Mary added. “Tense muscles… hurt, especially the first time.”

  The memories of Mary’s first time poured through Hana and me.

  They had been as close as friends, until he hit her and took what he wanted, again, and again. And, then, to make it worse, he had shared her with his friends. Images of her bound arms, as men raped her filled Mary’s mind. Both of us felt her turn cold and frigid, as she distanced herself from the feelings that were pregnant in the memories.

  That wasn’t helping Hana relax. The memories were horrific.

  But, it was helping Mary, so I let her continue.

  Mary’s hand slowly reached out and touched Hana’s back. I waited for the younger woman to bolt from the bed, but when she didn’t, I decided to help a bit. I flexed my pecker under her.

  Hana’s eyes widened when she felt my excitement at having both her and Mary awake at the same time.

  Thoughts of… not enough... suddenly flourished in Hana’s mind.

  Mary leaned in and kissed her shoulder, breaking that flow of thoughts.

  “Men are like… children,” she whispered. “The more toys, the better. They don’t think like women.”

  Then, Mary said, “You can feel how much he likes you… stop fighting it.”

  Mary moved closer to Hana and whispered something that I couldn’t hear. Hana’s heartbeat increased, hammering in her chest, as Mary moved behind her and adjusted Hana’s hips.

  The younger woman was poised with me in just the right place. I sat still, waiting to see what she would do. My hands were on her hips, as Mary made some more adjustments.

  Hana licked her lips nervously.

  I could
feel her indecision.

  “Your choice,” I murmured, speaking to her for the first time with my voice and not my mind.

  Mary suddenly straddled my legs, pressing herself up against Hana’s back. Her hands slid around the younger woman’s body as she kissed her shoulder.

  Hana didn’t know what to do. She felt how exciting it was for me. It was all I could do to hold back the taming curse. It wanted to change Hana so that she would like what I liked.

  “May I?” Mary asked as she brought her hand up to Hana’s mouth.

  Images of pleasure poured through both of us, flowing out of Mary’s mind. They were strong enough to make both of Hana, and I moan. When Hana didn’t say no, Mary slid one finger into Hana’s mouth.

  It made me even harder when she pulled the wet finger out and then slowly moved her fingers south.

  Hana was barely breathing. No one had ever touched her… there... before.

  She shut her eyes and leaned back into the older woman, as experienced fingers slid over delicate body parts.

  Hana might not be into girls, but that feeling, that sensation… was good. Her enjoyment flowed through all three of us, directing Mary’s fingers. With almost instant feedback, it was child’s play for her to bring Hana to the brink of climax.

  She let the younger woman hover, like a butterfly on the edge of a cliff.

  Then, Mary brought her.

  Hana moaned and instinctively slammed downward as she came.

  I felt the rush of pleasure mixed with a sharp rip of intense pain. Hana’s mind shook and wavered between the rush and the ripping of her hymen.

  I didn’t thrust, but God I wanted too.

  Mary continued to caress Hana. She could feel Hana’s pleasure points, so Mary kept touching everything until Hana’s initial pain receded. Mary directed the younger woman to place her hands on my chest.

  Then, Hana began to shift her hips, forward and back with Mary’s help.

  It was all I could do not to climax, especially when Taesa woke up.

  - 28 -

  Taesa was lying next to my right side. Suddenly, I noticed one of her cold hands on my chest.

  Hana looked down at us both, as she continued to ride me.

  Taesa wanted to scream at all of us, that I was hers… and only hers.

  But, she felt my happiness... and Hana’s. And, just like that, the curse twisted Taesa, just a little. It made her give a bit, allowing sharing to be possible.

  The Pale witch had been alone for so many years, and she had been an only child. Taesa had never learned how to share, much less sharing a man.

  She had gone from her parent’s home, to a convent, and then to the barracks of the Ten-Thousand.

  An old monk had been her first and only lover before me. And, that had been a mistake of epic proportions.

  Taesa had enjoyed eating men’s souls after that, as a witch. She had seduced them, but never, not once, had they slid inside of her.

  She was a tease, like a venus fly trap.

  This was as close as she could come to sex after she had changed.

