Bang Up

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Bang Up Page 4

by Jeff Strand

  Her moans grew louder and louder, and her whole body began to quiver, and she started saying things like, "God, yes!" and "Oh, God, yes!" and "Yes, God, yes!" Shortly after he transitioned from licking to vigorous sucking, she let out a cry and a shudder.

  Kirk pulled his mouth away. "Did you just come?"

  Julie nodded.

  He pointed to her breast. "From that?"

  "You were doing it really well."

  "Are you seriously saying that you came from me sucking on your boob?"

  "Yes, dear. Are you complaining?"

  Kirk had never known a woman who was that sensitive. He'd almost think she was faking it, but what would be the point? If she made it look too easy, she'd discourage him from trying harder. Anyway, though the moans could've easily been fraudulent, her body language seemed pretty credible, and there were beads of perspiration on her belly. He was relatively certain that Julie had indeed just had an orgasm with her pants still on.


  They kissed some more.

  "I hope you don't think your work is done," said Julie.

  "I assumed it was just beginning."

  "You assumed correctly." She tugged on the waistline of her pants. "Make these go away."

  Kirk happily unbuttoned and unzipped her pants. She lifted her ass off the bed as he slid them down, revealing panties that were most definitely not of the "last day before laundry day" variety. White silk. Admittedly, he didn't know what her underwear collection was like; maybe this was the oldest, rattiest pair she owned. Still, as with the bra, these struck him as the kind of panties that had been selected with the expectation that somebody would be seeing them and quickly removing them.

  A sudden thought occurred to him. Maybe she'd had an online date for after the book club discussion, and she'd stood the guy up after meeting Kirk. That poor son of a bitch. He had no idea what he was missing.

  Or perhaps he did know what he was missing. There was no reason to think they hadn't already slept together. Right now her date was sitting alone in the restaurant, rock-hard, thinking about the activities he should be enjoying as a single tear trickled down his cheek. Kirk felt terrible for the man's misfortune, but not terrible enough not to slide Julie's panties off and toss them onto the floor.

  She was neatly trimmed, not shaved, which was yet another way in which she was perfect. A natural blonde. Instead of being wishy-washy about the reason she was lying completely naked on the bed, she spread her legs without pretense, making it abundantly clear what he was meant to do.

  Starting at her knee, Kirk kissed a slow, gentle path up her inner thigh, toward...

  Toward forfeiting a thousand bucks. Or at least the second half of his payment. He'd already made Julie come, and though it had been a surprise, it was still the exact opposite reaction he was being paid to get from her. Her loud shuddering orgasm was literally the one thing that was not supposed to happen during their time together. And now here he was, kissing his way up her leg, planning to use his tongue on an even more sensitive area.

  But that area looked so appealing...

  This had to stop. She couldn't be allowed to have another orgasm unless it was a frustrated one accomplished with a vibrator while he took a shower. There were plenty of ways he could successfully mess this up. He could mindlessly lap at it like a Popsicle. He could gag a bit. He could say, "Nom nom nom!" in a Cookie Monster voice. He could shove his whole face against it way too hard. He could say, "Screw that, you do me first!" He could unfavorably compare it to other vaginas he'd seen in the past. He could say, "Yeah, momma, I sure do love munchin' on some cooch!" He could moan louder than she did. He could press his tongue against it and just hold it there without moving, and when she finally asked if something was wrong he could say, "You don't like that?" and when she said, well, no, she preferred a bit of motion, he could say, "That's weird, every other woman I've gone down on has liked it. Are you sure? Maybe give it a few more minutes," and then he could just sit there with his tongue out but doing nothing until she finally got bored asked him to remove it, at which point he'd say, "I guess some ladies just don't know what feels good."

  He'd almost kissed his way to the top of her inner thigh. This was the moment of truth. He could still salvage this.

  He gently ran his tongue over her, she sighed with pleasure, and Kirk was forced to accept the reality that he would be eating pussy to the best of his ability.

