Nevaeh's Secret (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 2)

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Nevaeh's Secret (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 2) Page 7

by Christina Escue

  “Next time I’ll let him stake you,” she countered as she dodged a punch from a vampire nearly twice her size. “What the fuck are they feeding these guys? Miracle Grow?”

  Nevaeh chuckled as she dodged a blow from a vampire just a big as the one Karma was fighting. Seeing an opening, she brought her knee up and connected with the groin of the vampire she was fighting. When he dropped to his knees, she used his moment of weakness to slide her scimitar through his chest and straight into his heart. “All brawn, no brain.”

  “Fuck!” Karma yelled, taking a hard hit to the head and stumbling back.

  “Karma!” Dylan yelled as he dodged a blow from one of the two he was fighting.

  “I got her,” Nevaeh yelled as she pulled Karma’s Sai from the big guy she’d killed first and threw it. With a loud crunch as it went through his back, and the vampire who was about to bite Karma dropped to his knees.

  “Thanks,” Karma yelled and jumped to her feet. “That fucking hurt.”

  “Leave one alive,” Harrison said as he took out the one he was fighting. “We want to know who sent them.”

  Nodding, Karma reached out and snapped the neck of the vampire in front of her, dropping her to her knees.

  As Nevaeh, Dylan, and Harrison finished off the last of the vampire, Karma secured the one who’s neck she’d broken with the silver embossed rope she always carried with her.

  “Good job, everyone,” Nevaeh said and grinned. “Well, we all know I didn’t lose my ability to kill vampire.”

  “That’s a damn good thing,” Karma said and looked around at the mess. “We need to call the Bureau in, but we do not need to share anything we found with them.”

  “Agreed,” Nevaeh said and pulled her phone from her pocket. “You two take everything back to the hotel, and secure the prisoner, and we will handle the Bureau.”

  “Sounds like a plan. We will meet you there as soon as you’re finished,” Dylan said and grinned. “And then I guess we will see if you’re as good at interrogation as Karma is.”

  “I taught her everything she knows, remember?” Nevaeh responded with a grin. “Now get going. We won’t be long.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You failed me once again,” Crompton said as soon as his informant answered the phone.

  “I tried, but she was watched the entire time.”

  “By whom?”

  “Karma, Dylan, and Harrison. The three of them were never gone more than a moment, and even when they were, one was always with her.”

  “You want me to believe you couldn’t take care of two Halflings and a vampire who, until recently, lived as a human? Pathetic,” Crompton said and sighed.

  “They went to check out the warehouse everything was moved from and I have sent a dozen excellent fighters to take care of them.”

  “Who went to the warehouse?”

  “Nevaeh and Harrison.”

  “Where are Karma and Dylan?”

  “They were in their room when Nevaeh and Harrison left.”

  “You had better not fail me again. If Nevaeh is not eliminated, you will pay the price for failing me.”

  Crompton ended the called and rose to his feet. He needed to let off some steam, and he knew just the person to help him.

  “Analia, can you come out here a moment?”

  “What do you need, Master?” She asked.

  “I need a girl. Blonde, human, and curvy. Do we have one in the latest shipment?” He asked, and she looked at him for a second.

  “We do. I will get her and bring her to you,” she answered and turned to walk away.

  “Analia, I want you to join us this time,” he said, and she looked at him in shock. “You are old enough, and it’s time you learned how to pleasure a man.”

  Nodding, she nearly fled the room. As she made her way to the holding room, he thought of the things he was going to do to her over the next few hours and grinned. By the time he was finished with her, no one, human or vampire, would ever want her again and she would be forced to stay with him for eternity.

  “Lovely,” he said, and she walked back into the room with a girl exactly as he described. “We are going to have a lot of fun together,” he told the human, and turned toward Analia.

  “Take her to my room and both of you undress. I will be there in a moment,” he ordered, and Analia nodded.

  Once they were gone, he grabbed his cell phone and dialed a number.

  “My love,” he said as soon as she answered. “It is time.”

