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Final Secret of the Illuminati

Page 29

by Robert Anton Wilson

  Death - 6

  Death-rebirth ritual - 2

  Dee, John - 7

  Dermis Probe (Shah) - 1

  Diary of a Dope Fiend (Crowley) - 1

  Dieterlen, Germaine - 1

  Dirac, P.A.M. -1

  Discordian Society - 4

  Discordianism, first law, mystic sign -15

  DMT -1

  DNA -20

  Dog Star. See Sirius Dogon tribe (Africa) -5

  Dollarbill -1

  Don Juan -3

  Doors of Perception (Huxley) -1

  Drug enforcement Administration (DEA) -2

  Drugs (see also names of specific drugs), life extension, see also Immortality pill

  Druids -21

  Eagle symbolism, see also Hawk symbolism -4

  Earth People’s Park -1

  Eckhart -1

  Ecology -1

  Eddington, Arthur -3

  Edge of Reality (Hynek and Vallee) -1

  Edison, Thomas - 4

  Ego - 7

  Egyptian calendar - 1

  Egyptian mysteries and mythologies, see also names of Egyptian gods and goddesses - 15

  Einstein, Albert, and ERP - 7

  Einsteinian theory - 8

  Electroencephalograms - 1

  Eleusianian Mysteries - 3

  el Hallaj, Mansur - 1

  Energy negative, positive - 2

  Enochian angels - 2

  Equinox (journal) - 1

  Eris - 3

  ERP demonstration (Einstein-Rosen- Podolsky) - 1

  Esalen - 1

  Esfandiary, F.M. - 1

  ESP, interstellar, see also Telepathy - 22

  Eternal Man (Pauwels and Bergier) - 1

  Ettinger, R.C.W. - 2

  Euclidean geometry, - 8

  Exo-psychology - 2

  Extended Youth (Prehoda) - 1

  Extraterrestrial contacts, see UFO contacts and contactees

  Extraterrestrial migration - 2

  Extra terrestrial visitors, see also UFOnauts - 14

  Eye in pyramid symbol, see Eye in triangle symbol

  Eye in the Triangle (Regardie) - 1

  Eye in triangle symbol, - 6

  Eye of Horus symbol, see also Horus - 4

  FAB, - 1

  Fables, Sufi, Babylonian, Jewish, German, - 11

  Fact (journal), - 2

  Fairies, - 1

  Fang the Unwashed, - 1

  Fatima, - 1

  FBI, - 5

  Fechner, Gustav, - 1

  Federation Trading Post, - 1

  Feiffer, Jules, - 1

  Fertility rites, - 1

  Festival of Yoga and Esoteric Sciences

  Finnegans Wake (Joyce), - 1

  Firesign Theatre, - 2

  First Sex (Davis), - 1

  Fitzhugh Ludlow Memorial Library, - 2

  Fives, law of, - 3

  Flash Gordon, - 1

  Flesh of the Gods (Furst), - 1

  Flessel, Peter, - 1

  Flying Saucers. See UFOs

  Folsom Prison. See Leary, Timothy and imprisonment

  Fonda, Jane, - 1

  Fort, Charles, - 5

  Fortean News (journal), - 1

  Foundation for Research on Immortality, - 1

  Four hundred and eighteen (418), - 1

  Frazer, James, - 3

  Freas, Kelly, - 3

  Free fall, i Gravity - 3

  Freemasons, see Masons

  Freud, Sigmund, - 4

  Freudians and Freudianism, - 4

  Fuck God Up the Ass (Sanders), - 1

  Fuller. Buckminster, - 4

  Fullerian concepts, - 1

  Fundamentalist, - 1

  Furst, Peter, - 1

  Futurists and Futurism, - 2

  Gabriel (archangel) - 1

  Galactic Center, - 2

  Galileo - 4

  Game theory, - 2

  Gandhi, Mohandas - 1

  Gardiner, Edward - 1

  Gardner, Martin - 1

  Garrison, Jim, - 5

  Garrison, Omar, - 1

  Gee, Prunella, - 1

  Geller, Uri, - 9

  Genetic Code (Asimov) - 1

  Gerontology, see Aging

  Ghost Dance: Origins of Religion (LaBarre) - 1

  Ginsberg, Allen - 1

  Ginzburg, Ralph - 2

  Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition (Yates) - 1

  Glenn, John - 1

  Gnostic Christianity - 1

  Gnostica (journal) - 3

  Gnosticism - 5

  God - 8

  Goddard, Robert M. - 2

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - 1

  Gospel According to Fred (Thornley) - 1

  Grant, Kenneth, - 12

  Graves, Robert - 2

  Gravity, see also Free fall well, zero - 6

  Great Seal (U.S.) - 2

  Great Pyramid of Cheops - 2

  Great Wild Best Furtherment Society - 1

  Green Egg (journal) - 1

