The Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal (Book 1)

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The Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal (Book 1) Page 10

by Joshua Hoyt

  Chapter 5:

  The next morning came much too early for Tom. He stretched and yawned not wanting to leave the dream. Cody said in a sing song voice, “Rise and shine, sleepy head.” Tom groaned but slowly rolled out of bed and onto his feet. Cody grabbed clothes out of his dresser and said, “K, first thing is to get showered then dressed. After that we’ll eat.” Tom hurried to his own dresser and pulled clothes out quickly so that he could catch up to Cody who had already started down the hall whistling a strange but peaceful tune. As they passed the other dorm rooms the doors would open and boys fell into line behind them. The boys yawned and stretched as they continued down the hall to the bathroom.

  Tom hurried to keep up with Cody, At least I learned one thing at the orphanage. Tom finished showering and put the clothes on that he had gotten from Sam. He ran down the hall to his room and saw Cody sitting at his desk reading a book. Tom’s hair dripped into his face as Cody looked up at him, “Tom you know you have a towel for a reason.” Cody winked at Tom and put the book away. Tom wiped the water out of his face and smiled sheepishly. Cody stood. “Are you hungry?”

  Tom nodded and Cody led the way to the mess hall on the bottom floor. Sam stood behind the food counter encouraging the staff to hurry up. The entire time he yelled at the workers, he smiled. Just like Cody had said, Sam stuck to the rules but he always made sure you could follow them. Tom and Cody were the first ones in line. Tom’s mouth watered as he looked at the eggs, bacon, potatoes and sweet bread on the serving line. Tom grabbed a glass of milk then sat down next to Cody before any of the other boys had even entered the mess hall. “Wow, do we eat this way at all the meals,” Tom asked.

  Cody smiled. “Sure do. Won’t find a better meal anywhere.” Tom ate the food letting each bite dissolve on his tongue while he watched other boys hurrying in. Their table filled quickly. Boys talked and joked with Cody as they walked up to the table. How does he remember all of their names and what’s going on in their lives?

  Joe came up to the table and a boy made room for him to sit opposite Cody. “How’s it going Cody?” Joe asked. His deep voice sounded like a bass drum.

  “Great. How ‘bout you Joe?”

  Joe rubbed his jaw. “I’m ok, but Tim sure has a strong right hook. I thought he had me for about, a full 2 seconds.” Joe laughed. He kept talking even with a mouthful of food. “I can’t believe he called my mom a witch. He’s lucky you showed up or he’d be dead.”

  “Him and you both,” Cody said, “You know what Archelaus would have done to you if you had killed him? You’re in big enough trouble just for beating him up.”

  “I know, but it just isn’t fair that he can get away with it. It’s no wonder no one likes him. Do you know what he did the other day to Jake?” Cody shook his head as he took a bite of his egg. “Well, I’ll tell you what he did,” Joe said. “He took Jake’s work and copied it then he told the teacher that Jake had copied his work. Jake is now cleaning the bathrooms every day for a month.” Joe shook his head in disgust taking another mouthful of food. Cody nodded his head in agreement and then continued eating.

  Cody shoveled another bite of food into his mouth, and after he finished chewing he said, “Well, time for class.” He jumped up and rushed to drop his tray off with Tom and Joe close behind.

  “Dang, I never have enough time to eat,” Joe said, jamming food into his mouth as he walked to a counter with a trash can in front of it. Joe took two more bites before scraping the rest of the food into the trash and placing the tray on the counter. They hurried out of the mess hall and through the front door to the green area outside. A graveled pathway split to the main house and another led down a green hill toward the school building. The school building was two stories high and made of red bricks. Windows filled the front side of the building with two different entrances at opposite ends of the building. They entered the building on the North entrance. The tiled floor ran the length of the building with two intersections along the way. Cody hurried down the hall and turned left at the first intersection. After passing three closed doors he stopped in front of an open door.

  “K, here we are. I’ll pick you up after class. Have fun and remember that the better you learn your lessons the better off you’ll be,” Cody said as he hurried down the hall. Tom watched Cody and Joe hurry down the hall until they turned another corner, then, Tom nervously entered his classroom. Desks and chairs filled the room. A larger desk sat at what he assumed was the front of the classroom. Behind the large desk, a chalkboard hung on the wall and above that a clock ticked its endless cycle.

