Devil's Prince (Satan's Brood Book 1)

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Devil's Prince (Satan's Brood Book 1) Page 18

by Louise Furley

  Trying to break from him, she cried, “No! Stop, Devilos, we are not doing this!”

  His fingers gripped her succulent fruit holding her immobile, he pinched her pouty nipples with his tough fingertips while he rubbed and squeezed, the soap still foamy and luxuriant. His voice rough and as steamy as the bathroom, he murmured, “Aye, we are, sweetheart.”

  “No,” she protested trying to twist from his groping hands. “You tricked me last night, but you won’t again. Let go of me!”

  His hand slid down to cup her sex while the other continued its soapy fondling. “Ah, Wife, I told you I would expect my husband’s due when I wanted it. I want it, now.” His fingers played with her slit, circled and pinched her tight bud.

  “Devilos, I said no.” She bit back the moan that slithered from her taut throat. She knew he heard it, his grip tightened; his mouth went to her neck and latched on. He sucked so hard it was almost painful, but not quite. His thick finger, slick with water, probed into her.

  “No,” her half-hearted protest ended in a quivering sigh, it was too late. He was only on her a few seconds and already he had her body on fire.

  Feeling her surrendering, Dev clutched her breast, thumbed her clit and thrust his finger in and out before adding another. His fingers curled inside her, he gripped her mound tight with his palm, pulling his fingers harder against the inside wall of her sheath.

  Her responding moan a low grrr, her neck arched as her legs buckled.

  Turning her to face him, with hungered need he lifted her to straddle his waist and moved to the tiled wall. Licking her lips, his minted breath huffed against them, he said, “Put your palms against the wall to brace yourself. I have you.”

  Already delirious and heady with passion, her brain was shutting down and her body was taking over, Sveti did as he said.

  Dev gripped her ass with both hands, lifted her and slammed her onto his cock as his mouth plundered hers, taking her shocked gasp into his throat. He waited, to see if she was okay, if he’d hurt her. He felt her sheath clenching all around his hard flesh that filled her tender channel.

  Her head fell back, lips parted, eyes closed, nipples beaded to tiny pink marbles. Goose bumps covered her body as a mini-orgasm spiraled through her surprising both of them with the quick suddenness of it.

  He watched her succulent breasts rise and fall rapidly, the female pillows wriggling, and her hips bucked to his. Ah, she wants it.

  Dev wasn’t going to last long. He crushed her bottom in his hands and lifted and slammed her again and again on his shaft until little wheezing squeaks chopped from her throat, a flush rose over her chest.

  She pushed off the wall to throw her arms around his neck and wedge her breasts against his chest, to rub up and down on the thick hair and graze his nipples with hers as he moved her. The bumps sprouted on his shaft as he plunged, twisting and boring them against her walls.

  He could feel her rising to peak, reaching the crest, he covered her mouth with his to feel, taste the vibration of her release. Her gutted cries raced down his throat as her body undulated under his hands and around his shaft.

  Eyes rolling back in her head, her breasts bobbled against his furry chest with every thrust. Dev felt the flurry of spasms shake through her body with her climax, her sheath squeezed the length of him, he couldn’t hold out. He let go to his own release.

  He lifted her up and thrust her down on his erection again and again until the frenzy blew up from his balls to the tip and he thundered into her.

  His mouth went to her neck, his fangs already descended, he plunged them into her flesh and heard her shuddering sob as another orgasm ripped through her. He pounded in and out until his cock jerked and convulsed, shooting his seed into her womanhood, his deep groan growled, roiling from his chest, reverberating against her body.

  For several long moments they didn’t move, couldn’t think much less move, just chests heaving in heavy pants against each other as their brains cleared.

  When they both quivered in winding after-shock tremors, his fangs retreating, Dev let her slide down his body to her feet.

  Her trembling knees crumpled, he caught her up in his arms and moved back into the pelleting spray. He rinsed them both off again and carried her out of the shower. He set her on the rug and grabbed a towel, slung it around her, and rubbed her gently with it.