  “Anything for you, my love,” she replied and ended the call.

  Smiling broadly, he walked to his bedroom. Once inside, he closed and locked the door before turning to the two girls.

  “Lovely,” he said as he gazed upon their bodies. “Absolutely lovely. As long as you do everything I tell you, you will both enjoy this very much.”


  “What the fuck happened here?” Fuller asked as he walked into the warehouse.

  “We were checking out a call about suspicious activity when we were attacked,” Harrison answered. “I’m glad Nevaeh is as prepared as Karma for shit like this, or we’d both be dead.”

  “I didn’t hear about a call,” Fuller said and looked at Nevaeh questioningly.

  “Probably because you weren’t in your room, and you didn’t answer your cell,” Ramsey countered. “I tried calling you four times earlier, and got your voicemail. I gave up and went to your room, only to not get an answer there, either.”

  “Where were you, Agent Fuller?” Holbrook asked.

  “None of your god damned business,” Fuller answered and walked away.

  “He’s a little testy,” Nevaeh commented, and Harrison snorted.

  “Something has definitely crawled up his ass. The question is, what? Or who?” Harrison asked and watched as Fuller directed his team in the clean-up. “We need to meet with the Senate once we’re back at the hotel. No Bureau members, though.”

  “We can meet in the small conference room. Hotel management has kept it empty for us, and will continue to do so, as long as we’re here,” Holbrook told him.

  “Good. Let’s get this cleaned up so we can get back. It’s been a fucking long ass day already and it’s barely half over,” Nevaeh said and they all grinned.

  “Karma and Dylan were here, weren’t they?” Fuller asked.

  “No. Last time I saw them, they were heading to their room,” Nevaeh answered, lying so smoothly Harrison almost believed her.

  “This wound was not made by one of your scimitars,” he told her and pointed to the hole in the largest vampire’s chest. “It looks just like one of Karma’s Sais.”

  “It was one of my new toys,” Harrison answered without missing a beat. “I made new stakes that are thinner and easier to handle.”

  Harrison pulled one of the stakes he’d been trying to create from his belt and tossed it at Fuller. It wasn’t shaped exactly like the Sai, but it was close enough to have made the hole in the vamp’s chest.

  After examining it, Fuller shrugged and handed it back to him.

  “If you say so,” he said and headed back over to where the bodies were laying. “Let’s get this cleaned up and get back to the hotel. We have a fucking vampire to find, and all this other shit is just keeping us from that.”

  “Something definitely has his dick in a twist,” Nevaeh said and grinned as the men surrounding her all shuddered. “What? Most men like a good, firm, dick twist on occasion.”

  “Only if the one twisting can’t rip it off with her hands and shove it up my ass,” Harrison countered, and Nevaeh laughed.

  “I wouldn’t shove it up your ass, I’d shove it down your throat, so you could taste my sweet victory,” she replied without missing a beat.

  “I really don’t want to know,” Ramsey said and walked away. The other Senate members followed him, leaving Harrison and Nevaeh alone with their inside conversation.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “The Senate said we can use
the small conference room,” Harrison told Dylan as soon as he answered the phone.

  “What do you want us to do with the girl?” He asked, looking at the now conscious vampire.

  “Bring her with you, but be there before we get back. We have the whole of the Bureau here, and the Huntresses are on lockdown, so you should be able to get her inside without being seen if you use the back stairs.”

  “Okay. We will be in the conference room waiting. Karma has the girl under control, and she isn’t talking yet, but I’m thinking that may change when faced with the prospects of torture.”

  “I hope so. For now, just keep her quiet until we get there,” Harrison said and ended the call.

  “He wants us to take the girl to the small conference room and wait for them. We have to be silent and fast though. I can carry her if you want to keep your eyes open for anyone,” Dylan told Karma. “I’d let you carry her, but, and as much as I hate to admit it, you’re faster than I am, and can handle any potential problems we may encounter without breaking a sweat.”

