Love Speaks In His Own Person

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Love Speaks In His Own Person Page 2

by Henry M. Piironen

  That would stretch the bondages of our love apart.

  I laugh at you,

  O cruel fate,

  They only prove the strength of our love.

  When we are far from each other,

  Her soul is in me,

  And as I close my eyes,

  Her living memory is with me.

  I cannot leave my light,

  Even though,

  O cruel fate,

  You turn our ways far from each other.

  When we are together again,

  Our love is a fainted fire,

  But ah,

  It rises into a glow.

  When you give us week,

  We are already like one,

  Traveling in love like from place to place,

  Caring from each other like old lovers.

  But then you,

  O cruel fate arrive,

  And turn your tearing wheel,

  And won’t allow,

  You devil,

  Our love to become complete.

  I shout you,

  O cruel fate,

  Why do you keep us apart from each other this way,

  Will you not release us to be free in our love already!

  Before I Fall Asleep

  Like drops of morning dew in the sunrise,

  I look at the ocean of pearls of your radiant beauty,

  And feel enchanted.

  I am moved by the thought of how something as beautiful can exist,

  And still,

  You are in my arms.

  I’m about to burst,

  Because you are in my life.

  Without fear,

  I am an open book for you.

  The strength of my soul casts confidence in you;

  I am a strong foundation for the fortress of our love,

  And you,

  My love,

  Are its beauty and tenderness,


  I fondle your hair,

  A moth lands to my finger,

  I carry it like your still open wounds,


  So that they can grow into your strength.

  Like a breakwater I stand between you and the ugliness of the world,

  Like lightness I lead you enemies astray,

  And like a pack of wolves,

  I strike against violence.


  We are like children inside of our happiness,


  Wherever the winds take us.

  Like a shooting star you have fallen asleep into my arms,

  Soon my wings shall tuck you in;

  Before the dream takes me to the love of tomorrow,

  Like drops of morning dew in the sunrise,

  I look at the ocean of pearls of your radiant beauty,

  And feel enchanted.

  I close my eyes in your warmth,

  My happiness is dressed to dreams.

  The Morning of Love

  Sometimes I wake up before you,

  I fondle your hair gently,

  And look at you as if enchanted before you open your eyes.

  I smile.

  Although the presence of your mind is not on your face,

  You are more beautiful than all the Earth.

  I am warm,

  Because you are beside me.

  As you open your sleepy eyes,


  I see the thousand sunrises of your happiness.

  I kiss you so that you would feel my happiness,

  We look at each other in the eyes and I know,

  We desire the same happiness.

  I confess,

  O my love,

  That I bring you happiness with my acts of love,

  Fills me with happiness.


  Rest o my love,

  Still a moment in my arms,

  Only soon must we make this day to be ours.

  Live Your Dream

  The higher my soul goes,

  The higher it can fall,

  But even then I at least know,

  I lived in my dream,

  Mountains high.

  Power and the Power of Love

  You bring love to my life,


  O love of my life.

  You lighten the burden of my power,

  With you,

  I am far from the border of light and darkness,

  From there,

  Where the consequences of me are either good or evil.

  Because you are with me,

  I use everything into good without falling,

  How heavy would this path of the ancients be,

  But with you,

  I live in beauty.

  In my hate I am cruel and darker than emptiness,

  How wondrous are you,

  I shall not guide future into evil.

  You bring me the pen of love,

  Tune my thoughts to things bright and beautiful.

  With you I do not fear power or my creations,

  You bring love to my life,


  O love of my life,

  And for that,

  You are the Power of Love.

  The Painted Desert

  In this painted desert,

  Over the grains of our loving thoughts,

  The fountain of our togetherness,

  Brings forth the lands of our dreams.

  It nourishes the seeds of our hopes,

  Our desires,

  So that forever,

  Forever shall our souls live in comfort,

  From the loving roots,

  Of our hearts.

  The Power of Will to Rise

  The unfolding future,

  The trajectories of my own thoughts,

  Rising from the circumstances.

  A trail of mistakes had once me in.

  With a fierce strength of character,

  The power of systematic reasoning forged inside me,

  A power to alter the destinies with my will.

