Doc (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 4)

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Doc (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 4) Page 11

by C. M. Steele

  There’s a buzz at the gate. What the fuck. I look at the alarm, and it’s her family already. “Get in the shower. I’ll let them in and start the coffee.”

  “Okay. I’ll be quick.” Luckily we didn’t get too sweaty with that session.

  I take a fast shower and hop out to find my sister in my bedroom waiting for me. “Hey, what are you doing here so early?”

  She sighs, lying back on my window seat. “They dragged us out. I was nice and snuggled up, but you know how they can be. They want to do breakfast and exchange gifts. You know Mom.” She finishes with a roll of her eyes.

  I nod and laugh. “Mom.” I cast a glance at her growing belly and add, “I suppose you’ll be like that soon.”

  “Maybe you as well.” She winks and then wags her brows, staring at the missing sheets.

  “Yeah. A girl can hope. So what’s up?” I ask, pulling the towel off my head and tossing it onto the bench at the end of the bed. I walk into the closet to grab something cute to wear, waiting for her to say something. I can see something is on her mind.

  “I came to check in on you. I heard what Mike did yesterday. They can be ridiculously overprotective. You remember what happened with Corey, and they thought Boomer put his hands on me.”

  “Yes. I know. I’m not mad because it didn’t go far. It’s my fault for not explaining it well.”

  “Girl, please. You don’t owe them a replay of what happened. They need to trust us. I think they are learning, but that’s only going to come when they find someone special too.”

  “So let me get ready before Joe starts looking for me.”

  “What are you going to wear?”

  “Well. For now, a cute pair of jeans with this Christmas tee.”

  “I love it! How did you get that so quick?”

  “Sammie has a creative mind. She does a lot of crafts, and this is what she gave me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Merry Christmas,” her mother shouts as they come in like a damn party parade. Boomer and Crystal are with them. Boomer usually spends time with his siblings, but like all families, they branch out. While I went to claim Sophia in Tennessee, Jackson found his woman, Penny, who was a client of his. They are visiting her family for the holiday. Mick and Morgan are inseparable and spending time together.

  “Merry Christmas.” I give her mom a hug and then shake everyone else’s hands.

  Crystal sneaks past all the men to give me a hug too and then asks, “Where’s Sophia? Still sleeping?”

  Boomer pulls her back to his side, making us laugh. “No, she’s in the shower. We weren’t expecting you for another hour or two.”

  “Mom thought Sophia would need a hand with breakfast,” Dan blurts out.

  “Thanks, but I planned on keeping Sophia out of the kitchen. My sister should be here soon to help me cook.” Dan’s face changes again, but he’s still standing in the doorway. “Please come all the way in.”

  “How is her hand?” Mr. Miller asks.

  “It’s healing nicely. There doesn’t seem to be any nerve damage, just a very good cut.”

  “As pretty as glass ornaments can be, I hate that the shards are thin. She still had a couple embedded when she came to the office,” Sammie says, entering just as Mike is about to close the door. He smiles at her, and a low rumble comes from Dan Jr. Sammie ignores him and says, “Sorry I couldn’t stay with her yesterday. The theater is crazy at this time. Today is going to be busy.”

  “Are you working today?” Dan questions, looking pissed off. Something is going on, and I’m afraid of that look in his eyes. Even if the fucker doesn’t like me, he’s got it bad for my sister. Seeing the disgusted eye roll she gives him eases the tension in me. She gives me a hug. “Merry Christmas, bro.” If he wasn’t such a dick about Sophia and me, I could see it, but I don’t know this guy. He’s a professional fighter who’s probably fucked his way through every ringside groupie.

  “Yes, I am. It’s Christmas Day. Three new movies are opening today.”

  “Normally we both work, so we do something the day after,” I add. “But from now on, I’ll be taking a vacation around the holidays.”

  “Sophia,” her mom calls out, standing up and walking around the sofa to my wife.

