Sleeping With The Enemy

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Sleeping With The Enemy Page 9

by Parker, Ali

  He shrugged. “You’re sure to be jet-lagged. Sleep in. Relax.”

  “No way. I want to see everything. What is your plan for tomorrow?”

  “We’ll go out to the dig in the morning,” he said.

  My eyes lit up. “I can’t believe I get to see a real archeological dig. This is truly the trip of a lifetime. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome. Thank you for coming along and keeping me company.”

  “It’s been such a burden,” I said sarcastically.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” he said. Neither of us made a move to go into our rooms. We stood in awkward silence.

  I wanted that goodnight kiss. I couldn’t have it. It was too dangerous. I found the strength to look away. I slid the card in the lock and opened the door. “Goodnight,” I whispered.

  I went into my room before I made a foolish mistake. I heard the door to his room open and then close. I looked around the room that was spacious and very clean. My eyes went to the massive bed. I was going to get lost in the damn thing. I stripped out of the yoga pants and loose shirt I had worn for the flight. I was exhausted, which seemed silly considering I had slept for hours.

  I checked my watch and saw it was just after seven back home. I fished my phone out of my purse and went through the hassle of calling home.

  “Hi!” I greeted when Hayden answered her cell. I insisted on getting her one last week. She got home from school when I was still at work. I didn’t like not being able to get in touch with her. I blamed Carrie for turning me into a helicopter parent.

  “Are you there?” she asked.

  “I am. We just got here. Are you getting ready for school?”

  “Yes. Right now, I’m feeding Ben while Carrie showers. Then she’s going to take me to school and Ben to his playgroup.”

  “Did you do your homework?” I asked.


  “And you washed your face last night?”

  She laughed. “Yes, Mae. My face is clean and grease-free.”

  “I’m only looking out for your best interest. Your skin is beautiful. I want it to stay that way. You have to take care of your skin.”

  “Yes, Mom,” she said it as an insult, but I found I actually kind of liked it.

  “Ha. Ha. Trust me. You will thank me when you’re my age. You have no idea how much your skin endures on a normal day.” I stopped myself from carrying on. I didn’t want to lecture her. I just wanted to tell her all the things I learned the hard way. My mother had never bothered to give me beauty advice.

  “I better get going. Ben is making a mess with his waffles.”

  I smiled. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you, but you’ve only been gone a day.”

  “Tell Carrie I called. I’ll try and call you tonight but I’m not sure what our day looks like. If I don’t talk to you, I’ll keep trying.”

  “I’ll talk to you later, Mae. Have fun with your friend.” She said the last with a laugh.

  “Goodbye,” I said and hung up before she could say anything more about Tyson.

  I grabbed a pair of shorts, a tank, and a pair of panties before going into the bathroom. The moment I turned on the lights, I was shocked by the luxuriousness all over again.

  I looked longingly at the tub, but I was too tired. I hopped in the shower, letting the water wash away the exhaustion of the long flight. I followed my own advice and scrubbed my face clean before slathering myself with moisturizer. I had brought along enough sunscreen to protect my skin for a year. I wasn’t sure what to expect with the weather. I imagined Israel to be hot and dusty.

  When I walked back into the room, I stared at the wall that divided my room from his. I wondered if he was already in bed. Was he asleep? Had he showered? The thought of him naked made my skin feel all tingly. I wanted to go to him. I wanted him to come to me.

  Why couldn’t we just have what we both wanted? We were adults. Adults who had some serious chemistry. I knew what he said his reason was, but could it really be the thing that held him back? Tyson and Patrick didn’t even talk anymore. Could they really still be called friends?

  I walked to the wall and pressed my hand against it before leaning my ear against it. I was trying to hear any sound of him stirring. If he was awake, maybe there was still a chance he would knock on the door and tell me he wanted me. I wouldn’t deny him.

  I could hear nothing. “Tyson,” I whispered his name. “Are you awake?”

  I knew he couldn’t hear me, which was a good thing. It would only embarrass me. I turned off the lights and crawled into the bed. It practically swallowed me whole. But it was comfortable. I closed my eyes and thought about him. The memories I had of him were bittersweet. I pushed them aside and forced myself to go to sleep. It was sure to be a busy day tomorrow. I didn’t want to be dragging ass and yawning. That was not a good look on anyone.

  Chapter 14


  I woke up with Mae on my mind. She was always on my mind these days. I quickly showered and ordered breakfast to my room before going over to knock on her door. When she answered the door, I found myself smiling at her beauty. She had pulled her hair back in a ponytail and was wearing a pair of light-colored pants and a long-sleeved shirt that was gauzy. A white tank under the shirt protected her modesty. It was simple and sexy and made me think of fucking her against the wall.

  “I ordered breakfast,” I blurted out.


  “Would you like to eat with me in my room?”

  She smiled. “I would.”

  When she smiled, it lit up my world. It made me feel like the only man in the world. I walked out, leading her back to my room. The breakfast was delivered minutes later, making it much easier to think about something else than the huge bed in the room.

  “Have you ever been on a dig?” I asked her as we settled in to eat the kosher breakfast.

