Devil's Prince (Satan's Brood Book 1)

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Devil's Prince (Satan's Brood Book 1) Page 12

by Louise Furley

  His stomach churned at the wretched picture of him slashing, cutting the chain, and her battered, broken body slipping into his arms.

  Now he moved closer to her and slid to his knees. She blanched and tried to move away from him but her back was against the tree. Frowning, his timbre deep, he gruffed in annoyance, “I said I was going to remove the chain. Hold still.”

  Leaning into her, he could smell her scent. He skimmed his hard hands under her soft curls, lifted them then letting them fall down her back. Everything about her screamed soft and tender, a glaring contrast to his sheer hardness and brutality.

  They were so close now her warmth and fragrance brought prickles to his skin. “Tilt your head,” he ordered quietly.

  Their eyes were inches apart, hers were so young and fresh, circled with long lashes, gleaming with nerves and, he was almost positive he saw desire a flourishing shadow in the depths of the vivid blue. He felt ancient and jaded looking into them.

  His gaze dipped to her lips, she licked them nervously. His groin twitched. He had never kissed another woman like he had her, with such vehemence, and uncontrolled madness, but then no other woman tasted like her, had lips like hers, was as sweet as she.

  Sveti closed her eyes and tilted her head so he could reach the lock on the clamp. His gaze slid to her elegant feminine neck, his fangs descended, it took effort to force them back before he sunk them into her sweet flesh.

  Dev had to wipe his palms on his pants before sticking the key in and unlocking the lock. He withdrew the clamp and saw marks it had made on her fair skin. Red imprints from the heaviness on her neck, and some bruising.

  His hand went to her lissome neck; he gently touched the bruises with the pads of his fingertips.

  He was taken aback; he hadn’t expected that the clamp would hurt her. It wasn’t that heavy, it was more the symbolism than the actual chaining. He had to let her know he was serious about her trying to flee again, especially fucking leaping into the goddamned river when she can’t even swim for fuck’s sake.

  And then, if she had actually survived and gotten away, managed to hide from him if he hadn’t discovered her missing so quickly, she would have been alone and defenseless on a treacherous barbarous planet with no way to get food and no way off.

  His fingers tightened on her flesh. This small woman was causing him to have feelings and emotions he was unfamiliar with, and they unnerved him greatly.

  She flinched under his grip, her eyes opened and she quickly turned her face away. He figured his obsidian irises must be lightening like snow on a black lake, and his skin darkening in his renewed anger.

  He knew his proximity and his hand on her neck were frightening her. A few strands of his long hair strew over his chest, her crystal eyes fell to them before rising slowly to look back up at him. The temptation to kiss her was obscenely encompassing, engulfing his entire mind and body, his smoldering gaze swept her face, her eyes, her lips.

  She nervously licked them again under his intense perusal. Another second and he would drag her into the privacy of the bushes; get her on her back and her pants off. He stood up in one movement, so quickly she gasped.

  Dev bent and held a hand to her. She studied it for a second, then warily took it. He pulled her to her feet. They didn’t speak again throughout the final trek to the location the airship was in, or when they boarded.

  He had her stay on the bridge with him while the captain that had flown the ship to the planet brought them back into space, the entire time they didn’t look at or speak to one another.

  When they landed on the space station, he told Bowie to take her to her chambers, and he stalked off to his.

  Sveti and Bowie didn’t talk on the way to her room.

  Keldon was already present. Bowie opened her door and followed her in.

  Once inside, Sveti let out a held breath, her tense shoulders drooped.

  “Uh,” Bowie muttered, standing awkwardly watching her rub her arms in anxiety and probably chill. The station was air-conditioned and they had been traipsing over a warm planet the last few days. “Can I get you anything, Sveti? We’re going to be at this station for a while before we’re able to get another ship to take us to your-” He broke off as her skin paled.

  “No, I’m fine, Bowie,” she assured him with a wan smile and small shake of her head. “You are so kind and sweet.” She smiled at his embarrassed blush.

  “Geez, Sveti, I’m a warrior, you can’t describe me as sweet.” His expression pained he glanced around to ensure no one had overheard her comment.