  Gregory, Dick - 1

  Griaule, Marcel - 1

  Grimstad, W.N. - 1

  Grimstad-Downard theory - 1

  Grot, Stanley - 2

  Group therapy - 2

  Guanine - 1

  Gurdjieff, George I. - 10

  Gurdjieff: Making a New World (Bennett) - 1

  Gurvich, Aleksandr - 1

  Hadit - 1

  Hallucinogens, see also names of specific drugs - 1

  Hallucination - 16

  Hals, Jorgen - 1

  Hampton, Fred - 1

  Hanlon, Brian - 1

  Harold Lord Randomfactor - 1

  Harrington, Alan - 1

  Harvey (movie and play) - 1

  Hashish - 4

  Hawk symbolism, see also Horus; Geller, Uri - 9

  Hearst, Patty - 1

  Heart-chakra exercises - 4

  Heckethorn - 1

  Hefner, Hugh - 3

  Heinlein, Robert - 1

  Heisenberg, Werner - 2

  Herbert, Nick - 1

  Hermetic Brotherhood of Light - 1

  Heroin - 1

  Hesse, Herman - 2

  Hidalgo, Father Miguel - 2

  High IQ Bulletin (journal) - 1

  High Priest (Leary) - 1

  Higher intelligence, extraterrestrial and/or interstellar - 26

  Hiler, Wesley - 2

  Hill, Gregory - 7

  Hilliard, David - 1

  Hindus and Hinduism - 6

  History of Secret Societies (Daraul) - 1

  Ho Chih Zen - 1

  Hoffman, Abbie - 1

  Hofmann, Albert - 1

  Hologram - 3

  Hoover, J. Edgar - 1

  Horowitz, Mike - 2

  Horus, see also Hawk symbolism; Eye of Horus. - 12

  “How I Found Goddess and What I Did to Her After I Found Her,” - 1

  How the West Was Lost (Hill) - 1

  Hoyle, Fred - 1

  Hubbard, L. Ron - 1

  Hume, David - 1

  Humphrey, Hubert - 1

  Huxley, Aldous - 7

  Huxley, Laura Archera - 1

  Hynek,J. Allen - 2

  Hypnosis, self-hypnosis - 5

  I2. See Higher intelligence

  I Ching - 6

  Ichazo, Oscar - 1

  Idea-transference, see ESP; Telepathy

  Illuminati, anti-Illuminati propaganda, Bavarian, (eye in triangle) - 39

  Illumination - 2

  Illuminatus (Wilson and Shea), - 27

  Illuminoids, The (Wilgus) - 1

  Immortalist (journal) - 1

  Immortalist (Harrington)v

  Immortalists - 4

  Immortality - 16

  Immortality Factor (Segerberg) - 1

  Immortality pill - 4

  Imprinting - 11

  Institute for the Study of Consciousness - 1

  International Psychoanalytic Society - 1

  Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality (Leary) - 1

p; Interstellar communication biological signals, radio signals, see also UFOs - 2

  Invisible College (Vallee) - 1

  Invisible Landscape (McKenna) - 1

  Is There Life on Earth? (Bennett) - 1

  Ishmaelian sect - 1

  Ishtar - 1

  Isis - 2

  Jackson, Donald - 1

  Japanese people - 1

  JDL, see Jewish Defense League

  Jefferson, Thomas - 4

  Jehovah - 1

  Jesuits - 5

  Jesus - 5

  Jewish Defense League (JDL) - 1

  John Birch Society, see also Welch, Robert - 3

  Johnson, L. Baines - 1

  Joy of Sex (Comfort) - 1

  Joyce, James, - 3

  Jumped by Jesus (Sirag) - 1

  Jumper, Dean F. - 1

  Jung, Carl - 12

  Jungian Archetypes, see Archetypes. Jungian Collective Unconscious, see Collective Unconscious

  Jungian Synchronicity, see Synchronicity

  Jungians and Jungianism, - 7

  Kaballa, see Cabala

  Kali - 2

  Karma - 3

  Kast, Eric - 1

  Katz, Martin - 1

  Keel, John - 7

  Kennedy, Edward - 1

  Kennedy, John, assassination of - 9

  Kennedy, Robert - 3

  Kepler, Johannes - 1

  Kesey, Ken – 3

  Ketamine - 1

  KGO - 1

  King, Francis - 3

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., assassination of - 4

  Kirk, Russell - 3

  Kirlian photography - 1

  Kline, Nathan S. - 1

  Knights Templar - 3

  Koestler, Arthur - 2

  Kohoutek (comet) - 1

  Koot Hoomi - 1

  Koran - 2

  Korzybski, Alfred - 4

  Krassner, Paul - 2

  Krishna, Gopi - 2

  Kropotkin, Peter A. - 1

  Kubrick, Stanley - 1

  L5 - 2

  LaBarre, Weston - 1

  Lady L - 1

  Lady of Guadalupe Lady of Guadalupe, see also BVM; Peyote woman; Nuit; Space Lady; etc. - 3

