The Blade of Rebellion

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The Blade of Rebellion Page 5

by Ian Carter

  "Keep in mind that she is also one of your teachers," Jensen continued. "It's always possible that she is trying to teach you something in her way as well. I would take some time and think over her words and try to find the meaning in them. She may end up giving you the best lessons you'll ever learn."

  Kai couldn't help but take Jensen's advice as a shot to the gut. He hated to admit that he had only met Hayleigh a little over three months ago when he took her on as his lead sparring partner. She always lamented about being taken away from Erkau's City Guard. Word spread like wildfire around Erkau, praising her incredible offensive talents. Word quickly moved to the Capital, where both Mason and King Edwin agreed she was suitable to teach Kai the things Mason couldn't. Hayleigh's fiancé Josiah was stationed in Erkau, so being taken away from her beloved added to the tension between teacher and pupil. With Josiah roughly a week and a half away by carriage, being away from each other had put a severe strain on their relationship.

  When thinking more deeply about it, Kai figured that was the main trigger that caused her to lash out at him and treat him as disrespectfully as she sometimes did. Deep down, he couldn't blame her; he would more than likely feel the same way if someone took Rhea away from him. But she didn't have to be so hard on him. All Kai could do was hope that Jensen was right and that they would eventually get along a little better. Or she could just relax, that would also work. Before Kai knew it, Jensen had finished taking off his armor and led him off to his bath.


  "Welcome one and welcome all! Ladies! Gentleman! Children of all ages! I am proud to announce the opening ceremonies for the Kingdom of Orilia's sixth annual Festival of Blades have begun!"

  The announcer's voice poured from the giant yellow horn draped with violet, crimson and ebony banners positioned in front of him. His voice echoed across the open airfield to reach the tens of thousands of spectators situated in an oval surrounding the field. The crowd cheered at each sentence that fell upon their ears. Many of the attendees were veterans of previous tournaments and showed great enthusiasm for what was to come. Many of the kingdom's nobles and invited VIPs would make the pilgrimage every four years to observe the next class of the nation's Bladesmen and Bladeswomen fight for supremacy in the Empyrean Tournament.

  The kingdom's stadium was at capacity as the sunshine fell upon the tens of thousands in attendance. Not a cloud in the sky dared tarnish the backdrop for such a prestigious event. Hundreds of flags waved back and forth in the stands, with most of them bearing the insignia of one of the Five Stone Houses. Some smaller, handmade signs bore the names of the wielder's preferred combatant or were patriotic to the kingdom itself. The stadium's patrons were split near equally between both men and women, due to the tournament's reputation as a matchmaker's dream. If a spectator did not fall for one of the fighters, it wasn't uncommon for observers to find a connection between themselves.

  The arena was a marvel. Perfectly carved stones and boulders were used to create the one of a kind structure. The bones of the arena were handcrafted by the kingdom's artisans to stand the test of time. It had been completed in time for the fifth Empyrean Tournament. The wooden structures, such as the boxes for domestic nobles and foreign royalty, dotted the top of the spectator stands and had at least one Silver Blade for security.

  The last remnants of the straggler commoners and nobles had begun to rush to their seats at the beginning of the announcer's speech.

  "A reminder for each of you in attendance here today at the gorgeous Queen Annie Coliseum," The announcer continued. "As we sit here in celebration, don't forget that the entire city is full of entertainment! At the conclusion of these Opening Ceremonies, His Highness the king implores you to take in the efforts of your fellow citizens. Piping hot food stalls on every corner and booths containing games line the streets just waiting for you to discover. Most importantly, the Five Stone Houses have restocked their shops with new, rare, and powerful Stones!" A joyous uproar lifted from the crowd, which caused the concrete walls that surrounded the arena floor to shake faintly. After a short moment, the noise died down enough so the announcer could continue.

