The Blade of Rebellion

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The Blade of Rebellion Page 10

by Ian Carter

  "Hey, what are you even complaining about?" Hayleigh pressed. "The first few days were beautiful, and you ate my stories like candy. Need I remind you that you're the one who wanted to do this in the first place?"

  "You're insufferable, Hayleigh. I've never had to ride a horse for this long before, and my butt is killing me. It feels like it's going to fall off."

  "We were offered a carriage!" Hayleigh yelled. "You're the one who said, and I quote: 'I'm not so frail as to require a carriage father, a horse will do just fine!'" Hayleigh deepened her voice in her best Kai impression, which caused Mason to utter a small chuckle.

  "Look around you. Today is the perfect day. We have a wind at our back, and I cooked a nice breakfast this morning, which you happened to compliment me endlessly on. Look around you. The sun feels so great on your skin, so I can't see how a sore ass can devastate you so much."

  "I'm sorry for not being able to happily bounce along on something hard like you can, Hayleigh," Kai smirked. "Maybe when we stop to let the horses drink, you can give me some pointers since you're a professional."

  "What did you say? I couldn't tell what you said, you little punk. I don't speak 'insufferable virgin.'"

  "Now you know what we have to deal with," Kai shot back. "You're the only one who speaks 'relied on her parents to get married' around here, so I'm not exactly having the best time either."

  "Well, if some gave you some lessons on how to speak it when you were given everything else in your life, we wouldn't be having this issue," Hayleigh chirped while rolling her eyes.

  "That's... why we're here," Kai answered in a soft, quiet tone of voice. He turned his face away from Hayleigh, whose expression immediately softened as she realized she had gone too far.

  "Now, now, you two," Mason finally chimed in. "You're both just antsy about the trip ahead of us. You both should be careful not to take anything too personal." Kai and Hayleigh looked at each other, and each managed to screw up a small smile for the other. "If you two need to relieve some energy and tension soon, another few hours up the road is a clearing. We can take the opportunity to get some sparring in. I don't believe you've managed to do much with your full armor. Is that correct, Prince Kai?"

  "It's been a while," Kai answered. "It's been probably... five months or so? I was planning to use my first few matches in the Tournament to get accustomed to moving around in it. I'm not too worried. It's not a lot heavier than my practice armor."

  "That's an awful idea," Hayleigh chimed in. "There is a huge difference in how you move in full armor. Even a small amount of extra weight can throw off the balance of a fighter. You have to have enough experience to compensate in those circumstances, and you don't have enough. That's not your fault, however. It comes with time."

  "She's correct," Mason added. "It would be good to give you some practice before we come across anyone who may want to harm you. What if you happened upon someone on par with you skillwise in those first few fights? Underestimating your opponent is one of the main reasons people are defeated, especially against weaker opponents. Take me, for example. You may know about my skill, but if I didn't have my Gold Blade on my hip, you wouldn't assume much about me, would you?"

  "Mason, you play the calm and cool dad type, but you love combat the most out of anyone here," Hayleigh laughed. "You may claim you want to spar with us for training purposes, but it's also just an excuse to show off to us."

  "Mason, you sure are shameless," Kai expressed while throwing his hands in the air. "If you want to swing your Blade around a little, don't use us as an excuse."

  "I get it. You two make a truce and then decide to pick on me, is that it?" Mason said, annoyed by the new assault.

  "Mason, you don't have to be so defensive," Kai remarked as Hayleigh giggled. "We're all friends here, after all. We've been a group for a bit now. We understand."

  "Kai, that's not it," Mason defended himself. "I do have your best intentions in mind." Mason stopped as silence hung over the group. Kai and Hayleigh stared at him with dumb grins on their unmoved faces, with only the footsteps from the horses and birds chirping to break the silence. Mason clapped his hand against his forehead and then ruffled his hair and let out an exasperated sigh.

  "If you guys insist on picking on me, I'll have to make sure you two pay for it."


  The horses stood to the edge of a clearing next to the river as they grazed the grass and slurped up the river water. A dozen meters away, Mason stood with his Gold Blade grasped in his two hands. Hayleigh had drawn her Silver Blade and stood four meters in front of Mason to his right. Kai had unsheathed Initiation and stood beside Hayleigh to Mason's left. Mason eyed up both of his opponents as they began to circle to his sides, and each step they took increased their distance. The breeze that had been at their backs earlier now brushed the hair across their faces and made the grass and long weeds sway back and forth. It could have passed for a popular site for dates with young couples if not for the drawn weapons.

  Mason lowered his Blade and began to laugh.

  "Stop pussyfooting around and come at me!" Mason bellowed. Kai and Hayleigh looked at each other and each gave a small nod.