  “After my stupid move earlier, it’s nice to know you still have that kind of confidence in me,” she told him and kissed him gently. “Once this is over, I need a hot shower and you.”

  “That, love, is the best idea I’ve heard in days,” he said and nipped her lip. “Let’s get down there so we are ready when they arrive.”

  Nodding her response, she opened the door and peeked out.

  “All clear,” she said and smiled when he picked the young female up and tossed her over his shoulder. After looking again, she stepped into the hall and motioned for him to proceed to the stairs.

  After closing and locking the door, she followed him to the stairs and opened the door. After looking in, she stepped back. Once he was in, she followed and let the door close behind them just as the elevator dinged.

  “That was too close,” she mouthed, and Dylan nodded. “Let’s get downstairs so we can relax a bit before they get here.”

  Heading down, they stopped on each floor and checked the hall before moving past the door. At the bottom, Karma stepped out and scanned the lobby. Not seeing any Huntresses or Bureau members, she motioned for him to come out.

  Using vampire speed, they made it to the conference room within seconds and both sighed with relief when the door shut behind them.

  Dylan sat the girl in a chair and Karma secured her with silver rope, before they each dropped into chairs, and Karma pulled the envelope from where she’d had it since the fight earlier.

  “I brought a cell charger that should fit the phone. Let’s get it plugged up so it will be ready when they get here,” Karma said, and Dylan nodded. “Then I think we should check out the contents of this, just to make sure we want to share it with everyone.”

  After plugging the phone up, Dylan sat back beside Karma and she broke the seal on the envelope.

  “What the fuck?” She asked quietly after she dumped the contents on the table.

  There were pictures of all of them, a flash drive, a list that looked like a shipping manifest, and a little book that contained initials and dates.

  “Whoever this is knows us,” Dylan stated as he shifted through the pictures. “Some of these are from when we were in DC hashing out the initial laws with Congress.”

  “Matthews,” Karma said and tapped a picture. “This is from the night we were attacked after getting ice cream.”

  “I’d have assumed Matthews would be long gone since he knows we’re looking for him,” Dylan mused.

  “But we’re not. Not actively, anyway, and I think he has someone on the inside who knows that,” she said and picked up a picture. “This one was taken the first day we were here, and this one just a few days ago. I’d almost bet there are more on that flash drive.”

  Before Dylan could comment, the door opened, and the Senate members walked in, followed by Harrison and Nevaeh.

  “What the hell?” Nevaeh asked as her eyes landed on the pictures.

  “This is evidence we have a spy inside the Bureau somewhere,” Karma answered and looked at the Senate. “I think whomever it is, is working for or with Matthews, but could be directly working for Crompton.”

  “These were taken during the meetings in DC,” Ramsey pointed to several Karma and Dylan had separated from the rest.

  “Yes, and this one was taken at our home in Virginia,” Karma said and looked at Dylan. “We need to get Jackson to safety.”

  “I already did,” Harrison said. “I called him on the way here and told him to get into the panic room of the house and stay there until he heard from one of us. He will be fine in there for a while, and if we aren’t back before he runs out of supplies, we’re probably dead already.”

  “I could send some Huntresses to keep him company. He will have to let them in, but he would at least have some company inside until you all get home.”

  “Sounds good. I’d send Delanie, Lexie, Malinda, and maybe Gina or Ashtyn. They’re all strong fighters, except Delanie, but she’s close to his age and maybe will have some things in common with him,” Karma suggested, and Nevaeh nodded.

  “You call Jackson, and I will call Gina, so she can get them on the road. At least it isn’t that far of a drive,” Nevaeh said as she pulled her phone from her pocket and walked to the back corner of the room.

  Once that was all in motion, Karma checked the cell phone and was happy to see it was at about half power. After unplugging it, she took it to the table and sat down. “Let’s see what this little baby holds, shall we?”

  They waited as it powered up and then Karma scrolled through the contacts.

  “These two are very interesting,” Karma said and handed the phone to Nevaeh.