  "Now, for those who have not attended the Festival of Blades before, I will now explain the rules and format of the Festival of Blade's signature event, the Empyrean Tournament!" Another boisterous roar rose as the walls shook a little harder. "Today, we have over eight thousand of the best young swordsmen and women from around the kingdom. Each one is looking to obtain what they have dreamt about obtaining since the day they could hold a wooden sword, a Gold Blade!" More cheers erupted and caused the announcer to pause his spiel once again.

  "If a combatant is to win their first two matches, they will be awarded the honor and privilege of becoming a Bronze Bladesman." A round of applause erupted from the stands to signify their respect at the feat. "Of course, if a combatant is especially skilled, they could very well win their first six matches in a row. Should they do so, they will ascend to an even higher position in the military, a Silver Bladesman!"

  A few of the Silver Bladesmen and women who lined the arena floor walls in security details raised their Blades. Their salute prompted the crowd to voraciously cheer and cause the concrete walls to shake as much as they had at any point.

  "Last but certainly not least," the announcer called out with a tinge of excitement in his voice. "If any of the fine young men or women manage to win their first ten matches, they will join the elite of the elite! These are the men and women who hold the absolute highest position in the kingdom's military. They become the next generation of Gold Bladesmen!" A deafening noise erupted from the crowd and continued for close to a minute before it finally died down.

  "That's not all, ladies and gentlemen. A combatant must take each match extremely seriously. As they rise higher on the tournament ladder, their overall rank climbs further. After the Empyrean Tournament is complete, a vast and expansive collection of Stones is presented to tournament participants. In accord with their new ranks, they will each have a chance to collect the Stones of their choosing to fill their Blade! New Gold Blades will also obtain a Synth Stone in addition to whichever two Stones they desire! Silver Blades will get the privilege to acquire any two Stones of their choosing, while Bronze Blades can select any one from the remaining samples. The more wins they claim, along with the quality of their opponents, their chances to select rare and powerful Stones rises." Another loud round of applause started as several different chants echoed throughout the coliseum.

  The Festival of Blades was an extraordinary chance to showcase new or upgraded versions of Stones. After the Gold and Silver Blades were allowed to accept them and their new Blades, they would often hold mock battles to test out the new powers entrusted to them. Scant unique Stones would reach Bronze Blades if any. The Five Stone Houses only provided enough unusual Stones to equip the Gold Bladesmen and the Silver Bladesmen of high strength.

  The competition was fierce. Each type of Blade held a different number of Stones. A Bronze Blade could only hold a single Stone, while a Silver Blade meanwhile could fit two. A Gold Blade could hold up to three Stones, which meant only a Gold Bladesman or woman could utilize a Synth Stone. The number and quality of your Stones represented your position in Orilia's society.

  The stakes of the tournament were also significant. Deprived or underprivileged children dreamed of lifting their families from poverty using the prestige and power of a Gold Blade. A lifetime of the best assignments and glory was tantalizing to them. In contrast, children of noble birth dreamed of cementing themselves as the true heir to the family's lineage. Some wanted to use their Blade to improve the inevitable marriage proposals. A few merely craved bragging rights.

  A minority of citizens bemoaned the Empyrean Tournament structure, as they argued it could leave a potentially skilled Bladesman with a Blade below their real skill level. Unfortunately, none who argued their case were able to upset the format set out by King Edwin. The name of the tournament, the Empy
rean Tournament, represented the Gods and their guiding hand over the combatants. Edwin assured all who asked that the divine would ensure that a young Bladesman or woman would obtain the Blade they were destined to possess. A win or a loss in this tournament meant it was the will of the Gods.

  "With the explanations out of the way," the announcer yelled, "Ladies and gentlemen! Children of all ages! Please welcome to the arena floor: The combatants!" The crowd rose to their feet in celebration as participants began to stream in from the four corner entryways into the arena floor. Each of their excited faces looked to the stands and waved with a faint hope that they would be able to pick out their friends and family. As it had been rehearsed in the weeks previous, each young man and woman took their spot on the floor until the cascade subsided.