  A woman, wearing a black hat on top of hair done up like a bird’s nest, walked toward him. Makeup covered her face in an attempt to cover her age and she wore long dangly earrings that hung to her shoulder. Her white blouse stuck out of her red belt and hung over a black skirt that fell to her ankles. Black heeled shoes covered her feet and made a clomping noise as she walked. “You must be Tom. You can sit over there.” She pointed to a desk at the back of the class and handed Tom a large binder. Following Tom, she said, “My name is Ms. Sarah, and I will be your teacher for the next few weeks.” Tom sat and Sarah opened the binder to the first page. “This is what you’ll be learning while you're with me. Feel free to work ahead.” Sarah closed the binder. “If you have any questions, you’ll need to talk to me after class.” Walking to the front of the class she said over her shoulder, “We work quickly and have a lot to cover.” Once she reached the front of the class she turned and pointed at him. “Stay quiet and sit still while the lecture is given.” She lowered her arm. “After the lecture there’ll be time to apply the lesson and a short break after that.”

  Other kids started to file in and she took her attention off of Tom and focused on lecturing the new arrivals. Tom relaxed into his seat and watched the other kids go straight to their desks, where they remained absolutely quiet. He figured that he had better follow suit and kept his mouth shut even when the other kids stared at him. As he watched Ms. Sarah he thought, Her scowl must be permanent. He couldn’t help but break the silence stance and smile.

  Sarah started the lecture promptly and Tom struggled to keep his eyes open but didn’t dare let them close even fearing to blink. Mercifully, the first lecture on the history of Thalanthalas finally ended, but regrettably so did the break. He had only enough time to stand, get a drink and then back to another dry lecture. Ms. Sarah lectured next about the council. “The first council, charged with protecting the sacred laws of the land, had its first meeting many hundreds of years ago. The council today, made up of seven men, can all trace their lineage back to the original seven men.” She pulled a picture of the seven men on the council out and showed it to the class, Archelaus stood on the edge of the group of men. Sarah then pulled an even larger picture out of just Archelaus and said, “As you all know Archelaus is on the council and has done much to protect out future.” She turned the picture toward herself and stared for some time before her cheeks went turned slightly red and she put the picture away quickly. She brushed her blouse down then continued with the lecture. “During the years many of the laws have changed, and the knowledge of who had created the council has been lost.” She held her pointer stick and glared at each of the children. The children squirmed in their seats as her eyes fell on them. When she was sure she had all of their attention, she continued. “The counsel has grown weak and many of the laws are being misinterpreted and changed by them. There are even rumors that witches are infiltrating the council by way of one of the councilmen.” Her face brightened. “Archelaus on the other hand who has only been on the council for a short time has pushed to change the antiquated and corrupted laws. Even though he is fought on every hand by many of the other councilmen, he fights on.” She raised her hand at this point and looked sternly at the class. “It’s Archelaus that will bring about the change needed to help us stay strong against the Techies and other outsiders.” She smiled broadly and looked at the children expectantly. When they
did nothing, the scowl returned and she continued on with the lecture.

  By the end of the lecture Tom had to hold his head up with his hands and blink frequently to keep from falling asleep. When a bell sounded, the class hurried to put their books away and Tom looked around, What’s going on? The students finished putting their books away and headed for the door while Ms. Sarah turned to erase the chalk board. Tom watched the kids leave and saw Cody standing there smiling at him. Tom shook his head, put his books up and hurried to the door. “Hi Cody,” he said.

  “Hey there, how was your first day of class.” Cody said as he rubbed Tom’s head. Before Tom could answer Cody said, “It looks like it was pretty rough.” Tom smiled and grunted in response. Cody laughed. “Sarah loves to lecture, and she loves history.”

  Tom said, “I think she loves Archelaus even more.” They all erupted into laughter and stopped just as quickly as Ms. Sarah scowled at them from inside the room and put her finger to her lips.

  They hurried off, snickering down the hall. They left the school and started down the path toward the training hall. The one story building stood off from the other two buildings surrounded by tall pine trees. The graveled path led to a large double door that stood open. Cody headed toward the building and said, “Well, it’s time for weapons training. That’ll wake you up. What’s your favorite weapon?” Cody glanced over his shoulder toward Tom.

  Tom stopped. “Weapons? I’ve never held a weapon before.”

  Cody looked at Tom with his mouth open. “What? Never held a weapon?” Cody scratched his head a little then said, “I thought they only brought in boys who had already been trained a little.”

  Tom’s brows furrowed and he said, “Maybe they made a mistake. What if I’m not supposed to be here?” His heart started to pound in his chest. I can’t go back to the orphanage.

  Cody shrugged and started walking again. “Don’t worry about it, Tom. They don’t make mistakes around here. Besides if anyone can train you then Gordan can.”

  Tom started after the two boys, his heart slowed but still beat faster than normal. He cleared his throat uncomfortably and asked, “What’s your favorite weapon?”

