Shift of Fate: A Wolfguard Protectors Novel

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Shift of Fate: A Wolfguard Protectors Novel Page 10

by Kimber White

  The stylists had just left. My hair was pulled neatly into a French knot. My makeup was pristine. I hated myself this way. I slipped my feet into the four-inch, torturous heels that completed the look.

  The guests had already begun to arrive. The show was about to begin. I left the mirror and went to the window. No light came from the barn. I could barely see it in the shadows.

  But, I felt him. Val. If I closed my eyes and held my breath, I swear I could almost hear his heartbeat. It made no sense. Maybe the stress of the day was getting to me. But, early this morning, I could swear I felt his pain. For two days, I’d tried to find a way to get into Jason’s study. God. It was crazy. I didn’t even know for sure if the keyring he flashed was the one that would unlock Val’s bindings. Except, something in my heart told me I was right. So, tonight might be my last chance to do something for him. It would be dangerous. But, with all the guests, Jason would be the most distracted.

  There was a soft knock on the door. I jumped.


  My father’s voice put a lump in my throat. He wasn’t supposed to be here until later.

  I ran to the door and flung it open. Tears threatened to fall, but I held them back.

  “Daddy,” I gasped.

  He took my hands. His eyes glistened with tears he was trying to hold back too.

  “Look at you,” he said. “You look like...your mother.” That same sadness deepened the lines in his face. For as much as he cared about Lisette, I knew my mother had been the love of his life. There were those who told me he’d never been the same since her accident. I was too young to remember a difference. But, I saw his pain clearly now.

  He pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. He felt good. Strong. At the same time, part of me wanted to pull away and rail at him. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be in this predicament. Jason Soren would have no hold on me. On either of us.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I said.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I blinked fast, trying to keep those same tears at bay.

  “Nothing. I’m just nervous. You know I don’t like crowds. I don’t like being the center of attention. And’s just not me.” I gestured to the dress.

  My father’s smile tightened. “It’ll be good for the family,” he said. “Jason cares for you. He’ll make you happy.”

  “I don’t love him,” I blurted out.

  My father’s face fell. He took a step sideways and closed the door behind him.

  “Then what the hell are we doing here?”

  His words were a gut-punch.


  “Willow, do you think I’d force you to marry a man you don’t care for?”

  I flapped my arms to my sides. “Um...yes. You keep saying how good this will be for the family. I know what that means.”

  He put a hand to his stomach. “No. Do you hear me? No. But, cold feet are normal, Willow. And you and haven’t spent that much time together. This is’s a lot. This party wasn’t my idea. It’s Jason who wants to show you off. Maybe I should have been a little more forceful in trying to talk him out of it. He insisted it’s what you both wanted.”

  No. I wanted to shout it. Nothing about this was what I wanted. I said nothing. Lisette and Jason’s warnings echoed through my mind. I knew it was distinctly possible my own father didn’t even realize the kind of trouble he was in.

  “Willow,” he said, taking me by the hands. “If you need more time...if you’re not ready for this…”

  “It’s too late,” I whispered.

  He leaned in, kissing the top of my head. “That’s my girl. You really are so beautiful. Jason’s the luckiest man in the world. Next to me, of course.”

  “Daddy,” I said. “Can I ask you to do something for me?”

  “I’ll give you the world. You know that”

  “I’ve never needed the world. It’s just…Can you give me your trust?”

  “You don’t even have to ask.”

  “Right,” I said. “ you said. This is all so overwhelming. I just think...At a certain point tonight, I might need to just get some air. Jason is...well...he’s overprotective. And this place is crawling with security. We’re all perfectly safe. It can be smothering though. So, if I give you a signal, can you make sure to cover for me? Like I said, just so I can take a minute to myself. Then I swear I’ll be all right. I’ll be everything you all want me to be.”

  My father smiled. “You want me to handle Jason if you need to slip away for a second?”

