The Revenant: A Military Sci-Fi Series (Hunter's Moon Book 2)

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The Revenant: A Military Sci-Fi Series (Hunter's Moon Book 2) Page 10

by Walt Robillard

  “Catching a shark doesn't require much bait. The most terrifying things that keep sailors up at night, the demons in the depths, those things can't be baited. They require sacrifice to call them out. Kenner isn't a shark. The more of him I see in the Crucible, the more aware I become of what he really is. Our best chance to lure him out is sacrifice. Not now, but soon. When that happens, you have to promise that Fluff won't chase after me until you're all safe.”

  “All this magic stuff scares me,” Kat said.

  “It's only scary if you don't have faith.”


  Marshal Truveau rolled out from the intersection, approaching the hatch leading to the ship's combat information center. It slid open at her approach, everyone in the room snapping to attention as a junior rating called out, “Marshal on deck!”

  “I really wish you'd stop them from doing that, Chief.” Mara said to one of the spacers across the way.

  “Not if they know what's good for them, ma’am.”

  Mara shook her head at the woman's reply. “Chief, is the commander looking for me?”

  The commander pulled himself from a gaggle of technicians around a holo-table. He crossed the center stiffly, snatching a data slate from one of the technicians in the cramped CIC. “Yes, ma’am. Got this back from SEC-OPS a few minutes ago. They’ve authenticated it. Worked it back through CENTCOM and the Athalon before calling you up here, just to make sure it was on the up and up. It's everything decoded from that drive you gave us. Now when I say everything, I mean this is the mother load that CENTCOM's been looking for. They can use this to take a big bite out of the cartels on Tythian.”

  Mara produced her cell-com from a pouch on her armor.

  “Hope that's the latest model, ma'am.” The commander said. “We fried two slates before we got it to fit on this one, and then just barely. There's some crazy crypto-architecture on it. Your asset in the field described a code key to decipher everything. It's been applied so all you'll have to do is tag whatever you want to view. Practically gave poor Loreaux, here a stroke.”

  “Almost, ma'am,” Spacer Loreaux confirmed. “It would have been fine though, government took the funds for my life insurance. My hamster would have been well cared for.”

  Several spacers were littered across the workstations of the room, working over displays for the ship. Loreaux was the only one looking away from his work. Mara nodded to the young technician, his humor reminding her of some of the lancers she'd worked with in the past. She pressed her cell-com against the slate, watching a progress bar work its way across the loading screen. There was a beep, indicating the system had easily accomplished the download. Mara waggled her device at Loreaux, throwing the slate back to him.

  “How do I get one of those, Marshal?” Loreaux asked.

  “You have to be able to do space magic.”

  The spacer raised his hand above the work stations, calling for the Chief's attention. “Chief, I need a transfer to learn space magic.”

  “One five-knuckle-infused magic ticket to sick bay coming up for you and your first line supervisor for failing to teach you not to jump the chain of command,” the Chief Petty Officer barked.

  “Actually, I think it's better for my career to stay here.”

  “Good call,” The Chief growled.

  Mara smirked as she made her way out of the CIC. “Thanks for this, Commander.”

  “Aye, ma'am.”

  Mara slipped through the ship's passage, sliding into the lift. It stopped a few floors down, accepting a gaggle of young marines. Elysian Marines were common in the task force. Most battle groups carried a complement for boarding actions or rapidly deployed planetary assaults. The smaller groups kept them as shipboard security. This particular task force often served at the pleasure of the Athalon. Seeing lancers or in some cases, a Marshals Templar was not uncommon here. They checked her over, eliciting a 'ma'am' or two before turning back to face the elevator doors. Whispers between them were quickly silenced when one of the marines struck her comrade in the gut.

  “Got something you want to say to me, Marine?” Mara asked.

  “No, ma'am.”

  “That punch into a sister marine would say otherwise.”

  The assaulted marine recovered from her knuckle assisted counseling to address the marshal. “Ma'am, we were wondering why there are no females allowed in the lancers.”

  “That's something you need to ask them. Want me to set up an appointment?”

