I’m sure you recognize sheep, perhaps you’ve been a sheep or they make up the majority of your family. You’ve no doubt recognized wolves, hopefully you are one or on your way to becoming one and if you are one this is generally the only group of men you’ll ever truly get along with and enjoy. Likewise we all know sheep dogs, happily content at their master’s feet licking up the scrapes their master throws them. But there is another group that I haven’t described as an animal of any sort and that is the slave masters. I’m sure you know the animal they get, as it’s been used throughout time to represent people of this nature. The viper or snake, pick your preference.
The Reptile Society
Let’s talk for a moment about reptiles. Putting apart body structure and biology what separates them from animals? Why is it so easy to identify with a talking lion yet a talking lizard or snake doesn’t hold the same relation. Sure there are some exceptions but when you look through stories throughout the ages reptiles generally hold the same place. First off reptiles do not have feelings. They cannot love, care, or do anything what we could consider “human”. Compare that to a dog that can love, play, and fight for someone he cares about. All very human characteristics. Whereas a snake would eat you alive if it could, even if you’d been its care taker for years (or however long snakes live). They have no “souls”.
They live to exist. They live to reproduce and that’s it. Sure humans largely fall into this as well but most at least dress this up in trappings of morality or love or something. Reptiles do not have this. They eat, they live, they reproduce. Nothing gets in the way of that. They’ll eat and kill young, old, weak, strong, any race, any creed, anything. A crocodile sees you the exact same as he sees a woman, a child, or a squirrel potential food, potential sustenance to continue its existence. Nothing more and nothing less. Again as we’ve said they have no “soul”. Sure we can argue about whether any animal has a “soul” or whatever but that isn’t the point here.
The point is snakes are completely amoral and out to further their own existence. They aren’t mammalian and they sure as hell aren’t human. The slave master’s the one’s we call snakes are the exact same. They care nothing for the sheep dog’s they string along nor for the sheep that they feed on and use as cattle. They hate the wolves because the wolves are the only ones who’d tear their heads off without remorse. The wolves are the only ones who see through their slick exterior to the slime it truly is. So perhaps it’s not so crazy to say that we are ruled by reptilians because in a way most of humanity is. Part of being an outlaw is breaking free of the unnatural society of reptiles to the society of mammals. Where freedom, tribe, and honor still mean something. And there is more to life than simply existence.
The Wolves In The Wild
A wolf will never be happy in a reptilian society, no matter what. He’ll never be happy living for something that cares nothing for him. There is no benefit (and in fact much detriment) for the snakes to keep reproducing and going. Unlike the sheep dogs who live to keep the sheep in line for food for the snakes and the sheep who live for comfort even if it’s in exchange for being food for the snakes the wolf needs to live for himself and his wolf pack. Wolf packs are something else that the snakes (often using the sheep dogs) make sure don’t have a chance to gather together and become a threat to the dominance of the snakes.
Wolf packs are strong and resilient. Strike down the alpha of a wolf pack and another will grow to take his place and perhaps be out for revenge. Whereas snakes don’t even trust each other, cut off one’s head and the rest will devour whatever’s left within moments. I don’t know if this is the exact behavior of these animals but that’s not the point here. The snakes and the wolves cannot exist together within the same sphere. They are at odds with one another by the very nature of what they are. They are two parts of creation that cannot both habitat the same area and both fight for supremacy.
Naturally the wolf could gut the snake so the snake had to resort to more devious methods for dominance. One of which was recruiting the sheep and sheep dogs to do their bidding and increase their power. However what a snake wants most if dominance and what a wolf wants most is freedom. But that’s enough of that. Understand the nature of those that want to control and what their end goal is. The eradication of wolves (their only true threat). Conversion to sheep or more likely well-heeled sheep dog would be better but of them all the wolf is the hardest to convert to anything else. Be free, be a wolf.
Gaining Freedom In An Unfree World
Gaining freedom in an unfree world is something that deep down every man desires for himself and those he cares about. After all freedom is directly tied to one’s sense of masculinity and manhood. It’s hard if not impossible for a slave to feel like a man. We’ve discussed what separates the outlaw from the average citizen. What separates the wolf from the sheep and the rest of society. Following the path of the outlaw is a step towards freedom, it’s a step towards reclaiming your mind and therefore your life. There are rich men that are slaves likewise free men that have less to their name than you do. Of course there are poor men who are slaves and rich men who live lives of freedom.