  “Yes. Can you?”

  “Of course. You know I’ll always have your back.”

  I hugged him again and wished to God that was true. “And you know I always have yours. Even if we don’t agree on everything.”

  There was another knock at the door. Naomi popped her head in.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you. Mr. Soren asked that you both come down if you’re ready. The main guests are here. He’d like to present you now.”

  Present me. Just like some trophy. I resisted the urge to say it. My father gave me his arm. He’d said all the right words to me tonight, but I couldn’t help resenting his complicity. I was his prize too.

  But, I felt relief flowing through me now that I’d formed the basics of a plan. When the time seemed right, I would slip away to the study and find that key. I just prayed it was still there.

  As we walked to the top of the winding staircase into the main foyer, my heart didn’t feel like my own. There was an undercurrent to my pulse. It was crazy. Impossible. And yet, I knew it was Val I sensed. He was out there. He was hurt. He was running out of time. We both were.

  “There she is!” Jason’s voice boomed. He stood at the bottom of the staircase wearing a crisp tuxedo. He looked every bit the dashing prince every girl dreamed about. For me, he’d become my nightmare. His gaze was predatory. His eyes glinted with that mysterious glow I thought only I could see.

  On my father’s arm, I descended the stairs. I kept my back straight. My smile tightly in place. Then, Jason took my hand. His skin burned through mine.

  We made our way through a line of congratulations. Jason hadn’t been kidding when he told me how important this night was for him...and for my father.

  I recognized two U.S. senators, one, a presidential hopeful. Jason introduced me to no fewer than three federal judges. The implication was clear. These men and women had power and influence. The next time my father or one of his associates ended up on the wrong side of a RICO investigation, Jason had the pull to make it go away. And he had the pull to make it worse...much worse.

  “Aren’t you just the most delicious thing!” A chill ran down my spine as the wife of one of the federal judges put a hand on my arm. “Jason did not exaggerate your beauty, honey. I hope you know how lucky you are to have snagged this gorgeous hunk right here. I was trying to save him for one of my own girls.”

  “Oh, I’m aware of how lucky I am,” I said, trying not to grit my teeth. Jason was charming. He found a way to shake hands with everyone here. My feet ached from standing in those impossible shoes. This role was more suited to someone like Lisette. She thrived on the elbow rubbing and always seemed to know exactly what to say.

  The minutes ticked by, turning into hours. Jason’s staff kept the drinks flowing. Liveried waiters attended to the needs of every guest. At nine, Jason moved the party into the grand ballroom where a live band played. Then, he asked me to dance.

  The crowd parted and he led me to the center of the floor. A massive, glittering chandelier hung high in the domed ceiling. As the band struck up a tango, Jason led me around the floor.

  There were oohs and ahs as he dipped and spun me. Somehow, I managed to keep up in my heels. Years ago, my father had made me take dance lessons. I was grateful for them now. I knew how important it was to him and to Jason for me to pull this off. If I could just bide my time. As we worked our way through the crowd, several of his guests asked Jas
on for a moment alone with him. I could only guess what favors they hoped he would grant.

  As the music crescendoed and Jason twirled me one last time, I knew my moment was about to come. The glad-handing would take a break as the guests took to the dance floor.

  Jason pulled me close. His lips brushed my ear sending a shiver through me. Once upon a time, it would have sent my blood humming with desire. There was a strange echo of that now. Despite everything else he was, Jason Soren was a compelling man. But now, I just wanted to get away.

  “Come with me,” he whispered. He took my hand as the crowd applauded. He led me through it with the same grace as the tango. We went down the corridor and he pushed through the door to the study.

  My heart raced. All night. All week I had tried to find a way to steal away to this room. Jason walked right to the desk and sat on the edge. He pulled me to him so I was standing almost between his legs.

  “You’re amazing,” he said. His eyes held an intoxicated glaze, but I’d never seen him take so much as a drop.