  “No, ma'am.” The marines snapped back to rigid attention, waiting for the lift to stop.

  “That's too bad,” Mara said as she stepped out of the lift, patting the young marine on the shoulder. “That's a conversation I'd enjoy. See you on the other side, Marines.”

  She walked from the lift, dodging a cargo tractor cart carrying cases of freight. She walked to the medium assault shuttle across the hangar deck. Lancers in various states of work snapped to attention, waiting for her to approach.

  “At some point we're going to have to get past all this drill and ceremony.”

  “Not on your life, Marshal.” The snark came from a mammoth lancer with red skin.

  “Lance Sergeant Zane,” Mara clasped his massive forearm. “How are my lancers?”

  “Sharp and strong, ma'am.”

  “Good. Gather them up, we have some business to go over.” Mara waited for the group to huddle. “Devil Hunters, I know me being here upsets the natural order of the boys club you had going on with Marshal Brand, but until such time as we can get him back to you, we keep it professional. Got the data back from that drive we took from Tythian. CENTCOM's authenticated it, giving us a list of targets. First crack at them is ours, with Striker Company batting clean up. We have the most history with this so we get first pick. This is a regimental operation so they'll be a lot of support for us wherever we go.”

  Mara threw her cell-com onto a crate in the center of the group. Holo-screens floated up, highlighting mission images. “We have twenty-seven targets across four planets spread throughout the Frontier. The one that I think we should go after is here. This is the planet Doseidos in the Outer Boundary between the Core Worlds Alliance and the Frontier. While the Boundary is technically CORAL territory, people from both sides move through the Border for work and play.”

  “Isn't that a mining colony, ma'am? My cousin did work on some shield generators for the bio-domes when they were going up. Said the place is high risk because of some nasty animals.”

  “That's right, Frazier,” Mara said. “The mining got scrubbed in a mass evacuation due to those same predators. Side note, the planet has a heavy atmosphere outside the domes. Humans have a hard time breathing the stuff. Usually takes a few weeks to become acclimated. Lids stay on during the op until we can get into proper air. Especially you, son. I know medical cleared you, but you still got stabbed through the chest. No chances, no losses. We clear?”

  Frazier had taken the beating he'd received at Lasher's hands as a personal failure. Although in peak condition, he'd been frustrated that everyone wanted him to ease back into things, which for a lancer, was like trying to ease a house cat into a bath. “Crystal, ma'am.”

  Mara gestured to the holo. “Good. We have solid intel that Orin Lashra is going to be there. He's sure to attack Seven Seat Cartel interests on planet, even if we don't know how he's going about it. There's a side complication we feel is vital to the op. As part of the Chen agenda, there'll be a pick up of people from the CORAL, most likely trafficked slaves into the Frontier. Given Lashra's history as a former slave, we think this is a target of importance. Looks like the Chen freighter making the delivery to Raastrider will register a mechanical problem, forcing them to request assistance. The wrecker vessel will dock to offload the people, who’ll then play the part of workers during the freight transfer. To be clear, we can't split into two teams to go for Lasher on the ground and the prisoners in space. We have no jurisdiction on that side of the border so we have to wait until they cros
s back over the Boundary after the transfers are complete.”

  “Then why go down to the planet at all? Why not put a tracker on them and capture them at the transfer point.” Sergeant Guerreiro posited.

  “Because in the Crucible, Lasher is a trouble magnet. If things go sideways dirt-side, we don't want to miss our opportunity to take him into custody. Plus there's the Chen Cartel slavers and Hells knows what else still posing a threat to Tythian. We're planet-side until he isn't. Follow?”

  “Ma'am,” said a lancer raising his hand.

  “Yes, Sergeant Corvin?”

  “We have experience with boarding actions. They have us familiarize ourselves with all sorts of craft. Why are they using a heavy freighter for this? This is a much larger ship than they need according to the specs you have here,” Corvin pointed out, flicking the image over to the marshal.

  “That's a good question. Once we're inside, we'll have to tear it down to the bolts to make sure they're not hiding anything crazy in it. Your squad has that duty, Sergeant.”

  “Rah, ma'am.”

