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Chris Page 8

by M J Spence

  “Alex I don’t understand. You said you were ok and you do this?”

  “You know why Chris. I just can’t take it anymore, I thought I could but I can’t. I’m sorry Chris. I’m not as strong as you are.”

  After the ambulance arrived and took Alex away Owen makes a quick call to Liam and follows the ambulance to the hospital.

  “Alright talk to me Christopher. What’s happening?” Owen says on the way.

  “I wanted to tell you before Sir but Alex didn’t want me to talk about it. He was afraid Liam would let him go if he knew the story. When we were on the streets Alex got mixed up with a pimp. He was sixteen at the time. And no matter what he did it was never good enough for the guy. He had more kids working for him besides Alex and he was never as good as they were. He never earned as much money as they did. The man made him work more than the others but it still wasn’t good enough so he got beaten a lot. Every time he didn’t bring in enough money the guy would beat him and call him names and send him back out. I couldn’t protect him cause the guy wanted me too. I had to stay out of his way.”

  “How did Alex get away?”

  “The guy eventually got arrested because all the kids were under age. A couple of them testified against him but not Alex. He was terrified of the guy.”

  “I see. So I can understand the problem with Liam. He said he was disciplining Alex and he safe worded and left. Must have brought back memories.”

  “And that’s also why he never thinks he’s as good as Lucas Sir.”

  “Then why did he decide to become a submissive?”

  “He didn’t decide to become submissive. He decided that he is submissive. We both are. Like I said Sir. I had some books on the lifestyle and we used to talk about it all the time. It seemed like it was all we were good for. Pleasing other people. It was what we did for money every day. We were good at doing what other people wanted. Giving our bodies to other people was what we did every day. We read in the books that Doms took care of their submissives and protected them and that’s what we wanted. We wanted to be wanted and protected and taken care of. We just didn’t know how to get it. We found other ways to support ourselves but finding a Dom was always in the back of our minds. Alex got found first. Actually by Lucas. You’ve probably heard the story from Sir Liam. He was so excited. And it was ok for a while. He was happy with Lucas and Liam but I guess the past caught up with him and he just couldn’t take it anymore.”


  When they reached the hospital Alex was in the ER and Liam was already there waiting to see if he would be alright. Owen filled him in on what Christopher had told him while they waited for Alex to be treated.

  When the doctor came out and asked for Alex’ relatives Liam stepped forward saying that he was Alex’ uncle. “He’ll be fine” the doctor told him. Lucky for him he didn’t know what he was doing or he would have bled out. He’ll have a scar but he’ll be fine. Unfortunately by law we can’t release him to you for 72 hours. it was a suicide attempt so we’ll have him under suicide watch for the 72 hours and if after that he’s not considered a danger to himself we will release him to you. He’s a lucky boy. You should know that he has a number of healed scars on his body but they seem to be from the past. I hope he’s out of that environment now.”

  “He is doctor. I’m taking care of him now. Can we see him? “

  “Of course, but not for long. We have him sedated. He was very upset.”

  “Alex why didn’t you talk to me.” was the first thing Liam said when he entered the room.

  “Because I’m not good enough Sir. I’ve never been good enough. Christopher is better looking than I am and Lucas is so good and I’m nowhere near as good as they are. I just felt like I had no business trying to be your submissive.”

  “But you will be Alex. Lucas wasn’t always the way he is. He’s the way he is because he’s been trained. You’re with us because he saw something in you. We saw something in you. But now you’re showing signs of having underlying problems from your past and we need to have you seen to as soon as possible before we subject you to any more training. But we still want you with us Alex and now that we know what the problem is we’ll take care of you.”

  The effects of the sedative were taking hold and Alex eyes were closing. Christopher leaned over and gave him a hug and said in his ear. “Don’t ever scare me like this again Alex.”

  “I’m sorry Chris. I won’t” and his eyes slipped closed.

  “You should have told us Christopher.” Liam said after they left Alex’ room.