  “Thank you,” I said. “But, we should get back. My father’s going to wonder where I am.”

  “He’ll know you’re with me,” he said. Jason lifted a hand and cupped the back of my neck. His fingers played along my hairline. They burned. My breath caught.

  “I want you,” he said.

  “Jason. Not here. Not now. We’ve waited this long. I know it sounds old-fashioned, but at this point I want to wait until we get married.”

  He smiled. “I don’t just want to fuck you, Willow. I said I want you. Here. Now. I can make you mine.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes. I think you do. I think you’ve known it all along. It’s in you, Willow. And you don’t even fully realize it.”

  I pulled away from him. My breath came in quick pants. It was stifling in here. I wanted to open a window. I wanted to run.

  “I really think we should head back. You’ve got to meet in private with at least a dozen people before the night is over. I heard you promise them. There will be time enough for this...later.”

  Though, I had no idea what this meant. Still, my heart raced. Adrenaline coursed through me. I felt danger coming from him on a primal level. Staying here with him alone was bad.

  He caught my arm and pulled me back.

  “Let me go,” I challenged him.

  He cupped my neck again. Heat flamed at the base of my skull. I felt the strangest urge. A hunger I couldn’t name. At the same time, those danger warning bells flared through me.

  Something was seriously wrong. Sweat broke out on my brow.

  “It won’t hurt,” he said. “In fact, it’ll feel so good once I start. Let me taste you, Willow. You have no idea the kind of power it will bring.”

  He didn’t say what he meant. Not the words. And yet, the truth of his desire hit me. I knew what he wanted. Good God. He meant to bite me where the heat flared hottest at the base of my neck.

  “Jason...let’s not…”

  He moved so fast. He turned me, placing his hands on my neck. He had me against the desk, bending me at the waist. He ran his hand down my bare back then up my arms. He threaded his fingers through mine, pinning my palms to the desktop.

  I felt his breath at my back. He licked a trail up my spine.

  “You want my mark,” he said. “I can feel it burning through you.”

  I pushed back. Jason was like a stone wall. Immovable. Powerful. Dangerous.

  He licked the base of my skull. I didn’t want this. It was as if my very blood recoiled at his touch. And yet, he was right about one thing. I did feel something. A need so powerful it took my breath away. But, Jason Soren was the wrong man.

  “Let me go,” I whispered. He inched forward. I felt his teeth scrape my flesh.


  A groan of pleasure escaped from him. A switch flipped inside of him. It was as if he were no longer human but fueled by some animal instinct I couldn’t name.

  Then, I knew. He didn’t see me. Didn’t hear me.

  I slipped my right hand out of his and slid it across the surface of the desk. Jason didn’t react. He just licked my neck again and positively purred.

  The desk drawer was open slightly. I could feel the outline of his key ring with my fingers.

  “Say you want it,” he whispered. “I’ll take it either way. I know what’s good for you.”

  I closed my fingers around the keys. I could make a weapon out of them if I had to. I could drive them into Jason’s temple if I reached back far enough.


  He let out a short growl then let me go.

  I palmed the keys and straightened. As I turned, I caught a glimpse of Jason that froze my heart. I had to be seeing things. It was fear or adrenaline or something else I couldn’t name. His eyes blazed nearly gold, the pupils were round and black. He bared his teeth but I saw fangs instead. His nose had changed, growing longer. He looked just like…

  A wolf.

  Then, in a flash, he was Jason again. My father stood at the doorway, his cheeks flushed.

  Jason straightened his jacket and smoothed his hair.

  “Daniel,” he said.

  “You need to get back to your guests,” my father said. His eyes were locked on mine. I gave him a tiny nod.

  “Of course,” Jason said. “Willow?”

  “If you don’t mind,” I said. “I’m going to hang back for a second. I need some air.”

  Jason looked from me to my father. I could see his thoughts as if they went across his forehead like a news crawl. Did he dare make a scene? Exert his power over my father?