  Hana’s happiness poured into the witch, washing away her unhappiness. Hana’s pleasure was infectious. It pushed aside Taesa’s mistrust and sadness and emphasized the moment.

  Right now.

  Right here.

  We were happy.

  All three woman suddenly felt me pulsating between their legs, as Hana’s experience flowed through and into them.

  They began to moan together, wrapped in more than any of them could feel alone.

  And, that energy, that connection… woke Brynn.

  She sat up, awake for the first time since I had forced her to become mine. Yes, she had been trying to kill me, but I had still decided that my life was worth more than hers.

  The pleasure that was pouring through all of us dimmed for a second.

  Brynn could feel me between her legs, just like the other women. Our bonds were wide open, pouring pleasure from one of us straight into the other. What one of us felt… all of us experienced immediately.

  The tidal wave of happiness washed over the Basilisk.

  She wanted to be angry.

  Nothing made Brynn happy, except Abigail.

  Sex was for... Mating… and meals. Nothing tasted better than meat that had been smothered in her own venom. Men were their juiciest after they had cum a few dozen times.

  And… her magic could make that happen. Her venom could make a man cum again and again. It didn’t matter what their brains thought. Her magic made them her tool.

  I had never seen Brynn naked. Her torso was longer than any of the other women’s. She was beautiful, especially with that, I’m going to eat you stare.

  But, she really wasn’t sexually interested in men. They were just for eating and mating.

  Brynn, in her heart of hearts, liked women.

  Mary smiled as she reached up and cupped both of Hana’s breasts, playing with the nipples with her thumbs. The younger woman began to increase her rhythm, as everyone’s emotions began to jell together.

  Brynn slipped up next to Taesa and touched the side of the witches face. I could feel my wife’s trepidation.

  Would she be rejected?

  The pale witch looked up at her, and something passed between the two of them.

  Then… Brynn laid down on top of Taesa and kissed her, as her fingers slid between them.

  All of us gasped at once.

  We could feel those warm fingers sliding into the pale one.

  Warmth mixed with icy coldness.

  Then, Taesa smiled.

  That warmth... triggered arousal that had been fluctuating up and down in Taesa. She had felt included but left out.

  Now, she felt needed.

  Suddenly, a spark of energy blossomed in Taesa and then began rolling through all of us, gaining power as it roared in a circle from one woman to another.

  Hana clenched, arched her back and screamed as she came.

  The energy was instantly attracted to her, it rode up my body like a lightning rod and lanced into the younger woman.

  Hana’s mana vault puckered up, clenched, and spit out another arcane bubble.

  Hana swayed and climaxed, held up by only Mary’s strong fingers. The bubble burned within Hana. It wasn’t a typical, human bubble, made to wither and die each day if it wasn’t tended.

  This was a Goblin’s bubble.

  It glowed black like darkness in her mind waiting to be inscribed.

  I looked at her other two bubbles quickly.

  In my earlier haste, I hadn’t noticed.

  They were black as well.

  Hana climaxed again and then fainted. I could feel the happiness and overwhelming joy in her mind. Growing in power made her happy because it meant… worth, to her.

  Mary helped the younger woman off of me in her half-conscious state.

  Taesa suddenly groaned and thrust upward against Brynn who giggled.


  I couldn’t believe it.

  Mary took Hana’s place. She leaned down and kissed my lips with her hot, experienced mouth. And, I liked the tongue ring that I discovered.

  Laughing, she leaned back, placing her hands behind her, as she began to rocket up and down.

  I couldn’t take it anymore.

  I came, filling Mary.

  The wicked woman laughed with a trace of happiness. For the first time, she felt an emotion. I felt her mind clench with surprise and fascination.

  Taesa climaxed, as Brynn held her down with her lips.

  Mary leaned back further and began feathering her own clitoris.

  It had been a long time for her.

  Climaxing came easily.

  That left only Brynn.

  Mary slipped off of me with a final, tender kiss.

  Taesa slipped out from under Brynn, as I sat up. I wasn’t ready yet, and wouldn’t be for a few minutes.

  Brynn shifted close to me, and I could feel her thoughts.


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