Final Secret of the Illuminati

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Final Secret of the Illuminati Page 22

by Robert Anton Wilson

  Is it possible that the French anthropologists who collected the Dogon legends about Sirius — Professors Griaule and Dieterlen — are a pair of hoaxers? Well, yes, it is possible; but is it likely? Every scientific hoax ever discovered turned out to be the work of one individual, usually with a persecution complex and a grudge against the Establishment. Two scholars conspiring together on such a fraud would be unique. It is also worth nothing that Messrs. Griaule and Dieterlen published their report on the Dogon in 1950 — three years before George Hunt Williamson claimed his contact and 23 years before Kenneth Grant published his revelations about Crowley’s links to Sirius.

  Amusingly, much of Temple’s information has ramifications in areas which he himself has not explored. He has found, for instance, that the Bozo, a tribe neighboring the Dogon, also know about the Companion of Sirius and call it tono nalema (Eye Star).83 This is most suggestive when we recall Dr. Baker’s claim that the Sirius system is the “third eye” of the cosmic entity of which our sun is the heart, and George Hunt Williamson’s claim that the eye of Horus is the symbol of the secret society which is in contact with Sirius.

  Temple believes the Contact (which he tends to portray as physical, involving actual space-ships) occurred in Sumeria around 4500 B.C. The knowledge thus gained, he argues (and this is the major theme of his book), was passed on via various secret societies of initiates in the Near East, Egypt, Greece and so on, at least until the time of the 5th century (A.D.) neo-Platonist Proclus. Thereafter, Temple loses track of it, and suggests that it petered out, although he mentions that offshoots of it appeared in “such bizarre and fascinating figures as Giordano Bruno, Marsilio Ficino, John Dee and even Sir Philip Sidney and the Earl of Leicester — not to mention the troubadors of Provence, Dante in Italy, and the massacred tens of thousands of Albigensians in France, the Knights Templar and an infinite range of hopeless causes over two and a half millennia . . .”84 Readers of my Illuminatus and Sex and Drugs will easily recognize that this tradition overlaps, or may even be identical with, the secret tradition of Tantra and sex-magick in the West, the tradition of which Crowley was the latest public representative.

  Similarly, Temple goes to a great deal of trouble to demonstrate that the phoneme, NU, wherever found in the ancient world, is part of the secret Sirius tradition. He is not aware that NUit and ANUbis, two figures he specifically links with Sirius, are still very much alive among those magical lodges currently working the Aleister Crowley system of contacting Higher Intelligence.

  Every now and then Temple seems to be toying with the idea that the Contact may be not by space-ship but by some more subtle means; but he does not explore that possibility, despite the fact that all his evidence comes from shamans, mystics, occult initiatory cults and others whose main concern has always been the ceremonial expansion of consciousness.

  Over and over, one wishes that Temple had read a little in modern occultism to supplement his seven years of research into the Egyptian and Babylonian mysteries. He spends nearly 50 pages demonstrating that, to the ancient initiates, Isis was a symbol of Sirius and Osiris a symbol of the Dark Companion of Sirius; but he is not aware of Crowley’s and Levi’s insistence that the traditional secret revealed in the Eleusinian Mysteries was that “Osiris is a black god!”85

  Again, Temple demonstrates (from ancient records) that the familiar image of Isis, with a star above her and one of her feet in water and the other on land, is a symbol of the Sirius connection; but he is not aware that that image still appears as Atu XVII of the Tarot — The Star.

  Every book on the Illuminati has a chart showing how the “Conspiracy” has developed over the centuries. Here’s a summary of the links suggested by the evidence in the present book. Regard it as a Conspiracy only if you enjoy living in a script where you are one of the underdogs or victims.