  Sergeant LaGarron studied the operations area in the holo for insertion points. “Are we arriving in the Folly, ma'am, or are we going alpha-mike on this one.”

  “Can't land a lancer assault shuttle on the planet without setting off some major alarms, Lance Sergeant Zane. Even though it's on the Boundary, it's still technically Core Space. We'll hyper-cast into the system to link up with a Bravo Model APC masked as a civilian transport, carrying a salvage team onto the planet. Half of us will jump into the terrain while the other will slide into the outpost all quiet like. Odin's Folly will zip on over to Seiburro, the largest of the planet's moons, to wait for us there. We're in civvy kit planetside. That means merc recon armor or dressed like wreckers. Once they go wheels up with that freighter, we link up with the Folly and suit back up in the good stuff.”

  "Roger that, ma'am.” The Vosi lance sergeant nodded. “Time hack?”

  “One hour before we drop. That gives you thirty to leg up and lock down.”

  Frazier's demeanor jumped from sour to excited.“Twin Hells, Lance Sergeant, she grunts like a lancer.”

  “And she kills like a lion, so stow that chatter, Frazier, or you'll be back to private faster than a Vosi arrow cat.”

  “Ma'am?” LaGarron asked. “Do we know how much of a head start Lasher has on us?”

  Kel yelled his displeasure into the comms. “I just want you to know I hate you. Why can't we ever land in the plane? It has perfectly good landing gear. There's no reason for this!”

  “Other than the Baby Doll is one of the most recognizable ships in the sector, after we rescued that journalist crew from the pirates outside of Anaskion,” Kat said to Kel.

  “So not my fault she was that good looking. I mean, what was I supposed to do?”

  “Maybe not hold them for the same ransom the pirates were asking?” Tolin barked into Kel's ear.

  “R-E-W-A-R-D,” Kel said, slowly, as if speaking to a batch of unruly children. “We were compensated for our time and trouble and the considerable risk we took getting them out of there.”

  “We took out the pirates so we could take back the product they stole from the Cavida Corporation, keeping them from selling it to the Storoviks. Then we sold it to the Storoviks,” Kat reminded.

  The former crime lord pointed at Kat. “Which put us in the black for a bit. You think this is a charity?”

  “Ever wonder if we should have left him in the cell?” Fluff asked Lasher.

  “Now listen here, murder mouth…” Kel started.

  Fluff was in man-panther mode. He smashed his hand against the hatch release, sliding open the protective blast doors leading to the exit hatches on both sides of the bay. Wind whipped across the hold, picking up a stray paper cup and sending it flying around the bay before being sucked out into the night sky. “Come again? I can't hear any of your whining over the wind. You'll have to use your man voice.”

  Beneath his mask, Lasher smiled. He raised a hand toward Kel.

  Kel shot his hands forward in a halting gesture. “No! Don't!”

  The power of the Crucible forced its way through the space, propelling Kel out the door. Fluff charged after him, letting the wind suck him from the bay. Kat and Lasher shouldered heavy equipment bags, walking up to the opposing doors. They signaled each other with a thumbs up, both immediately jumping into the expanse. Adopting a spread-eagle position, they stabilized themselves during the descent. They had jumped well above the cloud cover, giving them plenty of time to activate their flight packs.

  Kel tumbled though the air in a chaotic descent. Every time he tried to spread-eagle, Fluff would tip a foot or angle an arm, causing him to spiral again.

  “One of these days these two are going to kill each other,” Kat said over the comm-gear.

  “If I believed that for one minute, I wouldn't let them behave like this,” Lasher replied.

  “You think scolding them would get them to calm down?”

  “No. I have shock rounds for the pistol.”

  Warning indicators went off in their HUDs. Map overlays appeared in their vision, showing the minimum altitude recommended for burning their flight packs. They'd passed through the max threshold, rapidly approaching the lowest they could fall without starting the engines. Fluff took hold of Kel's leg, stabilizing him. He immediately triggered the pack, stealing back his fall as the system roared in defiance of gravity.