  It takes me one second to go from comfortable to achingly ready to fuck Sophia’s brains out. I can’t wait until we’re alone. My dick hardens in my pants as I stare at her top, a simple white tee with bold, Christmas-colored letters that say, My 1st Christmas as Mrs. Simmons. I fucking love it. I hop over the sofa and rush to her side, sliding one arm around her waist and the other into her hair. “Fucking sexy, Mrs. Simmons,” I growl in a low whisper for her to hear, crushing my lips to hers. I pull back quickly and take her hand to sit down. Boomer’s already at Crystal’s side, helping her to sit down.

  “Oh, I love that shirt, dear. It’s so cute,” her mother says.

  “Thanks. Sammie made it for me.”

  “Wow, you’re talented.” Mrs. Miller is a sweet woman.

  My sister has no idea how to take a compliment. A blush crosses her face and she bites her bottom lip. “It’s nothing. Just something I do for fun.”

  “I like it,” Mike says, getting a stone-cold glare from Dan Jr. I swear that fucker has it bad for my sister. I need to make sure I warn her about him. Bastard.


  “I’m so glad I finally have you alone,” I say as all of our guests drive off. The gates are secure and the doors locked. Now to get my wife naked with her pussy on my face before I go mad.

  “Why is that?” She sways her hips, moving around to the edge of the sofa, sitting on the arm and leaning on the back.

  “Because I’ve had enough being polite when all I want to do is watch you come for me.”

  “Well, I can say that wouldn’t have been a smart thing if you had done that during breakfast.”

  “I was tempted.”

  “Give in to your temptation,” she mewls, pressing her hands between her thighs. And that I do. A very Merry Christmas to me.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  A month later

  I drag her onto my lap after my shower. Her sweet, hot pussy presses against the towel I'm wearing. I'm a little pissed that I still have it on. "I'm off to the hospital in two hours. Fucking hell, Sophia, I'm going to miss you."

  "I'm going to miss you too. I wish I could come with, but I'm sure that's not allowed."

  "Well, do you have anything to do this weekend?"

  "Not really. Crystal plans to spend time with Boomer, and your sister is busy getting her café up and running.”

  “Good. You can stay at the hotel down the road and we can have a nice weekend in Dallas."

  "I can come?" she screeches, jumping up and down in my lap.

  "Yes, and I've seen you do it. If you keep bouncing like that, I'm going to come."

  "Do we have time for that?" I flip her onto her back, lifting my shirt—that she stole again—off her body. My cock throbs between us, aching to be inside of her. It's all I long to do most days.

  "This is going to be quick, my love."

  "Give it to me, Doc," she moans. My dick slides along her seam, scraping the tip over her wetness, teasing her and driving me mad. "I thought you said we didn't have time to play. Fuck me, now."

  With a growl, I thrust into her pussy, slamming into her repeatedly. "Do you like being fucked hard? You want me to nut deep in you, don't you?" I lose it when she starts running her hands down my back, scraping her nails and marking my skin.

  "I do. Take me, husband. Put your baby in me.” I don’t hesitate to fuck her wildly, grabbing her ass tight and driving into her until sweat beads over both of our bodies. It's not long before her silky walls close around my cock, sending my release to meet her own.

  "I love you so damn much, Sophia."

  "I'll always love you," she whispers, clenching around my shaft, draining the last of me into her. I roll us over
, and we both relax for about ten minutes, when she startles, jumping off of me. "We have to get ready. You're due at the hospital, and I need to get us a hotel room."

  I scurry off the bed as well, taking her hand and leading her to the bathroom. "Into the shower, woman." We both wash as fast as possible, and I do my best to keep my hands off her silky body. I should have showered in one of the other bathrooms, but I hate knowing that we’ll be apart for a long time today and tomorrow.

  After we get on the road, I give her the number to the hotel that I've rarely ever stayed at because I usually crashed at the hospital, just in case they needed me.

  "Hello, I need to book a king room." I snatch the phone away from her because an idea comes to mind.

  "Actually, can we have your best room available. My wife and I will be staying from tonight until Monday,” I say, thankfully catching a grin from Sophia instead of a scowl for taking the phone in the first place.

  "Can I have your information, sir?" the man asks on the other line.