  By a detailed examination of the myths concerning Sirius in the Dogon, Egyptian and Babylonian traditions, Temple manages to demonstrate that the Contact probably occurred around 4500 B.C. in the Near East, among people at the approximate level of the Dogon. Some of these people carried the tradition across the Sahara, to the modern-day Dogon and Bozo tribes, and some seeded it into the cosmologies of Egypt and Babylon. As we have already seen, Kenneth Grant traces the Crowley tradition back to 4500 B.C. in the Near East, and J.G. Bennett traces the Gurdjieff tradition back also to that time and that place. Neither Grant nor Bennett could have anticipated that Temple would demonstrate, with a great deal of archaeological evidence, that some sort of Contact with Sirius did occur at that time, at that place. Yet both of them assert secret teachings concerning Sirius were passed on by Crowley and Gurdjieff.

  Temple also demonstrates that the whole Egyptian calendar revolved around the movements of Sirius — the year began with the “dog days” when Sirius started to rise behind the sun (July 23 in our calendar; the date on which I had my first Sirius experience); that the earliest hieroglyphic for Osiris (the Dark God, Sirius B) was an eye plus a throne; and that the most secret of the rituals of Osiris, the “black rite,” is described in one Hermetic text as being so cryptic in its total meaning that men will only understand it fully when they pursue the stars “unto the height” — which may mean when we travel to the stars.86

  The most obvious and economical explanation of all this seems to be that an Earth-Sirius communication has occurred, at least once, probably several times.

  ERP and Bell’s Theorem

  Let us try another perspective on the problem; let us see what modern physics has to offer. The flow-chart on the following page, by Saul-Paul Sirag, represents the main problems in quantum theory and the directions of current speculation.

  The Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky demonstration (ERP, for short) indicated that, if quantum mechanics is true, some particles are in instantaneous contact even if at opposite ends of the universe. (This is only true of particles that were once in physical contact, but that is a technical point that doesn’t matter in this context.) The trouble with ERP is that (a) such instantaneous communication across galaxies has no physical explanation and is hard to think about anyway and (b), even worse, such instantaneous communication is forbidden by Special Relativity, which allows no instantaneous effects, everything being limited by the speed of light.

  The intent of ERP was a reductio ad absurdum of quantum theory. ERP is deduced by rigorous mathematics from quantum mechanics, and appears to be false for the two reasons given above. In math, if the conclusion is false, then the antecedent is false. Ergo, quantum mechanics is not true.

  This was a happy thought to Einstein, Rosen and Podolsky, all of whom had grave reservations about the random element implicit in all quantum equations — reservations summed up in Einstein’s famous maxim, “God does not play dice.”

  Alas, ERP was promulgated in 1935 and everything since then — the greatest period of experimental work in the history of physics, there being more physicists alive today than in all previous history — indicates that quantum mechanics is not false at all. It works beautifully. Ergo, if the antecedent is true, the conclusion is true, and ERP effects must exist — even if they are forbidden by Special Relativity.

  Now, physicists are not particularly happy with this conclusion, since they wish to preserve both quantum mechanics and Special Relativity. Something has to be done about the ERP paradox — but what?

  In 1964, Bell’s Theorem suggested three possible interpretations of the ERP effect, all of them controversial. Bell’s Theorem appears (as this is written, 1977) solid as steel, so at least one of the alternatives must be included in the new paradigm, when physics finally does produce a new paradigm. Let us look at the three alternatives.

  Quantum mechanics fails . . .


  Objectivity fails . . .


  Locality fails . . .

  If quantum mechanics fails, it is going to fail radically and totally. The Clauser experiment (Berkeley 1974) showed that attempting to redefine quant
um connections would not get around Bell’s Theorem, so quantum theory as known must be revolutionized totally if we take this path. This means we are in for a bigger epistemological revision than that connected with Relativity and Quantum Theory themselves; probably, we are in for the biggest redefinition of reality in the history of science. This mindboggling event will be the biggest revolution in scientific history because almost everything in modern physics depends on the truth of quantum theory. Giving up quantum mechanics is equivalent to a religious person’s giving up God; everything — not just a few things — will then change in our thinking.