  Lady of Space, see Space Lady

  Laing, R.D. - 1

  Lanalus - 2

  Lane, Mark - 1

  Langham, Chris - 1

  Lao-tse - 2

  Larry Blake’s Pub (Berkeley) - 1

  Lawrence, L. George - 1

  Lawton, A.T. - 1

  Leary, Joanna - 6

  Leary, Timothy, and Behavior Change, and circuits, and Crowley, and drug synergetic theory (dosage, set, setting), and idea-transference, and immortality, and imprisonment (Folsom, Vacaville, etc.), and interstellar telepathy, and marijuana connection, and neurological relativism, and Periodic Table of Evolution, and Pythagoras, and Reich, and SMI2LE, and Starseed Transmissions, and Two Commandments, and Wilson family, - 77

  LeBarre, Weston - 1

  Lehrman, Nat - 1

  Lenin - 1

  Leprechauns - 3

  Levitation - 4

  Liber Aleph (Crowley) - 1

  Libertarianism - 3

  Liddy, G. Gordon - 2

  Life extension, see also Immortality, Death; etc. - 6

  Light, speed of - 5

  Lilly, John - 17

  Linear causality - 1

  Locality, Doctrine of - 3

  Longevity, see Immortality; Death; Aging; etc.

  Loony, Penny - 3

  Lorentz, Hendrik - 1

  Los Angeles Free Press (newspaper) - 1

  Lourdes - 1

  Lovecraft, H.P. - 2

  Loyola, Saint Ignatius - 1

  LSD - 28

  LSD (Solomon) - 1

  McAuley, Stephen - 1

  Macbeth (play) - 1

  McDivitt, Jim - 1

  McGraw-Hill Publications poll - 1

  McKenna, Dennis - 1

  McKenna, Terrence - 1

  McKenna Theory - 2

  McLuhan, Marshall - 3

  McMurty, Grady - 6

  McMurty, Phylis - 3

  McNamara, Thomas - 1

  MacNaughton, Duncan - 1

  McNeil, Michael - 2

  Machen, Arthur - 1

  Magical Revival (Grant) - 2

  Magick - 21

  Magick (Crowley) - 2

  Magickal diary - 3

  Magick in Theory and Practice - 1

  Malaclypse the Younger (see also Hill, Gregory) - 3

  Malik, Joe - 1

  Manson Group - 1

  Manual of Sex Magick (Culling) - 1

  Marconi, Guglielmo - 1

  “Manual for Discordian Evangelists” - 1

  Marijuana - 11

  Mars - 1

  Martino, Dennis - 2

  Marx, Harpo - 1

  Mary, Virgin, see Blessed Virgin Mary

  Masons, see also Thirty- three (33) anti-Masonic Party - 13

  Massage - 1

  Masters and Johnson sex research - 2

  Materialism - 3

  Mathers, MacGregor - 1

  Matus, Don Juan, see Don Juan

  Maya (hallucination), see also Hallucination - 3

  Mechanical Bride (McLuhan) - 1

  Meditation, and sex - 4

  Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Jung) - 1

  Man Against Mortality (Jumper) - 1

  Men in Black - 2

  Mendeleyev, Dimitri - 1

  Mendeleyev Periodic Table - 1

  Merry Pranksters - 1

  Mescaline - 4

  Mescalito - 5

  Mesmer, Franz Anton - 1

  Metaprograms and metaprogramming - 22

  Mickey Mouse - 1

  Microwave Instrument Company - 1

  Millay, Jean - 3

  Millbrook Ashram - 4

  Miller, Arthur - 1

  Mind, see also Circuits; Perception; Reality - 3

  Mini-brains, see Circuits

  Miracles - 5

  Mr. M. - 2

  Mitchell, Ed - 2

  Mitrinovic - 1

  Mohammed - 1

  Mohle, Michael - 1

  Moody, Raymond - 1

  Moonchild - 1

  Moonchild (Crowley) - 1

  Moon rockets - 2

  Mordecai the Foul - 1

  Morgenstern, Oscar - 1

  Morning of the Magicians (Pauwels and Bergier) - 1

  Morphine - 2

  Moses - 1

  Mothman - 3

  Mothman Prophecies (Keel) - 1

  Multi-model approach - 1

  Murray, Margaret - 1

  NASA, - 1 see also Astronauts; and names of specific astronauts

  Nashe, Thomas - 1

  Nasrudin, Mullah - 6

  National Guardian (newspaper) - 1

  National Review (journal) - 2