  "Now, per tradition, our great Monarch himself, King Edwin Orilia, will now give an address to the thousands of participants ... is what I would normally say," the announcer remarked. "However, this year, we have a special treat for those in attendance. Giving the opening address of this year's Empyrean Tournament is the great prince of our kingdom and tournament participant himself, Prince Kai Orilia!"

  The crowd jumped to their feet and unleashed a deafening roar of approval for Kai as he made his entrance from the North East entryway. As he left the shadows of the tunnel, the sunlight draped itself over his immaculate ebony ceremonial armor. Soft clanks that radiated from his feet were lost in the chaos, as was the gentle flap of his cape on the soft breeze. His ebony armor plating was perfectly polished and showcased touches of crimson and violet down the sides of his arms and legs to represent the kingdom's colors. King Edwin had commissioned this set of armor for Kai over eleven months before the ceremony. It took an entire workshop of six artisans to perfectly forge, draw, and sculpt to the prince's body. To anyone who laid eyes on him, he appeared perfect. He looked the part of a true heir to the throne, their prince.

  Kai found himself on the stage behind the horn that would serve as his amplifier and raised his hand. Almost immediately, a hush fell upon the crowd. Kai felt a tinge of satisfaction, as he knew he had the complete control of his audience like a Puppet Master with his string. He took in the scene for a few seconds before he began to speak.

  "Ladies, Gentlemen, and children of Orilia: Welcome. To those from neighbouring countries and kingdoms, I thank you for attending this special day. We are gathered here inside Queen Anne Coliseum, which bears my late mother's name. Since before my sixth birthday, she has watched over the kingdom from heaven. Her love and wisdom have guided us along the path to true prosperity. The fact I am standing here today, surrounded by the very citizens who make our kingdom so great, is all the proof that I need to know this is true." Great applause broke around the stands for a few seconds before it evaporated.

  "As I look out across the thousands of combatants in this year's tournament, I am speaking to you now. A sense of utmost pride envelops me as I lock eyes with many of you. I can see that you are skilled, determined, and resolved to win; All to become great. It's the fundamental base of our great kingdom. I am emboldened to know that after the Empyrean Tournament comes to an end, our kingdom and its military will be a stronger, more capable force. Not only for good and justice but the core beliefs that our foundation is moulded from." Applause once again broke through the coliseum.

  "Like many of you, I was raised to believe that anything was possible for both myself and our kingdom. As a boy, I watched these tournaments. Each time, I would marvel at the ingenuity, passion, and skill of the fighters. I have had many sleepless nights with a stick or a wooden practice sword, swinging it around and around. I knew that as the sole prince and heir, I bore a responsibility to be great, masterful, and be a Bladesman worthy of the respect my kingdom bestows on me. However, the burden that you all bear is no different from mine. The scale may be different, but you too hold the same emotions that compel me.

  "You may be an only child or the neglected son or daughter of a man with many children. You may be the next ruling head of one of the Stone Houses, or you could be the daughter of a poor travelling merchant. It truly matters not because today we stand side by side, free of social status and creed. You bear the hopes and dreams of your family and those who love you. You hold the desire to prove everyone wrong. You have come to win!" For the first time, the cheers and applause were louder from the arena floor than from the stands as the combatants showed their appreciation for Kai's words.

  "Finally, as combatants, we are tasked to uphold the tournament and our kingdom's integrity. When the tournament begins in earnest tomorrow, whether you face me or any other, show and practice respect to your opponent and know you will receive the same. Abide by all rules laid out to you." Kai witnessed a wave of heads bob up and down in agreement.

  "Under the power given to me by my father and king, Edwin Orilia, I declare the Festival of Blades officially underway!" A standing ovation greeted Kai as his speech concluded. He wrapped the pride he felt around himself like a blanket. His words had reached his subjects, and the only tournament event he had dreaded was out of the way.