  “I’m sorry Sir. Alex didn’t want you to know. He was afraid that you wouldn’t want him so I couldn’t tell you or Sir Owen. I should have known better but I wanted to respect his wishes.”

  Liam was still upset. “This could have turned out much differently Chris. He could have died.”

  “I know Sir.”

  “Leave him alone Liam. He just did what he thought was best.”

  “I guess so but this scared me Owen. The boy could have died.” He repeated.

  “I know, Liam but he didn’t. He’s going to be fine. I’m guessing you’re going to help him?

  “Of course now that I know what the problem is. I wouldn’t just abandon the him.”

  “Good. He needs someone to take care of him.

  “Are you staying here? I’m going to take Christopher home.”

  “Yeah I’m going to stay until he wakes up again”

  “Anything we can get you? Coffee or anything?”

  “No. If I need anything Lucas will be here. He’s staying with me.”

  “Well if anything changes give me a call.”

  “I will and thank you Owen and you too Christopher. He wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t decided to go check on him.”

  “It’s alright Sir. I was worried about him.”


  On Saturday night although he was still worried about Alex he needed to know what Owen expected of him as his personal assistant so he questioned Owen about it.

  “Well” Owen began “you should know that it’s a 24 hour job since you’re also and most importantly my submissive. During the day you will take care of the house and making sure we have meals but you do that already. You will run my work related errands when there is no one else to do it. We have people to do that but we only have a limited number of employees for the job and they have to take care of all the attorneys at the firm. You will lay out my clothes in the morning and make sure that they are dry-cleaned and the laundry is done. And in the evenings you will take care of my sexual and personal needs. Does that sound like too much to you?”

  “I’ll do my best Sir. I won’t know until I try it. I always want to please you.”

  Owen continued “You will have a car and a driver at your disposal. I have my car which I prefer to drive myself but I also have a car and driver that I use for when I need things done and don’t have the luxury of driving myself. You will have Saturdays off from vanilla related chores unless I need you. If I do I’ll give you another day to yourself. Your time will be pretty flexible so there should be time for you to see Alex. I know that’s important to you. When I take time off from work you will not have any of my work related chores but you will keep up with the personal chores, sexual and play time. I know it sounds overwhelming Christopher but if it gets to be too much we can bring in someone to help and they will be under your supervision since you will know me inside and out by then.”

  Christopher was alarmed. “Another submissive Sir?”

  “We will decide that between us Christopher. It depends on what part of the job you need help with. Don’t worry boy you will always be my number one and closest to my heart. I would never replace you and you will always have, shall we say, veto power over anyone that I add to my household. You will never be put in a situation like Alex although I think that that was more due to the life he lived before than anything that Liam and Lucas did. Had they known what they were getting I don’t thi
nk that that would have happened.”

  “And do you know what you’re getting Sir? I lived the same life as Alex.” He looked Owen in the eye as he asked the question causing a slight sense of forboding in Owen but he ignored it chalking it up to what had just happened with Alex.

  “I hope so Christopher and if something comes up I hope you’ll talk to me about it so we can deal with it instead of you acting out. You seem to be able to handle your past better than Alex does and it would have to be an enormous problem before I would even consider releasing you. I know that doesn’t mean a lot but eventually when you’re ready you will be collared to me and there will be no question of my releasing you. You will belong to me forever.”

  Christophers reached to touch the leather band around his neck as he did often. He couldn’t wait for the day when it would be replaced with a permanent collar.

  Owen continued “The suits are for whenever you come to my office or anyone elses office for anything business related. You need to present yourself as a business person.”

  “Yes Sir I understand.”

  “You may call me Sir or Mr. Morgan in a business atmosphere. Either one is appropriate. No one needs to know that you are my submissive.”

  “I prefer to call you Sir and don’t worry I’ll conduct myself properly. And the tattoo Sir? Should I worry about it being seen?”