  "Yes, I'm Dr. Joseph Simmons, and my guest number should be on file.” We have an agreement with the hotel for both staff and visitors to the hospital.

  "It is. You'll need to present an ID and card when you arrive.” I nod as if he can see me because my attention is on the road, driving onto the quiet stretch of highway to Dallas.

  "Great. Thank you very much."

  I end the call and hand her back the phone. She takes it with a little huff. "You know, you could have made the call yourself." There’s the scolding I was expecting.

  "Sorry, but with me gone all day, I want to make sure you have their absolute best." I raise my hand and brush it down her cheek.

  "I'll try to keep myself busy. Maybe a trip to the local bookstores for a business model reference." I blanch, worrying about letting her roam around Dallas unprotected. Even if she wasn’t the wife of a Steele Rider, she’s still a beautiful young woman in a city with a high crime rate.

  "How about we do that when I get out? We'll have plenty of time before we start the grand opening of your bookshop.” I take her hand and intertwine our fingers over the console and continue to drive into the city.

  “But it’s going to be a long day without you,” she confesses. I love that she needs to be around me. I want that, even if it’s a bit selfish.

  Bringing our hands to my lips, I kiss the back of hers. “That's why I want you to have the best they can provide. So tell me. What would be the first book you'd order for your bookstore?"

  That brought an instant glow to her face. "That's not easy, but I would have to go with the classics because those are always wanted and needed. Although, I'd need to know the timeframe that I'd need for pre-ordering bestsellers to get the hardcovers in stock by their release date."

  "See you're already thinking in the right direction. I love the light that comes into your eyes when you talk about it. I live for that."

  "Thank you," she says, blushing and ducking her head to look down at her lap as if she’s not used to compliments.

  "We've been married for over a month. I thought you'd get over me expressing how much you mean to me."

  "I don't think I'll ever get over it."

  "Good, because I plan to say it every single day." I steal a glance back at her and the blush is gone, but she seems distressed.

  "How are you feeling?" I ask.

  "I'm great. Why?" A forced smile crosses her face.

  “You don’t look so good all of a sudden.”

  "Um...nothing." Damn, she looks pale.

  "It's not nothing,” I bite out, counting my blessings that there’s an exit coming.

  "Can you pull over?" I do that, taking the nearest exit ramp and onto a dirt road. She hops out of the truck and loses all her breakfast. Shit. I wonder if she caught something. I jump out of the driver's side, not looking where I'm going and luckily, miss getting hit by a pickup truck. I run around and hold her hair and rub her back.

  "I'm sorry," she sobs.

  "Don't be sorry. It would have been a lot worse if you puked in the truck,” I tease, making her giggle.

  "Don't make me laugh," she cries, letting out some more. I've seen so much worse than this, but she's my wife, and I feel fucking helpless. I don't like the idea of her being sick. It’s irrational, but as a doctor, I believe my wife should never be ill.

  “Are you done?” She doesn’t answer, and I’m guessing it’s because she’s not sure yet. “Wait here and let me grab a water.” I rush over to our truck and pull out her water from the cup holder and bring it to her. “Babe, here, drink this.”

  Still in her crouched position, she takes it and rinses her mouth.

  “I wonder what we ate that was bad.”

  She stands up straight and raises her brow. “I don’t think it’s anything I ate.” She rubs her belly, and it hits me that she could be pregnant. “Is it too soon to feel like this?”

  “It’s been over a month since we got married. It’s not uncommon to feel symptoms, but I’m not an obstetrician. Either way, we’ll go to the hospital and have you checked out.”

  “It’s not that serious. I don’t think going to the ER is necessary.”

  “Did you hear me?” I ask.

  “Ugh. Fine. I’m sure it’s nothing, though.” She waves it off and walks toward our vehicle. I follow behind and help her inside.

  “Nothing wouldn’t have me pulling off the road and onto the edge of farmland while you vomit everything you ate,” I remind her.

  “Okay. You have a point, but it’s probably not serious.”