  The three others made sure Kel was good before igniting theirs. They soared above the rocky terrain, keeping formation on their dive into a canyon. They stayed low, watching the terrain for signs of life that Doll had briefed them about.

  Above the end of the canyon, a trio of parachutes fluttered, just having floated over a boxy shape on the cliff top above them. The chutes were caught by the breeze, making a flapping noise in the wind.

  Kat, Fluff, and Lasher landed at the base of the cut where the ground began a gradual slope that veered to one side around a rocky crag. Water trickled off the wet stone, creating a small stream into the cut. Kel flew in above them, landing next to the dropped cargo. He dropped in a crouch, pulling his pistol. Remaining still for a moment, he listened to the breeze playing with the fabric, looking past it with the range finders in his face mask.

  “Kel. Whatever you do, don't move,” Lasher said over the comm.

  Throwing his hands in the air, Kel mimed his displeasure with the universal sign for 'what?' There was a crunch on the other side of the cargo pallet. He slowly turned his head to spot a beast he hadn’t noticed when he landed. It reminded him of the dinosaur birds from Old Sol. They had a name that sounded like terror-something, if he remember rightly. But at this moment the ‘terror’ bit was all he was concerned with – particularly the razor-like talons of its feet and the nearly meter-long beak that seemed equally sharp. Of course he also couldn't get by the fact that it was taller than he was.

  “Nice, dino-bird,” Kel rocked on his heels to bring his front even with that of the creature. “Don't do anything we'll both regret.”

  The bird spread its wings, easily spanning at least six meters. Its cry was almost whale-like with a serpentine hiss mixed in. Kel watched the bottom of its throat waddle until it finished its cry with a warbled growl. The way it walked on the front joints of its wing reminded him of how Tolin ambled along. He wished that the mighty simigon was with him now.

  A leathery flap caught a massive gulp of air above him. A second bird glided to a stop, plopping to the ground with its wings open. The two beasts squawked at each other, to all the world sounding to Kel like an argument between known rivals for the morsel trying to slither under the parachutes.

  However, both screeched at something behind Kel, spreading their wings and standing to their full height. Lasher walked past him, standing face to face with the new adversaries. They cried out several times at the red giant who remained perfectly still against their aggression.

  “Don't move,” Lasher a
dvised softly.

  Kel was more than willing to comply. “What are they doing?”

  “Dominance display.”

  “Why aren't they attacking?”

  “They're trying to figure the same about me,” Lasher offered. “They think I'm here to claim you for a meal.”

  “If there's a nice red wine to go along with dinner, I'm all yours.”

  The calling stopped. A ticking, reminiscent of purring mixed with chirping, started to emit from the duo. They cocked their heads trying to puzzle out the creatures before them.

  “What are they doing now?” Kel asked.

  Lasher held his hand out. The larger of the two put the top of his head under Lasher's hand, closing his eyes to rub against it. The second of the pair squawked a few times but eventually followed suit. “You can get up now. They know we're not hostile and we're not food.”

  “How do they know that?”

  “I told them through the Way.”

  “Of course you did,” Kel said throwing up his hands.

  The mammoth beasts screeched at the animated gangster.

  “Small, slow movements. I didn't tame them. I used the Crucible to send out a feeling of intent. They're still large predators and will act accordingly if you spook them,” Lasher said.

  Kel felt for his pistol grip, the action bringing some measure of comfort.“Would have been easier to shoot them.”

  “You would have had to empty an entire magazine just to bring down one.” Lasher bladed his body, so he could see both animals and the edge of the cliff. Making a hooking gesture with his hand, he motioned out to the sky. Both took flight, soaring over the canyon, calling to each other across the open sky of their hunting ground. Lasher didn't wait for them to fly off before pulling the parachute rigging from the pallet. “You want me to throw the chutes on the ground so you can hide?”

  “Very funny. Where were the other two?”

  Kat and Fluff rocketed to the top of the cliff face, landing in a wet crinkle of shale sliding against their feet. Fluff removed the thruster pods from his back, locking them to the tail of the rover Lasher had exposed under the chutes. “Glad I don't have to dodge you later as bird droppings.”


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