  This way you shall lay,

  A strong foundation for the renewal everything,

  Conquering the freedom that is for those,

  Who conquer it.

  This way Love speaks to you,

  So that your love would be complete,

  Your destiny,

  Depending of your own skills.

  Unrenewed Love

  The demerging of our souls and destinies,

  Unraveled an unforeseeable emptiness,

  Paved by the masqueraded darkness.

  The silence whispered,

  The shadows of our secret lives to rise and go on their own separate ways,

  And promised,

  A new kind of fulfillment.

  A tear of all that has now been lost,

  For the thirst of matters merely unrenewed.

  Daring Love

  What I am now,

  It has soon seized to be.

  Every moment is an unknown self,

  There is no same experience,

  No sum of cause and effect.

  Because of that,

  We the wanderers of the forever unknown,

  As long we are before emptiness,

  Without dams let us flow,

  And as if breathing fire,

  Let us redeem joyfully our living soul.

  There are no measures in the forms of love,

  No borders,

  No end before death.

  Travel, O mortal,

  Travel to the extents of your love.

  A Moment In Love

  All that enters from you into me,

  Are things bright and beautiful.

  With you,

  O greatest of my loves,

  I want to fill my all of memories.

  The Passing of Moments

  There are but passing of moments.

  Everything is under the state of transiency.

  How often have I lived-in lovi
ng places with my love,

  Having to later let go of these moments,

  As they fade to the past,

  Becoming memories.

  This is the tragedy of transiency,

  But also a power,

  That what renews everything,

  Seeking new places and moments to find from love,

  In love.

  And with knowing the power of transiency,

  How I wish to populate my memories from her that I love,

  And to invite her to crowd the chambers of my heart.

  Forever Unknown

  Life is to go forwards through unknown destinations.

  Love for us to deepen in love.

  The Presence of a Woman

  With the wings of your beauty,

  Time disappears from our presence.

  To love a Woman,

  Is to sublime one’s heart.

  Because you are always in my mind,

  You rise my life beyond my dreams.

  Life Is a Changing Labyrinth

  When you are with me,

  You are my whole world.

  I see your soul,

  There are no eyes that would understand you this way.

  It like my ears were created solely for you,

  And my thoughts,

  So that I could touch you right.

  All my life has been a journey to you,

  And now,

  We shall never be alone.

  Even though the world was broken glass,

  Nothing can wound us in our love.

  And even though there was but destruction around us,

  Steady shall our journey be in the eye of the storm.

  Life is a changing labyrinth,

  Still I always find my way beside you.

  How could it be otherwise,

  As when you are with me,

  You are my whole world,

  The rest,

  Is without meaning.

  Modeling Clay

  I am rugged and strong,

  But with you,

  Cotton soft.

  I am heavy-hearted and wise,

  But with you,

  I float like a feather.

  Let the others climb the walls of my rough mountains,

  I am but modeling clay in your hands.

  Connection of Souls

  Once you were for me a diamond among diamonds,

  I did not know,

  That something so beautiful would be hidden to such a beautiful face.

  Like studying a secret you began to unfold,

  And the deeper I went,

  I saw something alike,

  But garnished with thousands of jewels.

  Be courageous my love,

  We are of the same essence,

  But as a man and a woman.

  Dream Love

  Imprison me inside your indulgent smile,

  I look deep inside your beautiful eyes,

  Even though I am gasping my breath.

  We are inside enchantment,

  Everything in us filled with affection.

  Is pleasure as great as this witchcraft?

  Am I in a dream?

  And even if this is but a dream,

  Do not ever wake me up.


  I pet your nose with mine before I kiss you,

  I do not need a shooting star to wish myself fortune.

  I hug you deeply so that our warmth will take us to our dreams.

  I disappear inside love,

  I am filled with happiness.

  To Fight for Love


  Over which you are not ready to fight for when the time comes,

  Is it love?

  Here with the warriors of romanticism,

  In the land of gentleman’s,

  Shallow is your love if you are not prepared to fight.

  In hidden acts,

  The eyes of your rival shall not see,

  But in the end,

  When your moves surface,

  Already you carry the chalice of your victory.