  Her big eyes blinked at him as the throes of her orgasms receded and her brain once again started to take over. Immediately, her brows drew down, lips pursed and she pushed at him.

  He gripped her towel in his fist, in front of her.

  Holding her tight so she couldn’t move, irritated bits of gravel in his deep voice, he commanded, “Nay, Svetiessa, stop. Not now. Let us catch our breath, get dressed first.

  Chapter Twenty

  Sveti was pissed. Not only had he seduced her again when she said no, now he held her immobile like a child while issuing commands. He might be captain of his ship, and prince of his planet, but he was not her boss.

  She jerked from his hands, grabbed a second towel and padded out of the bathroom leaving him standing with a scowl, unsure if she was listening to him or not.

  In her bedroom, Sveti quickly pulled on a short light skirt and blouse that had no buttons. He had already ripped apart two blouses and a pair of jeans. Gah, he was such a savage, and she’d bound herself to him. She needed to figure a way out of the stupid marriage.

  She was rubbing the second towel over her hair when he came out. Naked as a jailbird. The man has no modesty. Sveti tore her eyes away from his masculine beauty. There was nothing that was going to entice her to have sex with him again.

  There was some vestige of truth in Dev saying once she had sex with him she’d want it forever. Her body already burned for his, keeping her back to him, she combed her hair.

  Dev gathered the clothes he’d worn the day before. Since she wouldn’t look at him, he said to her back, “I have to go get changed. You can start packing up your things.”

  She swung around, mouth agape, against her will her gaze shot down his naked body. He already had another hard-on that could drill holes into granite, and his horns were swelling right along with it.

  While dark red crept over her face, her eyes bounced up to see erotic fire burning in his dark orbs that were jagged with white.

  A bit sheepish, he pulled his jeans on over his huge erection. “Sorry, it has a mind of its own when it’s anywhere in your vicinity. And, apparently you are unwilling to couple until we both are truly satiated. Not that there is a chance in hell of that happening, pun intended, still, at least we could try.”

  He muttered under his breath, “Might take a hundred years, but likely not even close.” Dragging his shirt over his head he stepped into his boots and moved to the door.

  Pack? “What? Wait- what do you mean pack my things? I thought we were going to be here at the station for a while.” Setting the comb on a dresser she couldn’t stop her gaze from wandering over his insanely virile body. Powerful shoulders, lean sinewy hips, and that chest.

  Remembering his male fur rubbing over her naked beasts as his big hard body hovered over her, his knees pushing her thighs apart, Sveti felt her panties dampen with a quiver, her nipples pebble.

  One hand resting on a hip, Dev pronged his fingers over his scalp through his wet hair. He took a deep breath and shuddered, his lips bunched. “Just a little FYI Svetiessa, I can smell your arousal. You are fighting yourself as much as fighting me.”

  At her embarrassed scowl, he frowned. “We are going to be here for some time. You will want your things with you. In my suite. Our suite now.”

  The flaming brows boomeranged to her hairline. “What? No!” She vigorously shook her head. “There is no reason for me to leave this room. I am quite comfort-”

  “Nay. You will stay with me. I made it clear last night, Svetiessa, you will be with me. In my chambers, in my bed, no matter where it is. This lavender haven was perfect for our initial coupling, but
my suite is larger therefore more comfortable for the two of us together.”

  He turned his back as if ending the matter. A pillow flew past his head hitting the wall, he swallowed an irritated grin. Of course, he knew she was going to kick about it. Not that it was going to do her any good.

  Sveti cried, “No! You are a dictatorial monster; I will not be married to a monster! You tricked me, that has to be illegal, so the marriage will be null and void. We will get an annulment. I will find another prince, a gentleman-”

  He reached her in three long strides and gripped her arms. His face growing as black as his hair, his eyes flickering white, flames sparked at his heels.

  “It is too late, sweetheart. You shouldn’t have flaunted your plans to be with another man, prince, whatever, in my face. I had to take you before you went to another male. Besides, no sissy gentleman is going to give you what I did. You’ll see, you will become addicted to sex with me, like I already am with you, you won’t even think of another man. Especially that milk toast what’s his name.”

