Loving My Cowboys (Blessing, Texas Book 1)

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Loving My Cowboys (Blessing, Texas Book 1) Page 2

by Lacey Davis

  “Thank you, Sarah Jane,” she said. Though she had plenty of money, the bank was doing its best to hang onto her cash. Thank goodness she’d found her mother’s hidden stash in a mason jar.

  “And who are these fine gentlemen?”

  She wanted to tell Sarah Jane to get to the kitchen, but instead she sighed. “Texas Rangers Seth Ingram and Will Parker. They arrived just in time to see me chasing the robber out the bank door.”

  “Oooh, welcome, gentlemen.”

  As she took their order, Lily couldn’t help but gaze at each man. Seth was tall, her head would fit right below his chin. His dark brown hair was cut short, a long narrow nose, strong jaw, and mouth she couldn’t help but wonder about kissing. His lips were full, and she imagined them coaxing a response from her.

  Will’s deep timbre voice was demanding, yet his arresting dark eyes sent shivers through her. Blonde curls swirled from beneath his hat and his arms looked strong, foreboding, with strength.

  As she glanced at their hands, she wondered how they would feel touching her flesh. Both men were handsome and virile, and she longed to be theirs. Shock radiated through her. She could only have one.

  Which one would she choose and would he agree to marry her?

  “Tell us about this bank robber,” Seth said as his hand reached out and touched hers.

  She licked her lips and stared into those gorgeous emerald eyes and wanted to become lost in them.

  “His name is Calvin Smith. Several years ago, at the county fair, he got into a fight with my brother. Ben would have won, but Calvin threw dirt in his eyes and then I had to step in and stop him or he would have killed Ben.”

  She remembered like it was yesterday and it still pained her to think of how Ben had suffered at his hands.

  “You seem to get yourself in trouble quite a bit. I can’t imagine a man like Calvin refusing to fight because a woman told him to stop.”

  As he beat her brother senseless, she’d been terrorized. So afraid, she’d broken her father’s law.

  “He didn’t. I had to pull a gun on him. I would have shot him too, if he hadn’t stopped.”

  The men chuckled.

  “Where does he live?”

  “Don’t know. It’s the first time I’ve seen him in two years. But I'll never forget the face of someone who harms me or my family.”

  Especially a man who was evil and only wanted to hurt them. She had no qualms that sooner or later, Calvin would force his way into her home. Especially now that her hired hand Tomas Garza was missing.

  Seth ran a finger down the back of her hand, and it sent a shiver rippling through her. “Do you think he came back to fight your brother?”

  “No, my brother died six months ago of yellow fever. Are you really Texas Rangers?”

  “Yes,” Will said. “We’re actually searching for Calvin Smith. And since you recognized him, he may try to harm you.”

  She couldn’t help but wonder if he wasn’t the man stealing her cattle. It would be one way of getting even with her for interfering in his fight. But it seemed silly to come all the way to Blessing just to get revenge for a fight that ended with a woman pulling a gun on him.

  “Someone is stealing my cattle. They’re cutting the fence and taking them.”

  “What is your father doing about it?”

  She licked her lips and gazed at the two men in front of her. Strangers and yet she felt at peace around them. She felt a bond with them unlike anything she had ever experienced. And they were so handsome, and even looking at them, made her heart speed up.

  Just then the waitress set their food and drinks on the table. “Enjoy.”

  “Miss Bradley,” Will said, leaning close to her, his hand resting on the back of her chair as he drew near. “What is your father doing to stop the rustlers.”

  It was now or never. For some reason, she felt a connection with these men and maybe she was wrong, but what could it hurt to try.

  “My family–five members–died of yellow fever six months ago. My long-time ranch hand disappeared two weeks ago. I’m all alone.”

  They leaned back and gazed at one another before Seth drew closer. “You are living alone on a cattle ranch?”

  “Yes, it’s been in my family for two generations. My neighbor would love to steal it from me, but I’ve refused to sell. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Even so, that didn’t mean she wasn’t terrified. Some nights, she barely slept, hearing noises that she feared was someone breaking in.

  “And now Calvin Smith knows you recognized him.”

  Both men’s brows drew together and they frowned at one another. It was like they could read each other’s minds.

  “Yes. Today I came into town to talk to the banker who is not wanting to hand over Papa’s accounts, though I have a will that says he left everything to me and Ben. The bank was robbed while I was there. Afterward, I planned to speak to the preacher.” She paused and took a deep breath, knowing she had to say the words. Thinking they could be answer to her prayers.

  “I need a man. I need a husband.”



  The noise inside the cafe seemed to cease and a buzzing sound reverberated through Will’s head.

  She needed a husband.

  Swallowing hard, he glanced at Seth as a smile spread across the man’s face and he nodded. They had been friends long enough that he knew they were both thinking the same thing.

  Color rose in Lily’s cheeks and he could see she felt embarrassed to express her need. What she didn’t realize was that she was their answer to an unspoken prayer. Will knew she was the one.

  Lily Bradley was their woman.

  Since the bank, he’d been thinking of how he wanted to remove that dratted dress from her body and explore every inch of her naked flesh. Sink his cock up to his balls into her sweet cunny.