  Into hate do not fall.

  The serpent of the garden the women shall recognize,


  Who by poisoning others around him searches for victory.

  Like from wine enjoy your romantic acts.

  And opportunity to ecstasy,

  Not hatred,

  Has opened before you.

  In the battle of love, truth always wins.

  The truth,

  That the woman carries deep within her heart.

  Remember always,

  It is you who wants to make her happy.

  Look for partnership, not a relationship.

  A relationship is surrounded by laws,

  Partnership is filled with respect and freedom.

  A partner of life is not a contract,

  Love is the bondage in all.


  That keeps the two joined even through distances.


  O Mortal,

  Fight for your Love.


  Over which you are not ready to fight for when the time comes,

  Is it love?

  Rise, O My Soul


  O my soul,

  To your heavenly heights,


  O elevate me to love,

  For I have opened my heart.

  Come you ancient gods and hear,

  The deserted is again within love;

  Look you Eternal,

  She shall be my Goddess and Heaven;

  From her voice I have found my home.

  Witness you the men of this world,

  The same Initial Force has taken over me.


  O my Soul,

  Rise to your heavenly heights,

  See and be blinded from her brightness.


  O my Soul,


  For I have opened my heart.

  Fall into your envy,

  You petty gods;

  Kneel before her beauty,

  You Eternal.

  Her composition is without comparison,

  Rejoice you the human of Earth,

  She is one of us,


  O my soul,

  For she sits next to you.

  And as you ask,

  Who is this man that sits next to her,

  What has he done to deserve to be beside her,

  I shall answer:

  ”From my love I have always spoken that what true,

  From the beauty I have seen with my eyes I have told bluntly of that brightness,

  Which they tell me.

  And my life,

  That I have already given to her.”


  O my soul,

  To your heavenly heights,


  O Elevate me to love,

  For I have opened my heart.

  Universal Love

  I sit quietly in a meditation,

  I see how the continuum opens different futures in front of me.

  I travel through ages in my mind,

  And see distant possible realms;

  Like a grain of sand in a desert is a generation of time.

  Like a memory is Finland,

  There are no nationalities,

  No countries,

  To be united is our long lost home.

  I return like a landing eagle,

  Hundreds of heavens and hells have burned my eyes.

  None knows the truth of times to come,

  There are no eyes to see beyond hundreds of thousands of years.

  One step in development,

  From thousands of gateways only one the present always chooses,

  No return,

  Only future in front of it.

  Where are you going,

  O human?

  What is this that you make as
the home of your children?

  What are the streets,

  Your children are to walk?

  Here in the land of old forests,

  You shall see a Woodpecker, a Lynx,

  An Eagle Owl howling,

  Other beings like us,

  All the life is here.

  Different are they,

  Eccentric in their personality,

  Without awareness of the conflicts of humans.

  Yet the winters the bears sleep in their caves,

  Like from cats and dogs,

  An unique character we will find from all of them,

  Even from ants and frogs;

  Friends you can make of them too.

  Universal is love,

  But the greatest of loves,

  Is a Love in Unison.

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  1. Love of Thorns

  Our love turned into devilry.

  We seek something to blame behind everything.


  The honey of our words is now venomous,

  Who has the power,

  Who is the winner,

  Am I the barer of greater strength?

  Oh this amount of thorns,

  There is nothing without bitterness.

  When I turn side in the bed of our love,

  Even that is something personal.

  Let us kiss!

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  2. Freezing Coldness

  I can never stop loving you,

  But I can remove our shared heart,

  And unravel the path of our destinies.

  When I leave,

  I will not look back,

  A tear will not fall in my cheek,

  And you will not take anything away from my happiness.

  With my firm decision I look at the fainting memories of you like an overly used film,

  And soon,

  Someone else will be my lover,

  And I,

  Her lover.

  I tell you this only once,

  And then,

  I am already gone.

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  3. Disregard


  I did everything for you.

  There was nothing,

  No diligence, no amount in actions,

  That I did for your happiness.


  I won’t let my love feel in you,

  Not in words, not through actions,

  I am like a desert and you its sand;

  Our garden is filled with weeds.


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