  He kneaded her thighs as he licked, alternating between quick flicks of his tongue and slow, firm, top to bottom strokes. She switched from sighing to whimpering, and raised herself to grind against his face. Kirk slid his hands under her ass and lifted a bit to further encourage the grinding. This was soooooo not in the spirit of what Ralph had intended.

  Kirk could tell that she was getting close to another orgasm—already? Jesus Christ!—but he felt that it would be wrong of him not to tease her. He moved away and returned his attention to her inner thigh.

  "You're cruel," she said.

  He continued to squeeze her ass (its firmness and quality was no surprise at this point) as he switched from one thigh to the other. Julie reached down to caress his hair. Then she grabbed a handful and gave it a tug, which he took as an not-so-subtle expression of her desire for his face to return to where it had been a few moments earlier. Kirk did as she requested.

  Based on information he'd acquired through books, movies, and personal experience, Kirk knew where to find the clitoris. It was right there in front of him. And it was important for him to avoid it at all costs. If he gave her another orgasm, he wasn't sure he could salvage the assignment.

  What if he belched? That would spoil the mood, right?

  He couldn't really burp on command, though. He'd have to find a carbonated beverage or gulp down some air, and his current facial positioning didn't offer that opportunity. Kirk would simply have to keep teasing her until it became annoying instead of erotic.

  "Stop teasing me," Julie whispered.

  Kirk went for the clitoris.

  When Julie came, she pressed her legs so tightly over his ears that her cries were muffled. She thrashed around so vigorously that Kirk had a momentary twinge of concern that she might snap his neck. Fortunately, she calmed down before she could break any of his vertebrae.

  Kirk lifted his face away from her.

  She looked down at him. "I only get one?"

  Kirk lowered his face again. He went back to kneading her inner thighs, partly because he loved touching those amazing legs, and partly to protect his skull if they snapped closed like a bear trap again.

  She got close again remarkably soon. Kirk licked away as he braced himself for impact.

  When she climaxed, yes, she bashed her legs against him again, possibly hard enough to leave a bruise. If they kept meeting like this, it was something they might have to discuss.

  Kept meeting? Where the fuck had that idea come from?

  Okay, that was a brief insane thought and it would never happen. He could be forgiven for having brief insane thoughts when his face was buried between a beautiful woman's legs as she had a violent orgasm. But now that the tremors were subsiding, he had to return to logical brain functioning.

  Or maybe he didn't. Maybe Ralph could just go to hell.

  It wasn't as if Kirk had loan sharks threatening to break his legs if he didn't hand over a thousand bucks by dawn. He'd almost turned down Ralph's offer in the first place. He needed the money, but he didn't need need the money. It wasn't life or death. Julie was clearly a woman who required and deserved many more orgasms, and dammit, Kirk was going to give them to her!

  "Okay, it's finally your turn," said Julie.

  "No need to reciprocate."

  "I want to reciprocate. I want to reciprocate until your eyes roll back in your head."

  "All right."

  Kirk took off his pants and underwear. He'd hoped for an audible gasp when she saw the size of his fully erect penis, but he settled for the admiring look. She
lay on her stomach on the bed and beckoned for him to walk over, which he did without much in the way of mental anguish.

  She took him into her mouth, and yeah, he'd made the right choice. Ralph could go straight to hell.


  Kirk was not, in this particular moment, inclined to rank every blowjob he'd received in his life. So he couldn't say for certain that it was the absolute best ever. But if he reviewed the statistics later, he was fairly sure he'd conclude that this was indeed the finest oral sex he'd ever received.

  Julie's technique? Flawless. Not a scrape of teeth to be found. Her enthusiasm level was off the charts; if she didn't enjoy what she was doing, she deserved whatever Academy Award equivalent they gave people for pretending to like giving blowjobs. And there was constant eye contact, as if she was daring him to look into her eyes and pretend that he wasn't in mind-boggling ecstasy. There was no "Goodness gracious, am I doing this right?" act. She knew damn well how good she was.