  Saul-Paul Sirag laconically sums this alternative up as “New Ball Game” at the right of the chart.


  If Objectivity fails, we are in for an equally gigantic revolution in thought, but we can at least suggest what form it will take. Objectivity, in this context, means the doctrine that the universe exists apart from the ideas or the will of the investigator. Two models have been developed without the doctrine of Objectivity. The first is the “participatory universe” or “observer-created universe” of Nobel Laureate Werner Heisenberg and Dr. John A. Wheeler of Princeton. In Heisenberg’s version, quantum events exist in potentia before human measurement and in reality only after such measurement has occurred. “Weirdness,” Heisenberg says, is the characteristic of potentia; time flows forward and backward there, and none of the usual laws of physics apply. Those laws only come into action after human intervention (measurement) has occurred.


  Wheeler’s observer-created universe, like Heisenberg’s, portrays “reality” as the result of human-quantum interaction, but adds the possibility that ERP transmissions may effect this result even before measurement is made. This, of course, leads directly to the possibility of psychokinesis (magick . . .) and might explain all sorts of eerie events, from religious “miracles” to Uri Geller’s alleged metal-bending. A slight extension of this hypothesis will allow us to consider all my 23s as the result of quantum interactions between my brain and the events I have intersected since becoming interested in 23. We are very close to Jano Watts’s “Net” here, and to the old shamanic belief-system which Sir James Frazer called “the Law of Contagion.” Crowley called it “the magickal link.”


  The second non-objective model is the parallel-worlds idea long used by science-fiction writers. A mathematical formulation of this has been devised by Wheeler (the same Wheeler as above) with Everett and Graham. This leads to the concept that there are 10100+ universes existing “simultaneously” in different dimensions. (10 100+ is only an estimate, but it means 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 universes — ten million million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million universes at least.) Each of these universes is as complete, and as vast in time and space, as our own, and we exist in each of them, but in different ways.

  In other words, everything that can happen does happen. As Saul-Paul Sirag explains this model, “In the universe next door, I’m still a physicist but working at a different area of research. A few universes over, I’m an actor who dropped out of physics and never came back to it. In another universe, I died in the concentration camp and don’t exist in the ‘present’ at all.”

  Most physicists can’t take this model seriously, and it is rumored that Wheeler, Everett and Graham, who created it, don’t believe in it. Yet it is one legitimate interpretation of the problem raised by Bell’s Theorem.


  If Locality fails, we are in a particularly interesting predicament. Locality has a rather technical meaning in physics, but basically you can think of it this way: The local universe, to any intelligent being, is bounded by the speed of light. That is, any signal received is traveling at, or at less than, the speed of light. This “local” universe — everything we can detect moving within the limiting velocity of light — is the only universe, according to Special Relativity. A “non-local” universe would be one outside that limitation. By Special Relativity, such a non-local universe is metaphysical and “meaningless,” in the sense that, even if it did exist, we could never possibly detect it.

  However, if we interpret ERP and Bell’s Theorem to mean that quantum events are, after all, in instantaneous communication, then we can contact a non-local universe on the medium of the quantum communication net. This is virtually indistinguishable from saying that we can be in California and Arizona at the same time, or in California and the Sirius double-star system at the same time, or in the past, present and future “at the same time.”

  A possible way of looking at this rather incomprehensible thought has been developed by Dr. Jack Sarfatti, who assumes that ERP transmissions (faster-than-light) are information without transportation. Limiting our view to a local universe — to transmissions at, or at less than, the speed of light — is “electromagnetic chauvinism,” Sarfatti has proposed. Information without transportation is information without energy, without “signals” in the ordinary sense. The rule of Special Relativity is, thus, not challenged but merely reduced to a definition of locality; it applies only to signals and energy systems. Pure information can take the form of ERP transmissions not limited by signals or the speed of light.