Money alone will not get you what you want, though it plays a part. Freedom is something much deeper than that. Simply breaking free of your cubicle isn’t always enough especially if you end up in a plantation of another kind. Switching from being a slave in one industry to another doesn’t do you any good. Many who wanting to get out of the cubicle farm break free and start their own business but end up an even bigger slave to that business. Of course there are also many who have broken free, started their own business and now are living the life that they’ve always wanted and that fits much better with their mind, body, and soul (something a cubicle will never do for the wolf).
Freedom isn’t a simply topic. As we’ve stated some rich are free, some poor, some working in a place where another would rather die, and vice versa. Freedom is a multi-faceted ideal that stems from many different places. Also I should note I’m not talking about “freedom” in the political sense whatever the hell that means anymore. I’m talking about freedom to be one’s own man, or at least as much is possible in this world. Freedom requires many things to be acquired but they have far less to do with what is on the outside for example x amount of income, certain status, or achieving a certain set goal and rather has much more to do with what is on the inside.
Freedom Starts In The Mind
A free man is first and foremost free in his mind. I’ll explain what this means. Freedom starts in the mind, meaning that regardless of the external things that one has a big bank account, a high paying job, a gorgeous wife, a loving family, a house in a third world country where they can live as kings, or whatever is commonly considered ideal yet they remain a slave in their mind will never experience freedom. A free mind is the healthy ground from which the tree of freedom can spring. Perhaps that sounded a little cheesy but you get the point. Without a free (meaning healthy) mind achieving freedom is something that will elude you.
Most would recommend going about this by becoming detached from the world in some sort of Buddhist fashion but as any man knows that’s a great way to get killed. You must not become detached from the world but rather engage it and enforce your will upon it, a mindset that must be embraced to gain freedom. Freedom doesn’t come from nothingness and numbness it comes from strength and understanding. We’ve talked about breaking free of the slave morality of working day and night and putting the needs of your masters above all else. Gaining freedom starts with putting yourself first and foremost and working for yourself first and foremost.
From that core is where everything else stems. Putting yourself first and then taking a realistic view of the world. People are not your friends, they are not inherently good, and they are not wise in any way. This doesn’t mean you hate them it simply means you see them for who and what they are. Your loyalty, care, kindness, and everything else is reserved for vetted people within your
gang, tribe, family, or whatever you want to call it. It isn’t something given out freely to any passerby because they’re part of the “brotherhood of humanity” or some other delusional term designed to defang and neuter you. This world never stopped being kill or be killed, it always has been and always will be in some form.
Freedom In The World
The freeing of your mind is step one and from that other growth can take place and naturally things follow from freeing your mind. For example once you first start living for yourself and realize that essentially everyone out there is out for theirs as well it allows you to take action to better yourself and your situation. You don’t work tirelessly for those that hate you or care less about you. You work tirelessly to gain strength and wisdom for yourself so that you can fight your way through this world more victorious than not. Freedom comes from conquering and strength. Sort of like the only way to truly have peace is through superior firepower, everything else is a false peace. It’ll be peace until it’s not advantageous for the stronger side in which case the weaker side will be quickly crushed.
Freedom stems from a free mind which leads to the attainment of strength and wisdom for oneself. Right thinking leads to right action which leads to right results. Sort of like a strong house can only be built upon a strong foundation. I’m sure we’ve all heard the story of the man who built his house upon the sand as opposed to the one who built his house upon the rock. The one in the sand didn’t last very long. Neither will freedom without the proper mindset, actions, and skills. No matter if you start a company that is profitable, move out to the wilderness with nothing but a gun and some tools, or whatever your version of freedom implies. Without the right mindset and the right actions and skills that proceed from that mindset your freedom will be short lived.
You have to fix the problem at the root and the root is the mind. This book should have more than opened your eyes to mindsets that have been instilled in you that are not for your benefit and whose sole purpose is to keep you in chains. Whether it’s the American dream (whatever that means), being a “good” person (according to the slave masters), loving everyone equally, or any other perverted ideology drilled into your head to make you love your chains. Freedom starts in the mind and proceeds from a correct mindset. The outlaw’s mindset if you have any questions about what that is then reread the book. But it all starts with this, the outlaw looks out for himself first and foremost. Something you’d be wise to follow.
About The Author
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-Charles Sledge
The Outlaw's Handbook Page 4