  Cody replied, “I figure the bigger the weapon the more damage it can do so I chose the two handed sword. I’ve also trained with the pistol and rifle, but most of my training is in leadership and strategy.” They reached the entrance to the building. “Here we are. We’ll, I better get going.” Cody waved and started up the hill. “See ya tonight.”

  John stood outside the door. “Hi Tom.” He opened one of the double doors and an explosion of noise and chaos hit Tom. Boys fought in several different areas each marked off with ropes. A man stood next to each of the makeshift arenas and yelled instructions to them as they fought their opponents. Behind the arenas boys fired pistols and rifles at targets that stood back against the far wall. The gunshots reverberated off the walls making the room sound like a battle zone. On another wall several boys practiced with swords on dummies, hacking and slashing at the dummies like they were real assailants. Tom tentatively followed John in. He wanted to put his hands over his ears, but not wanting to look like a fool, he kept them clenched at his side. The more Tom watched the more he realized that it wasn’t chaos. There was an order to everything that happened in the building. The boys moved from station to station, practicing at a dozen weapons in turns.

  John put his arm around Tom’s shoulder and said, “We need to get you a little more competent with battle if you’re going to be of any use to us.” Tom nodded as John continued. “Archelaus would like you to become acquainted with combat leadership. You’ll learn to use a weapon here and be trained in leadership skills during class,” John said. John continued around the edge of the room until he reached a man that yelled at two boys wrestling on the ground. “Hey, Gordan,” John yelled above the noise.

  Gordan approached John and held out his hand. The two men grasped forearms and pulled each other in for a bear hug, “Hello, John,” Gordan said.

  John released the hug and replied, “Hello, Gordan.” He then waved for Tom to come closer and Tom held out his hand to Gordan.

  “Hello, sir.”

  Gordan shook Tom’s hand. Tom realized that Gordan could easily break his hand with his grip. Gordan wore an eye patch across his left eye and a sleeveless shirt that clung to his skin showing the well-defined muscles beneath. His pants were loose and made of leather. “I have someone I want you to train for me,” John said.

  He looked over Tom with a well trained eye. “Well John, I don’t know that he’ll make much of a fighter.” He stepped closer as if trying to figure out anything he could work with. “We could try and train him to use a pistol and short sword.” The one eye scanned Tom yet again and then Gordan stepped back and looked up at John. “He definitely won’t make it on the front line. That’s for sure.” Tom squirmed from the scrutiny.

  “Well, Gordan, I think this one may surprise you. But I agree we don’t want him on the front line. Archelaus wants him trained in combat leadership. So we give him the basics here and see if he can handle the pressure. Do you think you can whip him into shape?” John asked.

  Gordan shrugged. “Won’t hurt to try.”

  John turned to Tom and put his hand on his shoulder. “You’re going to learn to love this guy. You may not know it now but when you are in the middle of a life or death situation you’re going to be glad he yelled so much.”

  Right on cue, Gordan turned and yelled at one of the boys, “Rob, go work in the pistol range.” He then walked over to the other boy and talked to him quietly for a moment. Gordan looked up at Tom and said, “Come over here.” Tom walked over to Gordan who stood in the makeshift ring. He picked up some padded, leather gloves and handed them to Tom. “This may not be fun, but like John said, you’ll appreciate it when you really need it,” Gordon said. He then pointed at the other boy. “Now this boy here is going to whip you several times today and then another boy will take his place tomorrow.” Panic showed on Tom's face as he looked at the boy. “Hopefully by the end of the week you’ll have learned a thing or two about how to keep yourself from getting hurt too badly.” Gordan walked out of the ring. “You ready?” Before Tom could answer he said, “Good, go.”

  The boy charged Tom catching him completely off guard. His fist hit him square in the jaw. Tom went down hard hitting the ground with a dull thud. He lay there for a few minutes when he heard some fool telling him to get up. Why should I get up? Tom thought as his head pounded from the impact. If I learned anything in the orphanage, it’s to stay down when you're down.

  Gordan yelled again, “Get up Tom, or Doug will be all over you.” Tom hesitated and Gordan yelled, “Doug get him to stand, but nicely.” Doug approached Tom and put out his hand. Tom could only stare.

  “It’s okay. Let me help you up,” Doug said. Tom grabbed the gloved hand and Doug pulled him up then patted him on the back. “You’ve got to be ready next time. Put your hand up to block the hit or move out of the way.”

  “Okay get ready,” Gordan yelled above the noise. Doug stepped away from Tom and put his hands up in front of his face. Tom copied the stance. “Go.” Doug came at him again. He faked a punch to the face with his left then slugged Tom in the gut with his right. When Tom lowered his hands to his gut it left his head open and Doug accepted the invitation by slamming his left hand into Tom’s face. Tom went down again.

