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Chris Page 5

by M J Spence

  “I guess so.” He was only half listening to Aaron still pissed at Owen. Right now he didn’t care whether Owen intended to keep him or not.

  “Ok you two let’s get some food I’m starving. My treat ok?” He didn’t think it was a good idea to keep talking about Owens problems with keeping Christopher.

  ”Good idea.” Said Alex.

  “I think I’ll get going. I’m not hungry anymore. See you both later.” Christopher said.

  “We’ll talk later Chris. Try to calm down ok?” Alex said hoping that Aaron hadn’t ruined his chance at being with Owen.

  After Christopher left Alex rounded on the older man. “That was a pretty shitty thing for you to do Aaron. What was that about?”

  “I was just trying to help. I told Owen I would talk to Christopher and see if he I thought he would make a good submissive.”

  “And how is that your business Aaron. Shouldn’t that be Owens decision?”

  “I told you I was just trying to help.”

  “Well, all you did was fuck things up. I hope you realize that. I think I’ve lost my appetite too. See you later Aaron”

  Alex left Aaron standing on the pavement and walked away.


  By the time Chris returned home he was livid.

  “You set that up didn’t you?” He yelled charging at Owen.

  “Calm yourself boy before you get into trouble.” He knew exactly what had happened. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t discipline you during this week I just said we would get to know each other.”

  Chris was not deterred. “You don’t get to send other subs to find out what I’m thinking when you can ask me yourself. I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I told you I wouldn’t lie to you didn’t I?

  “I thought you would be more likely to talk to someone who is an experienced submissive.”

  Christopher is getting angrier and angrier.

  “And what makes you think I would talk to Aaron? I don’t even know him. I’m more likely to talk to you than some guy I hardly know. And I told you already that I am not broken. He shouted the words at Owen. “Don’t you understand that? How many ways can I tell you? I am fine and I am perfectly capable of making a decision that will affect my fucking life.” He spat the words at Owen.

  “Alright boy do you remember the safe word cause I am about to beat the sass right out of you. You don’t get to speak to me in that tone of voice so if you want to stop this you’d better say that safe word.”

  Christophers eyes narrowed but he didn’t back down. If he had to be disciplined for saying what he had to say then so be it. He was going to get it out.

  “I don’t need a fucking safe word Owen” He continued shouting. “I need you to stop acting like I’m fucking broken. I need you to stop acting like I’m a child. I’m neither one and I’m not safe wording and I’m not going anywhere unless you safe word Owen. Do you remember the safe word? But before you say it I want you to know.” And he got right into Owens face causing Owen to take a step back. “I am not broken. What happened to me in the past is in the fucking past. And. I am a grown man. I am 20 years old and I have been taking care of myself since I was 15. That qualifies me as an adult and If that’s not enough for you Owen then you fucking safe word.”

  Owen was trying hard to keep the smile off of his face as this delicate boy went off on him. “Ok boy that earned you an ass whipping. You don’t get to talk to me like that and especially using that kind of language. Pants down and over my knees. He pulled out a kitchen chair and sat. Christophers anger had not abated but he still followed Owens order. He kicked out of his shoes, hopping on one foot and then the other and jerked his pants down to his ankles, fire still in his eyes as he stared at Owen. It was all he could do to not fling himself over Owens thighs. When he was over his knees his cock trapped between Owens thighs Owen said “How many do you think you earned boy.” Twenty Sir. The Sir coming out sarcastic. He was still not willing to give an inch even while he lay over his Sirs lap with his backside bare and his pants around his ankles.

  “So it will be twenty five” Owen said adding five more for the sass which Christopher was still exhibiting. “Count boy.” And he brought a heavy hand down on the boys backside. “One Sir. Thank you Sir.” Sarcasm still in his voice as he said Sir.