  “No, I haven’t. I am excited to see it. Will we be allowed on the grounds or do we have to look from afar?”

  “We will be getting right up close and personal. I usually don’t go into any of the deep caverns, but I do like to see where the artifacts are coming from.”

  She was beaming. Her face was devoid of makeup and reminded me very much of our high-school years. She had changed very little. “I cannot wait.”

  I put down my napkin. “Then let’s not wait another minute. I’ll call the driver and have the car ready.”

  She clapped her hands. “Should I take my purse?”

  That caught me off guard. “Uh, I don’t know. If you want.”

  She burst into laughter. “I’m sorry. That is not a question I should ask you. I’m going to grab my phone and some money.”

  “Don’t,” I said.

  “Don’t take my phone?”

  “You don’t need any money. This trip is on me. If you need anything, I will gladly provide.”

  She frowned. “You are not going to provide anything. You’ve done enough.”

  She walked out of the room. I was still smiling when I walked into the hall and waited for her. When she emerged, I reached for her hand. I shouldn’t have, but who was going to tell? It was one of the benefits to being out of the country. No one would know except me and her.

  When we arrived at the dig site, I worried she would burst with excitement. I could feel the energy coming off her. It was contagious. “I don’t think I have to ask if you’re ready.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  A man approached me as we stood near the rope that prevented trespassers from entering the area. At least that was the idea, but anyone that wanted to could very easily go around the rope. “Mr. Helms?” the man asked.

  “That’s me.”

  “I’m Samuel.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Samuel. This is my friend, Mae Kendell.”

  “Hi,” Mae greeted.

  “I’ll show you around. I’ve got numerous pieces that have been procured from the dig. I think you will be very im

  I nodded, putting on my game face. “I’m interested to see what you have.”

  Samuel led us to an area with a tarp spread out on the ground. I was thoroughly unimpressed. I stared down at the trinkets and immediately knew they were not worth the trip across the ocean. I didn’t let my disappointment show. I was hoping there would be more to see.

  Mae squatted down, studying the various coins and bits of pottery. “Can I touch them?” she asked Samuel.

  Samuel, obviously enamored, smiled and nodded. “Please.”

  I watched as she picked up one piece and studied it before putting it back down and reaching for another. She got to her feet, wiping her hands on her pants and smiling at Samuel. “Thank you.”

  “I trust you have more?” I asked. “Alec said he thought you had some things from the monarchic period?”

  Samuel eagerly nodded. “Yes, please, follow me.”

  I was thoroughly unimpressed with what I was seeing.

  “That’s interesting,” Mae commented as we passed by someone using a screen to sift through a pile of dirt.

  I nodded. My eyes went to an assortment of crude statues. I stopped walking and studied them a little closer. I bent down and picked up one of the statues. They appeared to be stone, which was a step above the rest of the things I was seeing. “I’m interested in these,” I said, gesturing at them.

  Samuel smiled. “Ah, yes. Those are quite precious. Since you came all this way, I think I can give you a good deal.”

  That usually meant he wanted a fortune and was trying to make me believe I was getting a bargain. “What kind of deal are you offering?” I asked.

  “Let me show you the other items,” he said.

  Mae looked at me, one brow raised, but said nothing. We obliged the man and let him show us around. His finds were definitely not items from thousands of years ago. They were fillers. They weren’t really worthy of a shining spot on one of my museum floors, but I would humor the man.

  “These are good,” I said, pointing to some of the tools.

  “Ah, yes,” he agreed.

  Mae dropped down to a squat once again and carefully inspected several of the items. “Hand-carved,” she surmised. “This is copper.”

  “Yes,” Samuel said with a smile.

  We meandered around the site, watching the workers sift through dirt. Another group was using soft brushes to uncover more relics. I could see Mae was fascinated by the process and didn’t rush her. We made our way back around to a small trailer. Samuel asked us to step inside. The cool air hit me almost immediately.

  I had noticed the fine sheen of perspiration on Mae’s brow, but she never complained about the heat. I noticed her use her hand to fan herself once we were inside the cool trailer.

  “Have a seat.” Samuel gestured to the folding chairs. “Can I get you some water?”

  “Please,” Mae answered.

  “Anything for you, madam,” the man replied.

  I wanted to roll my eyes. I didn’t. I took the offered bottle of water and quickly swallowed half of it.

  “Thank you for your kindness,” she said in a sweet voice.

  Samuel looked like he had won the lottery. I wondered if I got that same look when she gave me one of her exquisite smiles or showered me with attention. I hoped not. That was sappy. The guy looked like a lovesick puppy dog.

  “Are you ready to make a deal?” he asked, taking a seat behind the small desk that crowded the tiny trailer.

  “I’m interested in discussing a deal,” I said. “I’m not interested in the coins, but I like the other stuff. I understand selling each piece individually will be more of a burden for you, so I am willing to buy the lot.”

  That seemed to please him. “Great! I will give you a steep discount.” He tossed out a number and I almost choked with laughter.

  “Exactly what are you selling me?” I asked. “Does that include a claim on what you might find?”