  Her nose in the air, she said haughtily, “His name is Ryen. He is not a milk toast, he is sweet and gentle.”

  Holding her tight in hands like steel clamps, his thumbs stroked her bare skin under the short sleeves. He said with arrogant conceit, “Sweet and gentle won’t make you scream like you did in my arms with my cock fucking you.”

  “Oh! You are such a pig.” Struggling to make him release her, she cried, “You tricked me, you seduced me. It wasn’t fair. Let go of me.”

  His fingers wound tighter around her arms as his anger grew. “Honey, just because a man is seducing you, doesn’t take away your responsibility. You gave in.” His smirk all cocky and smug. “Like I said you would. You’re just uppity because you begged me for it, like I said you would.”

  “Uppity! Why you- you pompous jackass!” Shades of red way darker than her hair flushed over her entire face and neck and chest with her embarrassment and fury.

  “It wasn’t fair! You used your experience to break down my- my- uh, innocence. You knew I would not be able to deny you after you had your hands and mouth all over me, which you did force on me,” her mouth snapped shut seeing the white flame strike in his eyes.

  She jerked from his grip and rubbed her arms where he’d held her.

  “Whatever,” he said. “It’s a done deal. Stop whining like a petulant child. I put my fluids into your body, from my fangs and my horns, my dick, there is no removing them, they bind us, sweetheart. All of which, by the way, you thoroughly enjoyed if your shrieks of rapture were anything to go by. I bet even right now you’re visualizing our love making, and your wee little pussy is getting dripping wet thinking about my mouth on it.”

  He smiled at the tell-tale color that flushed her ivory skin. “Am I right? Maybe I should ask for my husband’s rights, right now. As I told you I will insist on them, and I don’t expect you to balk when I do. I’m obviously ready.” He lowered his head indicating his raging hard-on, and smiled up at the appalled look on her face.

  A black brow angled in a leer, he said, “Go ahead, take your clothes off. I’m sure you don’t want that blouse ruined too.” His gaze lowered and burned with lascivious intent. “You can leave the skirt on.” He reached his hand to go under her skirt. “It’s hot that I can just push the skirt up and yank those panties down and shove my cock right into-”

  “No!” She jumped back from his grasp with a furious huff. “I told you, we will never have sex again. Your deceit will make it null and void and I will find another-”

  He grabbed her so hard her breath was knocked out of her. Furious himself now, his eyes narrowed into fierce slits, his words grit out of clenched teeth, “Fucking stop saying that, Svetiessa. You are mine now. You will never, trust me, ever be with any man but me. Unless you want to see that man die. Do I make myself clear?”

  The color drained from her face leaving it stark white. She knew he was capable of murder. Her lips moved but she couldn’t push any words out.

  He had told her she would be even more terrified of him, and he spoke the truth about that, too. She was scared to death of his capability to do lethal harm to anyone he chose to. She had pushed him too far.

  Dev dug his fingers into her arm, and her face, holding it up to his. His tone deadly silk he said, “We are technically married. You cannot undo it. We will be formally wed tonight.”

  His fingers gripping her face, pulling her closer to him, he told her, “You will not ever leave me, Svetiessa, you do and you know I will come for you, and I will find you, and trust me, you will not like the consequences.”

  His grip loosened slightly when she spoke softly with a frightened catch, “I don’t understand, Dravidian, why, why did you do this? What do you get out of it?”

  He stared at her so long she thought he wasn’t going to answer her. Then, he said, “I get you.”

  “But, Sire, I-”

  His mouth closed over hers. One hand slid to cradle her head, the other splayed across her back to pull her body right against his. The kiss he forged on her was angrily brutal and volatile with lust, and she was a victim to its pull, like a sucking bog, she couldn’t get out of it.

  His mouth slanted, clamping a harsh seal over her mouth, holding her prisoner while his tongue drove in seeking hers to take it captive as well.

  When she moved to be released, he pressed his thumb in her cheek, his fingers strung around her head, the hand on her back forced her curves to mesh into his steel chest. His rampage fueled like a struck match in oil.