  As the applause drifted away, Kai turned to leave the stage. Suddenly, a violent wave of force hit the front of his body and Kai flew into the crowd of combatants. One by one, explosions rang out around Kai that assaulted his senses. The smell of detonated gunpowder wafted into his nose to an almost overwhelming degree as dust swirled everywhere to confuse his thoughts further. Kai managed to flip himself from his back onto his stomach before looking upwards to the rest of the arena.

  Sounds of explosions were soon overwhelmed by screams from the injured participants that had fallen to the ground around him. The stench of blood soon overpowered the smell of burnt gunpowder, which brought Kai close to vomiting. He looked to the rapidly emptying stands with his eyes blurred with the same tears and dirt Hayleigh experienced earlier to see the rough figures cloaked in black. They hurled what looked like small dots out into the arena, and as the dots reached the arena floor, new explosions greeted his now fragile senses. He turned his head in a valiant attempt to shield himself but was unsuccessful as the shock waves pushed his limp body over limbs and scorched earth. After the vibrations of the recent explosions subsided, a hand gripped the neckpiece of Kai's armor.

  "Prince Kai, I'm getting you out of here!" A voice yelled out to him. Though his hearing was significantly impaired, Kai could still tell whose voice it was.

  "Mason, don't worry about me," Kai sputtered. "Worry about the citizens in the crowd."

  "The terrorists are only attacking the Empyrean Tournament participants," Mason answered. "There are plenty of Bladesmen worrying about them; my job is you!"

  Mason drew his Gold Blade. "Strength!" A bright orange glow erupted from Mason's Blade as Mason took Kai with his left arm and flung him over his shoulder. Kai was in disbelief as Mason sprinted towards the North East entryway. With his ceremonial armor on, Kai was easily at least two hundred and forty pounds. Lifting him with one arm was no easy feat.

  Kai looked up meekly to see several of the Silver Blades on security using their Fire Stones to send out blasts of fire to ignite the thrown bombs in mid-air while others instead took on the terrorists themselves. As Mason crossed the entryway's threshold and shadow once again consumed him, Kai could finally feel his senses begin to let go. The view of the arena floor filled with corpses and smoke slowly faded from view as Kai's eyes gave in and finally closed.

  Chapter Three

  The Things They Carry

  The stone roof of his chambers greeted Kai's eyes as they fluttered open. He attempted to turn his head to the left, but he was greeted with sharp pain and paused. Eventually, he managed to slowly turn and find the ceremonial armor he wore to the opening ceremonies resting on an upright wooden frame. Shrapnel completely covered the legs of the armor, along with the lower half of the torso. Large dents peppered the chest plate that came from the force of the blasts that fell around him. Kai attempted to sit up but immediate
ly fell back as his chest and stomach ached deeply. His sound alerted Rhea, who had stood at the other end of the room daydreaming.

  "Your Highness, you're awake!" She called out as she ran to the side of the bed and dropped to her knees. She took his hand in hers and immediately broke into tears. "I was so worried that you weren't going to pull through."

  "I told you, don't call me Your Highness," Kai spoke as he wheezed out a small laugh. "What ... exactly happened?"

  "Terrorists," Rhea answered flatly. "They attacked the Opening Ceremony by throwing small bombs from the stands into where everyone was standing. They killed so many people, and I was so scared when I finally heard you were caught in the attack." She shakily wiped tears from her face. "When I was finally able to get out of bed, I've been here every second possible with Jensen to make sure that you got the best care possible."

  "How many days have I been out for?" Kai asked.

  "You've been asleep for three days, Prince Kai," Rhea answered, and then dropped her head for a brief moment.

  "I know it's been awkward between us after you turned me away, and then I got sick," she said, trailing off. "But I couldn't stand knowing someone else would take care of you. I'm so sorry for everything I did," Try as hard as she did, she began to cry again. Kai felt a deep sense of connection to Rhea as he witnessed her emotion.


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