  This superluminal information (ERP transmission), Sarfatti argues, might underlie the interstellar ESP which has been claimed by recent writers (myself included) as well as ordinary planetside ESP.


  Superluminal information might also, Sarfatti and Sirag have proposed elsewhere, account for the damnable and mind-boggling phenomena of synchronicity; e.g., my 23 space-time hologram. Synchronicity, as formulated by Jung and Pauli, merely describes what happens: coincidences form into patterns that are acausal but meaningful. Superluminal information transfer on the quantum level might explain how this happens. Every sub-atomic system in the universe, or in the multiverses, adjusts instantaneously into conformity with the whole, by synergetic feedback faster-than-light. Here we approach Dr. Capra’s “Bootstrap Theory” which makes everything the cause of everything, as in I Ching or Taoism.

  We have constructed, within these alternative models at the forefront of physics, a series of partial explanations of the weird data I have offered.

  If quantum mechanics fails, then all my data — however Incompatible with current reality-maps — is merely a series of events which will be explained later, when physics has advanced a few decades (or centuries, or millennia).

  If objectivity fails and there is a world of potentia underlying the world of measured reality, then all my data and all the data of shamanism from the beginning of humanity’s history are just records of abrupt interference between potentia and reality. Heisenberg’s concept of potentia does, indeed, sound a lot like “the other world”: the nagual described in Castaneda’s books, the “astral” realms of Cabala, the “fairyland” of the Celts, the “Side” of witchcraft. In raw potentia, literally anything can happen, forward or backward or sideways in time; only in measured reality are we limited by the laws of physics.

  If objectivity fails and there are parallel worlds, maybe as many as 10100+ of them, it is easy to see how communications from here to there could be bedeviled by incoherence and confusion. Various humans who had turned on to the universe next door or to various universes two or more quantum jumps away might carry back signals which they would organize into such Gestalts as “I talked to God,” “I traveled in time,” “I met an extraterrestrial,” etc. In particular, they might bring back both prophecies that succeed and prophecies that fail, our universe being tangent to the parallel universes at some points but not at all points.

  The “Mothman Prophecies” of John Keel, remember, worked out this way:

  Prophecy #1: The Pope will be stabbed fatally in the

  Near East in 1968.

  Result: The Pop
e was stabbed, non-fatally, in Manila, in 1969.

  Prophecy #2: Robert Kennedy was in danger in a hotel kitchen.

  Result: Robert Kennedy was shot to death in a hotel kitchen.

  Prophecy #3: All the power in the U.S. will fail at noon on December 24, 1968.

  Result: The power didn’t fail, but a bridge in the center of Mothman territory collapsed at that moment, killing 100.

  Keel interprets this mindfuck to mean that the communicating entities were mischievous, had a nasty sense of humor, and are deliberately misleading and tormenting those who get involved with them. Although he calls them “ultraterrestrials,” his concept of them is not much different from what earlier centuries meant by “demons.”

  In terms of the multi-universe model, however, the entities could be totally honest. All of their predictions came true, in one universe or another. Keel just happens to be in one of the universes at a tangent to theirs, where only part of the prophecies came true.

  Interestingly, Dr. Vallee has found a similar pattern of prophecies partially succeeding and partially failing among many alleged Contactees.87

  If locality fails, and faster-than-light information really exists, we are in a Jung-Pauli universe in which synchronicity is at least as important as linear causality.

  And, if locality fails, and some advanced races are using superluminal information as casually as we use electricity, some of it must intersect this planet occasionally, although most of it is not on wavelengths usually picked up by us. This is Dr. John Lilly’s “Network.”

  It seems, in short, that there is nothing in Part One of this book, however incredible to the ordinary reader, which cannot be accounted for within the possibilities of the growing edge of quantum theory.

  Tunnel-Realities and Imprints

  Let’s try Dr. Leary’s perspective on these mysteries.


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