  By fifteen the boy was squirming, tears streaming from his eyes. He had been with Owen less than a week and had earned himself punishment two times already. What was he thinking yelling at the man that he was trying to impress. He was just so mad that Owen had a conversation about his past with his friends and then set up a meeting between him and Aaron without telling him. But now he was paying for his rage. He had actually challenged Owen to safe word. How stupid was that. He told a Dom to fucking safe word. “Twenty three. Thank you Sir” he choked out. When he got to twenty five and was released he slid to the floor between Owens legs laid his head on Owens lap wrapped his arms around his waist and sobbed.

  “It’s ok boy. It’s over.”

  “I’m sorry Owen. I’m so sorry” he hiccupped like the child he didn’t want to present himself as. “It’s just that all everyone sees me as when they know about me is this broken child.” He took a breath. “And I’m not that. I’ve fought to be more than that. I fought to be what I am. A whole person. A man. And to have other people see me that way was more than I could take. I want people to see me as I am not what I was. I didn’t even want to tell you about my past but I didn’t want to lie to you. And now there are others that will see me like I that and I have to prove to them that I’m not broken also.”

  “You don’t have to prove anything to anyone else but me Christopher. I’m the one that will decide whether to keep you or not. I was just having a hard time deciding and wanted another point of view. They all want me to keep you by the way but in the end it’s my decision.”

  “Even though they think I’m damaged and too young?”

  They think I should give you a chance. After all you did cost me a lot of money.” Owen chuckled.

  “You just took a chance on me tossing you out on your ass so it must be important for me to understand that you aren’t damaged or too young and I do but next time ask first if you can speak freely. You don’t challenge me. And even though I understand that you are a full grown man your place is boy to me. Do you get that? And the next time I get an Owen from you without a Sir preceding it I’m going to make you think seriously about saying multiple safe words.”

  “Then we’re back to being Dom and sub Sir? “

  “I think we were back to that when I spanked your ass Christopher.”

  “I think so too Sir”

  “And it was wrong of me to talk to my friends about something that you told me in confidence Christopher so accept my apology. I just needed their input. I should have gotten your permission before I talked to them.”

  “One thing though Chris. If I decide to collar you I will have the right to do whatever I want with you including discussing you with anyone that I want. You will be my property to do with as I wish.”

  “I understand Sir. But as of now you do not own me.


  On Friday they sat down to talk yet again. It was the end of the time set by the auction and they needed to discuss what to do. Christopher had slept with Owen the rest of the week but there was no sex. They had decided to go with the plan of having a two week period to think about the decision on whether to continue together. The boy had the option of saying no after the two weeks if he did not wish to be trained by Owen. He would go back to his apartment and his life for the two weeks and they would have no communication with each other for the whole time. Christopher agreed although he didn’t want to be separated from Owen but Owen still wasn’t sure he was ready. He had to think it out. He had to be sure. He still hadn’t had the time to speak with Aaron about what he and Chris had talked about but he would get to it.


  On Wednesday of the following week Alex showed up at Ch
ristophers door a suitcase in his hand. He collapsed sobbing into Christophers arms when he opened the door.

  “ What is it Alex what’s happened? Did Liam release you? How could he release you?”

  “No, he didn’t release me. I left Chris. I can’t take it anymore. They said I need to have some patience but I don’t feel like either one of them wants me. Lucas does everything for Liam and all I do is say yes Sir and no Sir when Liam talks to me and that’s all he does is talk to me. Liam and Lucas love each other and there’s no room for me. Please can I stay here until I can figure out what to do?”

  “Of course you can Alex.”

  “And why are you even here Chris?” I thought you were with Sir Owen.”

  “We’re talking a break”.

  So soon?”

  “Well I guess he needs to think about whether he wants me or not. He doesn’t want to jump into anything and he doesn’t want me to either. So we’re giving it two weeks without any communication. I miss him but it’s the best way I guess. So we’re both sure.” He sighed.