  “I don’t think it will be a problem Christopher and if someone does see it it doesn’t necessarily have to be connected to me since you were smart enough not to use my name.”

  “That’s why I didn’t Sir although I would have loved to have your name on me.”


  Sunday was a lazy day spent lying around the penthouse. Owen did some work in his home office and Christopher lay on the living room floor reading a book he had taken from Owens extensive library. Every once in a while he reached to move hair that was constantly falling into his eyes. He had taken to leaving it loose while in the apartment and only braiding it back when he was required to go out with Owen. It was pouring rain outside again and he frequently looked up at the window when there was a particularly loud clap of thunder. They had gone early this morning to visit Alex and he was to be released on Monday and Owen had promised him that he could go with Liam to pick him up. Liam was taking Alex back on the promise that he would start seeing a counselor to help him deal with his past. The doctor had told Liam that Alex had something close to ptsd and would require treatment for it. Liam had told Alex that there would be no more submissive training until he was better and Christopher was worried about that. Liam wanted so badly to submit to Liam but getting better for him could take years. He wasn’t sure how that would work out but hoped for the best for his friend.

  Christopher was better able to hide his scars than Alex. He would never expose himself to Owen and take the chance of losing him. He was doing what he wanted in life, what he was supposed to do in life and he would not allow his past to ruin it. All he needed to do was keep it together. Alex was not as good at keeping it together as Chris. Christopher had been abused most of his life and knew how to withdraw into himself when he needed to.

  He never knew what had happened to Alex before the group home and still didn’t. All he knew was that Alex woke up screaming at night from nightmares and he would crawl into bed with him to hold him and calm him until he fell back asleep.


  He got up when Owen called out for him. He was not required to be naked anymore in the house and was allowed to wear sweatpants which hung low on his spare body accentuating the bones in his hips. The sweatpants were a conscious choice that Christopher made knowing the effect that it had on Owen seeing him in them. He padded into the office on bare feet and dropped to his knees beside Owens desk lowering his head. Owen tousled his hair and handed him his coffee mug not looking up from papers he was working on. Christopher rose to get the coffee and Owen looked up as he walked away. Damn but the boy was beautiful. All arms and legs and graceful as all hell. The haircut was perfect for him. A mix of masculine and feminine as it fell to the side of his head and covered part of his face. He was gorgeous. Owen could feel his cock thickening as the boy walked away. So much for getting any work done. He got up following the boy to the kitchen and stopping him from pouring the coffee.

  “What is it Sir? Did you want something with your coffee?”

  “I changed my mind about the coffee boy. I want something else.”

  Christopher dropped the sweatpants and stepped out of them before turning to face Owen. “And what would you like Sir?” He smiled up at Owen as he reached for him.

  Owen rubbed his hand across the fuzz at the side of the boys head and smoothed the rest of his hair back from his face. He leaned towards the boy and said “Open for me.” The boy opened his lips so Owen could capture his tongue, explore the heat of his mouth, and bite into the softness of his bottom lip.

  “Can I say something Sir?” He leaned away from Owen untangling their tongues.

  “Yes of course.”

  “I like it when you kiss me Sir. I’ve only had someone kiss me when I was forced too. I like it when you do it.”

  Owen kissed the crook of his neck before taking one of the boys nipples into his mouth and tugging on it with his teeth. He gave the other nipple a slight twist. “And do you like this boy?”

  “Mmmmm yes Sir. I love that.” Owen hoisted the boy onto the counter behind him and Chris wrapped his legs around his waist. The boy was already hard. His cock stood at attention dripping pre cum onto his belly. Owen raised one of the boys legs and bit hard into the side of his thigh. The boy startled and then whimpered.

  “And I like that too Sir.”

  The boys soft voice telling him what he liked made Owen want to take him right there on the kitchen counter but he controlled himself. He picked the boy up his arms around Owens neck and his legs wrapped around his waist and carried him to the bedroom. It had only been 6 weeks. Three of them not even with him and he was already falling for the boy. He was already putting Tristan out of his mind in favor of the boy. This fragile beautiful boy was making him forget who he had thought was the love of his life.