  She laughed. Then sobered. “You aren’t like…him. You have a heart, compassion, an even temper, and you actually smile. Sometimes he looks at me like he would…like to…devour me. Literally. After chopping me into bite-sized pieces.” Her arms contracted in a shiver.

  Bowie’s lips twitched in a grin. “No one is like him.” The grin straightened to a grim smile. “You don’t know him like we do. I’ve known him most of my life. They started his training to fight almost from birth. He was not raised by your basic mother and father. His world is vastly different than ours. He was born, bred, raised to be a warrior, to be one of the most powerful warlords in the universe.

  “He had no choice. So of course,” Bowie tucked a hand in his pocket with a mild grin, “with all that you can’t expect him to be a nice guy. He isn’t. But,” he smiled at her twisted lips, “you wouldn’t want another man at your back. He is loyal to a fault, that’s why he gets so fucked up, uh sorry, messed up over people’s tricks and lies. He never lies, he’s bold and honest with his words and his actions, even with the most dastardly criminals.”

  He didn’t comment on the devouring part, all of his close friends could see how hard Dev fought to keep from throwing her down like a caveman and fucking her, willing or not. Sometimes the beast inside him was more savage animal than man, and it couldn’t always be tamed. Good in battle, not so good with delicate virginal princesses.

  Sveti nodded, crossed her arms and hugged her body. “I understand what you’re saying, Bowie, but,” color brushed her cheeks. “You don’t know, he- I mean he danced with me, he…” She took a breath. “When he pulled me out of the river and we were on shore, he…kissed me.”

  Bowie’s brows shot up. “No kidding?” He pulled his hand from his pocket and set both of them on his hips, shaking his blond head in disbelief. “Huh. He’s not normally big on, uh, kissing.”

  His face turned slightly red. “I mean, we were in much of the same training as youths, and we’ve been all over universes on missions together; that made us very close, like brothers.” He tugged at his collar around his neck.

  “I shouldn’t tell you this, but, he usually just, makes the sex quick, doesn’t get emotionally involved. I mean, for him to kiss you, and, uh that’s twice now, he usually keeps things more...impersonal.

  “With him, sex is just an instinctual natural act, like any animal. He loathes intimacy. But,” his forehead creased in question, “what happened? You came back without him and were obviously upset, and he was so pissed he could bite nails and crush rocks with his fists.”

  Blinking rapidly, Sveti tried to take in what Bowie was saying. Her stomach felt ill, picturing the big Dravidian having… relations with other women.

  “He, well, he kissed me really…hard, and,” her blushed brightened, “he suddenly laid me down and was…undoing my…clothes. Then he said,” her face hardened remembering her humiliation, “he said don’t worry, he doesn’t expect any commitment with me.”

  Her gaze drifted to the floor then back up to the tall blond. “I think he planned on…trying to have sex with me, and if we did, he was saying, then I was to be just a- a- fast screw and he was moving on. I wasn’t about to be ravished on the side of an alien river, but, I was,” how could she explain her brain roaring with blood, buzzing so loud she couldn’t think, she could only feel Dev’s mouth on hers?

  Like velvety cashmere and seductive quicksand sucking her in, she
was absolutely mindless to stop.

  Her heavy exhale pained, she said, “Anyway, when he made that comment, I came to my senses, and left him to go to the ship.”

  A frown pulled Bowie’s golden brows down over his blue eyes. Shaking his head, he said, “I think there was a miscommunication somewhere, Sveti. Dev would not, I mean, he knows about your,” this was embarrassing, “brother and selling your…ahem, virginity. We know when you lose your, uh, virginity you will be automatically wedded to that male.

  “There is some kind of…chemical reaction that will tie you two together. So,” he shook his head again, “Dev would not fuck- uh, have sex with you and leave you. Honey, you need to talk to him, clear this up.”

  Whoa, no wonder Devilos was livid when he returned to the ship. Bowie grinned inside, Dev must of have been furious, and confused, and insanely frustrated when she denied him. He’s choosy and the women he chooses don’t turn him down.

  He must have been in a helluva stupor or at the point they were at, he would not have let her go. She must have taken him by such surprise, walking away before he could grasp what had happened.