  Native American Church - 1

  Natural Surrealist Party - 1

  Net, quantum communication net - 11

  Network, see Net Network (poem) - 1

  New Libertarian (journal) - 1

  New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn - 1

  New York Review of Books - 1

  New York Times (newspaper) - 1

  Newburg, Victor - 1

  Newland, John - 1

  Newman, James - 1

  Newport, Robert - 1

  Newton, Isaac - 1

  Newtonian physics - 7

  Nietzsche, Friedrich - 2

  Ninety-three (93) - 1

  Nitrous Oxide - 1

  Nixon, Richard Milhous - 8

  Noetic Studies, Institute for - 1

  Nommo - 1

  Norton, Joshua - 2

  Norton I - 2

  Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, see Lady of Guadalupe

  Nuit - 8

  Numbers (5,23, 88, 666, etc.), see specific number

  Oak Ridge National Laboratory - 1

  Oannes - 1

  Objectivity, Doctrine of - 3

  Occult, The (Wilson, C.) - 1 />
  Octaves, Law of - 2

  Oersted, Hans - 1

  Olsen, Hal - 1

  Omega Point - 2

  One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey) - 1

  O’Neill, Gerard - 4

  Onrak the Backwards - 1

  Operation Mindfuck - 3

  Opiates, see names of specific drugs.

  Opium - 1

  Oral sex - 1

  Ordo Templi Orientis - 12

  Orgasm, polyphase - 1

  Orgone - 4

  Oriflamme (journal) - 1

  Osiris - 5

  Osmond, Humphrey - 2

  Oswald, Lee Harvey - 8

  Other Tongues, Other Flesh (Williamson) - 1

  Our Lady of Space, see Space Lady; Blessed Virgin Mary; Peyote Woman; etc.

  Pan - 3

  Pancakes - 6

  Papoon, George - 1

  Paracelsus - 1

  Paragranis, Frater - 1

  Parallel worlds - 2

  Paraphysics - 1

  Parapsychology - 7

  Parcifal - 2

  Parker, Quanah - 1

  Parsons, Jack - 2

  Patanjali - 1

  Paul, Saint - 1

  Pauli - 1

  Pauwels, Louis - 1

  Pavlovian responses - 1

  Payne, Ruth - 1

  PCP - 1

  Pederastia, Padre - 1

  PEN, see Poets, Essayists and Novelists Club (PEN)

  Pentagon - 1

  Perception, see also Reality - 5

  Periodic Table of Evolution - 1

  Peyote - 14

  Peyote Cult (LaBarre) - 1

  Peyote Woman - 1

  Phi Beta Kappa - 1

  Philosophy of Physical Science (Eddington) - 1

  Phoenix as bird, as constellation, as name, as newspaper - 9

  Physics - 6

  Physics Consciousness Research Group - 1

  Pike, Albert - 1

  Pisan Cantos (Pound) - 1

  Plato - 1

  Playboy (journal) - 8

  Podolsky, Boris. See ERP

  Poets, Essayists and Novelists Club (PEN) - 2

  Poltergeist disturbances - 3

  Pookah - 1

  Pooler, Margaret - 1

  Pope Paul VI - 2

  Popkin - 2

  Potentia - 2

  Pound, Ezra - 1

  Prehoda, Robert - 1

  Principia Discordia (Hill) - 3

  PROBE - 1

  Proclus - 1

  Programmed death - 1

  Programming and Metaprogramming the Human Biocomputer (Lilly) - 1

  Project Cyclops - 1

  Projection - 3

  Prometheus Society - 2

  Propinquities, see Coincidences; Synchronicity

  Prospects of Immortality (Ettinger) - 1

  Prosthetics - 1

  Proteins, anti-histone - 1

  Proton-electron mass ratio - 1

  Psilocybin - 5

  Psychedelics, see also names of specific drugs - 15

  Psychic (journal) - 2

  Psychokinesis - 2

  “The Psychology of Hashish” (Crowley) - 1

  Psycho-pharmacology - 2

  Puharich, Andrija - 7

  PURSE - 1

  PUTZ - 1

  Pyramid, Great, of Cheops, see Great Pyramid of Cheops

  Pythagoras - 1

  Quantum Inseparability Principle - 1

  Quantum mechanics, see also ERP; Physics - 7


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