  “Good boy,” Gordan said. “Tom you’ve got be ready this time. When he comes at you try to dodge his blow, and then counterattack.” Doug held out his hand again to help Tom up and he accepted it again without hesitation. The adrenaline pumped through his veins and he felt a slight burning in his gut. The burning wasn’t unfamiliar to him. He had felt it many times when Jacob had picked on him but this time he let the heat rise in him and he felt his muscles tighten. His sight cleared. “Ok. Ready. Go.” Gordan yelled again. Doug came at him a third time. This time though Tom felt like he knew what
Doug would do before he did it. Doug swung at him again. Tom dodged to the left and Doug only landed a glancing blow. Tom staggered but remained on his feet.

  “Good job, Tom. Now watch for your opportunity to counterattack,” Gordan said.

  Tom’s senses returned, This is so different than the orphanage. The headmaster would have told him to just take his whipping. Doug came at Tom again, and he sensed Doug’s attack before he did it. Doug faked a right hook and then came in strong with his left toward his mid-section. Tom dodged to the right and then swung his right fist toward Doug’s face. Doug, caught completely off guard, lost his balance as he missed with his jab, and Tom’s fist came down on the side of Doug’s face. Doug fell to the ground. Tom suddenly went into a rage, pictures of Jacob and the headmaster flew through his mind. Tom thought of the headmaster humiliating him. His own uncertainty. The feeling of abandonment. “Why did you leave me in that place?” Tom screamed as he jumped on top of Doug pouring out his rage on Doug's face. Strong arms engulfed Tom around the chest and pulled him off Doug. Tom continued to scream out in rage at all of the injustices that he had endured for so long.

  “Tom, it’s ok. Tom, you’re ok,” John repeated over and over. Tom sobbed uncontrollably and stopped fighting as John held him in his arms.

  After a few minutes Gordan yelled again but this time with a hint of compassion. “Ok Tom, it’s time to get back into the saddle. Get up and we’ll go again.” John helped Tom up, and pushed him gently to the ring. Tom headed back into the ring wiping the blood and tears from his face.

  He looked down embarrassed, “Sorry, Doug.”

  Doug wiped at the blood running out of his nose and grinning mouth. “No more taking you for granted.”

  Gordan said, “Go.” Doug charged Tom once again but this time he moved quicker and hit much harder. Tom managed to dodge the majority of Doug’s punches and land a few of his own. The boys sparred for several more rounds with Gordan yelling instructions to them. After what seemed like only a few minutes Gordan said, “Okay that’s enough for now go take a break.”

  They got a drink together and talked about the things that they had learned. Doug gave Tom several pointers and explained some different moves that he could use in certain situations. This is so different from the orphanage. We hit each other and try to kill each other then we give each other pointers on how to do it better next time. Tom’s confidence grew in his ability, and he felt the rage and hurt inside him slowly ebb. He enjoyed interacting with Doug and having a friend. Someone he could talk to. He also thought about the friendship that seemed to be growing between Cody and him and hoped that it would continue to strengthen.

  The two walked back to the pit where Gordan gave pointers to a couple of other boys. He looked at Tom and Doug and said, “You two are done here. Doug, take Tom over to get trained in sword play for a while.” The two boys turned to leave. “Oh, and good job both of you,” Gordan said. Then he started yelling at the other boys. After Tom returned to the dorm, he talked to Cody about the day’s events, and the things he had learned. Cody smiled and nodded his head as he listened to him and told him about many other things that he would learn in the coming weeks and years. Tom lay down on his bed. He felt at home as he drifted off to sleep.

  The next few days went basically the same as his first day with classes in the morning and sparring at night. His muscles grew firmer and his reactions quickened while sparring with the other boys. More importantly his confidence grew as he saw the surprise and pride on Gordan’s face and began to realize his own potential. Sarah’s lessons no longer flew over his head as he learned the new concepts and participated more in the lectures. Within a week Tom had the routine down and no longer needed help from Cody to get up and find his way around the compound. He tried to beat Cody awake every morning but Cody seemed to always be one step ahead of him. Tom felt alive and full of hope as he learned and grew.

  At night, when he didn't have Cody or one of the other boys to talk to, Tom would often worry about his mother. Is she still alive? He would cry a little as he realized that if she had been then she would have come for him by now. There's no way she could have survived the battle. And why wasn't father there to protect her? He had told Tom that he would be back, but Tom never saw him again. On these nights Tom would bite his lip, not wanting Cody to hear him, and remind himself that he was an Alerio. His mother had told him to be strong, and he would be.


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