  Jason gave me a forced smile. “Just a few minutes, my love,” he said.

  “Don’t worry,” my father said. “I’ll stay with her.”

  Jason worked something out for himself. He wasn’t pleased, but he’d clearly decided not to push things further for now.

  He shook my father’s hands and made his way back to the party. As soon as we were alone, I felt like I might throw up.

  “You okay?” my father asked.

  I leaned in and kissed him. “I will be, Daddy. I will be. Do you think you can handle Jason for a few minutes? I really do need some air.”

  His lips were tight when he smiled. “Just a few,” he said. “I don’t like the idea of you roaming around alone out there.”

  “I can take care of myself,” I said. I kissed my father one more time and let myself out the double doors.

  There was no one out here. All of Jason’s staff were inside attending to his guests. I hiked up my dress and ran as fast as my heels would take me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I was out of my mind. Willow’s heartbeat drummed in my head. She was scared. Panicked. Soren’s scent was everywhere.

  I pulled at the dragonsteel chains. It did nothing more than deepen the gauge in my wrists, but I didn’t care. I was two seconds from chewing my damn arm off to get to Willow.

  And then...she was there.

  She was an angel. A vision in red and diamonds. She held the ends of her dress in one hand, and a keyring in the other.

  “Val!” she gasped. She looked behind her. I scrambled to my feet.

  She came to the entrance of the stall. Her breath heaved. The heart-shaped bodice of her dress hugged her breasts, revealing tantalizing cleavage. She was Willow, but not. Her face, expertly painted to highlight her full, luscious red lips, the delicate arch of her brow. She looked like some red carpet-ready movie star.

  Then, I saw the marks on her arm. Soren. He had grabbed her. Held her. His fingers digging into her skin hard enough to leave those marks. In a few hours, she would bruise.

  I bared my teeth and tried to keep Willow from seeing. Predatory rage boiled through me. At the same time, so did desire.

  I wanted her. All of her. Jason Soren couldn’t make me submit, but he had driven me to the point of being almost feral.

�� Willow said again. She took a tentative step inside the stall. Her presence calmed me. I focused on steadying my breathing and straightened my back.

  “How?” I managed.

  She hesitated. She had no way of knowing what I was. But, she didn’t have to. Her nature recognized mine, even if she couldn’t connect it in the logical part of her brain yet. Soon enough, she would.

  “Let me,” she said, holding up the key ring. A single gold key dangled from the center of it. I didn’t need to inspect it any closer to know it too was made of dragonsteel.

  “How?” I asked again.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “I don’t know anything. It just...God. I’m probably losing my mind. The thing just sort of...called to me. And the way Jason was holding on to it, I just knew.”

  A growl vibrated through me. “He hurt you.”

  She smoothed a stray hair. I’d never seen her wear it up like that. It showed off the elegant curve of her shoulder and slope of her long neck.

  I curled my fists at my sides. Her neck. I craved it. If she turned and exposed it to me, I wasn’t sure even the dragonsteel would be enough to keep me from shifting.

  She came to me, curious, but unafraid.

  “Where is he?” I whispered.

  “Up at the house. At the party. My father’s covering for me, but I don’t know how long he can. Give me your wrists.”

  I froze. I wanted nothing more than to be free of those chains. And yet, I wondered whether I could contain my wolf anymore without them.

  Willow acted for me. She reached for me, pulling my arms toward her. Her touch sent fire through my veins. I saw her sharp intake of air, but she didn’t let go.

  Her fingers trembled as she worked the key into the lock. I held my breath.

  The chains opened and fell to the floor with a thunderous rattle.

  A moment. A heartbeat. Time stood still as Willow’s eyes met mine.

  Hear pulse skipped, but it wasn’t fear I sensed. It was desire.

  She broke the spell and took a step back. She turned slightly, looking down. I glimpsed the back of her neck and saw white for an instant.


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