  Too good. Within a couple of minutes Kirk felt that familiar sensation. He pulled back, sliding out of her mouth.

  "It's okay," she said. "You can come in my mouth." She resumed the sucking.

  It was a most tempting offer indeed, but he didn't want to finish in her mouth when there were so many things left to do.

  "I don't want to come yet," he said.

  Julie pulled her mouth away so she could talk. "I want you to," she said, before resuming the blowjob.

  Kirk shook his head. "I still want to—" Would she prefer "be inside you" or "fuck you"? He decided that it was the latter. "—fuck you."

  She again slid her mouth off his penis so she could speak. "You still can." She went back to sucking him.

  "I can tell this one is gonna be really intense," Kirk insisted. "I'll need some recovery time."

  She slid her mouth off his penis yet again. "How about we postpone the conversation until my mouth isn't full?"

  "I'm just saying..."

  "Don't say. I'm not a good enough ventriloquist to talk and suck your cock at the same time."


  "I promise I can get you hard again. Trust me." She gave him a look that quite clearly conveyed the message that it was time to shut the hell up, and then took him back into her mouth.

  Kirk wasn't worried about getting erect for a second round. His concern was that Julie would want to beat a hasty retreat after he finished. But if she wasn't planning to go anywhere, he'd happily complete this particular activity.

  Julie picked up the pace, and that was the end of it. Kirk came so hard that he almost lost his balance. Moments later, he flopped onto the bed next to her. She swallowed (because of course she swallowed) and snuggled against him.

  "Wow," he said.

  "Yeah," Julie replied.



  Kirk lay silently for a moment.

  "Wow," he said, unable to remember if he'd said that earlier.


  "That was really something."



  "Ready to go again?" Julie asked.


  "I'm kidding. But the next time I say it I won't be kidding."

  "That's fair."

  Julie gently ran her fingers through his chest hair. Now that Kirk could think a bit more clearly, the feeling of guilt returned. A spectacular blowjob was not supposed to be on the agenda. Poor Ralph was probably sitting at home right now, thinking that Julie was hurriedly getting dressed while Kirk sucked his thumb in the fetal position.

  There was still time to mess this up.

  But he still didn't want to. He didn't mind forfeiting the thousand bucks. He wanted to have sex with Julie, and then some more sex with Julie, and then—penis willing—he wanted to have even more sex with her. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to make babies.

  No. He didn't want to make babies. That was a wacky, scary thought that should not have popped into his mind. But he did want to see her again.

  What if he simply lied to Ralph? Told him that everything went according to plan. How would he even know?

  That seemed kind of immoral.

  Oh well. He'd sort it out later.

  They lay there for a couple of minutes. Kirk started to talk, but then he got the sense that Julie would rather spend their time together with him not talking, so he accepted the social cue.

  She began to caress his thigh. By the time she wrapped her fingers around his penis, Kirk was already mostly hard again, and it took only a few expert strokes to get him there all the way. It wasn't as if he typically required a nap between sessions, but this was a much faster than usual recovery.

  "I'll get a condom," Julie said, getting out of bed.

  Kirk had brought his own, but since Ralph had not offered to reimburse him for the cost he was more than happy to use Julie's. He was surprised that she had them; most married women probably didn't carry prophylactics in their purse. Yet more evidence that Julie had left the house planning to get laid.

  She returned with a full strip of condoms. "Don't worry," she said. "I'm not expecting you to use all twelve." She climbed back into bed. "You may think I'm looking for some tender, gentle lovemaking. Please dissuade yourself of that notion."

  Kirk nodded. "Understood."

  "I'm a sturdy girl. I'm not going to break. Fuck me like an action figure that you're not afraid to take out of the original packaging." Julie frowned. "That sounded way better in my head."

  "I got the point."