  He laid the boy on the sheets and told him to get on his hands and knees. The softness was gone, he wanted the boy now. The softness in the boy was gone too. A new tone was in his voice as he began talking again. His voice was pitched lower. A mans voice.

  “I like it when you fill my ass. When you take me and make me do whatever you want.” His voice hitched. “I like kneeling between your thighs and sucking you off. I love it when you restrain me and beat my ass…Sir.”

  He knew what effect he was having on Owen. He tangled his hands in the sheets and waited. Owen reached for the lube on the nightstand and Christopher said.

  “You don’t need that Sir. Fuck me dry. I can take it.” He was already panting and he knew that the precum leaking from Owens cock would be enough.

  “I don’t want to hurt you boy.”

  “It’s ok Sir. I like the hurt.” Owen opened the lube and spoke to the boy. “Hold yourself open for me boy.”

  The boys skin blushed pink but he lowered the upper part of his body to the mattress and reached behind him and spread the cheeks of his ass. Owen slicked lube on his fingers and on the boys ass and dropped the lube onto the bed. He inserted two of his fingers into the boys puckered hole and received a hiss from the boy.

  “Fuuuck.” Chris breathed out “And I like that Sir.”

  Owen pumped the boys ass with his fingers. The wantonness of the boy amazed him. He was usually so shy and soft spoken. His body began meeting Owens fingers as he pushed them in and out.

  “Please Sir.”

  “Please what boy?”

  “It’s not enough Sir. I …need more. Your dick. I…need your dick please, please.”

  Owen reached with his other hand and jerked the boy and he shuddered the muscles in his ass tightening on Owens fingers. He rubbed a hand down the boys back before removing his fi
ngers and replacing them with the head of his cock. As soon as he entered the boy he said “You don’t have to wait Sir. I’m ready.” His voice husky with need.

  The silky softness and warmth of the inside of the boy threatened to make Owen cum on the spot but he managed to control it as he eased himself into the heat of the boy. The boy was begging for more and deeper and he needed to be deeper inside the boy. He withdrew his cock leaving the boy empty long enough to turn him onto his back. He tried each time to fuck the boy on his hands and knees but he always lost to the desire to see those eyes, to watch the boy as he fucking lost it while he was inside of him. So he ended up turning the boy onto his back and bending his body double so he could bottom out inside of him. He raised both of the boys legs to his shoulders and buried himself inside of him. The boys hands scrabbled in the sheets needing something to hold onto as Owen worked his body.

  He needed this as much as Owen did. He needed for someone to fuck him not just a random body. He needed someone to want to make him feel as good as he made them feel. Owen turned his head and bit into the boys thigh again leaving teeth marks that would remain for days. The boy screamed at the feel of Owens teeth biting into his flesh. He lifted to meet each inward stroke of Owens hips until Owen began to lose rhythm his moves becoming sloppier. The boys legs flexed and unflexed in sync with Owens body until he felt the familiar tightening in his belly. “I need to cum Sir. “He gasped out.

  “Yeah baby boy cum for me.” Owen growled. He reached between them and fisted the boys cock. The boys mouth fell open and his breath hitched. His beautiful golden eyes widened and then shut tight as if the feeling was too much for him. His hands pulled at the sheets that he had clenched in his hands. His breath hitched again and a series of ahhhs came from his throat rising in pitch as his orgasm took him over. He spurted streams of cum onto their bodies while Owen struggled to keep up his rhythm chasing his own orgasm . The sounds that came from him went guttural at the feel of the boys clenching around his cock and he emptied growling into his ass. He held tightly to the boy as they rode out their orgasms and the boy shuddered hard in his arms. He rolled off the boy before collapsing onto the mattress his now soft cock sliding from his body.


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