  “But what about you? What are you going to do? Can you get your old job back? If not they could probably use you at the diner. We need another waiter and they already know that you’re a good worker.”

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do Chris. I guess I’m confused. Being sub to Liam wasn’t what I was expecting”

  Liam called a day later to make sure Alex was ok but Alex refused to talk to him so he sent Lucas to try to talk sense into him.

  “Liam misses you Alex. I know you feel like he favors me but it’s hard for him to manage two submissives.”

  “Then why did he agree to take me Lucas? I didn’t ask for it. It was his idea.”

  A frown furrowed Lucas’ brow and he decided to tell Alex the truth.

  “It was because I asked him to.”

  “You!! But I’m not submitting to you. Liam is supposed to be my Dom.”

  “The truth is that I needed a friend and when I saw you at the coffee shop and you were so nice to me I started thinking about what it would be like to have a friend, a brother. I was an only child growing up so I asked him to take you on and train you. You and I had talked about you finding a Dom when I told you about Liam so I thought you would be a good fit for us. Please come back Alex. I miss you and so does Liam.”

  “No Lucas I’m done. I would rather be on my own than watch Liam give all his attention to you while I sit and watch.”

  “Will you just think about it Alex please. I can talk to Liam and get him to treat you differently. It’s just that he isn’t used to managing more than one sub and it’s hard for him. He hadn’t planned for this. He did it for me.”

  Now Alex had more to consider. He wasn’t looking for a friend or a brother. He already had Christopher. He was looking for a Dom and a lot would have to change for him to return to Liam. There was also the discipline that Alex had to consider. He had been through being disciplined before and every time it was necessary with Liam it brought back old memories. Memories that he couldn’t bury as easily as Christopher could. He wasn’t as strong as Christopher.


  Christopher wasn’t doing much better than Alex. He missed Owen. If he could just talk to him to see what he was thinking it would be a lot better. He already knew what he wanted. All he needed was for Owen to want the same thing.

  Owen missed the boy but was still having a hard time deciding if he was ready to take him. Tristan was still at the forefront of his mind and he didn’t know if he was ready to give up the hope that Tristan would return even after all this time. But he also found sometimes that instead of thinking about Tristans dark curls and tan skin he was thinking more and more of Christophers angelic looks, his angular body, his blond hair and his goldish brown eyes. He thought about the fire in the boy when he defended himself against being broken. The courage that it must take to keep himself together after all he had been through and the courage that it must have taken for him to take out his fury on Owen who could have broken him in half instead of the punishment that he had dealt out. He smiled when he thought of the rage in the boys eyes when he called him Owen instead of Sir. But after the two weeks he still wasn’t sure what to do.

  He called the boy and the phone was answered right away. Christopher knew down to the minute when the two weeks would be up so he was expecting the call.

  “Sir?” he answered.

  “Christopher” was all Owen could say. He was so overwhelmed at hearing the boys voice. He felt badly that he was about to kill the hope in that voice. “You don’t want me.” It was a statement. The boy said hearing the hesitation in Owens voice. “It’s ok Sir. I expected it. Thank you for thinking about it.” It hurt Owen to hear the sadness in the boys voice.

  “Slow down Christopher. I haven’t said that I don’t want you. I’m calling you to say that I want another week to think about this. I’m having a hard time making up my mind.”

  “Yes Sir. The boy said. If Owen was saying he was having such a hard time he must not want him and not want to hurt him by telling him.. He would agree to give it one more week and try to forget Owen. This couldn’t end well.

  “Thank you Sir. Goodbye.”

  Owen didn’t like the hurt that he heard in the boys voice but he had to be sure before doing this. If he took the boy on he intended to eventually collar him and keep him forever but he just needed to be completely sure he was over Tris. It wasn’t fair to Christopher if he was still yearning for Tristan.