  “Fuller, and Tonya? My Huntress Tonya?” She asked, snapping her head toward Karma.

  “She was questioning Dylan and I earlier today,” Karma replied. “Fuller is the one who caught my attention. Depending on who’s phone this is, he could be the spy. It would explain what has crawled up his ass since we’ve been here.”

  “What do you suggest we do about him?” Holbrook asked.

  “Nothing, yet,” Nevaeh said and looked at the vampire bound to the chair. “Let’s see what she has to say, then we can go from there.”

  The girl’s eyes grew wide with fear, and the smell of urine filled the air.

  “What’s your name?” Nevaeh asked in a calm voice.

  “Lori,” the girl answered, just as calmly.

  “Who sent you to the warehouse?”

  “I don’t know. Jeremy was the one who got the call,” Lori answered.

  “You’re lying,” Karma said from across the room as she continued to look through the phone.

  “I’m not lying,” Lori replied defiantly.

  “Yes, you are,” Karma countered and grinned. “You know who the call came from.”

  “Jeremy never told us who called,” she countered.

  “That may be true, but you still know,” Karma told her and smiled when the girl shifted against the restraints. “You’re not getting out of those.”

  “Bitch,” the girl spat, and Karma chuckled.

  “Thank you,” Karma replied and went back to scrolling through the phone.

  “I will give you one last chance to tell me who sent you before I start having fun,” Nevaeh said and grinned.

  “I don’t know,” she lied again.

  “Have it your way,” Nevaeh said and walked over to where Karma was sitting. “Do you have any silver I can handle without it harming me?”

  “Of course,” Karma replied and slid a wooden handled, silver dagger from her boot. “I took a couple of mine and made vampire safe handles for them when the VEB was created. I didn’t want to be the only one who could have fun playing with silver.”

  “Do you have any idea how fucking hot it is knowing you are always prepared for anything?” Dylan asked and Karma grinned.

  “I’ll let you show me later,” she replied with a wink and Nevaeh chuckled. �
��Let’s hear what she has to say first, though.”

  “Good idea,” Dylan said and turned toward the vampire in the corner. “I hope she’s as fun to watch as you are.”

  “Hush you,” Nevaeh said and pointed the dagger at him.

  Chuckling, he pretended to zip his lips as she turned back to the vampire.

  “Now, do you want to tell the truth yet, or are we still gonna play?” Nevaeh asked.

  “Burn in hell,” Lori said and Nevaeh grinned.

  “Have it your way,” she responded and pressed the dagger against Lori’s arm. “You see, silver won’t kill a vampire, but it burns through the blood stream and weakens them. As it fills their blood, it burns like hell-fire, or so I’ve heard.”

  “Bring it, bitch,” she spat and Nevaeh grinned.

  Letting just the tip of the blade pierce her skin, Nevaeh’s grin grew wider when Lori hissed.

  “Hurt just a little?” She asked, and Lori closed her eyes.

  “You wish,” she countered, and Nevaeh pushed the dagger in a bit more.

  “What about now?” Nevaeh asked, as the tip of the dagger hit bone and Lori screeched in pain.

  “Go to hell,” Lori said through clenched teeth.

  “Aww, I was hoping we’d moved past that,” Nevaeh said and smiled. “Oh well, guess we get to play a bit more.”

  She pulled the dagger from Lori’s arm and slowly sliced down her face.

  This time, Lori’s screech echoed through the room, and Nevaeh grinned. “Ready to talk now?”

  “Jeremy’s creator,” she said, as she struggled against the ropes holding her.

  “And who is that?” Nevaeh asked, looking at her curiously.

  “I don’t know his name,” she answered.

  “You’re lying again,” Karma said, never taking her eyes off the phone she was searching through.

  Lori hissed at her and Karma chuckled.

  “You must get off on pain,” Nevaeh said and slid the knife down the girl’s other cheek.

  “His name is Garrett. I swear that’s all I know,” she said, and all eyes turned to her.


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