  "I know you did, but, God, that sucked. Just to be clear, I thought of it while I was digging through my purse for the condoms. It's not something I'd been mentally rehearsing all evening. I wish I could un-say it. I'm amazed you're still hard after that."

  "Well, you're naked, so..."

  "Anyway, I just meant that I want to be fucked. But I don't want to be spanked, and I don't want to be choked, and I don't want teeth marks anywhere or anything like that. A little nipple-pinching is okay, but otherwise, no pain. Just stuff that feels good, done like you mean it. Got it?"

  "I've got it," said Kirk.

  "My husband is going to start wondering where I am, so we've only got another hour or so. I expect us to cycle through a lot of different positions in that hour. Are you up for it?"

  "I most certainly am."

  "Good," said Julie. "Let's get started."

  Kirk removed a condom from the strip, and then tore it open. In his first sexual experience, the condom wrapper might as well have been made of Kevlar, but of course this time it tore open on the first try as if it were made of tissue. As he put it on, Julie lay on her back and spread her legs wide. Kirk got on top of her and slid inside as he passionately kissed her.

  There was no resistance. No need to slowly work his way into her. She moaned with pleasure. He moaned with pleasure at a slightly lower volume. And then he began to thrust away.

  They went at it in the missionary position for about a minute before Julie told him she wanted to be on top. Kirk rolled over obligingly and she climbed on him, grabbing his hands and pressing them to her breasts. Their bodies moved in perfect synch. Again, Ralph could go to hell.

  Julie dismounted long enough to turn around and switch to reverse cowgirl. Kirk cupped her ass as she bounced on him. He'd seen many beautiful, majestic things in his life, but nothing compared to the visual feast that lay before him. It deserved to be captured in an oil painting. Not now, of course, but he might sign up for some art classes just to make sure he could do this justice.

  He realized that they were only on position #3 and he was starting to feel like he might not be able to last much longer if she kept bouncing with such vigor. That was probably for the best; if he came too quickly, he'd be doing exactly what he was supposed, as if sensing his overstimulation, Julie slowed her pace. Kirk closed his eyes and thought about Non-Euclidean plane geometry.

  Julie seemed to know when the need had subsided. She climbed off of him and got on he
r hands and knees. Kirk took the hint.

  She was much louder in doggy-style. Instead of moaning, she switched to saying "Fuck me!" over and over and over and over, not varying the inflection much.

  They kept up that position for two, three, four, five, six, or seven minutes (Kirk was having trouble keeping track of time) and then switched to spooning. As he thrust away, Kirk reached down to stimulate her with his fingers, but her own fingers were already there, so he cupped her breast instead.

  When her orgasm arrived, her vocalizations and thrashing made it impossible for Kirk to hold back any longer. He assumed that permission to come was granted. His release was so intense that he felt like his eyes spun around in his head like marbles. He came so hard that he worried he might have burst through the condom like shotgun spray, though when he pulled out he saw that the condom was full but thankfully intact.

  He got up, disposed of the evidence, wiped himself off, and returned to bed. Julie draped herself over his chest. They both lay there, catching their breath.

  "We haven't used up our hour," Julie informed him.

  Sooner than he would have thought possible without supernatural intervention, Kirk was inside her again. Julie was bent forward over the bed as he pounded her from behind. The headboard slammed against the wall with every thrust and Kirk was glad the hotel clerk had given them a room where their neighbors didn't mind listening to exuberant fucking.

  After an indeterminate amount of time, he pulled out so Julie could climb on the bed and lie on her back. Kirk remained standing at the edge of the bed as they resumed their intercourse. He grabbed her by the ankles and placed her feet on his shoulders, going in even deeper.

  He thrust into her as hard as he could. A little voice in the back of his mind said, You're going to get in troooooouble for this but he didn't care. It was worth having to refund Ralph's payment. He'd never felt such a connection with a lover.

  The hour wasn't over when he finished, but he knew he was done for the evening.

  He collapsed onto the bed and they silently held each other.

  "Thank you," Julie finally said. "I really, really needed that."


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