  Christopher had a little money saved up so after making one stop he and Alex went shopping. He had a plan. There was to be a meeting the following Friday night. He bought himself dark grey dress pants not needing a shirt since it would be removed anyway when they entered Lair. He couldn’t afford shoes so his chucks would have to do. Alex had gone to the club a number of times with Liam and Lucas so he had proper clothes.

  They signed in at the door and as soon as they found a seat Robert approached them. He was the one who had bid 2000 dollars for a week with Christopher only to sell him for twice as much to Owen. Robert wasn’t bad to look at. A little overweight but not much, he was older than Owen and Liam and from the looks of him Chris would say he was about 40ish but that didn’t matter if he was a good Dom.

  “Why are you boys here unsupervised? Where is Sir Owen and Master Liam?” Robert enquired not wanting to overstep his bounds by talking to anothers submissive.

  “Sir Owen changed his mind about me and Alex decided that Master Liam was not a good fit for him Sir.” Chris answered.

  Robert took a seat now that he knew he wasn’t stepping on any ones toes. He was still interested in Christopher or perhaps Alex since he was free. He wanted to talk to the two and see if either or both of them were interested.

  Just as Robert sat down Owen, along with Ben, Liam, Aaron and Lucas entered the room. There were to be some demos tonight and they were interested in seeing them. Aaron and Lucas tried to divert Owen and Liams attention from Robert and the two boys but it didn’t work. Owen seeing Chris with Robert assumed that Chris was making an attempt to move on and didn’t want to spoil it for the boy so he ignored him. Liam however was angry. It had been less than two weeks since Alex had left and too soon for him to be trolling for a new Dom. Alex’s heart pounded when he saw Liam and Lucas realizing how much he missed them. He felt even worse when he saw Liam striding towards his table, anger in his eyes. He had no desire to be yelled at in a public place. Robert stood and exchanged pleasantries with Liam after which Liam asked him what he was doing with his boy. “Oh, I didn’t realize he was still your boy Liam.”

  He gave Alex a reproachful frown. “Had I known I would not have approached him.”

  Liam turned angrily to Alex. “Get your ass over by Lucas before I use you for a discipline demo, unless you want to use your safe word again Alex.” He spat out. “If you want to use your safe word again you little brat use it now. Do you want to?”

Sir I don’t.” “Then get a fucking move on. Now!”

  Alex turned to look at Chris a half smile on his face before scuttling over to his place beside Lucas.

  “In the future you will stay away from my submissives Robert. Nice to see you” Liam said before walking away.

  Christopher was left at the table with Robert wishing that Owen had come to claim him the way Liam had claimed Alex but Owen had ignored him. The boy had made up his mind for him.

  Christopher had no intention of going anywhere or doing anything with Sir Robert but he was pleasant to him not wanting to sit alone at the table after Alex had so unceremoniously been retrievedteling by Liam. He sat through the first demonstration with Robert hardly hearing anything that the man said and then made his excuses and went home. He could see that Owen had no more interest in him.

  Owen also sat through the demonstrations trying to forget what he had just seen. He was glad that Liam had gotten Alex back but Christopher was lost to him. He excused himself to use the restroom and saw that both Robert and Christopher were gone. Robert had left soon after Christopher; the one that he was really interested in had gone home.

  Owens stomach roiled after he had assumed that Robert and Christopher had left together. It was all he could do to keep from retching into the toilet bowl at the thought of Roberts hands on Christophers body. Why hadn’t he taken the boy back after the two weeks? Why did he have to stretch this into a third week? Tristan wasn’t coming back. He knew that. He couldn’t go on being alone in the hopes that suddenly Tristan would want to be with him again. It wasn’t going to happen and even if it did he would still want Christopher. He missed the way Christopher still called him Sir even when he had asked him not to for that first week. He missed the way he insisted on keeping to the floor because he knew that’s what Owen expected. And the boys angular body had Owen wanting to just hold him and protect him even though the boy said that he needed no protection. And the boy had just enough sass to him to keep things interesting.


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