  Sveti could feel herself spiraling away under his fierce onslaught, unraveling like a cold knot into a long, melting ribbon of hot butter. Her knees weakened and she shoved her hands into his hair and clutched handfuls of it.

  The hand on her back thrust around and savaged her breast with grinding desire while he bent his knees to press his engorged penis between her legs, and shoved hard up her woman’s cleft.

  Oh Goddess Satrine, her body was suddenly on fire, her sex screamed for him, she wanted, needed him inside her so badly, she felt as if she would die if they didn’t- The chill thought came to her that he was again forcing himself on her and seducing her to shut her up, it stopped her dead like being hit with a bucket of ice water.

  She suddenly shoved herself from him. Not expecting it, she was able to wrench out of his fiery clench. The back of her hand covered her heaving mouth, she warily watched him over it.

  Befuddled with clouds of lust hazing his eyes, he stood with his hands still raised, confusion smothered his dazed expression then anger cleared it all away. “Svetiessa, what the hell-”

  “No, what the hell, you, Dravidian. You are trying to use sex on me to shut me up and I will not have it.”

  Chest huffing, slicking back a fallen lock of hair, a sly sneer curled his lip as his gaze took in her pink cheeks and glassy eyes, her panting chest. His eyes tapered at the taut nipples that poked at her shirt.

  He palmed his erection that was fair to bursting out of his pants. “I am using sex, Svetiessa, to show you what we have.”

  The black streaked with white eyes rose to her blues. “If you would give it a rest for a second you would see what I say is true. What is between us is blistering wildfire, trust me, you won’t find anything else like it.”

  The flaming curls that matched her heated cheeks swished back and forth as she shook her head. “I don’t believe anything you say. You continue to try to deceive me.”

  “Huh.” His grunt sarcastic, “How’s it feel?”

  Brows drew low, her jaw rigid. She said with affronted ire, “I have not deceived you. You are well aware it was Krystian who sent you that transmission for the trade that day. He tricked me as well. He told me I would only be escorting Miles back to your ship. I didn’t know what he’d done until I was back with him.”

  Forehead furrowing with a glint of suspicion, she asked him, “Is that what this is all about? You wanted revenge, this is your way of punishing me? By tri
cking me into a marriage I don’t want? I still don’t understand, you have only shackled yourself too.”

  “Oh my Zues,” he groaned, his hand slapping his forehead Dev looked to the ceiling. “Of all the females of all the solar systems, you had to make me irrevocably desire this one?”

  Shoulders hunched as she slammed her hands on her hips. “You want a different female? Go get one. I can’t see why when you could have any female in the universes, princesses, queens, the most gorgeous of the gorgeous, why would you tie yourself to one woman? Why me?”

  Dev stood, baffled, weary of this debate. He lowered his head, strung his hands over the back of his neck, then looked up at her.

  So small and feminine, the epitome of grace and sweetness, huge, angry, bewildered, stunning crystal blue eyes regarding him as if she was trying to figure out a puzzle.

  Sighing deeply, he said, “Enough of this, Svetiessa. I have explained, I don’t want any other women, I want you. Only you, forever. Done. We will not talk of this again.”

  As she opened her mouth he waved a dismissive hand. “We are wedded. You are mine. You will do as I say, and I am telling you, number one,” he stepped to her ignoring her cringe from him, “we are finalizing our union tonight at seven.

  “Bowie purchased a dress for you that you had admired when you went shopping. And two,” the ebony in his eyes glittered with threat and a scowl, “you will call me Devilos or Husband, or an endearment. I hear Sire or Dravidian again out of your mouth and there will be punishment. Mark my words.”

  “What? What is this, the dark ages? You would punish me for- for something so trivial?”

  “Aye. Go ahead and test me.”

  Mouth a mutinous purse, she sneered, “What kind of punishment could there be for something so…stupid?”

  His frown perturbed, he said harshly, “You are my wife. It’s bullshit for you to call me Sire or by my last name. You do it deliberately to keep a distance between us, keep us less personal, preventing intimacy. It’s not happening again.”


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