  Glaring at Bowie, Sveti said angrily, “The chemical reaction would only occur if he were a prince, so,” she snorted dolefully, “he would have been safe from being attached to me. I’m sure he’s well aware of that. No.” she shook her head when Bowie opened his mouth to speak.

  “He could have stopped me when I was leaving, or talked to me later to explain what he was saying, but he didn’t. So either he didn’t care or it was as I heard it. He had no plans to have any sort of…relationship with me.

  “I mean, you said it yourself; he has sex and doesn’t get involved with the women. Besides, I don’t have any interest in a relationship with a big rude ox that has fangs and horns, and puts a- I mean, Bowie, he put a chain around my neck! He couldn’t have done anything more humiliating to me!”

  His lips pulled in, Bowie nodded, agreed, “Aye, yeah, I know. But Sveti, you have to see, he isn’t used to dealing with women, at least ones like you. If you were a man he would have just put you, uh, down. By the way, didn’t you say you had a boyfriend?”

  Sveti felt a twinge of guilt. “Yes, no, I mean not exactly. Ryen and I probably would be together if Krystian had allowed it. But he has always threatened Ryen, or any other man for that matter, if he pursued me. So,” her shoulder drew up, “we’ve never actually been romantically linked.”

  To her chagrin, she hadn’t even thought of Ryen since his call. They had never really been romantic with each other, it was more of a deep liking and caring. A quiver gripped her shoulders. She doubted if Ryen had ever really kissed her would it be as…overwhelming, as the Dravidian’s.

  “Okay, I see. Anyway, give Dev a chan-”

  A whistle blew through the intercom. “Damn,” Bowie cursed. “I have to go, that’s a call to all warriors to meet. I forgot we were to have a meeting today. But still,” he leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek, “talk to him.” He hurried out the door.

  As he was leaving, the bubbly Dr. Geffry Jamez bustled in.

  Offering him a puzzled smile, Sveti asked, “Hello Doctor, why um, are you here?”

  “Hello there, my dear. Devilos said you had a traumatic, ah, adventure, and it might have impacted your recovering health. He told me to come and check on you, and that bite on your arm. Come,” he closed the door, motioned with his med case, “let’s go have a look see, shall we?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Days passed. The first evening back at the station, Dev and Sveti and his lieutenants sat together in the dining room.

  Under hooded lids, Dev silently regarded Sveti. She had not looked in his direction all evening, nor did she join in the males’ conversations.

  After that first dinner, Dev had Bowie or Tomi bring Sveti to dinner, he never joined them.

  Then, after yet another meal that Dev didn’t show for, Bowie sought Dev out. He found him sitting in one of the bars on the station.

  Mostly just warriors went to the Lunar Lounge, only a few civilians, and fewer women were tough enough, coarse enough, to handle the company there.

  The lighting was low, there were no windows, the tiled floor was dark, the walls charcoal grey, several males of diverse species sat humped over their drinks in a vaporous haze from various types of smokes.

  “Hey,” Bowie said as he sat next to Dev and nodded to the bartender. The bartender immediately brought a foaming beer right to him. “Thanks,” he said to the bartender and took a quick swig.

  Dev didn’t look at him, just sipped his pale green liquor.

  “So,” Bowie said, “you haven’t been around at dinner time.”

  Dev shrugged one shoulder.

  “I talked to Sveti. I know what happened that day on the riverside.” He gulped down a quarter of the mug, belched then exhaled with a, “Ahh, that’s good,” he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  Dev flicked a side-glance at him but said nothing, shoulders hunched, he took a sip and sat rocking the glass with his big fingers watching the liquid swirl back and forth.

  “Yeah, so, she told me that you were all over her and then suddenly you told her don’t worry, you weren’t looking for any kind of commitment from her.” He grinned at the angry aghast look his friend shot him.

  “What the fuck, Bow, I never said that. She’s just trying to cover that she is the one who said she didn’t want a commitment. Probably because of that weakling boyfriend back on her planet waiting for her to return to his open fucking arms.”

  Dev had no respect for a man who didn’t protect and rescue his woman. And if a woman needed rescuing, it was Svetiessa.