  But would she consider two husbands? How would she feel about two men fucking her every night? Waking to being fucked every morning, starting the day with cries of pleasure. Ending each day with climax after climax.

  With a sigh, she glanced down at her plate and picked at her food.

  Seth signaled the waitress. “Check please.”

  “Yes, darlin',” she said and hurried off.

  “Is there someplace we can speak in private?” Seth said.

  A grin spread over his face. In private, he and Seth could explain to her how life would be with the two of them, and if that’s what she wanted, then one of them would marry her today. And tonight, they would claim her, showing her that she belonged to both of them.

  And whoever was stealing from her would face a cold steel gun barrel shoved in his chest. No one would harm their wife. Whatever the fuck was going on with her ranch, they would deal with the crisis and make certain everyone knew no one harmed Lily, their soon-to-be wife.

  Lily looked confused. “We could try the church.”

  As soon as the bill was paid, Will took Lily by the elbow and led her from the restaurant. On the way to town, they had spoken about finding a wife and the good Lord had provided. Now they needed to convince her they were her men. Her protectors, her lovers, her husbands.

  Two loving providers were better than one.

  “Why couldn’t we talk in the cafe?”

  “We need someplace private. A church is not what I would have chosen, but it will do,” Seth said.

  She glanced at first Seth and then Will as they walked down the street with her sandwiched between them, protecting her. Right where she belonged.

  The smell of roses drifted to his nose and his cock hardened. A quick glance at her chest and he almost groaned at the thought of her sweet orbs in his hands.

  This was how their life together would always be. Lily between them, their cocks buried deeply within her. If she said yes, she would soon be crying out his name, begging him to give it to her harder.

  The wooden sidewalk echoed with the sound of their boots as they all but ran down the street to the
wooden building with a steeple and bell.

  When they entered the church, they released their woman and removed their hats. A man wearing the cloth greeted them. “Good afternoon.”

  “May we sit here and talk for a few moments?” Seth asked.

  “Of course,” he said and disappeared. In the silence, they sank onto a pew, staring at the front of the holy building.

  Lily’s curious sapphire eyes gazed at them. The scent of roses, again, drifted to his nose. He couldn’t wait to bury his nose in her cunny and smell her essence. She was what they wanted, but would she accept them?

  “We want to marry you,” Seth said. “You see, we don’t believe in just one man, one woman. We believe in two men, one woman. That way if something happens to me, Will can be there to take care of you and our children.”

  Her mouth dropped open and she stuttered. “But I can’t lawfully marry both of you.”

  “No,” Will said, taking over. “You’ll marry one of us, but we’ll both be your husbands. We’ll both take you to bed and we’ll both take care of you. As our wife, we will protect, cherish, and love you.”

  “All we ask is that you trust and obey us. If you do not obey, there will be punishment.”

  She licked her lips, her blue eyes narrowed as she took them both in. “What kind of punishment?”

  “If you disobey, lie, or keep your feelings from us, I will put you over my knee. We’re men and don’t always understand a woman’s feelings. You must be honest with us,” Seth said, picking up her hand and kissing the back of it. Slowly he released it and Will could tell he really didn’t want to let her go.

  With a tilt of her head, she glanced between the two of them and smiled. “I haven’t been spanked since I was a child.”

  Seth glanced at Will and he knew Seth was thinking she was a virgin, an innocent in the ways of men and women. But not for long. Already his cock was eager to hear her answer.

  “I own the Sweet B Ranch. Are you willing to help me with the cattle and the horses and everything that goes with running a ranch?”

  “Of course,” Will replied. “But that ranch belongs to you and our children. As Texas Rangers, we have our own money.”

  With a sigh, she slowly shook her head. “As much as I want to marry you both. How can you remain a Texas Ranger, help me with the ranch and not leave me? I’m so tired of being alone. Of having no one.”

  Will felt his heart wrench with sympathy for her. He understood and would never leave her.

  Seth smiled. “Will is retiring. He wants a wife and children and he’s a hard worker. The ranch will be perfect for him. I’ll come home every chance I get. And if you’re our bride, it’s going to be hard to get me to leave.”

  She smiled and Will knew at that moment she was going to say yes. Tonight would be their wedding night. His cock pulsed with excitement and he was ready to say I do.

  Seth took her hand. “Lily, will you marry us?”

  A grin spread across her face and she picked up each of their hands. “Yes. I’ll marry you. But which one?”

  Reaching into his pocket, Will pulled out a coin. “Heads or tails?”

  “Head. Anytime,” Seth said, grinning.

  With a toss, Will let the coin drop onto the floor. In the light from the window, tails shined. “You have my word that I will never cheat on you. I will cherish our life together and honor you.”

  “Will you marry us, Lily, and let us be your men?”

  “Yes,” she whispered and grasped both of their hands. “I would kiss both of you, but that would confuse the father.”

  “Never forget you’re ours,” Seth whispered. “Will is your lawful husband, but you belong to me as much as you belong to him.”

  “I’m both of yours,” she said, glancing at each of them.

  A giddiness filled Will and all he could think about was tonight. They would claim their bride. “Let’s get married.”