  Hayleigh leaped from her position and charged Mason. She produced a hard swing from her right towards Mason but missed as Mason took a step backward. As Mason moved, he put his right foot outwards into Hayleigh's path, which tripped her up and caused her to fall over herself. She paused for a brief moment before she got up and turned to face Mason once again as she retreated from her failed volley. She charged at Mason again, but this time she darted to his left before she prepared her strike. At the same time, Kai launched from his position directly behind her and went straight on to Mason. Mason smiled as he guarded against Hayleigh's fresh attack and deflected her Blade upwards to neutralize Kai's downward attack. The block's impact caused all three swords to recoil away from the point of contact with a loud clang.

  "You two have sparred together for months, and this is the best teamwork you two can accomplish?" Mason asked. "Come on now. You two can do be—"

  Kai came in for a new attack. Mason deftly re-directed the strike into the ground with his Blade as Hayleigh circled behind him. She launched at him with her Blade pointed for the plate on his back. Mason quickly ducked out of the way, leaving Kai in the path of her strike. Hayleigh smiled. She had planned for the movement and took her left hand and forced her Blade downwards, the direction Mason had dodged.

  "Ha, you're too predictable!" Mason called out after another loud clang rang out into the clearing as Mason deflected the strike. Mason jumped backward out of the immediate range of their Blades and laughed. "That was a good attack, Hayleigh, but I have faced many like it in the past. I hope you realize that the same gap of experience that you informed Kai of also exists between us, but in an even bigger capacity. Now, both of you come on and see if one of you can score a hit on me."

  Kai and Hayleigh stood side by side as they contemplated their next move. Mason was a Gold Blade from the Third Tournament held by the kingdom. No matter how many times Kai asked, or whom he asked, Kai was never able to figure out how high Mason finished. He was able to suss out that he finished in the top eight, but that was it.

  The timing of his tournament participation was flawless. Kai became much more invested in swordsmanship when he turned eleven, and Edwin had grown exasperated with Kai's mentor. Edwin promised Kai that he would pick someone from that year's Tournament who was qualified and replace the failed teacher. Edwin watched all the matches earnestly and early on had taken an interest in Mason's exemplary defense that he showcased during the Tournament. After the Empyrean Tournament, Edwin quickly bequeathed the offer to become Kai's guard and teacher onto Mason. Mason initially turned down the offer as he thought the position didn't fit him and his style. Edwin refused to take no for an answer and significantly increased the offered compensation. It ensured that Mason's family would be taken care of for life, and graciously accepted the off

  Mason's defense was widely considered among the top five for Bladesmen in the kingdom. While some Bladesmen dreamed of being the best, and were naturally gifted, with the offensive aspects of swordsmanship, Mason was the opposite. Though Mason's offense was not particularly sharp, he could stop near any attack from a Bladesman. He held a particular affinity for his positioning, and not falling into an opponent's trap. His opponents' confidence usually shattered, leaving them open to receive a counter from Mason.

  He was a fearsome opponent. Kai considered himself exceptionally lucky to have him as his teacher for both swordsmanship and life. However, right now, Mason seemed to be an insurmountable opponent. Even if Kai worked together with Hayleigh, who was especially adept at offense, the odds were against them.

  As he racked his brain for a successful plan, Kai covered his face with his hands and leaned into Hayleigh. "If I can manage to open up his guard, can you get a hit in?"

  "Possibly, it depends what position you can get him in," Hayleigh whispered back. "What do you have in mind?"

  "We're going to charge him at the same time," Kai answered. "When I take action, try to perform the mirror of my moves the best you can. I go left, and you go right. I go high, and you go low. Let's see if this works. Let's go!"

  Kai shot forward with Hayleigh right behind. Mason gave a wry smile as he planted his feet and readied his Blade. They closed within two meters of Mason before Kai gave the signal to Hayleigh and dropped his Blade to his side. He crossed from Mason's right to his left as she passed from Mason's left to his right. Hayleigh followed Kai's lead as they each launched themselves through the air. Kai swung Initiation from the ground and up towards Mason's hip area, as Hayleigh matched his action by swinging down towards his hip from the opposite side. Mason read the attacks and spun 180 degrees and just barely managed to block each swing by resting his Blade against his stomach to guard.

  The impact from the combined strikes knocked Mason to the ground as if to match in time the moment that his attackers hit the dirt themselves. Each of the combatants raced to their feet and held their Blades out to fend off an anticipated counter. Kai and Hayleigh attempted to catch their breath before they realized what had happened.

  "Looks like we won Mason," Kai triumphantly announced. "That was as difficult as I had imagined it would be."

  "What do you mean?" Mason asked in a confused tone. "You didn't land a strike."

  "Oh?" Hayleigh wryly asked. "Look at your leg and arm." Mason dropped his guard and checked his gear. Sure enough, a small nick had appeared on both Mason's right Forearm and left calf. As Mason had blocked their attacks, though his Blade absorbed the impacts, the follow-through from each of their Blades managed to clip his armor just enough to leave a mark.

  Mason bellowed with laughter. "However small a mark it is, I guess that does qualify as enough for today. You two are the victors!" Kai and Hayleigh cheered and gave each other a brief hug in response to the news. As they came apart, they briefly froze their faces a few centimeters before they quickly separated and sheathed their Blades with rose-colored cheeks. Mason sheathed his own soon after and walked over to the winners. "That was great, that's the closest I've come to taking real damage since I sparred with the Knights of Mercy."