  “Humor me.” I wait until she’s buckled in before I close the door and then I run around the back of my SUV and hop in my seat.

  We arrive at the hospital and I don’t wait for anyone when it comes to filling out paperwork. She’s my wife, and they have everything they need from me to bill me for the services. Instead, I take her to the lab to have blood drawn. I have her sit out in the waiting area while I walk into the back to talk to the staff and ask for a special request.

  "Good afternoon, Dr. Simmons. How can I help you?" Johnson is a phlebotomy tech with a decade of experience. I trust him to do the draw on her.

  "My wife needs her blood drawn and tests run,” I state.

  "Wife? Congratulations. That's going to break so many hearts," he teases.

  I roll my eyes because I’ve never given any woman a hint of interest since I started here. "Ugh. I hope not."

  "Well, let me get her into the system so I can process them." I give him her information and list her under my care. I fill out the form, checking off all the tests I want.

  Of course the one that gets his notice brings a smile to his face. "I'll get her blood and run the tests as quickly as possible. You're in today, right?" he asks as he enters her information into the system.

  "Yes, I start in about thirty minutes."

  "Good." He prepares the labels as I help him gather the necessary blood-drawing kits. We both walk out to the waiting room a few minutes later.

  "Get the fuck away from her before I break your head." A man is leaning in, trying to steal a look down my wife's blouse. Sophia looks up at me and with a dazed smile, she stands up. As she takes a step toward me, she sways and collapses. I catch her before she falls, and I'm more concerned than I was before.

  "I'm taking her to the ER. I want someone up there to do the labs. Stat."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Turn your head." I snarl at the fucker as I carry Sophia out of there. Whoever he is, he’s lucky that I’m too worried about Sophia.

  "I'm fine, Joe, Doc, Doc,” she groggily says, brushing her hand roughly against my face as we rush onto the elevator. It’s only one floor up, but I don’t want to jostle her by taking the stairs in a hurry.

  "Let me make sure. Give me peace of mind,” I tell her, kissing her forehead to test her temperature.

  Her eyes are glazed and unfocused. "Okie, dokie, Doc. You're so handsome.” She bites her lip in an attempt to seduce me. �
�Can I be your sexy patient?"

  I smile at her, hoping that she’s going to be fine. Internally, my stomach is churning with fear. "You are my sexy patient, sweetheart."

  We enter the ER, and I tell them I need the first available bed.

  "Number five is open, sir." A nurse comes up behind me and asks, "Do you have her information?"

  "Yes, she's my wife."

  "Oh this is the one. Let me help you." She opens the curtain, pulling back the bedsheet, and I place her down as gently as possible.

  "I need an IV drip started immediately. She vomited violently and then fainted in the lab. I want a full workup. Now."

  "Yes, sir."

  She leaves and comes back with a new IV drip, setting it up efficiently, but it’s not fast enough for me when it comes to my wife.

  "Do you know what's wrong with her?" she asks me.

  "No. The illness came on suddenly as we drove here today.”

  "Hello, Mrs. Simmons. Can I ask you a few questions?"

  "Sure. Dr. Simmons is handsome, isn’t he? I hope you don't have a crush on him too because he’s mine." Sophia sighs, but I can see her color getting better by the second.

  "Happily married.” The nurse looks at me and says, “Her vitals are low. BP is only 85 over 60.” I grab a pillow from the cabinet next to the bed and put it under the Sophia’s feet, raising the bottom half of the bed up. “Can you tell me your name?"

  "Sophia Simmons.”

  “Your age and weight?”

  “I'm eighteen, a hundred and forty pounds, and five seven," she mutters out. That gets me a very fucked-up look from the nurse.

  Sophia closes her eyes for a moment, and then adds, "I love him. He's mine. Let all the other nurses know it."

  "I will," she promises my wife. “But we need to finish the examination before you can fall asleep.”

  I let the nurse continue because I can’t take my eyes off Sophia. “Mrs. Simmons, look at Dr. Simmons for a moment, please." She checks her eyes and then looks back at me.

  The director in charge of the ER makes an appearance, tapping on the curtain. "Come in."


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