The Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal (Book 1)

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The Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal (Book 1) Page 6

by Joshua Hoyt

  Chapter 2:

  Tom showered, ate and went about his day as normally as possible. However, Instead of focusing on his work, his mind frequently wandered to the note. This of course got him several additional punishments in the form of extra chores and slaps across his knuckles with a ruler. One particularly boring class Tom reached into his pocket fearing again that the note would be gone. And at its touch his mind once again wandered to the old man. His teacher brought his attention back to class with a rap on his desk with a long pointer stick. Tom jumped. The class erupted with laughter. He really didn’t mind, though, as he held the note between his finger and thumb. The note was still there. As the teacher walked away he got lost in his thoughts again. What did it mean that he would need to choose who to follow? How would he know which one to choose and why did he need to? Why me? What’s so important about me?

  The day dragged on as Tom watched the clocks, waiting for night to come. When bed time finally did come he ran up the stairs to the bathroom where he washed his face, brushed his teeth and climbed into bed fully clothed. A sigh of relief blew out his mouth as he looked out the window. The clouds covered the moon making the night exceptionally more dark than usual. Tom lay quietly in his bed taking care not to disturb any of the other boys, as the time slowly passed. In spite of everything, Tom nodded off.

  Tom jerked awake. Oh no, what time is it? Have I slept too long? He jumped out of bed and looked for the time. The clock on the wall read 11:30. After slowly opening the window and pulling himself onto the ledge outside, he walked along the roof’s edge until he reached the large tree whose limbs stretched over the roof. Tom grasped the branches extending to the roof and inched his way down to the ground below. His heart raced as he reached the yard and ran across the thick grass to the fence. He scaled the fence quickly and swung his legs over the top dropping to the other side with a thud. Excitement filled him. Well here goes nothing, he thought.

  Sweat trickled down his face as he made his way down the street, imagining all sorts of monsters in the dark shadows. He jumped as a cat ran across the street in front of him. The cat disappeared into the shadows and Tom wiped the sweat slowly from his face and waited while his heart slow a beat or two. At the head of the street, the dark alleyway opened up in front of him like a giant mouth. Tom stopped. He scanned the alleyway apprehensively. What awaited him in the shadows. Cautiously he edged his way down the alley. His heart felt like it would explode out of his chest at any moment. Suddenly the clouds parted and the alley glittered strangely. Tom stopped. Breath tight in his lungs he carefully gazed around him. Then he knew what it was. All around him the ground looked more like a sky than earth as the moonlight reflected off broken glass strewn across it like thousands of twinkling stars. For a moment he stood in amazement before the clouds slid back over the moon and dull darkness and with it fear. Who waited for him in the darkness? What if someone kidnapped him and his life would become an even worse hell than before? What if the witch who took the kid from the orphanage the other day needed another slave? Maybe she had seen him and waited for him. What if... and then he saw them.

  The two men stood in front of him appearing out of nowhere. One looked young and handsome, his clothes brightly decorated with a cloak that floated to and fro in the cool fall breeze. His jewelry sparkled in the dim light. The other man, hunched and wrinkled, wore a simple black robe. His only jewel, a red rose hung from a chain around his neck. Tom looked at the rose trying to remember where he had seen it before…

  “Hello Tom,” the younger man said, and stepped toward him. The young man’s voice sounding clear and strong, eased the tension that had built up in Tom’s neck and shoulders. He walked a few steps closer. “It’s now time for you to decide which of us you will choose to follow.”

  The old man remained motionless and Tom felt his eyes study him as if he could see into his soul. Tom had the distinct feeling that he would have to choose correctly tonight and that that choice could decide the fate of millions. No longer able to bear the old man’s gaze, Tom looked away. Doubt welled up inside him. How could he make the right decision?

  The young man glanced at the old man and said, “That decision is yours, and yours alone.” He turned back to Tom. “For this one, as you can see, time has come and gone. We must begin a new age in which the world can progress and grow strong.” He shrugged. “The old ones have brought us much wisdom but it’s now time for action.” He smirked. “As you well know their customs and rules have brought you much pain.”

  Tom rubbed his knuckles absently. He then glanced at the still motionless old man. He already looked dead. The young man, on the other hand, filled the alley with a life and energy that invigorated Tom, bringing him a new sense of purpose and meaning. The young man opened his arms wide. “This new world and age will bring much harmony and peace, and there’ll be new laws ... or ways that will make everyone happy. This new world will be one that will help and encourage people to be... good. There will no longer be bullies or even orphanages for that matter.”

  Tom’s heart beat fast as he listened to the young man, and he couldn’t help but smile. As he spoke a vision wove through times mind of this new world in which he would be happy. This new world would be filled with only joy: no more pain, no more headmasters and no more Jacobs.

  The young man’s voice grew in power and he pointed at Tom. “This new age will need a leader who’ll show forth his might and power. It’ll need a strong leader, who can even command the earth to do his bidding. The very elements will rise up to follow his every command. That leader will have armies at his command and he’ll be able to convince others of his greatness.”

  The young man folded his arms and spoke softly, “Tom, that leader will be you. You need to follow me,” he said putting his hand on Tom’s shoulder. “I will be the friend you’ve longed for.”

  Tom smiled and looked beyond him at the old man who stood in the shadows. This choice doesn’t seem like a choice at all. The old man did not step forward or offer an opposing argument.

  Right before the old faded into the cool, dark night, Tom saw tears in his eyes and a soft smile. The young man half turned toward the place the old man had been. “The old has made way for the new,” he said. He turned back to Tom, smiling. “You’ve chosen wisely tonight.” The young man passed his hand in front of Tom’s face and Tom’s eyes closed.

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