  "What?" Kai and Hayleigh exclaimed in shock and instantly became invested in the conversation. "When did you spar with them?" Kai quizzed.

  "Hmm, I guess around two years ago," Mason guessed. "Each of their members had five minutes against me, and I didn't take a hit. But that streak ended when I faced off against their leader. I managed to defend for around two minutes or so before she managed to land a hit on my breastplate. She was a fierce one, that's for sure. The look in her eye gave me the chills."

  "Wow, you went head to head with the leader of the Knights! That's amazing," Hayleigh swooned. "I've always wanted to meet them. For any Bladeswoman growing up, they are the standard. We all aspire to join them as young girls, but they only accept Gold Blades into their group, and only the best ones at that. I don't have a chance anymore, but just getting to shake their hand would be enough now. Do you know who they are? What are their names? Can I meet them?"

  "I'm sorry, but they all requested to stay anonymous," Mason answered. "Only His Highness and General Ashentide are allowed to say who they are. But they are an impressive group."

  "Well, if we're able to pull this journey off, I'll personally make sure that you can meet them, Hayleigh," Kai promised. "Let's do our best."

  "Ha. I don't need some snot-nosed prince to tell me that, but, let's," Hayleigh responded and bumped fists with Kai. "I'm going to wash my face in the River, do one of you fine gentlemen wish to accompany me?"

  "I would love to get rid of this sweat as well," Mason said while he bowed as a joke. The three laughed before Mason and Hayleigh began to head towards the river where the horses were stationed until a growl radiated from the nearby long weeds. A sleek, red panther emerged from the foliage, with its head lowered to the ground. It stalked the group as it made its way around them in a circle. Mason held up his hands to Kai and Hayleigh to signal not to move.

  "Keep silent and still," Mason whispered. "If we're lucky, it will circle a few times and then leave us alone."

  "If it attacks us, try not to kill it, Mason," Kai whispered back. "The red fur panther is very rare. It may be acting like this because it heard our duel and is trying to protect its cubs."

  "Your studies have paid off, Prince Kai," Mason nodded." I will parry it away until it gives up if it comes to it."

  Hayleigh looked over to where the panther had exited the brush and saw a set of eyes peering out behind the weeds.

  "You were right. Its cub is over there," Hayleigh whispered as well. "What will we do?"

  "We wait until the parent f—" Mason began to whisper when the panther lunged at the group. It outstretched its massive paw at Mason as he drew his Gold Blade and shouted his command.

  "Synth!" At Mason's command, the center Stone inserted into his Blade swirled with a combination of Orange and Silver colors, the same colors his Strength and Speed Stones bared.

  Mason took his left hand and placed it flush against his Blade as he used its flat side to hit the panther's claw and sweep it to the left and away from the group. The impact of Mason's parry launched the panther half a dozen meters away, and the panther gingerly got to its feet as it favoured the front right leg.

  "Don't worry. At the very worst, I sprained it. I put most of my power into my push once it was already against the paw."

  "Mason, that's incredible," Hayleigh said dumbstruck. "No wonder you never take damage. You can control your movements that well..."

  The words had barely escaped her lips before the panther lunged again at Mason. This time it led with its head and its fangs bared. Mason manoeuvred his Blade below the panther and used his other hand flush against the Blade to crash the flat side up into the panther's lower jaw. The panther did two full backflips into the air before it crashed down to the ground in a heap. Mason took a step toward the panther and menacingly took a swing through the air, which caused a small gust of wind to ruffle the panther's fur as it got back to its feet. Mason again sliced his Blade through the air, leading to another blast of air hitting the panther.

  The panther eyed Mason up and down and began to stalk the group again. The group kept their eyes locked on their predator until it had circled back directly in front of its cub. It slowly stepped backward a few steps before whirling around and going back to its cub. It quickly grabbed its cub by the scruff of its neck and promptly bounded away through the weeds into the trees and taller grass.

  "I can't believe it," Kai exhaled. "Is anyone else about to have their heart about to beat out of their chest?"

  "I've been more scared in combat," Hayleigh admitted nonchalantly. "I got a little shot of adrenaline, but when you're faced with someone that exudes killing intent, a random panther won't quite scare me. But I imagine how you would have felt. It's t
he first real danger you've experienced."

  "I need to unwind ... shall we get to the river, Hayleigh?" Mason interjected before Kai could react.

  "Sure, let's go," she replied.

  "I'm going to go for a little walk if that's okay? I want to clear my head a little bit," Kai explained.

  "Of course, but don't go too far," Mason cautioned before he led Hayleigh off towards the river bank.

  Kai shakily withdrew Initiation from its scabbard and took a brief scan of the surrounding foliage. Satisfied with the lack of wild animals, he walked off towards the edge of the trees and began to walk a loop of the clearing.


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