  Her coward boyfriend didn’t deserve her. Apparently neither did Dev. Dev had thought he could seduce all thoughts of this boyfriend of hers out of her mind. Well, for once he was wrong in his life. The one time it really mattered.

  “Huh. Forget about Ryen, did Sveti say those exact words?”

  Staring into his glass, Dev thought about it, muttered, “Well, no. She didn’t really say anything. When I said she didn’t need to worry about a commitment she pushed me away and stormed off.” He turned towards Bowie.

  “I told her, I mean, I meant we would be exclusive, that we were committing to each other, but she threw it in my face that she obviously wanted to be with other men, and that was it. But I,” he hesitated slightly embarrassed, “would never share her with another man. She’s not like other women, Bow, I couldn’t handle seeing her with other males, sure as hell could never stomach her leaving my bed then go to another’s.”

  Bowie rolled his eyes. “You misunderstood, misread her. I know you remember that the man to whom she loses her virginity is the man to whom she is eternally joined. Actually,” he gulped his beer, “I think it was Sveti that misunderstood you. And,” he eyed his friend, “she was peeved that you didn’t come and straighten things out with her, you just let her go.”

  He frowned slightly at Dev, his dark blue eyes reproachful. Bowie scolded him, “Besides, you know damned well you were taking advantage of her inexperience, deliberately seducing her. I’m sure you dazed her with your kisses, and if she had a moment to gather her wits she would have stopped you before you took her. Well,” his gaze rolled over his best friend’s ruthless, aggressive face, his lip curled in. “She would have tried to stop you.”

  “Ah,” Dev growled, slumping further over his drink. “I can’t believe we’re sitting here like a couple of pussies talking about broads. What are we, fucking gossiping little girls?” He snorted and motioned to the bartender for another drink.

  “Hmm.” Bowie roped his fingers around the bottom of his mug and looked at his dejected friend. “I can’t believe a female finally got her talons in you, and you’re so freaked out about it you don’t know how to handle it.”

  Shaking his head with a wry grin, Bowie teased, “Never thought I’d see the day the baddest warlord in the stratosphere has it nutso for a chick an
d mucks it all up due to warbled communication. You know you have no intentions on letting her run free, so the sooner you fix the shit the better you both will be.”

  “Why don’t you shut the fuck up,” Dev grumbled. While he pondered his friend’s words, a woman strolled over to him.

  Setting a hand on his shoulder she said, “Hi, Captain, you look lonely sitting here.” She ignored Bowie’s snigger. “I thought you might like some company.”

  Dev didn’t even glance at the shapely brunette. “Nay. I have all the company I want.” He raised a head with a short nod indicating to the bartender he wanted yet another drink.

  The woman stayed with her hand on his shoulder fingering a braid. “Oh.” She shrugged; her loose blouse slipped off one shoulder and exposed half her breast. “I figured since that princess you were all hot and bothered over was fucking her way through the station that-”

  “What?” Dev slammed his glass down and lashed his fierce expression incredulous at her. “What are you saying?” His dark eyes crunched to mere slits.

  Her lip pursed and she stiffened. “Uh, well, everyone knows she’s insatiable, like a nymphomaniac, you know. Right now she just left one of the warrior’s room, she was with two men at the same time, and is headed to her-”

  Dev shoved to his feet.

  “Wait, Dev, there is no way-” Bowie got up and tried to stop him but Dev was already striding out of the bar.

  Bowie glared hard at the woman who was sighing in relief and primping her hair. She wasn’t as brave as her girlfriend that wanted to bed the scary Dravidian. I mean, she thought, he has horns for fuck’s sake.

  His eyes narrowed at her, Bowie said with suspicion, “Someone put you up to that, didn’t they?”

  Her bare shoulder bumped up. “So what of it? Who cares? That princess has no business poaching Rianna’s territory, she-”

  “Ah, fuck,” Bowie swore and ran out of the bar but had no idea where Dev went. He called him on his cell, but Dev didn’t pick up.

  His friend was drunk and fired up or he’d realize Sveti could not have gone to a warrior’s room; she has a guard at her door.


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