  He scowled. “No, no. That is for the tools, statues, and those cooking vessels.”

  Mae made a big show of putting the lid back on her water bottle. “No,” she said, her tone firm.

  “Excuse me?” Samuel asked.

  “No. You know that is ridiculous. Do you think he just fell off the turnip truck?”

  The poor man looked incredibly confused. “The turnip truck? I don’t understand.”

  “It’s an expression we use in America. It means you think he is an idiot. Stupid. Dumb. Naïve. Do you think Tyson is any of those things?”

  “No! He is a respected customer!”

  “Exactly. Yes, he is. Why would you try and cheat him then?”

  “I’ve done no such thing.”

  “You’ve insulted his intelligence with that asking price. I’m not even close to the expert he is, and I know you have inflated the value because you think he will pay because of who he is. He won’t. He’ll pay you half of what you asked.”

  Samuel looked completely dumbfounded. I was a little shocked myself. I had no idea I was bringing a pit bull along. I didn’t even know she knew anything about what we were looking at. She certainly didn’t give that impression. She was my secret weapon.

  “Tyson, I would never insult you. I have worked with Alec on many occasions.”

  “I’m sure you have,” I started to say before Mae jumped back in.

  “We have a full schedule. There are plenty of other dealers in the area that are hoping to gain Tyson’s business. If you cannot agree to our terms, I’m sorry, but we will have to move on. We wish you all the luck in the world to sell those items at your asking price.” She got to her feet and looked down at me. I jumped up. I certainly didn’t want to get on her bad side.

  “Wait, wait, wait,” Samuel said with a heavy sigh. “Because it is for one of my best customers, I will agree to your terms. This time.”

  I looked to Mae. This was her show. I was afraid to agree to anything at that point. She nodded at me then looked at Samuel. “Then you have a deal.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I couldn’t imagine what poor Samuel was feeling. “I’ll have Alec make the arrangements for payment and delivery,” I told him.

  Samuel got to his feet. “It’s always a pleasure to do business with you.”

  I had a feeling that was all bullshit, but I shook his hand anyway. “Thank you for your time today.”

  “Yes, thank you so much for showing us around,” Mae chimed in.

  Samuel didn’t look nearly as pleased to hear from her as he had in the beginning. We walked out of our trailer and back to the waiting car. We got in the back, neither of us saying a word until we were away from the site.

  “Damn,” I finally said.

  She looked at me. “What? You know that stuff was not worth what he was asking.”

  I grinned. “I did know but it was worth more than you just agreed I would pay.”

  She shrugged. “You’re in the business to make money. You need to pay for that fancy jet.”

  I laughed. “I had no idea you were such a vicious woman. You scared me a little bit.”

  Her pretty smile warmed my very soul. “I couldn’t sit there and let him screw you over.”

  “I was going to walk away with nothing at all,” I told her.

  “Well, now you got some cool stuff. I would hate for this trip to be a total waste of your time.”

  “It is definitely not a waste of time,” I told her. “I get to spend it with you.”

  “Since I just saved you thousands of dollars, I will let you treat me to a nice dinner.”

  “Oh gee, can I?” I said with a wink.

  “You can.” She leaned in close. “Is there anywhere that serves actual meat in this city?”

  I laughed. “There is. I will treat you to a marvelous dinner.”

  She looked very proud of herself. “You are damn right you will.”

  “Where did you learn about that stuff?” I asked.

  She gave me a dry look. “Hello? You know wh
ere I work.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t know you knew about this stuff. I thought your parents dealt mostly in American and European antiques.”

  She shrugged. “They did, but I’ve done a lot of reading on the matter. And I watched you.”

  “You watched me?”

  She slowly nodded. “At the site. I saw your face. I read your expression. You weren’t excited about what you saw. Not like you were when you were showing me around your museum.”

  “You read me, huh? I guess I better work on my poker face.”

  “It won’t help. I know you too well.”

  She was right about that. She did know me very well. Better than anyone else on the planet. That was only a little scary.

  Chapter 15


  I felt good. I was proud of what I had done for Tyson. I doubted he really needed me, but I liked feeling like I was contributing a little. He had done so much for me. I wanted to do a little something for him. I could tell he was a little disappointed in what he had seen at the dig. He’d been excited for something new and exciting and found a lot of the same.

  “What’s next?” I asked him.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. What would you like to do?”

  “I’m assuming you’ve been here before?”

  “To Tel Aviv?” he questioned.


  “Many times.”

  “Then I will let you be my tour guide,” I told him.

  He smiled. “I was hoping you would say that.” He leaned forward and gave the driver instructions.

  “When was the first time you came here?”

  “Wow,” he said. “I think it was my sophomore year of college. I came over with a group from school. We got to help with a dig. I knew from that moment I was hooked.”

  “And you’ve come back a lot since?”

  He nodded. “Yes. I’m sure you know the significance of this area.”

  “I do,” I told him. “Bible and all that.”

  He laughed. “Yes, all that. Just when I think everything has been found, there is something new. This land is rich with history and not just a little history. It’s everywhere you go.”


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