  Sunlight glinted through the windows as Lillian stood before the preacher ready to say the vows that tied her to Will and Seth forever. This morning when she left the ranch, she hoped she would find a husband, but never imagined finding two manly, handsome men to marry her. Not one, but two.

  Right now, she didn’t understand their life, but she would learn and do her best to be a good wife for them.

  “I’m happy for you, Lily. After your family died, I feared you would never marry,” the preacher said, smiling at her.

  “Thank you,” she said, realizing she would no longer be alone.

  The preacher looked at the men. “Texas Rangers. Honest, good men. I’m so happy that you found a good man, Lily. Let’s say the vows and get you on your way to a new, happy life.”

  For a moment, fear filled her. What did she know about these men? They were handsome and would protect her. They promised not to harm her. And she needed them.

  Will ran his fingers down her cheek and a shiver of anticipation trickled like water down her spine. Tonight they would take her virginity. Tonight they would make her a woman. Their woman.

  “All right, I’m ready.”

  The preacher began to say the vows and she trembled at the enormity of what she was about to do.

  It was a new, different beginning from her old life. One she hoped would give her joy and happiness. A family once again.

  When they finished the vows, Will leaned in and kissed her. It was a chaste kiss and she couldn’t wait for a real kiss between them. Between her and Seth as well.

  The preacher chuckled and then turned to Will. “As soon as you sign the book, you’re free to go. I’m sure you're anxious to get your bride home.”

  Will smiled at the man. The three of them went into the office and they signed a license saying they were legally wed. She had a husband. A thought brought a giggle to her lips.

  As they walked out the door, Will glanced at her. “What’s funny.”

  “I’m married and I have not one, but two husbands.”

  He grinned at her and yet his brown eyes darkened with passion that caused her breath to catch. Now, she belonged to them.

  “How far out to your ranch?” Seth asked.

  “About an hour’s ride. We need to get my horse and then get home before dark.”

  The two men glanced at one another.

  Outside the church, they surrounded her, sandwiching her between them, their arms shielding her.

  “You’re ours now. I may not have married you, but those vows applied to me as well,” Seth said, his mouth inches from hers. Not knowing what to do, she closed her eyes as his lips brushed over hers. With a nip to her bottom lip, she opened her mouth in a gasp as his tongue dipped inside.

  A moan escaped from between her lips and they broke apart.

  “Did you hear that, Will? I made our bride moan.”

  “Such a sweet sound,” he said as he spun her around in his arms.

  His lips descended over hers and his hands cupped her face as he ravaged her mouth. Warmth spread through her and her cunny began to ache with anticipation.

  When he released her, she staggered and they steadied her.

  “Let’s get home,” Will said. “Our wedding night awaits us."

  Her wedding night. For years, she dreamed of a church wedding with her family in attendance, but they were not there. With a sigh, she glanced at these two men and thought her father would have liked them.

  Her mother would have been appalled. But they were her rescuers, her protectors, and now she had someone to help her.

  They each took her by an elbow and together they walked down the street. They arrived at the stable and Will retrieved her horse and theirs.

  Seth helped her onto the side saddle and soon they were riding out of town. When they were about a mile out, they pulled their horses to a stop and she halted.

  “Why are we stopping?”

  Will came over and helped her off her horse.

  “Take your drawers off,” Seth said.

/>   “Why?”

  “Because we asked you too,” Will said, staring at her.

  “But we’re in the middle of nowhere. I don’t want to take them off.”

  “You get one more chance. Take off your drawers, Lily,” Seth said.

  Why in the world would they want her to ride side saddle without drawers on?

  Suddenly, Will dropped to his knees as he raised her skirt. He yanked down her drawers and she felt the hot summer air hit her bottom.

  “Oh, Seth,” he said with a moan. “She has the prettiest white bottom.”

  A swoosh of air sounded as his hand hit her bottom. “Will?”

  On his knees, his palm connected with her bottom.

  “We gave you the chance to mind us and you didn’t. Now you’ll receive your first spanking."

  Swoosh, splat.

  Heat swirled through her, centering between her legs. Her hands reached out and grasped his shoulders to hang on.

  “Stop, Will.”

  He swatted her bottom again, but this time his fingers lingered, swirled around her ass, brushing between her legs.

  Part of her was on fire. Her bottom burned and her cunny ached for something she didn’t understand.

  Again, there was a swoosh and splat, but this time when he finished, his fingers went farther. She felt them enter her cunny. Shocked at the rush of desire, she clung to his shoulders as he swirled them inside her.

  Oh my, that was not what she expected.

  “She’s wet. I think our bride likes being spanked.”

  “No,” she cried, fearing what they would think of her.

  “Honey, it’s all right,” Seth said. “Spanking you gives us pleasure as well. Now kick the drawers off.”

  Her undergarments had piled around her ankles and she gingerly stepped out of them. Will picked them up and stuffed them in his saddle bags.

  “No more drawers. We want you available to us at all times.”


  “Don’t argue with me, Lily, or you’ll get more licks.”

  Stunned, she let him help her up in the saddle.

  “You promised not to harm me.”


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